Caring for long salt and pepper hair

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hey guys crystal here from elite haircare usa so today we have my client who is she came in for a silk press um this is her first time sitting in my chair she's actually a part of the youtube family so now she gets to watch her own video later on um as you guys can tell she has a beautiful head of salt and pepper um she's also so natural the crazy part is her hair is extremely soft but the texture is considered to be coarse i know that sounds crazy but that is really how it works so if i zoom in i'm going to zoom in really close if you notice you can actually count the strands of hair per square inch of the head that is how you determine if you're fine medium or coarse it doesn't necessarily have to feel coarse because her hair is actually really soft right but most people be like oh my gosh i have that african kunta kinta hair and it's really really cool not knowing that coarse hair is actually judged by the size of the follicle and not by the actual feel of the hair okay let's put that out there because it's kind of like we don't really know but now that you know you do better say something all right so you can go ahead and i think that's my notification let's see all right so she's actually going to moderate for me oh wow look at my hair she's going to read the comments for me so you guys can comment now okay so you just have to turn your volume all the way down okay and then what we're going to do is going to go ahead and blow her out um just some background of what we've done today um we use our african goddess collection on her hair which is our newest collection and we use the shampoo and i actually mixed it i did the shampoo actually i did the herbal clarifying shampoo first then i did the african goddess shampoo and i actually used the moisture elt conditioner on her hair instead of the deep conditioner from the african goddess collection and then to finish her off i sprayed her down with the african goddess leave-in conditioning spray so now we are at the blow-dry phase where we're going to blow her out and silk her out and we'll also talk a little bit about hair care for salt and pepper hair whether you be natural or relaxed it's a little bit different because salt and pepper gray hair white hair they all require something different based on the client's head and in her case she has two different textures but they're intertwined because they're two different colors so the darker color is going to be a lot easier to manage whereas the pepper or the the pepper the salt is going to be more coarse so typically the biggest complaint is my hair feels wiry you can you can see it it sticks out and it's usually not the pepper that sticks out it's the salt salt meaning the white part of the hair or the gray hair so you guys will get to see how i manage salt and pepper hair and we'll talk a little bit in between about how you can manage it at home as well so i'm going to go ahead and blow her out i'm going to use a portion of the blow dryer is going to be the tension method and then we will blow it out to kind of straighten it a little bit before we do the surprise [Music] so you guys took forward for me just a little bit i'm gonna have you guys safe you can sit back and just tilt your head forward i'm gonna have you guys save your questions until after the blow dry [Music] so so we're not blow drying her to straighten her we are using the blow dryer of course to start the straightening process to make us work a little bit smarter and not harder but you never want to use your blow dryer to actually make the hair bone straight it does way more damage than the iron will [Music] so [Music] i'm gonna touch you guys down just a little bit so you can see the length that i am seeing like of course she had color before and you decided to grow it out right yeah it's been about uh march would be two years two years okay so this is a good lesson really really quickly i want you guys to see something when you color your hair just because you don't see it or maybe you might cover it does not mean that it doesn't exist this is the easiest way to see what color does and that no matter how long ago you did it until it grows out and you cut it off it is still there that was the perfect example i'm so glad you as an example because you get to see it in its raw form you see that this two-year-old color still lives there so until the day comes where she more than likely has to cut it off that hair color is gonna stay no matter if you color it cover it it's still there i'm not saying it's a bad thing but i just wanted you guys to see the process of color and that it this it doesn't just go away because you covered over it but it's the impression of the boundary but she got two colors and it's gonna be cute [Music] all right so we have one more section and then we'll start the soaking and talk a little bit about the hair care [Music] portion [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] all right so we are done with the blow dry process you can sit all the way up for me okay straighten the chair and get that back cool so nice head of hair you guys very nice all right so we're going to go ahead and apply our heat protectant which is also going to be our shine serum which is our first tamer and shine serum just because she has this great density of hair does not mean we're going to use a ton of product i'm going to put that much on her hair okay a little goes a long way how you distribute the product is going to determine your outcome as well if you use too much it will make the hair heavy just because you see a great density of hair does not mean you're going to use a ton of product all the time and even though i'm distributing it i still have product on my hands so then i like to grab the hair and run my hands through the ends because the ends is typically where the majority of the damage happens so we want to make sure that we protect that area if you see any questions about you can answer okay i won't see any questions everyone's saying how out of here nice yep all right so we applied our serum to it forward for me with your head yep so what we're going to do is go ahead and start the silk out process i guess i'll bring you guys in a little bit closer so you can actually see this part of the process right all right now even though she does have a great density of hair you got an extra hair she she's sports textured she's coarse but her hair is soft so that she'll tell you that just because somebody says that their hair is coarse coarse doesn't actually mean how hard or soft it is it means how big or how wide the actual strand is i can count each strand of hair that's how i know that is cord section okay um why do hair grow so fast we went so fast couldn't read that one yes you can swipe back look i can use my oh there you go um why do my hair grow so fast and so long all i do is wash my hair and crawl but call me back okay um if it's like a if it's a question oh is he getting a trim today yes so here's how we're gonna do it if it's a question regarding what we're doing then you can access it okay we're not going to really be doing q a you guys this is more dedicated towards this video if you guys remember i said i'm trying to stay within the scope of the videos and not be all over the place so if the question has anything to do with what we're doing today or a salt and pepper hair care question and not a specific to yourself question then we will answer those so her press just because she has a lot of hair you're going to notice how fast this press is going to be and i want you guys to take note of how shiny her hair is after we apply some heat to it now when it comes on to salt and pepper hair gray hair in its entirety is actually one of the more coarse textured hair types and it is also one of the more difficult hair types to deal with why because you have two different hair types mixed into one you have salt and you have pepper the pepper is going to be a lot easier to work with the salt is going to be a lot harder to work with because it wants to do whatever it wants to do and there's some there's really nothing you can do to change that dynamic you just have to know how to manipulate that hair to do what you need it to do so if you guys notice when i silk i maintain tension on the hair from root all the way to end because i know that salt and pepper hair gray hair it needs tension it needs something that is going to create that hold and close that cuticle really really good and seal it up so that it will actually stay um or be let me say a word not so frizzy salt and pepper hair also is the frizziest hair this avita wants to know what color can she use to cover her gray um if she wanted to cover her gray then she would probably use a demi-permanent color and then of course you have to make sure that you understand color correction to know what pigment she's missing miss latasha says she's eight percent gray how to soften her hair there's really not a way to soften more say you can texturize it and that will kind of open the cuticle up slightly but there's no such thing as softening your hair texture you can do it through chemical but that's the only other route sean talia says what serum did you use on her hair so i put the frizz tamer and shine serum on her that's going to serve as my heat protectant and also my shining my shiner or my glossifier but the main purpose is to add heat protection to the hair and to keep it protected from the external elements so i want you guys to see you see this right here natural still natural but straight the only difference lisa wants to know if she does then my permanent dye will it stain the white hair in a strange way even though the direction says it will wash out after a while so that is a professional only kind of question as you guys know i don't talk a lot about color and services that i don't recommend you doing at home um so that particular question i would say you want to talk to either a stylist or you'd contact the company that made that color but i'm not going to go too much into hair coloring because that's not something that i recommend be done at home what's the best purple shampoo to use uh i don't actually have a violet based shampoo but i am a pravana educator so violet-based shampoos um pravana fanola they have no yellow pravana has perfect blonde i'm not a shimmering lights person i think it's just disgusting um but there's so many other companies out there but fanola and pravana are the only two that i've ever used i guess uh can she also use a violet shampoo to cancel out yellow tones or is it recommended only for fully white hair no you'd use a violet shampoo on gray or white gray also gets that yellowy orangey brassy tinge and that's when you want to make sure that you're using a color correcting shampoo such as a violet based shampoo and it's going to make that that silver look more pearly than dull this visa says uh what kind of treatment do you recommend on very salt uh very dry salt and for purple hair i would use our moisture elt shampoo and conditioner system or you can also use the african goddess shampoo and conditioner system the african goddess has a deep conditioner instead of just a standard conditioner and you pair that with our hydration machine on either side you're going to see a heck of a difference in the hair but keep in mind guys those are not permanent fixes that is a con like a consistent thing you have to do that on a consistent basis this priscilla likes to know would you use grease in here if so what kind um i do oil the scalp from time to time um i would use our hair repair and growth balm that balm is an actual scalp oil and it's very lightweight so it's not going to make the hair heavy and it smells like lemons what shampoo and conditioner for alopecia and tension on the hair on the hair that's more like a hair care q a kind of question um i guess i can i'll go ahead and answer it just because um for an alopecia client i use our hair repair and growth shampoo and conditioner as well as our goddess super regrowth serum or the hair repair serum okay uh someone wants to know where your salon is at because their hair is salt and pepper as well i am located in orlando slash apopka they're kind of the same we're like a block away from each other um florida so i'm booked all the way through the end of january i've been booked that way since november i think or october um but the february and march books open december 15th so i know you guys see how this hair is like butter it is like silk and i have only used my products and some fruit saber and shine serum i have put nothing else on her hair nothing miss antoinette wants to know is this african goddess line above your moisture elite no they are two totally different lines for low porosity 4c hair so there are two totally different lines that do two totally different things the african goddess collection is going to be the line for your strength and re revitalizing observer i was gonna say revivalization and revitalizing the actual hair moisture elt is exactly what it says it is for moisturizing that hair so that is two different things in its entirety one is for strength the other is for moisture if you guys have ever watched any of my videos you hear me always tell you to alternate strength and moisture wash days so you're not going to always just moisturize you have to also strengthen the hair as well okay [Music] jerry wants to know what can i do to correct my gray hair from turning brown when i apply heat so that comes with the territory unfortunately because you're applying something that's really really hot onto something that is um white or silver so it's always going to get some type of hazy color because you're introducing a foreign object to it what i would do is make sure that you put a heat protectant on there that's going to serve as one barrier on the hair if you notice her hair is not turning brown as i'm silking it okay i did put something on her hair to protect the hair for face value to ensure that we're not turning the hair a different color number two when it's time for you to shampoo your hair you want to go through and correct that color you're fine okay correct that color by using your violet based shampoos okay benny wants to know will your clarifying shampoo take out the yellow of gray hair no because it is not a violet base so how you correct color in any situation color is used to correct color so this is where when they were teaching us in school about the primary color secondary colors tertiary colors there was a reason behind that so our primary colors are red yellow and blue okay our secondary colors actually cancel out our primary colors and this is all in hair care and hair color so if you look on the color wheel directly across from yellow is violet directly across from blue is orange directly across from red is green one cancels the other so the violet cancels yellow the red cancels green the blue cancels orange reason being is let's say you decided that you were going to put a black color on her salt and pepper hair she's lacking pigment so this hair is going to end up turning green how you cancel the green you need red so all of this chemistry all this color talk goes right back into the basics of what we were taught in school they didn't teach us primary colors for nothing but someone wants to know where they can purchase your products um this job if you go to my website you'll be able to purchase any of these hair care products my website name is exactly the same name as my youtube name and it's also in the description box okay miss shannon likes to know hi crystal how often can i use your ims serum and will it add shine as well can't wait to receive it you actually get to see how to use the ims serum after i'm done doing her hair because i'm going to be using it on her hair as well so just sit tight you'll get to see yourself does it add shine is it heavy is it going to make her hair heavy is it going to make her hair wiry because adding too much product can sometimes do that as well i can't even feel my hair you can't feel it so i'm going to turn her around i want you guys to see what i see okay that hair okay nice and silky she can see her own hair now nice i like that beautiful and if you guys notice her hair is not a brown tinge now it will still have a slight color change i am using heat but it should not be brown and the tool you use is also going to depict that as well if it's one of those irons where it's just raw and cheap the plates literally sit on the hair they don't glide on the hair you're gonna have that problem as well but don't you guys worry we are working on our newest tool and you guys will get info about that later on any other questions um what is the best way to keep salt and pepper hair growing um okay so the hold on okay so the best way to keep it growing i mean it's not a way to keep it growing you just want to make sure that you are doing your best to take care of it everyone's hair is going to grow at a different rate everyone has different genes everyone's mixed with different nationalities and ethnicities and all these different things so everyone's hair growth is going to be slightly different now what you do in the meantime if you do too much to your hair your hair is going to show it it's going to show what you do too much of if you flat iron it too much it's going to be wiry and dry if you always have it braided you always cover it up it's gonna be very very dry you neglect it okay you neglected it so it's gonna fall out so really and truly you just wanna make sure that you have a regimen and you be consistent that's the most important part and simple is best if you guys notice i shampoo i'll deep condition i might hydrate i might protein hair there i'm minimal with the amount of product that i put on the hair even my product line is minimal to how much product is in the collection i don't keep a lot of products because i'm one of those people where i know simple is best this one wants to know what brand of iron and heat settings are you using the iron that i'm using right now is h2 pro and it's actually at 450. okay so we're almost done with the silk out most people because her hair was so long they still be somewhere in the back of her head i'm gonna have time for that yeah they still be way in the back so i'm gonna push you guys out just a little bit there we go then you'll be able to see a little bit better and i can move on can you tell us about winter hair care winter must be winter haircare winter haircare so winter is the most drying month this is the time of year when you definitely want to wear your hair out if you're natural your presses will last the longest because it's dry but here's the downside it's dry so this is also the time of year that you have to moisturize the most so i guess my question to you is what should i do to maintain the moisture so this is when you're going to start using your hydration treatments this is when you're going to start deep conditioning you're not gonna change how often you do it you're just gonna make make sure that you're doing it on a repetitive basis so if you shampoo your hair every two weeks every two weeks you need to be doing some sort of deep conditioning or hydrating treatment to maintain that in between you can oil your scalp here or there not every single day um you can also do what we call co-washing if you guys know i'm not a big fan of co-washing but in the winter months it's okay because you do still have to adapt to the fact that the air is so dry we don't have any humidity we don't have anything in the air other than dry cool weather which is exactly what i do because i wash my hair weekly and i condition for an hour doing housework whatever i conditioned for a long time sometimes i condition overnight and wash the next day yep now i don't recommend leaving conditioner in overnight um that really just puts buildup on the hair okay and it starts to clog the actual follicle okay so if you're going to condition no more than about 30 minutes 30 minutes and then rinse that baby out round wrap it up whatever the case may be and go to bed but i wouldn't recommend sleeping with it because that's going to create an overload okay and then you'll notice your hair is actually drier than you started [Music] what about frizzy hair i struggle a lot with frizzy hair and just don't know what to do anymore so frizzy hair is just exactly what it is i'm sure she struggles with frizzy hair just to say not because we're silking it out i can see all her flyaways right now they're here i'll actually bring it close so you guys can see what i mean you guys see these flyaways they exist it's a part of life there's nothing you can do to get rid of them you can use product like the first tamer and giant serum to tame them but it's only going to be temporary so that's just a part of the hair that's like saying oh i don't like this skin tag you're going to get rid of it and it grows back it's a part of life priscilla likes to say do you like hair mayonnaise i mean i when i was a kid it was a big thing hair mayonnaise cholesterol that kind of thing it's just another form of treatment that's all it is um how do you keep moisture and locs in severely dry skin oh i have nothing to do with the hair so we're going to save those kind of questions for the hair care q a today's questions are geared towards salt and pepper hair and managing salt and pepper hair in the cold months valerie wants to say she's appreciating you she said god bless you you give up so much valuable information no one better thank you [Music] uh antoinette says for strengthening which product is better for low porosity 4c hair your african goddess or hair repair and strengthening line which one what hair repair and growth is this that is hair repair and growth african goddess is a strength line so of course it's going to always be better for strengthening not more say growth but one doesn't they do two totally different things but they're almost in the same family they're both powered by two different two different ingredients one is black castor oil the other one is hemp seed oil okay we recommend the cheap brand flat iron for gray hair absolutely somewhat any flat iron can be good okay it doesn't matter the brand because there's brands that have horrible flat irons including the one you just mentioned there's brands that i use right now that they have flat irons i wouldn't even touch you couldn't touch me with it so it really just depends on how it works with your hair just because it's three hundred dollars doesn't mean that it's a quality product i have plenty flat irons i have a whole draw full and they're expensive irons and i feel like i could have gone to cvs and gotten a cheaper iron and still did way better that's another reason why we're working on a flat iron a stationary flat iron that we would keep in stock i just i get kind of tired of going back and forth between irons and i flat iron a lot okay all right so i'm going to soak her hairline really quickly and then we're going to go through and trim her and we'll talk a little bit about ims have you thought about coloring all silver all black hmm they want to know whether i thought about coloring all my coloring my hair all silver or black um i'm going to be quite honest people who color their hair silver it's more for a fad if your hair is naturally silver you just go on that just leave it the way it is but coloring it silver you're literally extracting so much pigment from the hair just to get that color it's not worth it this is the rawest form this is platinum in hair silver is considered platinum it is 10 levels away from black so it's very complicated to be able to get to this and be healthy versus you grow it yourself and it automatically is healthy because it grew that way all right so my girl here is nice and silky so we're going to go ahead and trim her if you guys notice i still have not put any product on her hair just yet all right so i'm gonna have you sit straight up for me sit back in the chair no well just relax it back and then tilt your head forward just like that for me so a trim for me is a trim a cut is a cut i'm not doing anything fancy here i am literally going through and giving her a light dusting of the ends and cleaning up her ends that is all people get a little too um eccentric and over the top with this portion they want to do all kinds of designs and shapes it's just a trim it's just the trim y'all if i was doing a haircut and she wanted a style absolutely in this we're not creating any layers we're not doing any of that we are literally just cleaning up the hair okay this um miss iris um she's worried about her hair she's 59 with salt and pepper hair it's been thin and she's on thyroid meds her hair continues to thin and break she knows she needs to trim and she's natural i guess she needs something some uh anything you can give her so you're kind of in a hard place because you have a thyroid issue and the thyroid does sometimes affect the hair not on everybody but some so with that being said if you have fine textured salt and pepper hair number one it kind of comes with a level of maturity that's one number two it could also be genetic so what i would say is to start some hair skin and nail vitamins because it's what you put in is what you get out make sure your levels are correct even me to this moment my levels change every year now and i'm i'm constantly monitoring my levels because i see things change over time so you want to just make sure that those levels are in check and then you also want to make sure that you are actually putting in good things before you try to get out good things so if you're not putting in good things like you're not putting in vitamins you're not taking care of your body more say especially with a thyroid issue you're not going to have a successful hair care i say it that way successful haircut and then i'd also speak to your your endocrinologist about it and let it know let them know that your thyroid is affecting your hair there are certain tests that they can run to determine if they need to change something maybe your t3s are off your t-4s are off it can be so many different things sometimes it's the medication that they give you over time it changes and it affects the hair [Music] okay miss glenda says she wear her hair to two strand twists and it's so dry what is good for dry hair i don't stop with two strand twists i know it's crazy for me to say it that way but that's what's drying it out you're dehydrating it because you're keeping something in your hair for a very long period of time and then expecting your hair to give you something back so you taught it to be nice and dry because you keep it covered up so it's dehydrated now now you have to do your hardest or work your hardest to rehydrate that hair and the only way that can happen is if you allow oxygen to really get to that hair all right so we are going to use our ims serum on her hair did you want to keep it straight or you want like a loose curl um what i'm treating myself today i don't know i normally wear it straight but i can do a loose curl now as you wrap it it'll go straighter that'd be nice all right so what we're going to do is we're going to give her a loose curl so i'm going to use this iron for the loose curl i'm not going to put the serum on her hair just yet took nothing just a little bit a t-82 picnic says uh she's telling working in watching you [Music] too okay i had some pins some clips here you know they're just straight missing that always happens i have clips in hand using them all right so let me push you guys back some more i'll tilt you down so you can see so we're just going to give her some very big barrel looking curls that's it just like that nice and squiggly those everyone's just watching yeah gray hair miss chili says gray hair is uh beautiful and it's proof it took me a while too and really like to let go yeah yeah it's really pretty i had to i mean every time i colored it it's i mean not even a week it was back with a vengeance i mean white and um i just said well i must just let it go yep especially wearing it natural and you wet your hair you have to miss your hair the color just comes right out it does so i just said look just let it go oh okay someone's asking about the arm temperature again miss antoinette telomex acts again about on temperature well i don't know which one but they're just asking about that so the iron that i'm using the temperature is set at 450. now when you're doing this on a constant basis at home i do not recommend using it at 450 if you're going to do it every single day that is where you have the trouble okay um miss keisha how to avoid yellowing on white gray natural hair while curling a flat ironing you need to put some sort of heat protectant of some some nature so what i'm using is the frizz hammer and shine serum so that is to add a layer of protection on the hair sometimes there is not a way to get around it it just depends on the hair type and also the tool that you're using after the fact when you shampoo your hair you can definitely use a violet based shampoo to help correct that change and remove that tinge from the hair this girl boss wants to know how long i've been growing my hair my hair has always been long but i just don't put no heat to it often on special occasions she's simplistic very simple okay oh boy how can you make the gray come in faster there's no answer to that once you're all right there's no way to answer that question all right so this is going to be the last piece all right so i'm going to show you guys how to use the ims serum now her hair is actually styled what i'm going to do is take some ims serum let me turn this light down just a little bit take some ims serum squirt it on my hand like such it in warm it up nice and warm drag it through the hair the ims serum is so lightweight you can use it almost every day almost it's a very lightweight serum but it seals the actual strand and keeps that moisture in if it was heavy her hair would not bounce the way that it does right now how do you prevent hair breakage around the edge edges you guys just take care of your hairline babe our edge repair is great for those of you that have a damaged hairline but if you put a lot of tension on your hairline you're going to always have a problem i know you guys can see this listen i'm through with the good hair i'm going to spread a little bit of holding spray on her just to kind of keep her flyaways down mm-hmm look at that see the shine shake it for me all right good tip down for me so i want you guys to just see where we are she has that nice shape yes so all we use today i'll go over what we use for our shampoo we did our herbal detox clarifying system or detox system just to clean her hair and scalp followed up with our african goddess afropower shampoo we use our moisture elt conditioner we close the wash day using our african african goddess collection after power leave-in conditioner which is a spray i put a little bit of fristemer and shine serum on her hair after i blow dried it and made it dry silk pressed her and then i finished it and sealed the deal close the cuticle close everything up added the shine by using the ims serum nice and lightweight okay and the hair is going to just do its thing it's going to go just go all right you guys i hope everybody enjoyed today's live i know i haven't gone alive in so long when it came on to here so i said let me get back in in sync and get this let me get i can sing um but i wanted you guys to just see how you could also manage salt and pepper hair it doesn't always have to be a challenge you guys it can be something that you can definitely embrace i think it's an absolutely beautiful yet mind-blowing type of hair it can be good or bad and depending on how you handle it how you treat it is going to determine your outcome as i said the african goddess collection is available at we are doing a promotion where that entire collection is 15 off no coupon code needed you just basically add it to your cart and the discount will be taken at checkout i hope you guys enjoyed today's video please don't forget if you're new to my channel to hit the subscribe button and also turn on your post notifications so you guys know when i'm on live and you guys can join me in my live sessions as well as my live haircare q and a's if you have not checked out the website like i said and also our body care site which is elite total body care dot com if you're a newbie and you want to go and shop our site use code youtube and you will save 15 off your purchase i'll see everybody in the next video peace if you saw me do that they'll be like my
Channel: Elite Hair Care USA
Views: 737,298
Rating: 4.8315816 out of 5
Id: 6DcrqVxsS34
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 9sec (2949 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 03 2020
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