Carl-Einar Häckner Swedish Meatballs med Lingon - del 1 English subtiltles

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To be a smartass is the worst thing you can be. Someone who allways think they are right.You have to be able to give from yourself a little. THats a little bit of my mesage hear today. Should not always be right. Is not always right. Can not always be right. It's ridiculous. Like me and my girlfriend. We was going to eat pizza. She sais. "Yes i have a pizza." Just wait …it will come. "I want a pizza Capricciosa…" "Oh good!" I said.” Just wait. It will come .. "You will have a pizza Capricciosa? " " Yeees!" She says. Unaware of how wrong she is. And how wrong she will say. "Yes. Capricciosa. Its the one with Parma ham, mozzarellacheese and Rocet salad." No! It is not. HA. There is no mozzarella on it. Capricciosa is ham,tomato,cheese mushrooms. You know that if you ever been to Italy. There is no exception. Its a rule with that name. Capricciosa is Capricciosa. Vesuvio is Vesuvio. Maregerita is Margerita. Calzone is Calsone. Then maybe there is in Falköping or Mariestad. There. Maybe there is. A pizza with kebab sauce or bernaise. Or a Pizza from Gårdsten with everything on it. What do I do? I say. Are you sure you like that? Conductive in a direction. Because i want herself to have the chance. To realize. And find out. How wrong she is. I know she would never eat a Capricciosa because she dont eat normal cheese. Mozarella is okej. But not normal cheese. And mushrooms is not possible at all. "No i want Capricciosa. The one with ham, mozzarella and rocket salad. It stabs. I dont get angry, upset or irritated. Or tell her that any idiot... Damm well knows. It's no roketsallad on a Capricciosa. And it is a gigantic misunderstanding to say so. It´s an impossible thought. No. I sit quietly and go along. Dont be a smartass. I say…nothing. Instead. I take the menu. And give it to her. Then she can see for her self. She will discover. Not get angry, pissed off, or in a bad mood. Or lose her face because she did not knew it. If she play her cards right she can pretend like nothing happened….I give that. I give that. All i want to have…is a happy girl in front of me. I Dont want to win this. It's a diffrent thing if we play chess. It is a totally different matter. It's a completely different mindset. Then it's a competition.Its serious Then it's war.Then it's real. This thing about playing worse than you can. That does not work. It would be like a placed match in footall. This ide of take away the two rooks and two bishops, and the queen, one knight. And eight pawns Beacause you want it to be even. Does not work in a relation. Then you might just as end the relationship. "Here is the menu"..…….. "Thanks." Look at the pizzas. Capricciosa.. Is fourth from top on the left side." "No, I know what i want to have. " " But but but but look at the pizzas. There are other good ones to. There is one further down that is called Pizza Parma.” "No! Thats the one with, ham, tomato cheese and mushrooms… "Carl-Einar You know I dont like normal cheese.” ”No!” I don't like normal cheese. "No! " ”Mozarella cheese is okej.” ”Yes!” ”But not normalchesse.” ”No!” ”And mushrooms is not at all possible.” ”No!” "But Carl-Einar. Stop be such a smartass all the time. Telling me what i like to eat and not eat." ” .” Thats when i silently order a pizza Parma. Without that she hear it. Then when the pizzas arrive. I pretended like nothing. When she says. "What did I tell you.” I guess… I love her. That's probably why i act like that.. But that's also why…. You dont want to lose when you play jazzy. Or Ludo, or Monopoly, or New Finance, Or Cricket... Or Crocket… Or fotball... Or hockey... Or thajkwondo... Beacause there you have rules. Dadam da woman da dam dam dam I am together with a silhouette Cut diagonally perfect since we met. She´s my silouette. See you just sometimes when I sleep in port. Home with myself in my fort. in our arms far from the worlds alarms arms in your arms. Dam da dam da dam da dam dam dam Dadam da woman da dam dam dam My silhouette and i, an open window, thats all The shades are so beautiful on my wall when you flutter by but why Can not see you be. Even though you sleep next to me. Undressed since the first day we met You are my sillouette. Just need me and a lamp and a glow on my wall. it's you and me. In dreams that call. Dam da dam da dam da dam dam dam Yes a tribute solitude apartment attitude. To yourself to us, we are many.. who are lonely and we like it We love to be ourself with our issues with our silouttes and paper tissues Dam da dam da dam da dam dam dam... dam
Channel: Carl-Einar Häckner
Views: 362,392
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Carl, Einar, Häckner, Carl-Einar, komedi, teater, visor, humor, trollstav, Hokkopokko
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 28sec (748 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 15 2013
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