Carla Hall's Crispy Beef with Carrots and Snow Peas | Worst Cooks in America | Food Network

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today we're going to be making crispy beef with carrots and snow peas [Music] let's cut some meat this is a skirt steak now imagine if you had to cut this whole steak across the grain it would look like spaghetti so what you're gonna do you're gonna take four inches and you're gonna cut it like that and that's probably just about enough if you were to cut this meat going with the grain that would be really chewy when you cut it against the grain you're actually making that meat tender because now you've cut those threads i'm just gonna drop the meat into our bowl i'm gonna continue that really thin i'm gonna marinate the meat two tablespoons of soy sauce this is salty you know how i'm always talking about salt or compliments too many compliments is an insult if i'm like oh my teak i like your hat i mean dude i love you having that hat y'all salt is like confidence you need to know how to use it you need to know when to stop this meat is now marinating we're now going to make our rice [Music] rice easy to remember two parts water one part rice so we're gonna put our rice in and put our water in while we are waiting for that to come to a boil we're now gonna start cutting our vegetables so let's start with our carrots cut it in half lengthwise now what i'm going to do is cut on the bias when you think about some of the asian dishes you know how they have those really nice cuts this one bias all it means is at an angle up we see we're coming to a boil we see steam stain means boiling so what we're gonna do is turn this to a simmer to low we're gonna put the lid on you have to be aware of time but what we're looking for when we open that lid is that we don't see the water all right so we have our carrots now we're gonna do our snow peas so you see the peas there you see straight through they see those little peas so you take this end and then i pull it it's a little zipper we are unzipping the bean we kind of want it the same size of our carrots so now just cutting them in half like that on the bias when you do a stir fry everything has to be ready before you start cooking i'm going to go ahead and cut my scallions again on the bias and we're going to cut them really thin once you get everything cut everything is in piles and everything is set for you [Music] all right we need three garlic cloves so if you have a really big clove and i said three look at that one maybe you only need one the average garlic clove may be like this it's almost three times the size on the top you'll see like the root end cut that off now if you've tapped your knife to the back of it the skin comes off now to fill our ginger i'm going to grab a spoon and then you just scrape it and only the skin comes off so you see how that got cleaned like so easy all right now we're going to make our sauce so two tablespoons soy sauce mirin two tablespoons and then we have red wine vinegar a pinch of chili flakes now i'm gonna put in my garlic your ginger when you're thinking about it you're like oh let me take the ginger and do like this and go down like a knob of butter just like the meat you can see if you look at the ginger the grain is going this way it's better if you go on the side against the grain all right everything is in there so i have my sauce the vegetables our rice i'm gonna turn it off the rice can just sit there i have my beef that has been marinated now we're ready to cook i'm gonna do a cup of oil as this is heating up slowly we're gonna put a half a cup of cornstarch and now i'm gonna season it with salt and pepper we're gonna mix this up taking your beef it goes into the cornstarch make sure that it is all coated put the meat into the strainer to knock off excess corn starch put it onto our sheet pan to test your oil to see if it's hot enough take one piece of your meat and see if it's actually cooking and sizzling do you see that oh no look at that it's starting to sizzle put in our meats slowly don't drop it just half the of the meat you hear it cooking now you don't touch it it's gonna crisp up and then we're gonna turn it over it's about three to four minutes just remember it's crispy beef if you take it out and it's not crispy you're like oh i have not fulfilled the brief and you see that brown so turn those over look at that crispy that's what we're looking for boom boom boom let's take these out put them on our mountains of paper towels three to four minutes once these have strained you can move them over you can even hear them you hear that all shucks if your pan gets too hot feel free to lower it this next batch is cooking up really quickly i'm gonna turn off my heat and these are ready take this oil carefully trash it we don't need this oil anymore [Music] i'm going to take a tablespoon of this cornstarch from our beef and that's going to go into that soy sauce mixture mixing this all right here now this is heating up i'm going to add some oil we're going to go in with our carrots first because they're harder now i'm going to add a little bit of salt and when you're salting you go up high because the salt spreads the carrots have a little bit of char on them all right that looks good i'm gonna now add in my snow peas these don't take long to cook here's our sauce stir it one more time before you put in the pan if something gets thick you can always add water we need enough sauce in here so that we can coat our meat so now our meat goes in once the sauce is thick you can actually move it with the spatula and can make a trail in your pan it is thick enough this is done ready to plate oh the take out okay that's the cutest thing ever sorry i got really excited you got excited i was like it's so cute now with our rice i'm taking a fork and going like this just to fluff it up we have our mound of rice and voila what did i miss what did i forget to do taste it ah come on you
Channel: Food Network
Views: 216,045
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: food, cooking, recipe, how-to, how to make, tutorial, cook, chef, fn, directions, ingredients, eat, recipes, easy recipes, easy recipe, food network recipes, best, simple, quick, worst cooks in america, worst cooks, worst chefs, cooking advice, cooking mistakes, anne burrell, Alex Guarnaschelli, kitchen fails, kitchen disasters, tyler florence, bobby flay, alton brown, cooking fails, food network, carla hall, stir fry, beef, crispy beef, snow peas, carrots, rice, extra helping, carla
Id: G4pI-eyBTH4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 58sec (418 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 02 2021
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