CARPET TO HARDWOOD STAIRS. Easy Stair Makeover. No Professional Needed.

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hey everybody welcome back to qcr today on qcr we're going to take this carpet off of these stairs here and we're gonna replace it with some hardwood let me show you the tools we're gonna use for this so in order to get the carpet off we have to in order to get the carpet off we have to rip it up and we're going to pull staples out trusty little pliers here gonna pull the staples out and get padding under this carpet we've got our little blade here we're gonna cut that padding there's gonna be a tack strip all around here I'm gonna see if this works pull that tack strip up about two of them I don't know which one's gonna work best do it like that right there and then we're gonna put some pine on here I was gonna put oak my August $30 at red pine is ten dollars a trip so pine it is - Shelby so we're gonna do these stairs here them all up let's see here rip these up we got this Ryobi brad nailer two inch nails and we're gonna put some glue on it they're gonna stain it hopefully it comes out this color when we stain it this is the pine here I was practicing practicing my nail and make sure my nail or works I'm gonna cut that end off these are 40 inches I need 38 inches or maybe that's 44 inches I don't know so I'm gonna cut that down right but carpet off cut my pine down put it on and then I'm gonna show y'all how I use the ryobi and got some glue first one glue it and then put some nails in it and I'm gonna show y'all step by step I'm gonna take a few piece of carpet up and I'll show you all what's under it all right so I'll pull this corner up right here I'm gonna pull it rest away y'all see what we're doing and get my pliers on there I should use my hands huh comes or just like that what is that Oh texture so you can hear my heavy breathing come up one piece at a time I won't be so time about peace bye bye so this under a heavy stair breathing so we got our look comes up easily usually don't come up that easily according to YouTube puzzle piece up perfect so I got these little nails here or other staples so that's what you gotta do don't do there's junk right there there's a staple I like you think they're spring-loaded you don't have to use your pinky to push them back out he's a really nice so I go down this whole set of stairs all these little staples out so I'm gonna do all right let's pull that up let's see how you said it all right that's not hard oh yeah just come right up ooh pokey that is I look sharp I'm gonna you know be careful I step on that I see this yellow one works yep yellow one works all right so I'm gonna do all these stairs all right someone do I do all these stairs get all this off on the stairs then I'm gonna come back I'm gonna show you uh my measurements and I measure it by 38 inches let me show you how glue it on there and then now you look back down in there and then you're gonna appreciate it and then you're gonna give me a thumbs up before you finish the video all right Rebecca all right guys I got the carpet off let's look at what it looks like so those are the pads off right there on that top step so we got to take all these pads off I'm pretty excited it wasn't all a bunch of pieces that came down and one pit wall two pieces top one was one piece the rest was another piece so here it is on the floor right there you can see it all right here so we're gonna get that hey give me a trash can so I can pop these little staples on so they don't go everywhere all right I'm gonna start ripping these tack boards off and that's padding off oh you can see the padding there is there I got a super fat man stair breathing and going on right now so we're at the patting off you're the tax out of there let me show you what it looks like after I get all that off hi guys I got everything off here got all the gout attacks and nails and stuff out I think probably a few more hidden in here I'm gonna find so our next step is to get all this paint and nonsense off that's down here I thought I was gonna use this guy here it's actually a polisher but has the velcro plate on there so I figured oh I guess sandpaper put it on there and it worked no it doesn't work so I have to go to the back to the store get a little cheap little sander get all this junk off of me to rough this up so I put the glue to it because I'm Blu's not gonna stick the paint and whatever nonsense is on there so they go back to the store get a little sand there come back they're just up there are some tack strips there I made a big mess down here they all messed up here so I'll do that first or grab a sander come back send this all up real good and then I'll start cutting the wood and gluing it down show you my awesome progress make sure you get me one of these hi everybody this is where we're at I had to go store buy slow Sandra here realized it's not gonna get the edge see it's missing that it's not getting this edge piece here and so I want this store I got another little sin this it's like fifteen or twenty bucks at one more not that bad it gets the edge it's all the way over there as you can see both sides pretty good so we're gonna do we're gonna get all this paint off here pretty sure it's paint get all that off there take down to raw wood and then we're going to do some cuts get our next piece put on there are actual treads is what they're called so we get all this removed and then we'll go our Espanola and I'll show you all that part alright guys so got most all the junk off the top there anything you see here is in the little grooves or divots or whatever so it's not gonna come off alright so I made mine maybe my first cut this is 38 inches so it looks like so it looks like it's not square but this part is just pushed back a little too far the riser area so that's what it's gonna look like so we're gonna pull this back up pull back up wipe the wipe it down real good get all the dust off put the glue on there and then we're gonna put it back down with the glue on there and they were gonna nail it I'm gonna show you how to do it alright guys so I got this liquid nails here we're gonna put it on this board on the bottom side this work I'm going to cut it open need a lot doesn't want to cut dang it like in here isogai liquid nails open so we're gonna apply a liberal amount I don't like seeing levels the bottom side of this step here let's get it all out there probably not too out here just gonna hang over here on the back okay my knees a lot you had me walking up and down the stairs forever and ever alright so camera which I got on they're not gonna pretty the mountain huh so I'm gonna flip it over slap that bad boy in there [Music] I want to sit here and look down my hedge make sure it's straight with my tile make sure it's straight with my tile it's up against the edge here pretty good good oh my god yoga right OB 2 inch 18 gauge we're just gonna come across pretty close to the edge set our trim and cover it up just do a few on each side if you want the back kind of close the edge trim will cover it up all right so we've got a riser got some glue on here pretty mouth [Music] now we're just gonna get it in there push real good make sure the glue sticks got a couple this is not work again this is jump wrong with it Rhonda's free neighbor all right so if you had a good nail gun if you had a good nail gun stead of a borrowed nail gun probably went jam like that all time so put the tread put the riser do it all the way up I'll start recording when I can make some more progress so it's actually pretty easy actually something doing this learning curve it's my first time it's willing not hard and just take my time making sure everything's correct all right guys so we got all these stair treads in here just like I put the riser in there I get all it to the top whoopsie so I get to this one and let me tell you what I had to do I take an inch take an inch off the back here so we've got our carpet here and does it blows far back and I decided not to rip the cut the carpet here because I watched a lot of YouTube videos on it and some people are just cutting in here and cutting here and cutting here and some kind of loop over I said you know what it's harder there just keep it there so that would be that and also look at all these nail holes those no holes in this whole time I was like wow huh I'm not bored Mugen I'm not bored with it so I'm at warm oven I've Knowles my nail gun wasn't working daggum Ryobi just puncture in it and not working it was a nail jamming that even know it so I get frustrated but now we're gonna put the last nails in see if it works their nail in there almost tight good all right let's play about 1700 more nails in there ah everything's better now so at the last tray then I'm gonna stain it and this thing's gonna make those holes look a little bit different we'll go see him as much so that's that get my tailor so we're gonna go and get our risers it looks good coming down looks pretty decent don't let that don't trip on that little piece up there stain it hopefully I want nothing to get dark like that I don't know what color that is the thank you like that it's gonna look good here when I get finished all right all right guys let me show you how I did the risers here so this one the first one looks like it says six and a half can't get in there real good actually smoking less than six now so this okay fits in there nice and snug I'm gonna put some glue on here put it down set it there for a second get some glue plenty Gloup Gloup I don't need that much I'm gonna walk on it I set my camera on there I'm just gonna take a couple of nails [Music] so I'm gonna make our sake cut we're gonna make our sink that or actually one to our third cut how did that one so we're almost done with the stairs as you can see them in the background here got all the carpet off got the treads down risers down I just think it's trim you didn't show you why so ok the stairs yeah that big of a gap right there some house I built in 1981 so the flooring balloony fit is that quite square for when you do it like this they put carpet on there so they don't it have to be perfect but again that's ugly so nice and trim I'm going to trim it all up real nice all the way down the sides see this one fits pretty good right there this one has a little gap this one a little gap I mean for the most part if you just walk to anyone know it but looking at it I see it it's ugly there's a huge gap right there a little gap right there that's ugly but I sort of looks like walking down there walk down the stairs and I mess the paint up by there I didn't want to repaint but I guess I have to now don't touch those with your hands put some gloves on there tight I mean they're not tight they're sharp I say tight so looking down we see some gaps so a gap right there ugly a little gap over here I don't know half of that piece of wood that's a bug we gaff right there Dudley can't be on the other side so looking down that mean other than the gap on the edge it needs some trim that looks pretty sharp good so just the trim I get the chomp finished up we'll make another video of trimming it out put some stain on it my back hurts so after the camera so uh I mean that's actual work wasn't harsh is time-consuming because it sucks tilden but you can never enjoy yourself and if you got the right tools let's look some tools I used and let's not it's really not hard it just sucks pipe pay someone unless you have the tools that don't pay someone alright if you like my video give me a thumbs up really what too hard it just sucks and make sure to share their one it's not next time it'd be a lot easier in this town this town there's just a learning curve really I spent more money than what I needed to alright guys peace out give me a thumbs up and hit the subscribe or is it over here pie over here might be over there no no all right there
Channel: Dividend Rick
Views: 189,477
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: stairs, hardwood stairs, hardwood stairs diy, build stairs, diy stairs, building stairs, carpet removal stairs, carpet removal diy, dewalt table saw, pine stair treads, quality content rick, stair treads diy, first time, stay with me, home builder, staining stair treads, Tesla, Solar, solar panels, diy, stair makeover, stairs renovation, how to
Id: voanEMpuAEc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 29sec (1289 seconds)
Published: Mon May 25 2020
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