Carlsen's Chess Is Like Nothing We've Ever Seen

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so Magnus Carlson was back at the board yesterday 5th of December playing in title Tuesday late edition and of all 11 games this is the one that put the biggest smile on my face so Jeffrey Jong the young American Prodigy playing with the white pieces here a blitz expert in his own right as we're going to see and Magnus after Knight F3 of course he plays something weird Knight C6 this is apparent called the black Mustang defense okay we get E4 after D6 we're in a nimzovich defense declined Williams variation of course Magnus doesn't take the center with pawns just not his style these days right the pawn on e4 attacked defended with the Knight and after G6 we get a kind of Pierce position but with this Knight developed to C6 which you don't so often see now Bishop G7 played Jeffrey goes for the ultra aggressive line here Magnus car's into it we get Castle's Queen side and this game is more entertaining than watching Gary Kasparov blunder pieces now it's all over King on like what queen takes G4 what's he overlooked so now we get A6 on the board B5 on the way Bishop H6 Jeffrey not hanging about he wants to throw this Pawn down the board Magnus goes B5 now A3 top computer move but this tells you a lot about Jeffrey's style he just flings the H Pawn here allows B4 goes Knight D5 just sacrificing a Pawn on e4 which Magnus Julie takes best move now what's the young American's idea well Queen E3 hits the Knight it drops back and he's gaining initiative here now there's a big threat of Knight G4 forking these two and then you'd win a bishop so Bishop takes now played King recaptures and the top move here is Knight takes on F6 shattering the pawns or luring the king out but you should take with the pawn and then this one advances but Jeffrey goes for Bishop C4 a more ambitious kind of idea in a way you know developing another piece to defend this one but it's a big mistake because it runs straight into Knight A5 but Magnus misses it on this move he goes Pawn H5 over only too happy to not allow white to do that one and now with the H file looking a bit closed down Jeffrey centralizes but now Magnus doesn't need telling twice does play Knight A5 hits this one and it looks game over you know if you Retreat you get chopped and then your Knight's still pressured and what to do so this move was played it is the best move now it looks like you should take here and pressure the queen and everything like that but if you do that that the Knight sacrifices here the Queen's coming to G5 or H6 if the king Retreats here very big attack ensues and white doing well so the Knight was recaptured Magnus doesn't touch the bishop it was the best move this one now drops back we get Bishop G4 great positional move pressuring this Knight which wants to come to the center later now Queen F4 from Jeffrey D5 technically better because now mag has a chance to go Pawn D5 here or Knight C6 so that after D5 he can put the Knight on E5 but he misses all the ideas goes Queen D7 looking to keep up the clock pressure Here and Now Jeffrey goes D5 takes the space gain attacks B4 you can't let that one drop or then your Knight's on PR and where is it retreating to not a lot of squares so Rook AB8 covers the pawn Rook D2 breaks the pin here threatens Knight D4 but this is awesome from Magnus he goes Rook f8 not only activating a piece but responding to the threat here because if you now go with the Knight then of course you drop a rook you know with check that's an entire Rook so takes was played Queen recaptures and still Knight D4 no good or queen E1 check comes and after The Rook blocks you actually mate because The Bishop's supporting the square so Knight D4 not played Rook e 2 instead Queen D7 now Rook E1 Knight D4 a big threat that one's a monster in the center F3 then coming where's the bishop going so it takes this queen recaptures now this is very very classy from Magnus you know the computer talks about C6 or C5 but this is also a very top move Knight B7 shedding a pawn best move by white to take it but it allows Magnus to maneuver with Tempo against the bishop it drops back and the material has been restored because Magnus was a porn up you know since he took on e4 so interesting game on our hands here Bishop versus knight what kind of middle game will we have from here well Magnus plays the most Magnus move ever right you know top engine move here Rook A8 Etc but he goes Queen G4 this guy loves an end game right Queen captures best move you know it was pressuring here we reached this position but it wasn't the best way to play because now Rook E7 comes pressuring the pawn and Magnus goes on the defensive and interestingly one of the top moves here is Rook ha you so often see the top guys go active rather than passive defense and the idea is if G3 to cover now F5 and if the pawn drops then you get Knight E4 pressuring F2 no F3 or on pan big counterplay black actually winning that so taking the pawn wasn't best okay but Rook C8 played to cover the pawn and now this is my favorite part of the entire game I have to say you got two absolute Blitz Lions here out in the wild Serengeti battling for dominance what does Jeffrey do he goes C3 why would you give a pawn like this after captures and not recaptures well B4 is his idea driving this Knight to an inferior Square then Bishop B3 Knight attacked again drops back to B6 and A4 A5 on the way the bishop dominating that piece no Knight D7 The Rook covers imagine going Knight A8 oh disgusting so what does Magnus do well watch how he counters F5 what is that all about A5 on the way here's the trick you go King F6 Hit The Rook so no time to take or you drop a rook just awesome check from both players so The Rook drops back and you've cleared the D7 Square you can now land the Knight there without losing it so Rook takes on C3 plate Jeffrey recoups his Pawn with Advantage you know this is coming really fast now B5 B6 The Rook is pinned so Magnus goes King E5 looking for counter playay in the center the computer now wants to March the white king in but Jeffrey throws in a check he's getting down on time almost a minute and of course Magnus now Retreats right to cover the square nope wrong again he marches forward all up in jeffy's Grill now this is getting exciting Magnus loves to go on a king March and it's very dangerous because now after King D2 setting up that barricade not letting the king go further you know supporting the rook and things well Knight E5 now comes ideas of Knight C4 check and after the bishop recaptures your king is then attacking these pawns here so Rook C3 played excellent move just classy Blitz chest from both players Rook B8 now from Magnus but it is a mistake in a tough position you know running back one move what does the computer want F4 top move but white with Advantage due to these amazing pawns and this Knight a bit pacified but Rook B8 hits the pawn but it's a shudo threat A6 great move by Jeffrey and what to do you can't capture or you can't get the Rook back in time both squares covered you can't stop it you're completely losing of course the Knight can't cover so Magnus realizes I don't know if he was streaming right but he probably had an all crap moment so he comes to A8 the pawn is supported Rook A7 covers here and there's no two ways about it white is much better now you can slow play this you know F4 F3 and Etc but Jeffrey goes for an awesome shot here classic low on time shot he takes on C7 with the Rook giving an entire Rook to then get B6 and it's a well-known kind of Chess thing right chess tactic two connected pawns on the six you know too much for a rook to cope with so one of them is going through now Magnus plays the best defensive move only move to keep trying to fight he goes Rook C3 now you cannot save this bishop if you leave this diagonal so say you come Bishop C2 or something then there's Knight C4 check and you're picking up the pawn covering the square and if you go Bishop A2 to still cover C4 then there's Rook A3 hitting the pawns if you push B6 well then you take with check this is a problem whoops Knight covers the square rook's covering here no good so you have to actually ditch the bishop push on one of the pawns this is what we see played Jeffrey makes the queen now we get get check you know you could pick up this Pawn already with the Rook but Magnus goes for this one here now picks up the pawn and we get this fascinating position where you've got Knight rook and pawn against the queen so it's technically level material here now how does the game go well Queen A7 pins that Rook we get King D3 unpinning Queen A1 good defensive stuff so far from Jeffrey but it is very tough for him you know the king's actually relatively safe he's Z one's in a poor position Magnus now starts hopping setting up threats and it's so difficult low on time two seconds to keep finding the right checks but Jeffrey doing a great job so far checks from A3 Rook B3 covers now no time to take the pawn you know you walk into literally a mate in one huge problems with the king so Queen A6 check played now the Knight blocks we get Queen A2 The Rook hits the queen slides F4 now from Magnus and it's great use of these extra pawns again looking to box in this white king we get Queen D1 check has Magnus just blundered because after Knight D2 now you can go check and this Pawn's about to drop well in this position there is one winning move but it's so tough to spot Magnus goes King D4 but King C3 was actually a better move because after the pawn drops there's this amazing resource of Pawn F3 here which which isn't available if the king's on D4 and the idea is you box in this white king you threaten mate and it's just unavoidable you know how to stop it um oh sorry now you step with King once this Pawn takes you know you were threatening the mate otherwise but when the pawn takes step with the King cover the square and again the queen just can't get round to stop what to do have to give you Queen this is a one end game awesome line that the computer finds okay after King D4 Queen takes the line not available instead Magnus now goes for Knight E4 Queen D1 back to A1 apparently the best defensive try but the second Pawn is taken this allows Magnus to start harassing that Queen the King still pinned in you cannot take here or else the end game is lost after the king takes here so Queen G4 played we get King takes on D5 H5 liquidates another pair of Pawns King D4 Marching In we get Queen H6 pressuring the D Pawn keeping the Knight honest F6 played to cut that Queen G4 D5 from Magnus and look at the harmony all the pieces protected Queen G6 we're not going to get too focused on the evaluation bar here it's bouncing around up and down long story short White's defensive task so hard almost impossible low on time we get King E3 now Queen H6 check Rook F4 Queen H3 check the Rook blocks another check Knight G5 Queen G6 played and after D4 now Queen C2 or B1 the best defensive moves apparently but King D1 played and the evaluation bar plummets because D3 shuts the trap on the king mate is threatened and there's no decent checks you can do this but then Knight E4 what to do there's nothing possible on this diagonal so we get King C1 trying to run away but now Rook f one check King B2 Pawn D2 and we see resignation you can't stop the pawn going through without giving up the queen again the checks here they're just fruitless you block with the night where to go from here just an awesome exciting game between these two guys and it was a huge battle for first place as you can see on screen I hope you enjoyed that one do subscribe to never miss a future video and see another epic game of chess check out the video on screen thanks very much for watching and see you soon
Channel: Epic Chess
Views: 134,628
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: epic chess, chess, epic, chess analysis, chess game, learn chess, win at chess, chess analyzed, chess teacher, positional chess, Carlsen's Chess Is Mesmerizing Right Now, Magnus Carlsen, Carlsen, Magnus, carlsen, magnus, magnus carlsen, carlsen chess, chess carlsen, magnus carlsen chess, Magnus Chess, Carlrsen Chess, Carlsen Chess, magnus chess game, magnus carlsen chess game, chess game carlsen, chess magnus
Id: 7MoSlYct3XQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 0sec (840 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 06 2023
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