CARNE CON CHILE COLORADO | Beef In Red Chile Sauce ❤

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hi everybody today on rachel cooks with love i'm gonna be making carne and chile colorado now this is a classic mexican dish it's one of mexico's favorite dishes for weddings very versatile it can go from being served at a wedding to being served here at home in your burritos gorditas tacos sopes there are many things that you can do with it and it's also on the list of one of my favorites and i'm gonna show you how i make it step by step let's get started i'm getting ready to start on my chili sauce these are some of the ingredients that i'm going to be using i've got three tomatillos and they're clean and ready to go i've got some chile guajillos one chileancho and two chile puya i have removed all the seeds and the veins and cleaned out all my chilis and they're ready to go see nice and clean now the reason i'm using two chile puya is because they've got just a little bit more heat than the chile guajillo they kind of look alike but they're smaller now if you want it to be a lot hotter you can add chili del instead of these but i don't want a lot of heat just a little bit more so these are some of the ingredients that i'm going to be using and i'm going to roast these so let's go to the stove now i've got some water nice and hot right here but before i put my chilies in there i'm going to toast them really quick i'm going to put my tomatillos right here to roast see and i'm going to put my chilis right here you don't want to toast these chilis too long it just takes a few seconds like 30 seconds or so they're going to release their oils and they're just going to be so rich and delicious you don't want to let them burn oh these smell wonderful and they're ready so i'm going to get them out and put them into my water just like that and i'm going to push my chiles down and i'm going to let them sit there for about 20 minutes or so until they get really nice and soft i'm going to continue with my tomatillos here see now you don't want to burn these either you just want them to get nice and roasted so i cut them in half so that i could roast the inside and they're just perfect look at that so i'm going to turn off my heat and i'm going to remove them so now that i have removed my tomatillos off the heat i'm going to let them sit right here for just a few minutes and i'm going to give my chilies a few more minutes in the water before i put them into the blender it's been about 25 minutes and my chilis have been soaking in this water all this time and they're nice and soft now i also gave them a few minutes to cool down a little bit i'm getting ready to blend them i'm going to be using my blender cup right here now i'm going to put my garlic in here too see right there and i'm gonna put my tomatillos in my blender cup and i'm gonna add some of this chili water right here i'll be posting all the amounts in my description box so you'll know exactly what i used and how much i'm gonna blend them really good [Music] oh look at this this is beautiful now i'm going to pass them through the sieve now i'll just move it around until it all goes through so i'm done with my sauce now even though the sauce looked real smooth look at all the skin that was left behind and i don't like this in my sauce look at how beautiful this is smooth and it's perfect so i'm going to go ahead and clean up my area and go to the next step now that i have my chili sauce ready and i have cleaned up my area i'm going to grind my spices so i've got cumin and peppercorns in here i'm gonna put them in there my oregano and my allspice see and i'm gonna grind these up really good it doesn't get any fresher than this see look at this see how smooth it is so now that i've got my spices nice and ground we're ready to go to the next step so now that i have my chili sauce done and out of the way and i also have all my spices nice and ground i'm gonna start out with my meat now i've got two and a half pounds of chuck roast right here now this is my meat of choice because it's always so tender and falling apart delicious in these type of dishes so i'm going to start out by seasoning it and i'm going to put salt and pepper in it now you can use any type of meat that you want but i do love this one this is the one that's my favorite it just works so well now i've got some pepper you want to pepper it well that's good now i've got a little bit of brown sugar right here i'm going to sprinkle a little bit of brown sugar on it too this is gonna help with the searing because i'm gonna sear it really good now the sugar is a perfect contrast with a chili sauce that i'm using and it gives it just a pinch of sweetness now you can leave it out if you want but i like it just like this so i'm gonna wash my hands and take it to the stove so i've got my heat set on medium high a little closer to high than medium and i'm going to be using this dutch oven and i'm going to add a little bit of vegetable oil in here now you don't want to add a lot just a little bit because you don't want this dish to be real greasy i'm gonna move it around until it gets real nice and hot because when you sear your meat you need your pot to be nice and hot i'm gonna put in my meat slowly and i'm gonna give it space you don't want to overlap the meat because otherwise it's going to steam on you and that's not searing if you see a lot of water in your pot then you know you have overlapped them or you put too much meat in here and you don't want to do that you just fill in the spaces and i'm going to do it in two batches because it doesn't all fit in here and that's good just like that i'm gonna give my meat about three minutes before i flip it over to the other side now you don't want to move it don't stir it don't do anything once it finishes searing it releases itself off from the bottom of the pot so just leave it alone like this for a little bit look at how beautiful this is perfect so i'm going to give it a good stir and i'm going to move it around and give it space just like that and leave it alone so the three minutes are up i'm going to remove it look at that see it's a beautiful sear give them some space don't overlap them look at this see so i'm going to add the first batch back in and i'm going to add my onions [Music] i'm going to move it around so my onions are slightly translucent see we want to pick up on that onion flavor and look at the bottom all the fond that we have down there has already lifted off and it's all mixed in with the onions and the meat and it smells so good so now i'm going to add just a little bit of flour just a little bit like this and that's it and i'm going to continue stirring it around like that until we cook that flour up a little bit it's also going to be our thickening agent so now that my flour is nice and cooked in there i'm gonna add my spices see i'm just gonna sprinkle them in here and i'm gonna give it just a quick stir because i want them to release their flavor in here before i add my liquid it's been about 10 or 15 seconds since i added my spices now i'm gonna add my chili sauce in here [Music] you want every drop i'm gonna add two bay leaves and i'm going to add some chicken bouillon in here now there's something about the chicken bouillon that is delicious in this dish now you can use beef bouillon if you want or you can use better than bullion chicken or beef flavored now i'm going to add some water you can add as much as you want in here to make it as soupy as you want now i don't want it very soupy but not too dry either now the chicken bouillon has salt in it so i'm gonna taste it a little while later and then i will adjust the salt okay and i want you to do the same you don't want to add your salt in here yet because once it settles in and dissolves really well it may be too salty for you so you want to give it a little bit of time before you taste it so i've got my heat set on medium low i'm gonna replace my lid and i'm gonna let it cook like that for an hour and a half i will come back in about 15 minutes and give it a stir and i will continue doing that every 15 minutes so so it's been an hour and 40 minutes i'm gonna turn off my heat oh look at this it is just falling apart tender look at this see now you want to check yours at about an hour and a half and if you feel that you need to leave it another five or ten minutes you can go ahead and do that i'm gonna start out with my frijoles de la hoya so i'm gonna serve some beans right here on the side now you can refry them if you want it's all up to you look at that see yummy oh this smells so good now i've got a little bit of queso fresco here i like to put a little queso fresco on top just like this see oh so now i'm gonna get me one of my flour tortillas so soft and delicious now it's time for the taste test um um super delicious my iced tea so this is my carne con chile colorado if you like my video give me a thumbs up send me a comment and tell me what you think thank you
Channel: Rachel cooks with love ❤
Views: 228,003
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 2c5Ow2O4MMw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 59sec (779 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 28 2022
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