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I forgot to bring my weenies [Music] [Music] [Music] welcome back to the vlog today's gonna be a lot of fun Dave and I have a road trip plan stick around we I'll go pick up a car in order to do a road trip we're going to Ferrari Cheers you two we're gonna head over to Rory okay yeah please thanks guys at the Fairmont taking good care of us yeah this sure beats taking a taxi job no you gotta take 7 series BMW hey thanks a lot ciao wow you shadow to our friends at the Fairmont for the ride let's go pick up the Froy scooter real all right guys welcome back to the Scuderia good to have her back in the vlog however she's low on fuel and we're going on a road trip today so let's put a little fuel in this bad boy all right guys cute shout out to today's sponsor STP fuel additives they are taking care of us while we're on our road trip today and they've given us some fuel additives to add to the Scuderia which we do every oil change or every sixty four hundred kilometres Dave will you do the honors sir all right so we have STP is ultra five in one fuel additive which you're going to want to add to your vehicle and here's why Dave one second right here see what it says may contain up to ethanol 10% ethanol can leave deposits in your engine basically Rob your engine of power so this is going to restore all of the engine's performance it's also going to make sure that it doesn't leave any moisture behind that can create corrosion and this can even save you fuel does Dave throw that this and this is the new design guy so the long neck so if you don't have a cap you can still use it hey that's cool all right into the Ferrari she goes take care of that engine now STP also makes a diesel additive and this doesn't need to be used just in high-performance vehicles you guys he can stick it in anything you get stick it in a Honda Civic hey look at that Honda Civic [Music] alright guys we've got yet another car added to the mix this is climbing climbing this is your wide-body LMS carbon fiber twin turbo out er eh that's not a mouthful at all even of these I do need one of these yeah I love your car I've seen it all over the internet it's blowing up bro we are gonna throw the SGP additive into your car as well high-performance twin turbo it's gonna help protect your engine sir by the way SG he's been innovating since 1954 guys Dave you've got the product oh yeah thank you let's put in the gentleman's engine so ftp offers a whole range of products help protect your car and that includes octane boosters high mileage products oil treatments power steering treatments everything even like degreaser wipes so why don't we jump back to yesterday a little bit of time travel when we put some of this fuel additive into my Range Rover diesel engine and what you may call a regular car wash well guys here we are today with our diesel five in one and another gas system five in one which is perfect for your gas powered Toyota Corolla now this doesn't have to be a super car additive it's actually good for any car and we're gonna have it in our Toyota Corolla and we're also gonna put it in my Range Rover Sport which happened to be a diesel so first of all we'll quickly throw in the ultra and there we go we just topped that vehicle up now what we want to do is we want to put in the ultra five-in-one diesel let's go ahead and start that process right now alright let's toss this stuff in alright back on the road full tank of fuel so the five and one diesel additive is gonna give me the benefits in my Range Rover of a year-round fuel system cleaner and it's got anti gelling properties this product can be picked up you guys at Walmart Canadian Tire or any major gas station go and pick some up for yourselves and I'm gonna jump back to the present day Damon in the supercar cuz that's a lot funner than the Range Rover Wow STP has taken care of us and continues to do so so guys please go check them out it's a good product as you know we don't rep anything that we don't believe in yeah so if you go the link in the description right now to their YouTube page I have lots of videos on all the products go check it out how insane is this are at you guys I mean an LMS race kit body on a freaking street car and by the way it seems on bags [Music] okay guys we're gonna hit the road these guys are gonna jump in the r8 we got a couple other guys that just joined our group we got Oakley my homie and Shawn Shawn from McLaren so we've got a 570s joining the pack it's the spider yeah correct yes spider yeah and it's good a bunch of the coupe carbon on it yeah well we go up a quick look at your ride look at this scene you guys McLaren Vancouver's got the rides we're all jealous they got the doors that go up neither of the other cars have this and this is a spider so he's gonna give us the the full meal deal well the top opens here this is the perfect day to be driving around the top down and like that hopefully it's never been easier to go topless my friend you ready I'm ready I'm having Doran be Dave I can't water in T as well clear this stay hydrated [Music] how's it going over there [Music] [Music] so Canadian - the guy's got a ski box so listen up guys today's road trip we're doing is we're going to Whistler British Columbia that is where they held the 2010 Winter Olympics here in Canada it's a world-renowned ski resort and in the summertime it's where they do all the crazy downhill mountain biking so it's a year-round destination here on the west coast of Canada the best part about it is is in 2010 for the Olympics they completely redid the road and the roads called the sea to sky highway it is one of the most beautiful drives on the west coast of Canada I'm really excited to show you guys the cars up on the sea the sky highway enjoy this montage see a Whistler or you know [Music] how insane this drive is you guys see the sky LMS why body twin-turbo ra5 70 behind us and we are in none other than the Scuderia how's that part of you [Music] [Music] welcome to Squamish guys ten in the halfway point that big huge rock you just saw that's called the chief it's world-renowned for rock climbing if you can even believe that that people climb all the way up there it's insane you can stomp on the side of the road a lot of the time and really really close you'll see a little too many people up there I don't know about you I'm afraid of heights I just brought climbing back in the day but nothing at this level pee break guys I had to pull over I was dying bro I was like Dave you got a you got an empty bottle in here Luda this thing door envy every time driving down the highway and this thing's just the schooling of the turbos and I can hear this thing get like we're the non-turbo car in their group I feel left out yeah I feel left out Oh what am I gonna do about it listen to this guy what am I gonna do about it I guess obviously get something with turbos eventually I like to what's the name of a paint code on this silly yellow I love it yeah it's a pearl so it's like a must be a multi coat they say view by McLaren buy it like you buy skittles yes yes look at that in the Sun jeez that's just amazing and then they've got the stealth wheels yeah this speck is on point you guys Alcantara steering wheel full - all the yellow sport stitching man and then they've got all-carbon over the engine cover and then this thing's all-carbon wait all their carbon fully exposed carbon body see into the engine bay you got that cut in here exposing a little bit of the side of the wheel because the wide body kit and dave did you notice that the hood and the fender is all one piece yeah it's all one piece the whole front right [Music] [Music] welcome to Whistler you guys we're gonna find somewhere to go and do a food blog so this is whistler village there are two mountains actually there's Whistler and Blackcomb but people generally just call it whistler little knowledge bomb for you okay right there boom what is that stone statue the nuke shook okay I'll go with that Dave keep you totally biessing us but I'm gonna believe [Music] block outside [Music] I mean that's just insanity I got some toys in the lobby even guys lunch just showed up and it looks amazing look at this gate would you get walk us through it I got a burger you got good timing all the time I always have good timing Oh shove the camera your face right when you got sign that Parmesan fries Parmesan fries yeah yeah yeah I got the hockey burger fish and chips that's an operation right there Chris what is that brisket brisket deadly burger burger where a bunch of basic [Music] all right guys lunch is over Dave had to take a call I actually was on that call and I handed him the phone we're done here at the Four Seasons we're gonna do the awesome drive back and what's it ride like in on air really I'm gonna have to go for a ride NASA the gr Z's on it before oh okay he's right better and not the same and they still have a good stiffness to them this has got air ride suspension twin P turbos full wide-body LMS kit and a ski box I'm gonna have to go ahead and label this the most extreme out er8 on the planet guys drop me a comment what do you think if we went and got an r8 and did this kit to it I'm not sure at TT my car but I could supercharge it from VF engineering because I really really really need the reliability with the with the brand so that we can get around with the car plus we could make it a rear wheel this is all-wheel drive still right oh-o-oh wheel drive oh right right so you can snowboarding with two wheel drive I've been proof of that you set those right tires so I could do a two-wheel drive conversion and switch up a few things but I think for the most part I really need this kit drop a comment let me know what you guys think about this type of a build would that interest you on the channel we could do the whole build on the channel would be a lot of fun I think the fate of the Scuderia is still up in the air really don't know what we're gonna do with this girl might have to retire it to a tracked vehicle only but I would need a track membership before that ever happens well fire up the cars you guys and we will hit the road [Music] alright gentlemen follow me [Music] [Applause] [Music] that's so ridiculous we have a Ferrari fan later she's like driving I love it she can barely see over the steering wheel guys we stopped at a rest area got a couple of epic photos this backdrop is to die for this is one of my favorite rest area is definitely on the whole sea to sky highway because of this right here does it get any better than that and you guys could take it from Dave is a well-traveled man my research I've been to LA twice story time real quick but this gentleman Shawn in the country let dish shy of a year or just became a year just a year and I love this because back in Europe Motorsports is a big thing it's not a huge thing in Canada as you're learning right and f1 is massive and so he's been a fan of Formula One and McLaren specifically like for your whole childhood whole childhood as long as I can remember yeah so you come to Canada and you'll and basically your dream job yeah yeah I work as a sales executive for McLaren Vancouver in my opinion the best cars in the world in the supercar capital of North America look at the Irish I guess that's so cool about it man yeah this guy's got sales skills so if you guys need a car going contact Shaun at McLaren to Vancouver great guy pleasure to hang out with you today Thanks and honestly yeah a dream job inhundred not so bad what are you doing today well I'm taking a 574 like a three-hour test drive up one of the most beautiful roads in the world so happy to have you along my friend okay dave has not yet been all the figure out where the latch is you got it finally the last time I did that it took me like 19 minutes it did Sean was just saying these guys are like straight up something in Fast and the Furious and what does he do he opens a laptop are you tuning while you're in here yep you're tuning for the flamethrower where'd you put the key where'd you put the key lost it no you did you already lost the company you lost the company credit card on the community okay hit it yeah hit it oh we're doing it together oh I love the flamethrower the hell [Music] I forgot to bring my weenies I need some marshmallows we're stopping for marshmallows yeah can you do that again all right more magic more is that what you're really doing come on [Music] well dude the only thing left to do today is drive a tank there's a long road trip long road trip I hear the r8 I [Music] can't hear you from halfway around the block seriously like we're parking the Ferrari like way over and down there and all I hear is that's nice I like this that's a really nice 720 like Sean says the skittle factory we got taste the rainbow right here boys yellow orange this is the car right here the green 675lt spider you ain't fitting it hey settle down let's see no puedo oh man that thing is nice yeah 7:20 here let's release that either get in there get in there oh yeah all right that works with this we're adding you even though you weren't here this is Wilson by the way he works in McLaren - Vancouver - guys thanks for coming out awesome road trip had a good time it's little traffic on the way back Dave [Music] yeah we had a fun road trip so thanks to that STP awesome day smash the subscribe button throw us a thumbs up hey go pick up some DD works look at Dave's repping it I'm not I'm wearing a blank t-shirt so shot DD comm links in the description Dave say what's up what's top [Music]
Channel: DailyDrivenExotics
Views: 322,117
Rating: 4.8563356 out of 5
Keywords: STP Fuel Additive, Carbon Widebody Audi R8 LMS, Twin Turbo, Twin Turbo R8, Flamethrower, Daily Driven Exotics, Lamborghini, Supercharged Lamborghini, Exotic Rental Car, Rental Car, Lamborghini Huracan, VF Engineering, Drifting, Burnouts, Supercar, Tire Change, F1, F1 Sounding Exhaust, Porsche, McLaren, Bugatti, Pagani, Koenigsegg, Ferrari, Audi R8, Mercedes Benz, Amg, Sea to Sky highway, Vancouver, Whistler, Canada, McLaren 570s Spider, Ferrari 430 Scuderia
Id: 8sBRWtmfpXk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 59sec (1499 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 04 2018
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