Alton Brown Makes Veggie Steamed Dumplings | Worst Cooks in America | Food Network

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hello blue people hello hello you're going to be making dumplings today and i'm going to be focusing on two different types of fillings [Music] so the very very first thing i'm going to do is i'm going to press my tofu tofu has quite a bit of water in it so i'm actually going to slice it and then i'm going to literally wrap it a piece at a time wrap all of this more this is flat and this is heavy i'm gonna leave that there for 20 minutes so i think i'm ready to start assembling things now you'll notice that i've got little pieces of post-it paper on some things that's to let me know that that ingredient's going to go into two places usually i will absolutely sacrifice these two ends reach in and pull out the entire seed set if you can i'm going to cut that in half what i really hate is this membrane that vexes me sorely so what i'm going to do i lay it down my knife is literally parallel to the board and i'm going to barely shave off this membrane while i unroll the piece of pepper so now i can cut it this way then all we have to do is come across this is going to give me enough red pepper for both recipes for a filling like this you're going to want to do a slightly finer cut and i'm actually going to break them up in individual rings so that they'll be easier to deal with i've got my ground pork standing by i've got my scallions my red bell peppers now i know that i can combine those two things so i'm going to go ahead and do that i'm basically making a meatloaf here there's meat and vegetables and then sauce i don't have any reason not to just put the sauces right in here except for one thing anytime there's an egg holding a filling together i rather mix all of the liquids in with it first i don't want to overwork this pork if i don't have to so i'm not gonna just work all this with my hands i'm gonna mix this separately and then combine it one egg mustard and ketchup these are not authentic ladies and gentlemen they are however pretty gosh darn tasty gotta have some sweet gotta have some hot gotta have some sour and so i'm always adding a little bit of sugar and there's always gonna be salt always this is worcestershire sauce likes to sing leave it doesn't like to play back up so be careful about the amount i'm gonna mix this up leo your food yesterday was absolutely inedible come help let's show them get that mixed up i'm gonna go ahead and mix the uh vegetable you know what never send a fork to do what your hands can do get that completely worked in now this point that dish is done let us move on now this next one is going to be your steamed dumpling the first one is a pot sticker i'm just going to cut my tofu down at into very very small squares napa cabbage what i'm going to do is i'm going to basically cut this orbitally i'm kind of cutting it at an angle in the top and then coming around to this angle and then that's fine enough for me to call it grated when you're dealing with ginger lay that down take your ginger and notice i've got this thing pressed right down on the uh on the parchment i'm gonna guess that i'm gonna be able to get two teaspoons out of that what do you think yeah yes i think that's exactly two teaspoons exactly two teaspoons one you were right leo's exactly exactly two well done lad all right so as we continue on the filling i know that i'm gonna have my liquids in here my egg's going i can put that right in the ginger i treat the ginger as a wet ingredient i've got a tablespoon of soy hoisin sauce sesame oil kosher salt a little bit of black pepper chopping up herbs like this what i tend to do is i try to make it into the smallest little tightest bundle and then i can quickly then i'll just go through it very quickly because i want that relatively fine hey look this is another sauce you can mix up excellent my tofu half a cup of carrot last thing i'm going to do before i put that in squeeze it i'm going to want all that moisture in there here's my carrot a napa cabbage 2 tablespoons of our red bell pepper whatever was left of the scallions cilantro now go ahead and get in there and mix that up how does that feel okay it feels wonderful okay go wash your hands nice job thank you so now i'm looking at my final recipe which is for my dipping sauce i'm starting with half a cup of soy now you've heard me talk about the balance you always want some salt you always want acidity you always want some heat the next thing i'm going to add is garlic yes there are a lot of different ways to get the paper off of garlic i tend to just rub it between my hands until everything's loose i'm keeping this flat then just straight into the jar two teaspoons of sugar and then i like my dipping sauce to have a little bit of fat added into them but just shake this up for a little and there's my dipping sauce i have given you the fillings for not one but two different types of dumplings all that you have to do at this point is to learn how to make and cook the actual dumplings i think that we would all be better served by calling in an expert so i'm going to show you how to fold and cook dumplings these pot stickers today is going to be really fun we have a house-made dough you want to pull it and make a log out of it and then you want your nuggets each nugget you want to put it under a little bit of plastic because they do dry out quick you're gonna take this nugget and then you're just going to make it into a ball after it becomes a ball just put it on your board then that's when you can put a little bit of flour on the board put a little flour in your hand press down and flour the rolling pin flatten it then you'll turn your skin over and you'll do the same thing now you're going to make the edges thin so now you put a little bit of filling you know you probably would want to start with a little less than more press down you're just folding it over like a taco pinch the end then you're going to bring a pleat up you have all your pleats press down on the dumpling and that's what you get vegetable dumplings the pre-made skins are the best for this wrapper you want to put a little bit of water around the perimeter of the dumpling you want to be mindful of the amount of filling you put into the dumpling falling over and if you just push down on both sides of the dumpling press down further to pretty much feel the pillow of the filling in so these are your vegetable dumplings right here so now we're going to show you how to cook some of these make sure that there's a little bit of oil on this paper and then you will put your vegetable dumpling into the steamer these dumplings usually will take about six to seven minutes to cook pot stickers you want to get your pan hot a little bit of oil you can just get a little bit of the oil under that skin you want to add the water to the side of the pan not over the dumplings you want to add enough so it comes up to about a quarter up the side of the dumpling and then you're going to cover it check it out what you'll see is the remaining water has these big bubbles you want all that heat to kind of start developing the crust now all it takes to produce a great dumpling is just a little bit of patience and get that nice brown crispy crunchy bun vegetable dumplings right here you're gonna make sure that it's firm [Music] and so there you go so what'd you guys think
Channel: Food Network
Views: 241,493
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: alton brown, alton brown videos, best, chef, chinese, chinese food, chinese recipes, cook, cooking, cooking advice, cooking mistakes, directions, dumpling recipe, dumplings, easy recipe, easy recipes, eat, fn, food, food network, food network recipes, good eats, good eats videos, how to, how to make, how to make dumplings, how-to, ingredients, quick, recipe, recipes, simple, soy saucefood network, tutorial, vegetables, vegetarian, veggie, wonton, worst chefs, worst cooks, worst cooks in america
Id: wUIzvF6rbqQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 50sec (470 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 10 2020
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