Carl-Einar Häckner-comedy magician from Sweden

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[Applause] this man is incredibly vegan Sweden [Applause] good evening good evening ladies and yes ma'am my name is Carmen I am near magna and I come from Sweden but but I live in IKEA my parents put me together with an allen key and I love magic yes also I would like to show you something really special now it's this one here this is a magic beginning of course cassette tape for beginners everybody can learn how to do magic in your own home with this that type it's really good I bought it in a flea market in London many years ago you can learn I will play it in a very old cassette recorder from Sweden from my childhood I was young this is really good if you want to learn how to dramatically in your own home magic begin the course cassettes [Music] hello fellow magicians welcome to the world of Acme magic your professional mail-order magic company 100% genuine this lesson is the mystery of the vanishing bandana for this mystery you will need two props one is a square of darkly colored fabric and a yellow bandana pick up the bandana now fold the bandana in half that's right fold it in half now fold it one more time take the folded bandana and hide it in your left hand remember to keep your hand in the natural position this is called palming now that you have mastered palming we're ready to begin open up the folded bandana show the audience it is a regular bandana by waving it up and down if an audience member does not believe it is a real bandana allow him to wipe his face on it now pick up the dark square fabric and gather the four corners together making a little makeshift bag using your free hand fold the bandana along the creases you made earlier and drop it into the folds of the fabric makeshift bag from the outside of the makeshift bag squeeze the bandana into a small little ball what the audience didn't see is that you never really put the bandana in the fabric at all you really kept it hidden in your left hand remember palming again remember to keep your left hand held naturally now make a magical gesture for the grand finish fling open the fabric and receive your well-deserved applause coming up next
Channel: Carl-Einar Häckner
Views: 4,246,767
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Comedy (Theater Genre), Funny, Banana
Id: _RSkt8fcvrg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 23sec (263 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 12 2015
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