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[Music] hello and welcome to the views club today I'm gonna be showing you how I make them meet us I know that there's variations for this dish but if you guys want to see the way that I make it please keep watching when I first made this dish I was completely intimidated which I was intimidated by a lot of the dishes because the older ladies that cooked around me including my mother always made things seem more difficult than what they really were so you guys already know if you're cooking with me it's not ask traditional because I do have a copper pot but it's somewhere in my garage that I'm not gonna look for right now but I'm gonna show you guys how to simplify the recipe for the company so let's get to it I have pork butt pigskin and spareribs all these components together are gonna give it a really good flavor if you don't have the spare ribs or the pigskin you're good with just using the pork butt or whatever piece of pork that you have it's gonna work out so we want to do is we want to salt them and in here I have two tablespoons of salt and I'm just gonna sprinkle it all over all of it one of the ingredients that I really like to make my cockney puzzle with would it be BuChE and the translation for lucha is a little bit different in English I'll put it right here down below and I really love which a lot of people don't like it but I do I think I'm only gonna end up using about one tablespoon and a half but it's gonna be up to you guys on how you want to salt it cuz you also don't want to go to too heavy because the pork itself has really really good flavor give these a turn yeah about a tablespoon and a half of salt seems pretty good for all of this because if you're just starting and you think you're gonna eyeball the salt you might take it too far so measure it and if you see all the ingredients that I have here I usually measure them out and if you're beginning to cook that would be a good idea because once you set up and you have everything prepped everything goes smoothly just like it does on the video because if you guys are cooking at home and you're grabbing here and you're grabbing there you're like what did I just put in there guilty I've done that too okay so once we've salted all of our pork ingredients we're gonna take it over to to our big pot and today I'm going to be using my 9 my nice 9 9 today I'm gonna be using my cauldron pot but if you guys have a deep copper pot use that one because that's what's gonna bring the flavor for your company fels traditionally that's what you use and it's it's definitely amazing this huge piece right here was from my pork butt but it's a huge piece of bone I couldn't get all the skin off but it's gonna bring in some Bond flavor into this recipe alright let's go okay guys I went ahead and I melted our lard so I melted it down and I have a little bit of a puddle you want to have a little bit of a puddle at the bottom in order to fry your pork to perfection I'm gonna go ahead and add our pork pieces slowly because I want you guys to be very careful if you're doing this on the stovetop make sure that you're using an adequate pan or pot so that it doesn't boil over and that you are safe okay your safety matters stay alert stay alive and stay together oh yeah and I do have my pot on a high heat right now please be careful [Music] I wish you guys could see the dramatics with cloud I'm gonna record Connect record you like this you guys she has a splash but on her face she's so dramatic but she's always been this way since we were little and the thing is that the sparrow doesn't require a lot of the frying in here it's mostly those big pieces so I'll cook this for about 30 minutes and then I'll come in here and like move them around who wanted this raw pieces don't do it guys don't do it the copper pot that we have in the garage is actually to make up meat found outside guys so I hope want to deal with that right now in here okay I had a lot of pieces of pork in here i overestimated but that's okay if you do the same a house you're gonna be fine at this part if you notice that you don't have enough of the lard to fry add a little bit extra I added 1/4 of lard extra in here and it's still slowly melting down so what we're gonna do is we're gonna cook this for 30 minutes okay in 30 minutes I'm gonna come and show you guys our next step [Music] okay my beautiful friends what I have here is I have one cup of water and I squeeze the juice of one orange now for this step there is a high warning when you're cooking at home on your stovetop when you're gonna add this water juice content to the large although the juices from the pork have already like calm down the heat in here I don't foresee a lot of splashing well we're gonna add this cup that has the garlic and it has a little piece of Bailey to our pot okay I can't stress it enough for how careful you guys have to be so what I'm gonna do is I'm actually going to turn it off and push it towards the back you're on one today cloud you guys little cloud is being a little bit crazy right now okay I think I think she's hungry but I'm making her chicken style coming sister doesn't eat pork actually she's never really liked pork from when we were younger she always complained about it and my mom's like yeah she would go on these like diets and she would did not want to eat pork pork was eliminated from her diet pretty much most of her life I don't even know if she knows what 14 psyche but anyways we're gonna go ahead and pour this in moment of silence friends beware really I was expecting like fourth of July fireworks really well with that amount of of frying lard you never know what's gonna happen we got to be prepared guys stay alert stay alive like I mentioned you thought it was gonna be like yeah well if you guys are making this with oil um that's not gonna work out because the oil in that water you will be injured that would be like oh that's true okay so don't make this with oil to that amount of oil if you were to have added that water all this would have just been scattered crazy so if people are not using lard and they're using oil skip this tip well it's a very important step I think that if you're gonna be cooking this with oil just use oil enough to where you're searing your pieces not to this extent of the whole boil width of lard okay okay so if you guys had already planned on making this with oil you already know it's a warning okay the mother in me is warning okay cloudy have you been Sadie what's going on what do we not know about what does the views club not know about she's not sharing guys apparently I adopted a yes we do have a new family member our heart was so broken with our recent loss for Leo that we couldn't function guys the sadness in this house was extreme in the family it was yeah so whenever I would come over my teens and then my partner in crime he yep he is knower very very close family and well this little guy he adores me I'll make sure to put a clip of the video of him I'll make sure to add a little clip of him at the end so you guys can get to know him a little bit okay so now what we're gonna do is we're gonna put this back on a medium-high let me get this heated up all over again okay we're gonna put this back on a medium medium-high you do need to keep an eye on this since this is a large amount that we're cooking in your house you want to be super safe with the ingredients in here and if I sound like I'm scaring you it's because you really do need to be careful guys I don't know how else to say it so what we're gonna do is I'm gonna cook this for another thirty minutes and then I'm gonna come back and I'm gonna move the pieces around okay so this is gonna end up cooking for another hour and a half for us and stay tuned because there's a tip in here that's gonna make the drastic difference in this recipe so let's go ahead and continue to cook this for thirty minutes on a medium to medium-high you kind of have to eyeball your cut you have to eyeball the ingredients you have in there and work with that okay so I'll see you guys shortly good thing you stuck around because I almost forgot to add my pieces of the orange that I squeezed in here so you can tear it however you want to fit or you can just throw it all in there nice to turn in pieces it does well pour can be a little bit stinky if it's not cooked right now so go ahead and shove those orange peels all the way down if you don't want to use oranges you don't have to but it definitely changes the dynamic and the flavor in your company thumb guys keep in mind that I know traditional ways I have a very very old cookbook but I've had to accommodate it to a Mexican American lifestyle but if you guys want to know oh if you guys want would like to know how to make it authentically maybe one day I'll pull out the big copper pot and find a safe yeah Oh dropping some stuff yeah it has to be outdoors it has to be in a very safe environment and having kids it doesn't always present a good opportunity you guys know I'm extra careful with stuff yeah I'll do the don't see us outside well can't you do some fun stuff like that that'd be interesting you want to go camping I'm gonna go outdoorsy I'm due for a little road trip so oh yeah imagine we're gonna start the views views on the road caravan fun yeah guys gotta grow this channel make things happen for us oh yeah okay enough I'll see you guys in a moment [Music] okay it's been 30 minutes and look at how crispy everything got they got done really well so what you want to do is you just want to come here and give it a turn be very careful cuz for some reason mine's popping a bit lower your heat to just a medium okay we're getting some good action okay you see that my the ones on the bottom once you add the water the orange juice that's sugar that you're adding so it's gonna start to crystallize and that's why we want to move it about the 20-30 minutes so it doesn't get too burnt like this skin dip but that should be okay it's just skin pretty thin I already tasted a piece at this point all of these pieces are ready oh my gosh guys it's so good so what you want to do now is you want to be very careful but we're gonna add 1 cup of milk you can add between one cup and 1/4 it's going to be up to you and here I have 1 cup your guyses angle may be seen slightly different but we're gonna go ahead and add this and please make sure to be very very careful you're allergic to dairy and you don't like dairy for whatever your reasons are you can add a cup and a half of coca-cola just whatever color you have it had and that should bring in the flavors that we want that the milk is doing it's gonna give you a slightly different taste but it's still gonna be very very good and I just grew up with always seeing my mom add milk and I used 2 percent use whatever milk you have it handed ice [Music] okay on my end after I added the the milk it only took me about 11 minutes so you want to be careful after you add the milk and depending on how big your pieces are for your cotton Ethos that's when you're gonna kind of figure it out okay when we added the milk everything was already cooked that just seals in the flavor and gives it a nice coating so it's gonna be up to you guys how long you continue to cook it after you have the milk so it can be anywhere from like ten minutes to thirty minutes and it will depend highly on your pieces so let's go ahead and take them out if you guys really enjoy making co-op Nathan you're gonna be making got meet them again within the same month the same few days a week you can save your lard in here make sure you refrigerate it what's gonna happen it's gonna just get really stiff it's gonna do what lard does and if you're on a diet just have a side salad with it yes so I'm gonna I'm gonna continue taking these out and putting them in this bowl I don't think I'm gonna take I'm gonna keep this one for myself or later because you know I work Target so if you guys see me on a g9 on the bone you'll know what it's from I gotta finish making these tortillas and I'll see you guys in just a moment okay friends this is what our pieces look like and I like mine a little bit crispier I like this color for my for my company does it's gonna be up to you guys you'll see when you're cooking it how it works we have going on in here it is good good good and then if you want to chop them up super fine just start off chop chopping in little chunks and then you can go to town like a little taco shop and go whack whack whack whack okay you can chop it like this if you want it for quick tacos but if you're just gonna be tearing at it you can just tear it it with your thumb dia and go to town guys and that's how I make up meat does you guys I know that there's so many variations every country has a way of making carnitas and even in Mexico there's so many regions that make it slightly different than the other but that doesn't mean that one's better than the other it's just your preference so if you guys are curious about how this recipe turns out please come back and let me know what you thought of the recipe also if you guys are new to the channel please take the time to subscribe and click that valve for some notifications and to become one of my Belles if you guys are making these recipes continue to send them to me on Twitter or Instagram that way I can post them right here [Music] okay so what I do is I add you can make this into a burrito you can use this company that's for tacos for thought of thighs you could put it over a rice bowl options are in this so I usually just put a little bit of meat a little bit of pork and then some of my cilantro onion mix I know and I like to touch my cilantro my onion with my hands well they're very well yours huh that boy sure is I'm telling you I've been eating so much like cilantro and onions I'm just happy with it put your Southside and if you want you can squeeze a little bit of I'm lying I think cabbage works with this one too because I think like sometimes lettuce is more for like your your beef tacos but from poor pork I really like cabbage taco burrito let's give it a go oh yeah was amazing you guys know how to taste the food my Sofia's came out super fluffy I have a few techniques that I'm working on to share with you guys on our next door Thea video and I think you're gonna be super excited about it chug chug chug chug no it's not like the water guys its water cold cold water with lime juice I love it yeah well cheering you on alright guys this is delicious I'm gonna serve my family I know you guys see me give it a taste in here but I'm gonna sit down with my family enjoy this meal I hope you and your family you're having a lovely day and thank you guys so much for joining me on that nope I'll see you guys in the next one [Music]
Channel: Views on the road
Views: 102,715
Rating: 4.9108939 out of 5
Keywords: Carnitas, how to make mexican carnitas, carnitas buche, carnitas cuero, carnitas puerco, pulled pork carnitas, views recipes, steph by steph recipes, how to make mexican carnitas tacos, how to make carnitas mexican style, how to make pork carnitas, carnitas buche y cueritos, cook with me, pork butt recipe, views on the road recipe, views carnitas, CARNITAS CON COCA COLA MEXICAN STYLE CARNITAS WITH COLA, carnitas tacos, carnitas recipe, TACOS DE CARNITAS, SODA RECIPES
Id: XuN5kGbXWnA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 36sec (1296 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 05 2019
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