Pork Carnitas (The Traditional Way)

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[Music] hey everybody welcome to la cocina doweled today I'm gonna make the best carnitas you've ever had in your life it's gonna be such an easy recipe I don't forget to like this video subscribe to my channel and comment below thanking ok here the ingredients for the carnitas we're gonna use some pork shoulder we're using about 4 pounds it does say ribs on there but I could it actually comes from the shoulder blade it is boneless so you can find that it'll be great it also sometimes this country style port you're also going to use some Mexican coca-cola it has to be Mexican coca-cola you can use American because the sugar is is way different here in America we use corn syrup and then Mexico to use cane sugar so if you can't find this you can use some raw sugar here I have some bay leaves and we're also gonna use some oregano you're also gonna use a whole orange and I forgot a show here but you're gonna use some these three cloves garlic and half an onion we're gonna use some black pepper some sea salt as you can see there okay and we're also gonna use some condensed milk and traditionally connected is made with lard so please don't use oil for this recipe for the for frightened of the carnitas you have to use lard it's very important you use large if not some vegetable shortening will be fine okay we're also gonna make a green salsa so here are the ingredients we're gonna use a bunch of cilantro we're also gonna use some three jalapenos you can also use some serrano peppers on top of this ruining is about 11 tomatillos we're gonna use three garlic cloves we're gonna use some sauce pepper and I forgot a show but we're gonna use the quarter of an onion alright so first we're going to do is here is just melt the pork lard so we're gonna use this whole tub here it's very important you use lard instead of oil please do not use oil because if you use oil it's going to we're gonna add water to to top this but you're gonna use oil it's gonna cause a fire in your kitchen so please do not use oil it's as you can see here we're frying up that definitely does the I mean the pork shoulder the reason why we're frying this is because we want to create a kind of not really a quest but you want to create a layer over the context of the juices stay inside because nice and tender so that's what we're doing here so I forgot to mention you're also you're gonna put the flame on medium high heat for about 10 minutes in the UK Suriname as you can see here it's been about 15 minutes and they're pretty much done frying so what I'm gonna start adding the ingredients we're gonna use a whole orange and then we're gonna leave the peel there of half of an orange you're also gonna add the condensed milk I know this is kind of weird that you ready condensed book but trust me it's not gonna beat sugary or your sweet nothing like that it's gonna come out great okay once you have that we're gonna let it boil then you're gonna add your your soda again if you don't have this Mexican Coke you can use raw sugar or tapenade sugar I believe they call it you can use about a tablespoon of that and we're gonna let that come up to a boil again so we're just doing this all in steps here and then it come up to a boil so what's that start boiling we're gonna add the tablespoon of oregano ribbon add about three bay leaves it's up to you you can use four or five we're gonna add some black paper pepper we're gonna use about Polly a half a tablespoon of black pepper and same thing with salt we're gonna put salt at the end once we cut up the carnitas so we stir this really good and we're gonna add the three cloves of garlic as well and have two onion and then just let this come up to a boil okay we're gonna top this off with at least 12 cups of water so again it's very important it did not use oil you're gonna cause an explosion in your kitchen so we're just topping this off with water and it might seem like it's gonna come up the rim but I'll show you in a bit what to do once it starts bubbling up here so stir that up really good okay you can see it started just bubbling up here so quickly just put the flame down on really low and start mixing it and we're gonna cook this for three hours all right we're going to make we'll start making this outside here while that's cooking so we're gonna peel off the tomatillo the wrapper here album we're gonna wash them up really good we're also going to wash up the cilantro and the whole opinions [Music] okay after we're done washing them we're gonna put them in a pot with enough water just to cover the tomatillos here in the jalapenos and we know that they spoil for these ten minutes once it starts boiling you're gonna see that the change in color here that the material so there's pretty much so in there that we're done here so we're gonna add them here and we're gonna start plating them so at all the tomatillos and the jalapeno and blend this up first so we're gonna do this in steps because it started filling up here we're gonna add our cilantro we're also going to add three close the Karla close the garlic's and we're also gonna add some pepper in so just blend this up really good so don't no need to add water to this with the materials we're gonna use the juices of tomatillo here so it's nice and good texture to the salsa for garnishing the tacos at the end we're gonna clip just a half a bunch of cilantro and half an onion and we're also going to cut up some lemons [Music] to go with the tacos I just made some rice you can watch my previous video real chicken with Puerto Rican rice with the recipe the three hours have passed by so the pork is done now we're gonna go ahead and cut it up and add about half a tablespoon of salt or a salt to your taste [Music] okay we're up to the final steps here so what we're gonna we're going to do is add some coconut oil this is unflavored what I was going to add some olive oil but I feel that olive oil has too much taste to it so I'm just using unflavored or what we're going to do is just fry up the carnitas for only about three minutes just to give it some texture so you're going to fry it up for about three minutes and it should be done as you can see here it's been about three minutes and the commuters are getting some texture to it so this is exactly what you want [Applause] okay we're just gonna heat up some corn tortillas here trust me this is the best cognitive ever gonna have in your life you will not go back I tried so many different characters from different places and by far this is the best I've ever had don't forget to like this video comment below and subscribe to my channel we're just gonna end this with adding the garnishes here we know the salsa the cilantro the onions and go ahead and squeeze something in the top of this as well thank you guys for watching [Music] you [Music]
Channel: La Cocina Del Tavo
Views: 611,598
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pork Carnitas, Carnitas, Carnitas Tacos, Tacos De Carnitas, Tacos, Arroz, Rice, How To Make Carnitas, How To Make Carnitas Tacos, The Best Carnitas Recipe, The Best Carnitas, Como Hacer Carnitas, Como Hacer Tacos De Carnitas, Condensed Milk, Mexican Coca Cola, Carnitas Recipe, Lard, Manteca, knorr, knorrrecipes
Id: BN2y17BsySg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 53sec (773 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 24 2017
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