Airplane Without Wings, Let's Try Something Different! | Scrappy #42

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MP is operating at a level I can’t even begin to comprehend - this thing is going to be insane.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/ClarksonianPause πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 07 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Patey is a genius and an inspiration, just hope he would tone down the "back to work" every five minutes.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/___chasey___ πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 06 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

I think that Mike will make a wing that will lengthen the chord, and the camber by the back spar moving backwards and down via a worm gear and with overlapping material on the wings (carbon fiber of course).

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Besidesmeow πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 17 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies
yeah i can build a swing i 100 have a way to do a wing that grows it's physics math and engineering machine it draft it build it test it break it every time something new gets built the entire world advances laying in bed at night it's designing new parts designing new suspension designing new wings hey mike your airplane doesn't have any wings um you're right i think maybe one or two of you have asked me why my airplane doesn't have any wings huh maybe we should go talk about it come here [Music] [Music] all right guys so we're going to do something a little different this video usually i'm building the entire video and this time we're just gonna talk a little bit about scrappy has no wings on it and a lot of you make me laugh i love your comments somebody or several of you maybe have said that scrappy doesn't need wings with that much horsepower it's more like a helicopter or a rocket it's going to mars and um that's awesome i i love the comments and the fact that you're all asking about the wings about i would at least talk about it so let's dive into scrappy's wing concept and pretty soon we'll actually start building it so when you're designing a set of wings everything and everyone in aviation understands us it understands it it's a trade-off and if it's the first time here and you haven't seen my channel i usually am building everything carbon fiber to metal to build unique crazy flying aircraft from hot rods to slow flying the one i'm building right now the wing we're talking about is scrappy it's a bush plane to fly slow as possible and as fast as possible so this wing from the start i have literally from the start of strapping been contemplating how i'm going to build a wing to take the envelope of do i build a wing that flies really really slow but the top end sucks or a plane that flies really really fast but it stalls so hot that i can't get into the super tiny strips i want to get to rather than penduling what wing i want how do i push the boundaries of both ants how do i fly slower and faster and that's been the challenge that's all i've been working on since the start of scrappy so scrappy is unique all of you that have watched my builds over the years scrappy build number 14 um i usually have wings right from day one and this one's different it's because i'm gonna push the envelope i'm gonna try something that hasn't been done before big surprise yeah i've had theories have been bouncing around on my head for a long time and for an entire year now i have been spitting out papers analysis flow sheets on how every wing in existence that i can get my hand on the profile and how those perform i spit out a sheet that tells me how much lift force it creates over a given inch a given foot how much drag it creates on frontal lobes so i know how fast it can be and i've been doing it on carbon cub wings zenith wings um jets racers uh warbirds i have literally been just inputting airfoil after airfoil and analyzing how well they did and where they performed best where did they park that wing design a jet flies way over here and the competition about these super stalls fly way over here and i just want to broaden that range so that's what i've been doing uh i i laughed all the comments where's the wings where's the wings literally when i'm done sanding grinding welding carbon fiber i go home and i draw i come up with an idea and i put it in this computer and i've had to actually upgrade the computer i was doing flow analysis that would take 12 14 hours straight to spit out one uh set of numbers i needed for a given wing and so i actually added up 32 more core process and three more graphic cards and i've got my computer now running faster where most of the big heavy lifting analysis is done in three or four hours so it's going a lot faster now since i just made these upgrades but um it's a lot of work so let's talk about what i want to do um if i make a cub with a wing with a high camber high camber just means that the arc between the bottom of the flat surface of the plane and the arc at the top if the average the line that is the flat to the top and you take an average center point and draw a line a camber is the average of all those points going across the higher i arc the camber the more lift a given area of wing creates the more lift that generates the slower i can fly but that increases drag so my x-axis plane load forces go up so trying to decide how much camber versus drag is just the laws of physics that stop a wing from being able to do everything and i wanted to find a path to do something more and so i had some ideas and some of them most of them worked they all work in concept but part of the problem is you do a design and then you start making manipulation and changes and then you get it all done you go wow the math is great but the parts and complexity to make it happen doesn't pay off so you start again you go okay that worked but then there's this problem and so it's been awesome and we'll talk more about that at another time but little things like what if what if your wing you just added a lot more flap well you lose aileron you lose aileron you might get a plane that flies slow but the slower you go the less air you have over your aileron control surface you can't roll it and the planes tip and hit wings and we've we've seen them happen online lots of videos about that we can add more flap stretch the way and add more aileron that's great too if you stretch the wing too long you might get tight to get into some places so that's a juggling act what if you could grow the wing out the side i played with that concept actually it was really fun and a set of track rolling with alignment bearings that track the wing further in and out it's great complexity is high and then the real bottom line is what about my favorite places that the trees are really close together um yeah i can build a swing i 100 have a way to do a wing that grows but weight and the the practicality of where i actually want to put the plane kind of made that one a little bit off the table one of the things if you move the flap down plane gets pitching moment it lifts the back of the plane so you move your elevator up the air on the back pushes the plane back down because you're swinging from a pendulum in the sky right here the center and lift of your aircraft um the more flap you add the more elevator you need if you keep if you get to a point where you have too much flap going too slow you run out of elevator which means your stick comes to your gut you can no longer hold enough weight or downward aerodynamic load to hold the tail down and the nose up and your nose over so what really is happening is i'm making the plane heavier sure it may still be 1500 pounds loaded up but more elevator means more weight more weight means the wing is gonna stall sooner so what if we could get the lifting bubble to not shift and create a pitching moment that would that's forcing us to add weight at the back of the plane to hold the airplane up which means the wing actually has to carry the additional load you put here by pivoting it here what if we could do something to change that um what about leading edge devices slots slots are awesome they actually help a lot but some of the questions i went into was why are they the size they are why do they look exactly the same 50 years later um probably because they work but i wanted to play with it what happens if i did analysis on a bigger gap at the front a smaller gap at the back what if i change the shape of it what if i made it bigger what if i made it smaller these are all things i've been doing for a year questions what's the best angle of incident what's the best for cruise what's the best for visibility how much is too much camber how much flap is too much should you go 30 40 50 60 90. at what point does a flap create so much pitching moment that your elevator induced load to carry the plane back actually swaps places when is that and it's different on every airplane so these are the things i've been asking myself what about vg's here here some on the front some at the back what about vg's and slots what about slots that retract or stay fixed what if the flat is supposed to be under the wing or above the wing these are the things i've been playing with what about the wing tips should they droop down should they droop up do you have no ring tip with a slap a slotted angle of the at the edge to carry the air further out those are things i've been asking myself for a year how big should my elevator be how much counterweight do i want to add there where should everyone be positioned on cg for the final location of my wing to maximize how much elevator i'm going to need whether i have one person or two people in the aircraft at what point does the back of the wing start to let go when you aren't using your flaps how does the air flow through a double slotted flap in all degrees of flat deployment how much can i reflex the flap on a high lift wing to decrease lift at top end and minimize the down elevator to hold the aircraft at a level attitude at maximum forward flight how does a leading edge device work when it's a slat versus a droop slots vg's or both what's going to be the best way to keep the air laminar over the top of the wing in slow flight what's the best size shape and gapping of a slat to maximize the air and pressure over the top of the wing at what point do your ailerons become ineffective at a given angle of attack and air speed relative to the shape of wing at what angle of attack and air speed does the air change direction and flow forward on the back of the wing can we alter the lifting location of the wing to counteract the pitching moment of a flap can we manipulate the lifting bubble during flight could we manipulate the front of the wing to maximize the air going over or under for high or low speed flight characteristics what kind of velocity increases can we get over the top of the wing at various shapes can we reshape the front of the wing without diminishing its flying characteristics to reduce the pressure zone at the front edge so there's lots of little things that are actually big deals and i fly people's planes all the time i can't believe how many of you just hand me the keys to your plane but one of you actually had to be the key to your helicopter in alaska thank you and trust me with it you guys are nuts are you crazy but you let me get in your plane and fly them and i tell you what every plane is so different their pitching moment their cg pressure input controls how much pressure you have what it changes it's slow fight versus fl fast flight and these are all the things i've been contemplating when designing the final step of scrappy's wing so it's been a process and it's been really really fun and i thought i really understood wings years ago and uh i feel like i understand them so much more than i ever have and i know i still have more to learn so uh we're gonna build this crazy new idea it's never been done see what else we can come up with literally hundreds of iterations everywhere on every wing and i have come to an end meaning i have an idea that finally came to a closure i have got design freeze hallelujah praise the lord praise jesus [Music] on the engineering side of things design phrase means you're done playing with a hundred ideas and you've said that's the one and then you took that idea and you ran it all the way start to finish every concept you had and you tweaked it and changed it and altered it i know the wing that i'm gonna build now the problem is there's no parts for it [Music] i wanted a spar doesn't exist i have to build a spar from scratch i have to make a mold to extrude hot aluminum and spit out my own spars because i can't get as far for any cup in existence out there and just adds far doubler and make it work the way i want it to work or to be the size i want so scratch this is where scrappy becomes scratchy scrat scratch build i got that from one of you guys um so scratch build is gonna happen i have to build everything right down to my ribs all the components there are a couple parts i'm gonna be able to sneak out some uh pulleys and different things maybe some wing struts uh i'll be able to use but um i'm now gonna get started i gotta put a few things away on scrappy finish some cowling finish some paint get its exact final weight we'll adjust the last little tweak on the wing loading i want for the plane that's what i'm going to do now button up scrappy start building parts we have some wings to do so those of you have asked there are no wings in hiding there's no parts stacked up somewhere i'm really really sorry but i have worked on these wings literally enough hours i could have built at least 10 sets of anybody's wings and put them on scrappy and all i have is piles of paper and hundreds of folders in this computer of everything we've tried so it's time to start building something so you guys know the drill let's get some wings back to work [Music] all right guys is there maybe one or two of you has actually watch this video all the way to the end credits all right i want to go ahead and give you a little bit more tell you a little bit about what i'm doing to this wing so i mentioned briefly in the video that i i don't really want to stretch the length of the wing i want to try something a little more difficult and still get into the narrow spots i want to see if i can stretch the cord of the wing the width the depth i want to see if i can alter how much camber i have during flight i want to see if i can adjust the way the air interacts on the front for high speed and low speed i want to do that while i'm flying and i also want to see the biggest challenge i want to try and accomplish and i'm going to try it and i have it drawn but i want to manipulate the entire wing so that is the flaps deploy the lifting area on the wing moves forward to counteract the flaps pitching moment to minimize how much aft elevator so that i can get all of the benefit of lift without adding induced pressure or load on the back so i'm gonna make a transformer at least something a baby version but my wing will alter in flight in direct relation to what it needs for flat movement low speed high speed i don't know if it's going to work it looks like it is on the computer we're going to try it out in real life so let's make a wing that changes for every flight characteristic i want to try wish me luck i hope you follow along like subscribe thanks for sticking out clear at the end let's build a wing back to work
Channel: Mike Patey
Views: 483,442
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Air racing, turbulence, Draco, wilga, mike patey, STOL aircraft, Bush Flying, Flying Cowboys, Mark Patey, Mike Patey, Pylon Racing, Patey Twins, Fastest Turbo Prop, Turbine Lancair, Turbine Legacy, Hillside Landing, Crosswind Landings, Water Landings, Water ski airplane, Best tugs, Grip lock ties, Back to work, Carbon Fiber Molds, Carbon fiber layout, how to carbon fiber, custom parts, world record aircraft, experimental, super cub, engineering, how it's made
Id: AZ9mg9g0D7c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 10sec (1210 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 06 2021
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