Carla's One Skillet Pasta with Crispy Bits

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hello my rods and strands it's Carla and I'm here again in my kitchen for what you all seem to want the most pasta today I am making one Skillet pasta with Crispy bits one pot pastas one Skillet pasta one PE PE as we like to say around here this is where you actually cook the pasta directly in the sauce there's no pot of boiling water it's been around for a while and I've been a total skeptic of the tech technique since the jump because I just didn't believe in it that is until I got curious and made it myself and now of course I made a great version that I really love so I'm totally converted and I would like to convert you what's going to happen is I'm going to make a beautiful concentrated sauce with caramelized onion and garlic load that up with tomato paste and red peppers we've got browned yummy shitake and then the noodles go right into a brothy sauce from that base it takes 10 minutes and the sauce will totally Infuse the inside of the noodle while it Cooks stick it under the broiler crispy bits this is what's happening next this episode is sponsored by better help mental health is very important to me and I myself have been in therapy for many years the fact that neither one of my books was dedicated to my therapist is a gross oversight it did take me a bit to find the right therapist for me and I know that that can be a reason why a lot of people find starting therapy really hard or overwhelming I personally cycled through a few people before I found the perfect match for me better help connects you to a licensed therapist out of 30,000 in their Network that person is trained to listen to you and give you helpful advice you can have your sessions through phone video chat or messaging whatever you're most comfortable with and whatever is most convenient for you to start out you'll fill out a questionnaire that helps better help get a sense of your specific needs and in almost all cases they will connect you to a licensed therapist within 48 hours if the therapist you're first matched with doesn't feel like the right fit you can switch to a new one with no stress no additional costs they want you to end up with the person who is the best person for you if you think you might benefit from therapy click the link in the description us my link will help support my channel and it will give you 10% off your first month with better help normally when I'm going to make a pasta the first thing I do is put a big pot of water on to boil and while that's coming up I would do like any prep that needs to happen we're not going to boil the pasta in a big pot of boiling water this goes a little bit more like a stir fry than it does a classic pasta preparation I've got a kettle of water in this case and I'm going to add four cups here this is going to end up being the amount of liquid that's needed to be there for the noodles to cook into I'm going to start the sauce just like it would start any sauce by cooking out the aromatics and flavoring them and then the liquid goes in and then the pasta goes into that if you have a homemade stock at home pull it out of the freezer use a quart of it for this but for just a regular old week night I really do use and love better than bullion and I'm going to dissolve this right into the water and then this is just hanging out while I prep the rest of the veggies I'm just packing as much flavor as I can because this cooks for about 10 minutes so we want pay off when I was working on the development for this recipe I just really had it in my head that it was going to have red peppers I was looking for that sweetness I don't know know I was just feeling very pepper andini in my core it's really hard to find a sweet red pepper puree there's lots of red pepper paste on the market but most of them are spicy I wanted a quantity that was going to help and give body to the sauce but I didn't want a ton of spice and then I looked in the refrigerator and I saw that I had a jar of prepared roasted Peppers which is exactly what I would be looking for in the puree so make your own puree these are going into my mini chopper if you have a hand blender you can do it that way you can do it in a small food processor but basically just want to get this down to a puree so it takes 4 seconds and now I have a nice and Luscious pepper puree foundation so I can set this aside as well I've also got 8 oz of shitake mushrooms these ones are the baby shitaki I developed with regular size chakis you can use whatever some of these are so Bambino that I'm not really going to mess around but I do like having some amount of cut area or exposed area just for Browning normally on a larger shitake I would pull out the stems and save those for stock but these are just incredibly like tender and Tiny and I don't even think that I need to there's no woodiness or toughness to them at all I've also got an onion and a few cloves of garlic but I don't feel like you got need to watch me do that so it is time to One PP yeah you know me choose a pot that is big enough to hold all of your noodles that also has a lid a 12in skillet would totally 100% work because for this recipe I decided to go with 8 oz of pasta people are always asking for dinner for two 8 oz of pasta for me is dinner for one with like a small jar left over for cold pasta breakfast tomorrow but it is going to use half a pound of pasta if you want to scale it up I would use a dutch oven instead of something more Skillet this is my extra virgin olive oil and this pots over medium heat I have seen some versions of a one pot pasta or one Skillet pasta where you literally make like a saucy concoction and put the pasta in from the very beginning and just simmer it and that's that I would like to engage in 8 minutes of flavor development at the front so that the pasta is actually going into a sauce that is already delicious looking beautiful we don't want to burn the garlic and they're in here together so I'm going to season and then cover this pot for a couple of minutes I think I'm in my covered pot era is what we're realizing around here I'm leaning into steam I really really spent a lot of years of my life not really thinking that highly of steam and that's because steam in my head is a fat-free cooking method but it doesn't have to be because we have delicious things with olive oil there's plenty of fat in this pan and now when I cover it what's going to happen is it's going to be a very hot but a very forgiving and a very humid environment just takes a couple of minutes you can see all the Glorious steam so what I'm looking for here as I uncover the pot is just to start to see some light golden Browning at the edges so this is going to take a few more minutes just keep an eye on it still over medium heat stirring once in a while and we're looking for that beautiful cutting board Brown that that brown paper bag color to appear on the onions these look really beautiful they smell sweet they're starting to have that like frizzled look around the edges where they're crisping up don't take it too far you really don't want your garlic to burn so now mushrooms are joining because the onion liquid has kind of evaporated and because as mentioned mushrooms are thirsty I'm adding a couple more tablespoons of oil and this is really because we want the mushrooms to cook and not to char and we don't want to burn anybody and that's why we get a little mushroom lubrication at this point so if you need to and I feel that I need to lower the heat a little bit I want to get Browning on the mushrooms I don't want to burn my onions so once again now that everybody has tossed to coat I'm going to season again because the mushrooms need to be seasoned and once again going to steam Town USA so while the mushrooms are going I've got like a big handful of Basil and I'm going to really roughly chop this and have it ready to go in at the end I think lots of fresh herbs could be nice here I think oregano would be a strong choice margam if you can get it even if you had some fennel frond anything in the aliam family like scallions or chives would also be good basil set aside I'm going to take a look at these mushrooms so I'm letting all of the liquid that accumulated drip back into the pan nothing is burning mushrooms have already displayed a lovely percentage of shrinkage love how my mushrooms look ready to go into the next kind of sauce Foundation Builders which is pepper puree from before and combining that with some tomato paste as well because the red pepper puree and the tomato paste have a lot of sweetness right especially the tomato paste which is cook down those sugars can Brown and caramelize quickly I've got a little chili flake and I'm going to cook this for a minute or two until I kind of see that like dark brown brick red mahogany color start to show up and the oil is already now dyed a beautiful sunset orange starting to see the pastes fry a little bit in the oil which means their liquid is evaporated or bullon broth is going in and you can definitely raise the heat to bring this up to a simmer I want to see the liquid simmer before I add the pasta for your noodle Choice I'm using spaghetti because I like it and I like the way it looks you can use really any shape as long as the cook time on the box is 10 to 11 minutes not more I made this with large shells and it was great I think fusili would be really fun you could do a thicker pasta but the the one thing to really be mindful of is don't choose like a fancy artisanal super bronze diecut rough textured pasta those are fantastic for lots of things but in this preparation they take too long to cook and they release too much starch and the sauce will get kind of stodgy and weird okay so now everything is that a simmer I'm lowering the heat I want like a steady rapid simmer that isn't boiling the goal is for the sauce to reduce to be like coaty and thick and perfect around the noodle in the time it takes for the spaghetti to be cooked through these should take 10 minutes but we're going to set a timer for eight and let this cook stirring occasionally and then they're done everything is happening exactly as it should my sauce is reduced my noodles are tangling up they're looking gorgeous they're taking on the color I want to do a little noodle check M I'm just going to taste the sauce also for seasoning it's delicious it does not need salt these are fantastic I'm going to finish off with some famous blender parm and the basil and you could absolutely serve it as is straight out of the pan at this point I myself am really obsessed with the the idea of getting some of the edges of the spaghetti crispy and brown so at this point I'm going to put it under the broiler for like 3 or 4 minutes every Broiler is different but just long enough to kind of see that top Edge get a little dried out and some of the spaghetti that is sticking up over the top of the sauce start to caramelize and brown and it's just another fun texture scrape down the edge when you're going under the broiler because whatever is closest to the heat could burn and that would not look pretty so just scrape down the edges and then I'm also going to put a little bit more parm on top cuz the parm is also going to kind of caramelize and brown so just a little bit and from here I'm going straight under the broiler this doesn't always happen on set because when we're shooting all kinds of things could happen but this version of this is the most happy with it I've ever been it got the most browned and even got some crisping so I'm very happy with my crispy bits so to finish it off a little extra drizzle Dazzle of olive oil and a little extra parm you can also pass more parm at the table so I'm going to swirl everything around we have that like caramelized top with the crispy bits and all of this like delicious sauciness with the mushrooms underneath so getting a good portion with everything actually I'm going to use a spoon because my mushrooms were those little round guys they don't like tangle up the way slices of a larger mushroom would and no mushroom left behind so that is it that is my one Skillet pasta with Crispy bits Saucy bits shroomy bits peppery tomatoey garlicky oniony bits so as usual narcissism won by making it myself and deciding it was delicious I converted myself did I convert you are you already a one Skillet pasta believer drop a skillet in the comments so we know exactly what you're made of and I'm taking my first bite M because it Cooks in a concentrated flavor balm it absorbs all of the flavor into the center every single Iota and molecule of this dish is infused with the same flavors and it is so good get out of here [Laughter] great
Channel: Carla Lalli Music
Views: 116,866
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: carla, carla lalli, carla lalli music, carla music, one pot pasta, one skillet pasta, carla ba, carla lalli ba, carla lalli music ba, carla bon appetit, carla lalli bon appetit, carla lalli music bon appetit, carla pasta, carla lalli pasta, carla lalli music pasta, carla pasta recipe, carla lalli pasta recipe, carla lalli music pasta recipe, mushroom pasta, skillet pasta, carla lalli music one skillet pasta
Id: gWipuXKTYkw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 37sec (937 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 08 2023
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