Is Religion Necessary? Q&A Eckhart Tolle

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(bell dinging) - Is religion necessary if only presence matters? Is there a place for going to church and following in the steps of Jesus if only presence is important? The question is specifically about focusing on Christian religion, but the answer I suppose, I don't know what the answer is going to be, but it's going to be, probably also refer to other religions, religions in general. Is religion necessary? It depends who you are on the level of the firm. For some people, it can be necessary or helpful for two reasons, it can provide to the more superficial reason, it can give your life a certain amount of structure which for some people can be helpful, regular practice, gives you a feeling of comfort. Some people have too little structure in their lives and others have too much already. More importantly on another level religion can either obscure the spiritual dimension within yourself and often it does, or if used rightly, if approached rightly, if understood on a deeper level, it can help you access and stay in connectedness with a deeper level of yourself or the transcendent dimension of consciousness. Whether or not you need it only you can know, whether you find it either helpful or a hindrance, it can be either, depends on you as a person, your past, what function it had in your past, and so on. It is a hindrance, if religion becomes an ideology. Then it operates only on the level of the mind, and is very similar to any other kind of ideology that you may believe in, whether it's communism as an ideology or any political theory or anything that explains the universe, it could be a metaphysical system that you completely believe in, philosophical system and so on. So an ideology is something that takes possession of your mind and exerts a controlling function, and it can influence almost your entire mental functioning if it becomes something of overwhelming power in your mind. It's a little thought that grows into a huge thing in your mind, and the tentacles reach into every aspect of your mind, and there are religious people like that. Usually, you can recognize that it is an ideology by the fact that they are not peaceful human beings, (softly chuckles ) and by the fact that they have enemies either within their own religion, or another religion. Anybody who does not agree with their ideology becomes an enemy, in the same way that people who are not nowadays that many, were deeply believing in communism, which was a wonderful idea to start with, of course. The road to hell is paved with good intentions. It was a beautiful idea of equality, everybody the same, that is wonderful, no personal possessions, also wonderful too, and the only mistake was, it was imposed from outside by people who themselves has not gone beyond the egoic state of consciousness, they just played it in their mind and as in that's a good idea, and then it was imposed on other people, who also were not in that state of consciousness, but most importantly, those who imposed the idea on others, forced them to live it out. The idea became contaminated with ego. So, when these people came to power, their egos became inflated to an enormous degree, all lost to absurdity, and without realizing it they reenacted the same evils, and in some cases worse than those that they were fighting against. Like in Russia they saw the injustices associated with the Tsar regime and so on, and they truly saw that and they truly wanted to remove that and that seemed a good thing, but they had overlooked their own state of consciousness. And the great silence is for people power, you can have that a very meek person who seems, oh, this is what a lovely person, he seems to have no ego or very little, he's so, give that person power. Then the latent ego, which was there in a, let's say a person is very poor, has no power at all, give that poor person power and the latent ego will no longer be latent, it will certainly come to life. And that happens, is repeated and has been repeated many, many times in countries where frequently the government is overthrown, and then the previous rulers are accused of corruption, and the new people who overthrow the previous, they truly believe that now they have a just, a more just society is going to arrive because again, they don't know themselves, they have not observed themselves and the moment they achieve power, they are seduced by that and their ego suddenly grows, (dramatically blowing lip bubbles) and they re-enact the same thing again. (laughing softly) So ideology, religion can turn into, and often does turn into an ideology. You can recognize it, as I said, by the fact that these people are not peaceful, they will condemn other people or other groups of people as evil, (clears throat) they may verbally, even physically attack others, and if it's not that extreme, it might be that they simply are extremely intolerant towards anybody who does not share their belief system, their ideology. And so, that's clear sign that that kind of religion is a hindrance to the spiritual dimension, to knowing who you are, to being a peaceful human being. It's in the service of the ego, it's in egoic creation. The ego can take scriptures that are beautiful and point to the truth, and can corrupt them, completely misread and misinterpret them, and then they're used in the service of the ego. So, that's how religion can become a huge hindrance, but religion can also become an opening into the spiritual dimension. So a religious practice, or a religious reading, a reading of a sacred text, an ancient spiritual text, can be a wonderful thing. The question that mentions Jesus, following in the steps of Jesus, is that or is only presence important? When you use it in a deeper sense, following in the steps of Jesus means becoming present. How? First of all, Jesus told presence in quite a few obvious utterances, starting from the flower, that you should really look at a flower and see how it lives in the present moment without worry and anxiety. He told ego listeners, "Deny thyself," which means recognize the unreality of yourself. He spoke of the I am, as the foundation, in which is misinterpreted We have, let's just go a moment in Christianity, we have a historical person probably Jesus, and we have Christ. Now, Christ was not his actual name, it was a title given later, and that's already mentioned in the more enlightened parts of the new Testament, that Christ is a dimension of consciousness. And I believe it's St. Paul who says, "I must diminish, and Christ in me must grow." This is a mystical deeper interpretation of Jesus who was a historical person, who realized his kinship with the transcendent dimension, the divine, whatever you want to call it. He realized his connectedness, his kinship, his oneness with that and as he realized that, he became, the transcendent dimension emerged in him as it does in you, it emerged in him, and then the historical person Jesus, became the Christ. Therefore we have in mystical Christianity, the term Christ consciousness, which is the transcendent consciousness that emerges where before there was only the person. And we have in certain Buddhist traditions, the term Buddha-nature, that there is, that every human being and everything that's alive has at the core of their being is Buddha-nature or the Buddha, as the reality of who you are, that's the teaching in some Buddhist traditions. And it's a beautiful teaching that your true nature is Buddha-nature, and you just have to realize your true nature is Buddha-nature. Isn't that what we've been talking about? It's just a different name attached to it. In mystical Christianity, it's Christ consciousness. And so Jesus was a precursor who showed the way to Christ consciousness. And if focusing on the historical figure of Jesus and realizing that he embodies both the person and the Christ can become a vehicle for you, if that is suitable for you, and if you still feel drawn to Christianity or any other religion, that is the way for you to go, deepen than that rather than think you have to move into something else, but if that doesn't work for you, then fine, then walk away and find Christ consciousness somewhere else. And some people don't need any religious structure anymore. At least for the first time perhaps, in the evolution of humanity, there's spirituality that exists outside of formalized religions. And that's an amazing thing. So, many of you may not need the formalized religion anymore and others may need it, and that is a beautiful thing. You can deepen the way in which you live, practice, and understand your religion so that it becomes an opening into the transcendent dimension within yourself. If you are a Christian and want to deepen certain readings, I would highly recommend there were certain teachers who expressed the truth of Christianity from a deeper level than the conventional church Christianity. The most in the past, Meister Eckhart, who lived in the early middle ages, the most wonderful. His writings are superb and fantastic depths to them, and he uses Christianity to take you very, very deep into the core of it all, the core of all things into yourself. Other mystical writers in the middle ages are good too. Some Spanish ones, some are German ones, and more recently, I would recommend Course in Miracles, which uses Christian terminology throughout, which to some people is obnoxious, can't stand it, and others say, "Wow, now I understand Christianity much better." And Joel Goldsmith, he was a teacher in the 50s and 60s, also reinterprets Christianity and makes it deeper, discovers the depths dimension that's there. And other religions have the same. You have deep teachings in Judaism, you have deep teachings in Islam, you have deep teachings obviously in Buddhism. So, there's the superficial level to religion and if that's all there is for you, it would probably become an ideology, and then it becomes a barrier or if understood more deeply, it can become an opening. (soft instrumental music) This mind-made sense of self is also much more focused on the negative than the positive. To be free, you awaken to who you are beyond your history and your life situation. (soft instrumental music) (waterfall roaring)
Channel: Eckhart Tolle
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Keywords: eckhart tolle, spirituality, eckhart tolle youtube, eckhart tolle 2021, the power of now, eckhart tolle presence, eckhart tolle meditation, eckhart tolle 2020, eckhart tolle religion, eckhart tolle religious beliefs, is religion necessary, eckhart tolle anxiety
Id: mnLA_HIjLU8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 40sec (1000 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 04 2021
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