Caramel Latte Cupcake Recipe | Cupcake Jemma Channel

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[Music] hello everybody i hope you are all keeping really really well wherever you are in the world right now if this is your first time to the cupcake gemma channel then hello to you guys and welcome to the channel here you can find all sorts of cake recipes cookie recipes cupcake recipes and heaps of other awesome recipes for delicious sweet treats so if baking is your thing then you've come to the right place and if you haven't already then make sure you subscribe to our channel by clicking the button just below and if you click on the bell next to that you'll get a little notification into your email inbox every time we upload a video and if you like this video then please give us a thumbs up because it really does help us anyway what are we going to be baking today well i am currently drinking this delicious caramel latte which georgia and the gang have made for me now not only do we make the best coffee in london we also make the best caramel in london and you put some two together and you've got the best caramel latte so come down and get one if you haven't been to cindy so we'd love to have you here but i'm not very good at making coffee in fact they don't really let me near the coffee machine because you never know what might happen but i am very good at making cupcakes so i thought today i'd show you guys how to make a caramel latte cupcake so let's head on upstairs to the bakery and let's get baking all right so a caramel latte cupcake is obviously going to involve quite a lot of caramel so i'm going to make that first so that we've got time for it to cool down and thicken before we need to use it so we've made caramel a lot on this channel so i'm just going to whisk you through it but if you want to know a little bit more i'll put a link to our caramel master class in the description box below but what you're going to need is a nice heavy base saucepan and into it we're going to add 200 230 grams of caster sugar but you can also use granulated sugar for this no problemo and then to that we're going to add 125 mils of water so we're just going to pop that in and now we're going to bring this to the boss we're going to turn our hob on and let it simmer away it's going to bubble bubble bubble and we want to keep it bubbling without stirring try not to stir because it can crystallize and we're going to keep it bubbling until it gets to a lovely deep amber color and now we're going to very carefully take this off the heat and we're going to pour in 250 mils of double cream now this is really hot guys and i'm not joking like this is super dangerous and if it gets on you it's gonna hurt so bad so nice big old wooden spoon we're gonna get stirring and we're gonna very slowly pour in a little bit of cream and it's to go super bubbly and crazy so you can stop pouring keep stirring wait for those bubbles to kind of die down a little bit and then we'll add a little bit more cream and once it stops going totally crazy you can just gently stream in the rest of your cream voila looking absolutely delightful that is the perfect camera if i do say so myself so lastly to this i'm just going to pop in a little bit of vanilla remember you can get this for yourself from if you want to grab some i'm going to go for about half a teaspoon just give that a little stir through and now we're going to just pour it into a bowl just to help it cool down a little bit more quickly [Music] and we're just gonna leave this to cool down we don't want to put this in the fridge right away because it's super hot and it will make everything in your fridge really hot as well so let it cool down and then we'll put it in the fridge to thicken up and we'll get on with making our cupcake sponge and i know a lot of you are not super keen on coffee now that is totally okay you can just replace the coffee with some milk but i would urge you to give this a go because yeah it has got espresso in it which is very strong but there's so much sugar and delicious rich butter that it really pulls the kind of bitterness away from the coffee and you're left with this really smooth flavor that's what i think you should do but if you really don't like it then fine i'm not gonna be able to change your mind so we're gonna do an all-in-one cupcake batter here so as usual we've got 125 grams of self-raising flour and then not quite as usual we've got 100 grams of caster sugar but also 25 grams of dark brown sugar now this is just going to add a little kind of caramel note to your cupcake sponge if you don't have brown sugar then don't worry at all just 125 grams of caster sugar and then finally to this just a quarter teaspoon of some bicarbonate of soda and that's quite important in this recipe because it just helps give these cupcakes a little bit of a lift because we are doing an all-in-one method so we're going to sift this into our mixer bowl and into here we're going to add 125 grams of soft unsalted butter as you can see this is how soft it is it's totally spreadable but it's not melted okay so this is going to go straight on in along with two large free range if possible organic even better eggs we'll pop those in and then we'll get this onto our mixer and we're going to do an initial mixing on a medium speed for about 30 seconds just to combine all of our ingredients [Music] and now it's time to add our espresso so if you've got a nice coffee shop near you then i'd run down there and get some espresso if not then you can just use some instant coffee granules so you want about um we're gonna do a tablespoon and a half of coffee and you want to make this punchy so go for about a teaspoon of your instant coffee granules i've got loads that i've got the guys to make downstairs but i really want to use my tiny not very useful mini jug so i'm just going to measure mine in there and we're going to pour that in obviously i've let this cool down this isn't hot because if it was hot we'd melt the butter and again we're going to mix this for another 30 seconds now this is nearly ready but what we like to do at this stage is just take the mixer off and give the paddle and the bottom of the mixer a good old scrape around because you're pretty much always going to have little bits that are not fully combined you can kind of see here it's just a bit kind of paler around the edge so give this a good scrape around and then we're going to go back on the mixer for another 20 to 30 seconds until our batter looks really lovely and kind of fluffy in texture [Music] so you can see how kind of silky and smooth this batter looks and i mean cupcake batter normally looks silky and smooth but when it's got coffee in it it's just even silkier so this batter is ready making this kind of all-in-one cupcake method is honestly the easiest quickest thing you can do and it makes the best cupcakes as well so i've got myself a regular 12 hole cupcake tin here i'm just gonna fill it with regular cupcake cases again you can actually get these exact ones from they're the ones that we use here at the crumbs and east bakery so you can have cupcakes just like us now i'm using my spoons um really small spoons today i'm not really sure what i was thinking there so i'm probably going to put a couple of teaspoonfuls in each one we want it to be about two-thirds to three-quarters full but it's really great to use a piping bag for this too because you can see exactly how much you've got in but this is my homage to gemma she taught me this way [Music] so once you've got all your batter into your cupcake tin just spend a little bit of time making sure that they look nice and even i think that's gonna do for me and now i've got my oven preheated to 165 degrees c which is fan assisted remember that the non-fan assisted heat is in the description box below along with the full ingredients list so we're going to pop these in for about 80 minutes we're going to do the good old finger test to make sure they're done i'll show you what that looks like when we get there [Music] okay so let's get these out of the oven they smell absolutely incredible coffee cake really is one of my all-time favorite things and i really want to do like a classic coffee and walnut cake with you guys so what is this finger test we're going to very gently because they are hot obviously we'll go to this one over here we're going to press it on top and you can see how it just springs back to life and that is the sign that they are done if they sink and they stay some they don't want to spring back you want to leave them in the oven for about a minute at a time until they are done so we're just going to leave those behind just to cool down and we'll get on with making our icing now i'm going to do a caramel and coffee buttercream again leave the coffee out if you don't want to so i'm starting with 250 grams of really softened unsalted butter it's got to be soft because we need this to whip up we want lovely airy buttercream we don't want that stodgy waxy stuff so get whipping we're going to whip this on its own for about four or five minutes [Music] so once that has had a good whip up and you're left with this really pale not really butter looking butter anymore it is time to add some icing sugar so i've got 400 grams of icing sugar which i already sifted and i'm actually gonna give this a little stir with my spoon because this icing sugar is really puffy and ah see if i just put the mixer on i don't know you won't even be able to see me because sam's camera's gonna get totally covered so a little tip here if you have got icing sugar like this you can just give it a gentle stir just to combine with the butter first and then once it's almost combined a bit like this we can put it back onto our mixer and get it mixing for another kind of three to four minutes again until it's nice and fluffy and then we'll do the exact same with the rest of the icing sugar [Music] now just look at this oh it's so beautiful and fluffy and light now if your buttercream doesn't like look like this yet then just keep on whipping because it will get there so we are going to make this caramelly coffee-y but i just want to take out just a couple of small spoonfuls because i want some white buttercream for part of our decoration so i'm just taking out a little bit here and we'll put that to one side if you're going to make this in advance then you just want to make sure you put it in a tupperware or put some cling film over the bowl because it does dry out and you'll get like a horrible crispy topping to your buttercream so anyway i've got my caramel here you can see how thick it's gone if you kind of roll it around it looks gorgeous i put this in the fridge just to completely chill and get nice and thick and i'm going to start off by putting oh my god it looks so good i'm going to pop in about i'm going to go with three tablespoons because all of this is kind of to taste right you can follow my instructions but also you can just add a little bit and taste it and see what you reckon because i'm also gonna add in some coffee now and i'm gonna go for a full tablespoon because i love the stuff oh look at it here we go again make sure your coffee is cold before you add it in and we're going to start this off on a slow speed and then we're going to whip it in at a medium to high speed just for a couple of minutes [Music] so i did have a little taste of this just to make sure it was right for me and it is perfect for me i made santa as well and it was good right yeah so this is ready my cupcakes have nearly cooled down they're still a little bit warm so we don't really want to ice them just yet so i'm gonna have a little clean down and then we'll get ready for decorating [Music] these are looking absolutely gorgeous already and they're just cupcakes i say just cupcakes there's no such thing the color of them is so absolutely beautiful but it is time to decorate so we're going to start by filling them because we've got all this caramel to use and we're not going to let it go to waste so i've got my apple corer here so i can chomp out little holes like this this is such a good tool i feel like you can probably buy like a really expensive tool to do this but you don't need it you just need an apple corer if you don't have one though you could just use a piping nozzle or you could scoop the sender out with a teaspoon so we'll chop our holes and then we'll fill them right to the brim with our caramel [Music] so now we're gonna ice our cupcakes with our coffee caramel buttercream and i've got a nice large piping bag here with a large round piping nozzle on the end but of course as usual you can use whatever piping nozzle you like and i just broke my rules i always like to give this a good whip before we use it especially if you have made your icing in advance because we whip so much air into it when we're making it you end up having quite a lot of air bubbles in there so it's always a good idea to just give it a little whip to make it lovely and smooth again and just get all of this in if you've got a friend to help you do this then that's great otherwise you have to use your body as your friend right so now i'm gonna do a lovely large blob on top of each cupcake [Music] and we've still got a little bit of caramel left so we better use it so i'm going to do a drizzle across each cupcake [Music] [Music] next up i have put that little bit of white icing that we saved into another piping bag this time i've gone for a star nozzle because i want to make it look like a little blob of whipped cream so that's exactly what i'm gonna do so on the top of each cupcake a very small but cute unnecessary whippy cream [Music] and you may think that this is probably quite enough decoration but i don't think so and you've probably also been staring at this bowl of mini stroop waffles that i've had on the surface this whole time although when we started there was definitely more in this bowl now it's either day nicki or sam hmm put your votes in the description box below anyway i'm going to top each one with a mini street waffle [Music] okay fine that is enough i think they look absolutely beautiful super decadent they smell incredible this i know i say i'm going to make a mess every week but i mean i'm definitely going to make a mess this time because i want to get into that scent a bit but my mouth's not as big as stones [Laughter] it really is the perfect combo of coffee and caramel at first you bite it and you get a coffee hit and then once that's gone you're left with this really smooth caramel flavor in your mouth it is absolutely divine and like i said if you don't like coffee you've got to try it you've got to try it for me come on please because i really think i can convert some of you coffee haters to coffee lovers and then when you do you can come to sandy soho and georgia who is just here will make you the best caramel latte you have ever had okay i will put the cupcake down just so i can tell you guys that these are going to be in store all weekend so if you're in london then please head over to c d soho so grab yourself one or some other delicious treat that the guys will have in store for you as well and next week maybe next week we might have gemma back i know you guys loved seeing her a couple of weeks ago at the beginning of the vegan cookie recipe that dana and i did for you and she has been working on some recipes there's this custard tart that she just keeps on banging on about so i think it's probably gonna be that but she's super excited to be back here with you guys to bake again and i know that you guys have missed her loads so really awesome news um what else can i tell you make sure you subscribe to the channel and give us a thumbs up as well because it really helps to spread the crumbs and doilies cupcake gemma news across the youtube channel and gemma hopefully we'll see you next week so make these cupcakes and enjoy [Music] you
Channel: CupcakeJemma
Views: 206,280
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cupcake, cupcake jemma, jemma, gemma, cupcakes, bake, baking, how to make, recipe, crumbs & doilies, baker, buttercream, cake, cakes, vanilla, chocolate, jemma wilson, crumbs and doilies, bakery, perfect, easy, home made, hand made, simple, fool proof, dessert, caramel latte, coffee cake, caramel cake, stroopwafel
Id: mhDaYrKCqsE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 41sec (1301 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 07 2021
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