Carolina Reaper Hot Sauce How To: Make your own hot sauce at home. Carolina Reaper Ghost Chili Blend

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okay so today on this and that i'm going to teach you how to turn these into this which is a carolina reaper ghost chili blend hot sauce that will likely torment anyone you know okay so you probably want to grab a home depot bucket it's easy to throw the peppers in there when you pull them off the plant the other thing you want to make sure you do if you can is get the stem off it just makes it easier in the whole process to pull the stem off there drop it in and away we go don't worry i'll fast forward a lot of this because you're going to see a lot of just peppers coming off the plant okay here we go [Music] if you get to one that looks not obviously like it's already started to deteriorate or rot you probably don't want to use it so i have a trash can or something everybody toss that one into and i'll grab one now uh and the other thing you can do is notice i have gloves on but you know if you're not sure you can always open the pepper up and see if there's any internal rot this one does not have any and this one is going to be very fiery so i'll probably man you can smell the heat already that's this is gonna be hot so i'll uh i'll set this one aside because i've already opened it up and i don't want the water to get in there and wash out some of the heat but good to know [Music] all right so here we go and they are all uh well he's pick now so next step would be to wash them all off and get them ready to process [Music] okay welcome back we are now at the point where we have picked them all washed them got them relatively dry and now we're ready to start the first part of the fermentation process in making your own hot sauce again let me just caution you by saying these these are carolina reapers and ghost chilies while there are a few that are hotter than this these are up towards the very top end of it i believe there's only i don't know maybe four or five that are actually considered hotter than a carolina reaper if even that many and i'm sure someone that knows uh scores more about the about the pepper world will will correct me on a comment but regardless these are very very hot so uh when you're working with them make sure that you have good gloves these are actually a medical grade glove that's not going to let that oil through into your skin they're tear resistant they're of higher quality than just like a food service glove because if you're in the middle of this and these gloves rip and you get that oil on your skin you will feel it on your skin and then inevitably even later on that evening when you think you've washed it off you go to touch your your nose that your nose or like rub your eye or something they'll be in a world of hurt uh also and i don't care you can make fun of me if you want but i'm you know when you're when you're grinding these things up i'm gonna wear a face shield with uh with a respirator grade quality air filter on it because the this when it gets aerosolized will get in your lungs you will cough up like crazy i mean this is what they what they actually weaponize when they use things like this when they use uh to make pepper spray and this is what we're talking about so you don't want any of this in your lungs you don't want to get it exposed on your skin to where you touch your eyes or something else with it uh it will definitely burn so you know make sure you're using caution whenever you you're working with this stuff but regardless let's get let's get going here and let me show you before i put on the crazy mask uh and probably not be understandable from that point on the video i do want to talk about just a few basic ingredients or a few things that you'll need in order to make a hot sauce for you know it's the pepper of your choosing i'm using this you know insanity type pepper just because i don't know i figure it's more of a practical joke and you know if you have a death wish or something and you want to just go this route you can but if you have like you want to use jalapeno as you can or cayennes or habaneros the process is the same we're essentially going to grind these up and let them ferment a couple days and we'll come back we'll do the next step of the process but all you really need are the peppers kosher salt here i like to use and uh garlic and then we'll add some water at the end once we grind this up but we're just really going to grind this into a paste and excuse me add a little bit of water and then you cover it with saran wrap and then it ferments for a while so without further ado let me uh let me get going i'm gonna i guess i'll take these off [Music] [Music] so [Music] okay i'm not gonna take this mask off because i know there's peppers in there but we are basically done with this part of the process now all we gotta do is add this to here and we're going to add some water we're going to add some water to the chili paste with this ground up ghost and carolina reaper so the last step would be to add water i'm going to add i've got a couple cups right here let's add that in that actually looks about right so really from here cover this up with saran wrap and then literally it just sits for a couple days in ferments so we're starting the fermentation process and this is where you start to get some some complexity in uh in the hot sauce itself not that i don't know it's hard to get complexity with something that's just this hot okay welcome back we are ready to begin those the last and final phase of this project and that will be straining the ghost chili and carolina reaper pepper hot sauce puree into three restrainer and into this glass jar we're going to add some vinegar to it as well to give it a little bit of vinegary flavor i like a nice vinegary hot sauce i think it just tastes i just think it tastes better now interestingly enough though you can go the other route you can just take it as it is add the vinegar to it puree it in a blender and go from there and that's fine too you'll get a you'll get a more uh meaty kind of type sauce i like this to be more like a tabasco sauce so i'm gonna add the vinegar and strain it out easy to do all you really need a lot of a lot of recipes they'll call for cheesecloth which is a fine good thing to to use but the cheesecloth sometimes can rip after a certain amount of time and it's not as sturdy so a nice easy solution to that is a microfiber towel if you can get a brand new microfiber towel pretty easy to find i think i'd buy like a 36 pack at costco or sam's club for 20 bucks and these are really handy because you can strain and strain the strain with these and they will not break and they do a good job of straining out the pulp from the actual pepper juice so okay let's uh let's go i think so let's add this vinegar in here i'm gonna try to add i don't have a lot of room in this particular bowl but i'll add four cups or so to start with and see how that is you can always add vinegar if you'd like to at the end it certainly will mix it it's not gonna hurt anything so i just use this is heinz distilled white uh you can use whatever you want but i like this because it doesn't it just it's a neutral vinegar if that kind of makes sense i've used apple cider vinegar which is totally fine to use but that will give a certain sweetness to it so if you like a little sweetness with your hot add some apple cider vinegar to it but other than that i just like to get the taste of the pepper and the kick of the vinegar so i'll add this in there i'll start with two cups here and see where that lands me in my room and for the bowl so here's two cups give or take i definitely want to add a couple more [Music] okay that's four cups vinegar that is going to be a good starting point i think for this i'll kind of mix this up a little bit be very careful i don't have the respirator on thankfully i don't think i'm going to need it because i'm not grinding any of the peppers but still you don't want to get any of this any of this on your skin obviously you don't want to be breathing too closely to it and you don't want it you know definitely in your eyes and whatnot so when you're stirring or eat straining or any of that be very careful not to get this on you so i'll stir it up here that's pretty good for now and again you can definitely add more vinegar at the end and which we can do so but you do it to taste but being that this is kind of a bigger batch of hot peppers i added four cups and every recipe just depends on what you like but this is pretty good okay i've got it pretty well stirred in now may seem like i'm being extra precautious because i am how i start this is i just grab a strainer i have a meth find like a fine mesh strainer and a soup ladle and i put it over this glass jar here and you start by just i'm going to move this over a little bit [Music] you start by just kind of spooning some in and it's this process i'll i'll fast forward for you because it's this will take a little bit but i'll at least show you the start of it uh you spoon some in here and you can kind of push it through this through this uh fine mesh stream so we'll do that and you just kind of push it through there and you can kind of see the hot sauce is pouring through that in the bottom and it's leaving all of the pulpiness of the pepper on the top okay so as you add the pulpy mixture into the strainer the strainer's obviously going to keep the bulk of that pulp out of there you're going to see a lot of the actual sauce dripping on the bottom getting that more tabasco type consistency which honestly i think is probably i again i like it i think it's better we're going to keep adding you just kind of keep going i'll like i said i'll fast forward a lot of this but you just keep going in there uh adding it and then mixing it okay once you get to the point where you have a decent amount of this pulp in here and you have the fluid what you think to be pretty well drained out it's still dripping some right here uh you need to street there's a lot more actual pepper juice in here that's still clinging to the fibers of that pulp so this is where the microfiber towel comes in or a cheese cloth is fine too but the microfiber cloth i think does a better job so you lay it out you know clean work surface obviously and then you can kind of pour this pulp into into the microfiber towel like so get it up in a you know fold up at the corners and then from here you'll start to see you can kind of actually set this right here it's going to get a little messy the work table but that's okay so then you can start to kind of squeeze it as i'm doing here and a lot of that juice will continue to run out of there there's a lot more pepper juice in there that would have been lost if you didn't do this process i mean i guess you don't have to but this is really going to have a lot of a lot more juice in there [Music] okay so when it's all said and done this is what we're left with we have i don't know maybe a gallon or so of this hot sauce plenty uh more than you can one person can use and several years probably uh i did save the pulp the leftover strained pulp from the carolina reaper and the ghost chili hot sauce as you can see here uh this now if you're brave enough you can dry this out like a food dehydrator or even in like an outdoor oven or something uh you don't want this in the house because the the aerosolized stuff you'll start hacking and coughing from it but you can't dry this out dry this out and grind it into a powder if you'd like to i don't know i'm on the fence we'll see just from being around it and breathing it in is pretty rough so we'll see what i do with that but in the meantime though i bought some of these glass jars these hot sauce jars on probably amazon and i like to fill a few of these up and hand them out to some friends some people that like hot stuff and then also uh just to you know somebody wants to try it out you can do it in these smaller jars here then i fill like the bulk of it up in more of a like a leftover like whiskey or bourbon jars or something like that glass jar that it can kind of sit in and you can put in the fridge and it lasts a long time but before i do that i should probably taste it to make sure i have the right amount of vinegar in here but i'm really pretty scared to do that so hang tight okay so i'm going to go ahead and finish this up i want to make sure i have the right amount of vinegar in here before i go bottling it up and i don't wish me luck i'm the way i've been just hacking handling it and breathing it in general uh it's pretty rough stuff so i'm gonna give it a whirl here man i'm nervous i'm not gonna lie and uh we'll see if it's got the right flavor profile to it although again it's definitely going to just be hot you might get a little flavor in the beginning but as soon as that capsaicin hits you're done but i want to make sure i have enough vinegar because i can add you want to add vinegar now really after if you need to add more holy crap wow that's hot but that is delicious i'm gonna start sweating he'll see my bald head sweat here in a second wow wow and the thing is the heat doesn't quit it just keeps going and going oh uh quick yeah quick tip though if you want to kill that heat you need milk based products like yogurt or sour cream or milk or something and that will dash it luckily though wow that is hot though and it's the thing about this stuff it just stays and stays and stays it's still hitting me it is a very holy crap this is a very hot pepper hope you enjoyed uh if you did please hit like and subscribe that would mean a lot and we'll keep going thank you
Channel: This & That
Views: 35,087
Rating: 4.8454747 out of 5
Id: CHrDnPA3Jsw
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Length: 15min 43sec (943 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 13 2020
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