Carolina Diggers - Using the Discovery 3300

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[Music] hey everybody and welcome to Carolina diggers my name is Richard today's episode is gonna be a distant add different than what I normally do we're still at the 1940s their house where I found the three silvers but today like I said we're to do things a little differently what we're doing is I have a friend that is wanting to get into metal detecting and I didn't want him to purchase a metal detector and it'd be wrong or too complicated or just piece of junk anyway so what I'm gonna do today is I'm actually gonna give him the Bounty Hunter discovery 3300 that you have seen in my channel now this thing comes with three corals a 10-inch concentric the 8-inch concentric that comes with it and a four-inch sniper coil which is also concentric also keep in mind that this the metal detector also has expandability with other coils where through nail and core you can get the I think it's a 15 by 17 13 by 14 12 by 14 and I think it's a 5 by 9 double D there's all kinds of things so the the ability to expand this metal detector searching ability it's not limited to just one or two but before we get started with all this I'd like to do a shout out to two guys that I work with that I spoke with the other day and I said they look at my channel that is Aaron Sadowski and David Moore thanks buddies anyway back to the video now like I said we're gonna give him the discovery 3300 now this is made by Bounty Hunter which is also a I guess you a subsidiary of Fisher Labs which is also an extremely good metal detector I like their products and I actually like the Bounty Hunter as well it does a really good job at notching out iron with this detector I actually still have the 10 inch concentric all hooked to the front of it but we also have the other detectors the other not detective but the other coils full of detectors with us today so we'll show you those as well all right like I said we also have the 4 inch coil which is a sniper coil now this coil is mainly used for really trashy areas because it's small and whatever it picks up that's a good target it's only going to be in this spot it's not gonna be anywhere else so that's the reason for the smaller cool now a lot of people use this coil for different areas say like tot lots or areas that have a lot of cans low or bottle caps like a like a baseball park or or just a business that people just slip bottle caps and cigarette butts like you wouldn't believe but anyway the other cool that we have with us is the 8 inch coil no the ADA's coil comes with the detective in that that's what ships with it that is a concentric coil it's a little bigger and and that allows you to search a broader area and a little more depth than the 4-inch coil now this basically is a standard coil if you wanted to just pop one on and use it and just go this would be your go-to guys like I said it's 8 inches not a bad coil this is what comes with the Fisher f2s when they were still around it did an extremely good job and it does a good job with the Bounty Hunter now like I said I still have the 10 inch coil hooked on to the Bounty Hunter right now now the teenage coil is 4 covering basically a wider broader area than the 8-inch and it'll go a little bit deeper you want to use this if you're doing like fields or big yards and you want to cover more area faster and I will go ahead and tell you the difference in the weight and this one and the others is greatly greatly heavier you will notice a difference in using this coil versus the eighth inch and the fourth figure I'd put these next to each other just to show you the difference in sizes I mean I can say four inch eight inch and ten inch all day long but unless you see it the size difference you really don't see the scope and the sizes until that time but even onto the video all right like I was saying this little while ago this is basically for a friend of mine that I'm doing this for this video is to help him learn how to use this metal detector because he's never metal detected before now it will benefit other people if looking to get into this hobby and you want any bounty hunter discovery I'm gonna try to explain everything as best as possible without having you read the manual because the manual is helpful anyway let's take a look at this bad boy and see what it's got all right now like I said before this is the Bounty Hunter discovery 3300 like it says here alright now what we're gonna explain it's basically the each little button over here and what they do now power you can figure that out for yourself that basically turns everything on and off now sensitivity what sensitivity is for is basically the depth and how much noise you'll get in areas with really high electric magnetic field when you start it out I think this starts out like at a for lunch and then you can push it up I think once or twice and I either make it stronger or you can back it down with the negative button and you can pull it off and try to get away from all that negative interference that you'll get it the negative interference will be like a chatter it'll sound like yet that that touch-a touch-a touch-a touch-a touch-a when you go to use your detector and you're not doing anything you're discrimination and your a.m. button is basically your modes now you have all metal mode which is a.m. all metal and you have the disk mode now when you press all metal it's gonna open this up right here Oh clear it's not gonna be any arrows pointing up but when you press the disk button with its discrimination it will get rid of iron number one iron number two an iron number three now it'll try to keep you from getting any signals that are iron related some areas that you're gonna go to you're gonna hear iron and what iron is basically is a grunt it's gonna it's gonna be like a low bass tone grunts gonna be like ba ba ba ba ba ba ba and then everything else it's gonna be a little bit a little bit loud or not louder but higher be a mid-tone and then a high tone and then a really high tone and this is a fourth tone detective anyway but that's that for your modes all metal everything discrimination get rid of stuff that you don't want now pinpoint if you find the target that repeats and it repeats very well there'll be a number in the center and that's called a target ID and when that target ID pops up if it bounces around all over the place then chances are it's either gonna be a little deep and that the thing can read what you can do is you can press the sensitivity up once or maybe twice depending on where you have it go back over the target swing and see if it gives you a solid target if it doesn't then the sonnet target meaning it'll be the signal be repeater would be like 81 82 81 82 81 81 81 but if it's goin like 80 173 64 81 that's 80 79 I would be I would be wary of digging something in that range but if you do get something to repeats and it sounds really nice on the tone that is the next mode you want to go to which is pinpoint then what you do is you pop it one time and it'll put you in pinpoint mode and when you sweep over the target it's gonna make a sound that's gonna go up and down so when you sweep it could be like oh where it goes to its highest peak that is where the target is maybe but what a lot of us do is we'll do an X will sweep in the H will sweep this way and find out where it is and then sweep that way and find out what it is and put an x over it and that way we can kind of pinpoint by listening to where the target will be down here on the coil [Music] zap-zap is a neat button now say you have an all metal mode and you keep popping bottle caps in there they run in the I don't know and we'll gift I will say like 59 - I'm gonna say like 53 - 60 that's what I'm gonna say 53 - 60 and they keep popping up like 55 sir 54 if you don't want to get that anymore you press that button one time and what that does is it gets rid of that number that's on the screen 54 that numbers gone gone you won't pick it up anymore so if you sweep over it again and it still goes off and it gives you like a 55 push that is out button and it will get rid of it that number 55 until you can't pick up that bottle cap no more and once it's gone it's gone until you turn it off then it comes right back but anyway knotch notch is going to be used for discrimination now when you press this and it gets rid of all three of these what you're gonna do is you have discrimination buttons over here now you can pop it forward and it'll do five cents pull it out screw caps penny zinc penny 10 cents 25 cents 50 cents doc keeps going up now say if you want to go up and but you want to keep nickels what you would do is you would do discrimination it gets rid of the 3 boop boop boop and then you hit discrimination once and it puts it over the nickel well you hit a notch and it'll get rid of this little triangle that I'll pop up and then you press it again and then put a triangle pointing up to pull tabs then you go again and it gets the triangle ever screw caps so what I'll do is in a bunch out you won't get ironed one two and three pull tabs and screw caps but you'll still get Nikolas pennies dimes quarters fit since right no this ever here it's like it says it's a battery it'll have a little meter that goes up a side and it'll tell you what it is full or replace and then the little little notches will drop to each one as it uses the battery and then when it's down here you gonna replace it clean depth when you press the pinpoint button it's gonna tell you how deep the coin it is or how deep it thinks the Queen is because I've had it say sometimes four and six inches deep and OMB three so basically it really depends on I guess the ground and how big the target is but anyway that's that's how that works now also on sensitivity sensitivity is also gonna use this same meter it's gonna be it's gonna go down for whatever reason and then just gonna go up I don't know why it's not gonna use this number per se because that ten wouldn't be right because one bar on sensitivity is not gonna be a ten but anyway I wouldn't use this at all but well how it's gonna work is when you start it up it's gonna have like four bars it's gonna light up and then you can press it up and then move it up once and then press it again and I think you might move up one more time if you don't want it you can start pressing it down and it'll move it down to wherever the noise stops but don't worry we're gonna turn it on and show you how that works as well all right now what we're gonna do is we're basically going to show you what the buttons do have to giving you X play explanation what's going on is can you turn the power on it's gonna be an all metal mode now underneath this this is a target ID like I was telling you it's telling me that there is a metal target underneath this coil and it's showing a 1c at all middle now I made the mistake of saying there's a triangle underneath it and that's how it notches but naturality it's not not that's actually showing you the position of where the where the target is on this little search area right here that has adult word of that now what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna press discrimination what is what its gonna do is gonna take out these three numbers one two and three it's good actually gonna put on our underneath that triangle in that triangle and that number will disappear when you do it it has now rejected or notched however you want to say it one two and three so iron right now there's three segments of iron don't so the iron that showed up it is no longer showing now not CH like I said it's a function that goes with the discrimination buttons and what it allows you to do and say you want to not something and you want to go up well first of all we not you say you want to go all the way up to screw caps it's all the way up straight up the screw caps it's got pull tabs but you're not getting nickels but you want nickels to because you want on your coin so you want nickel penny dime quarter if it's in silver dollar so what you do is you press knotch what it does it puts that in a flash and you move this discrimination little plus thing oh do it again and wait it to us move it up move it up move it up and now I got it over the five cents they hit notch it's gone so now you're rejecting the three earners pull tabs and screw caps discrimination move it up the screw cap hold not still it beeps three times move it up to where it says nickel and it's flashing hit a notch again and it's it so now you're rejecting all the bad crowd now you still gonna get stuff that's gonna slip through sometimes but that's just the way the game goes unfortunately you see right here it's got five bars up I think it's one two three four five six six bar is up now don't use that that's right here this is sensitivity the sensitivity on this thing is all the way up so say you don't want it to be six bars and you wanted to go down there you go dropped it down to three dropped it down to two dropped it down to one just say like one it's not good enough and you're not hearing anything so you want a little higher so you hit to get three or six like say back down all right here's your battery where it says battery battery and right now it says I think I said one below full so it's one below full and if that drops down to replace and of course you replace it and zap like I said if you're in all metal mode and you're running through there and say something pops up that neither one it zap it wait maybe it doesn't work in all metal mood it works in discrimination Mary Alice yes screaming hmm $99.99 on the in the book actually says all that out so you can see it actually doesn't say I don't know what a 99 is weird it goes to 87 and 90 and then 105 to 113 so it kind of got rid of 92 104 know what that would be but that's your that's your very value range for your target ID you want to familiar self with those numbers but on the same token you also want to do what's called an air test to see what the numbers sound like when you hear a target so you'll know what the number shows up as and you'll be able to go home that's a quarter oh that's a nickel or what's that yeah cuz the diagnol getting in here that's the discriminated anyway let's see what we can find all right we're gonna try something a little different now what we're gonna do is I want to show you what the target ID is for each one of these targets now these coins are gonna look really weird to you now the reason they look this color as they come out of the ground they will not look silver or brown unless they are silver a silver coins let me show you hang on before I get going here all right now this is a what's called a clad dime this would be what you'd find in your pocket this with what B would fall out these days now this thing is brown brown brown brown what silver now this is a silver diamond this is made out of silver when you find this in the ground it's gonna look just like this just like this I actually found this in the area that I'm in right now and it's gonna look just like it did the day it fell same thing with the cloud nickel it's gonna look Brown it's not gonna be silver anymore it's gonna be brown or black we're ready I've seen it just depends on where you find it and I've seen it different colors now this is gonna be a silver nickel and it's gonna look the same way just like the dime when you find it in the ground it's gonna look like this and it's gonna shine it's gonna be like hey are you doing and they're pretty awesome when you find silver quarters clad quarters same way I don't know why this has green on it I really don't just the way it came out maybe it's a copper that's in the coin corroded I don't know maybe we had a lot of copper content and leaks through the that little nickel metal content and pennies pennies are gonna look like pennies and that's a memorial if you see that with that on it that's called a memorial penny now older pennies when you see them they're gonna have something that looks like that on the back if you could see it upside down those are called wheats and they are older so those are the ones you want the wheats and you want the ones made out of silver as well all right let's take a gander at each one of these no I want to do you know run it over the the searchcoil got it on my leg and we're gonna see what a regular this is a regular nickel I mean a regular penny not a zinc PT but a regular penny now when you take it over see what it's showing and pretty much in the eighties 84 83 I would do that all day long and there's pop it around all over the place so in the 80 range a regular Memorial penny oh it must be 12 o'clock or something because there's the fire alarm for lunch you know here is the wheat penny I'm gonna see if it shows up any different on the target ID here look at their different tone different number you hear that sound it's the rim bouncing around in the look that it's a forties really weird bouncing in the room the 6070 range really weird there you go 1769 then you have a week back to the memorial 80 is to 90 rings so like I said totally different sound and it's a penny memorial penny Sam for the week different sound and it also rings up around the penny range so you could possibly be digging a dime when it might be saying it's a penny there's the clad nickel you know of course it's brownish you're looking to you always junk is going just luster 20 just reins a little bit 30 you can hear that's a little deeper sound next we're gonna go to buy a quarter a quarter got a high tone so you know if I sitting around in 200 range the low hundred range and rounding 1900 range that's what I would say I would say probably 97 - I don't know 107 and it's repeatable then you probably are gonna have a clab quarter war nickels is you caught a war nickel reason arrow war nickel is the mint mark is over the top of the building and not off to the side or the right side of the head and they're gonna be silver just like this when you find them they're gonna come out of the ground they're gonna be shining so when you see it I'll be surprised don't let it fool you and you think oh it's just a new nickel that's probably gonna be silver and that's like I said that's what you want 40 40 39 that's got a low grip to it let's see what the clad nickel same saleable see where it is in the 20s versus the silver nickel in the forties so silver in the 40 on the nickel and twenties thirties we're gonna be clad nickel 20 clad 40 silver now the same thing with silver dimes know how you knew you figure out a silver dime when you see it as the edge it's gonna be silver if you look at a new dime the edge is gonna be brown but silver dimes silver all the way around silver so let's see where this rings up this thing's gonna ring out kind of weird say where is ringing like a quarter and it possibly made a trick yet and you think quarter see where the quarter is see the quarter here it's showing up into 110 now 110 100 see it was a 97 there's a ninety nine ninety two so it stands pretty repeatable in them into what's called range that right there basically is your different sounds in a nutshell let's see what happens if you do this I just want to see what happens if I do this like this go front of nickel or summer bomb and then silver no silver dime and a clad dime together them both there's too high of a target so it is showing the clad so this bank if you had a right they're still picking it over there and then with picking up the silver but if you have to target combination it could mask the other ones and you could lose a potentially good target now all right now what we're gonna do is basically I'm gonna show you how to swing this thing and how not to swing this thing so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna put this on the ground it will take me a second because I'm gonna actually have to walk around to the front so you can actually see what I'm doing there's two ways to swing you want to swing the way I do it I swing about an inch or maybe inch and a half off the ground some people actually swing it on the ground I guess this basically each detectorists has their own thing one thing I will tell you when you swing you want the swing to be level I mean this straight as humanly possible now while I tell a lot of people they get kind of show bode and they think oh I got this and then do this a little swing where there that's kind of like that's right I'm mental detective and they do this swing and it looks like a pendulum now that you do not want to do because every time when it does this little thing like this it's gonna make a noise a lot of times or it could mean it'll make a big poop and it'll make you go whoop and you turn over and sweep I've written swing over it and and it's nothing so let me get this set up I'll do I'm not gonna turn on the detector I'm just gonna basically just show you how to swing and how not to swing and you should be good all right before I forget I also like to take the time to show you how to put the coil alone it's a little different and it's got to be done in a certain way you don't want to be loose you understand when you see this I'm gonna try to figure out how to do this and hold the camera and do all this and let you see it hang on a second let's see how we can do this all right boys and girls we're trying to figure this thing out so we can show you how this is done you're gonna have - - deals it's gonna be a little plastic little screw and a little plastic little nut alright know what you're gonna do you're gonna take your coil there's gonna be a little a little thing right here I don't know if you can see it try to turn this thing see it's got a hole Gerdes all the way through now you're gonna want it it's a point want this to point up you don't want it to go this way you want it to go this way now when you put this on you're gonna slide it into place and you're gonna make sure that it goes lines up with holes so when you put this on it's about to turn it so you can see when you put this in it's gonna slide right into place you can see it just slid into place and you take the nut and you put it on there and you screw it into place and you just kind of loosely tighten it now on your cable new cable here the Bounty Hunter for some reason doesn't have a screwing cap it's just push in I know what you want to do is when you do this you want to wrap it so it wraps around the coil like so and you want it to be not real tight but tight enough to where it's snug but it lasts still has a little bit of room to get to your control box so you can plug this thing in now don't take it you slide it down a little bit you just it however you want to slide it around one more time take you a little bit to get everything where it needs to be tightness wise and then when you get there you're gonna have a connection right there I don't know if you can see it little connector it's gonna look just like that and you're basically gonna line up that little notch that's right there that little indention into that little groove that looks like a looks like a little square opening and when it goes in in this slide right in and basically what I do is I work it to where it allows me to move it now I have this the metal detector there's a little notches back here that let me move it up and down so what I do is for this purpose I made it kind of short so when I actually go out in the field I can slide it down and move the I move the cable the same time so it stays fairly tight with it so that way when I get to where I need to be see like I'm a tall guy so I'm going to move it all the way to the last part and see how this deal remains pretty tight see how that looks you know it stays that that wrap around that the shaft is pretty tight I mean it's not real tight but it's it's tight enough to where you need it to be and then what I'll do is I'll come in afterwards I threw it said and done and I'll tighten this nothing this little plastic boat not real tight but tight enough so this doesn't flop around and then there's gonna be a little cam here slow this thing right here it's called a cam lock when you do it you're gonna have to unlock it one ways unlock one ways lock so you turn it to where it's snug and it is in position so it won't go anywhere so now you are basically ready to rock and roll you know how to put the cable on or the the coil on the core gets connected with the little around my nut and screw and then you wrap the the coil around the pole until you get to the control box and you plug the connector end now the battery let me show you this while I got you here the battery is located right there two 9-volt batteries it'll show you how to put them in gonna be one big hole in one little hole one big hole one little hole they do the same thing with the connection on the 9-volt one big connection one little connection and then you take your little connector you put the tab in first and then you just put it into place and it clicks and you're ready to go now also want to mention this is waterproof yeah well you can put this in water you can put all of this in water up to I would say about right here with this little thing yes but this box right here this is not waterproof if you get this wet it will stop working so don't clean it into the water that being said let me show you how to do the swinging part this is the 8 inch coil this is gonna be the one that comes with it when you buy your basically parallel to the ground with the horizon now what you don't want to do like I see a lot of people that do this less efficiently at the beach you'll see somebody with a metal detector and they'll do this and it's going up oh you don't wanna do that horizontal all right I guess this is gonna be the bonus feature this is gonna be for I guessed a little more advanced for this metal detector now you don't have to do this you do not have to do this this is gonna be the ground balancing part now the cool thing about this metal detector the Bounty Hunter discovery 3300 is it has a preset mode and all you have to do is turn the knob where it says preset and you don't worry about this but if you come to an area and it does something crazy and you want to do it we I just saw something we may be back here tomorrow maybe oh my anyway let me show you how to pinpoint all right before I get started let me show you how this works then the Olmedo and discrimination for you guys so you can see what's going on one two three so you're seeing right there Oh metal let's say you don't hear that what you do is you press discrimination it's it in discrimination mode and it gets rid of those three iron now I'm gonna sleep over it you don't hear anything nada no see I'm gonna put it back all metal see where it says I'm gonna thing get it there Oh metal take over again human nation cool huh how that works Oh matter one discrimination for iron all right now when it comes to ground balancing now what I do is I raise it up I hit the pinpoint mode let me show you I get back in all manner I raise it up raise it it up you can see it I put it in pinpoint and I turn this to where you can hear that I bring it down and then I take it and they're turning knob until it stops and then I put it back in our middle mood and that's how op him all right boys and girls I really hope that helped like I said I'm basically doing this for a friend of mine so he will get the basic nor the gist on how to metal detect bounty hunter discovery 3300 a really good metal detector to have if you're starting out and in intermediary and a backup I guess you could say but anyway I hope you enjoyed the video if you have any questions put a comment down on the bottom I'll try to field those as well as possible best thing to do though make sure you read your manual I tried to cover as much as I could just show you basically how to do things and get things done you learn how to put the coal home you learn how to basically ground balance but I'll use preset you learn how to target ID coins different ones silver and clad and how basically the buttons do and work remembers zap I didn't actually show you this app but if you're in discrimination mode and something comes up and you don't want to press this out button it gets rid of it immediately you don't have to go through any menus to change it out get rid of it you don't want that number zap BAM gone alright guys I got the hiccups anyway like I said before I hope you enjoyed the video like and subscribe Teddy I hope you enjoy this metal detector show me some stuff that you find cuz you're gonna find some junk don't let it just don't don't let it discourage you you're gonna find junk but basically dig it off until you figure out what is wood because a lot of times a low target this showing up as iron could possibly be gold golde shows up as a lower tone so I dig it out if it if it comes up and it's strong and it's repeatable and it sounds like hey you need to dig me dig it anyway if you guys enjoyed the video I'm out oh yeah 6-foot rule wash your hands wear your mask it's mandatory now in North Carolina by the governor in case you don't know anyway public place with more than I guess I don't know if two people wear a mask I don't want to worry about it because I am the only person here in this yard so I don't think I can get myself to coronavirus anyway glad to have you take care happy hunting later
Channel: Carolina Diggers
Views: 2,917
Rating: 4.8873239 out of 5
Keywords: Carolina Diggers, Diggers, Bounty Hunter, Discovery 3300, Bounty Hunter Discovery 3300, Metal Detector, Metal Detecting, Family Friendly, How to Metal Detect, How to use a metal detector
Id: uhvbOTRLUxo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 48sec (2508 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 09 2020
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