Bake at Home! | New York Style Chocolate Chip Cookies | Cupcake Jemma

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[Music] hey everybody and welcome to the crimson doilies once cake factory now packing factory we've been so busy here over the last couple of weeks turning this place from like making hundreds and thousands of cakes and cupcakes to packing up hundreds and thousands of cake kits that you guys have been bet buying from the cupcake jammer website and you have bought so many and you've been baking along and posting your photos and videos on Instagram which has just been absolutely awesome so we kind of thought what else can we give you guys to bake at home and something that occurred to us is there sometimes cake can seem a little bit scary because you've got sponge you've got icing also maybe you don't really need 12 cupcakes if you're at home isolating alone 12 cupcakes can seem like quite a lot so we thought the perfect thing for you guys is cookies and hopefully you guys have been following us for some time now and you'll know that it comes as oles and so ho we've been selling huge amazing decadent soft gooey warm New York style cookies because a few of us have been to New York recently and we discovered these cookies and we all fell in love with them and we just had to recreate them and you guys have loved them you've been watching our videos we'll put links to all the recipes and videos in the description box below but we want to make sure that you can bake these at home loss during isolation so we have created three cookie sets for you and they look like this and inside just like the cake kiss we've got everything you need other than a little bit of fresh ingredients so if we open up our box we've got the recipe inside here we've also got a list of ingredients on the back if you want going to check that make sure that everything's you know suitable for you or your kids or whatever and then there's a list of what you guys need to buy as well for cookies is literally just butter and eggs so really simple and we've got a bag of sugar mix here there's a couple of different sugars in this so we've already kind of combined them for you we've got the dry mix so we've got the flowers the salts the raising agents we've double chocolate version which has got black cocoa in which you know maybe we'll do a video for that as well because it's just like the coolest stuff ever and we've also got chocolate chips which is chocalate chips for like 300 grams of Callebaut chocolate which is exactly the chocolate that we use here in the bakery it's so like super high quality and it's delicious so you're getting a lot from these kits and as well as that we've even included some baking paper so you don't need to kind of like rush to the stores and try and find baking parchment there's two pieces in here for you as well so everything you need and you know hopefully you kind of seen some of the other recipes Dunphy's and you know how simple it is it's really really easy you do not need to be any kind of expert Baker for these so I'm gonna just run you through this it's so easy maybe you will have your kit already and you can bake along so we're gonna start by using it some cold butter so I've got 190 grams here I'll put all the quantities in the description box so if you don't have the kit you can still bake along as well and it's been it's nice and cold and I've chopped it into little pieces here so they're gonna go into my mixer I'm using a mixer just because it's a kind of easier you don't again don't need to have one if you can just use their like a hand whisk or a wooden spoon because the beauty of this recipe also is that it's so easy to make a we're not trying to cream we're not trying to beat we're not trying to whip we are just combining and that's what creates the kind of tear apart chunky cookies so it's really really simple guys so I'm gonna put this all into my mixer and then I'm going to open my sugar pack here on the back we've got the S on the back of your ingredients you'll see they're kind of like labels of like what each pack means basically so Eska sugar and we're going to open this up and we're going to tip it all into the mixer and now all we need to do is turn this on to a low speed and what we're going to do is just kind of create some nuggets with the sugar and the butter like I said earlier we're not creaming this we're not beating this we just want to kind of combine the ingredients [Music] right so about 45 seconds at the most that's with a mixer if you are working wooden spoon and Bowl might take you a bit longer but what you want to end up with is these nuggets like I said before there's some nice big chunks of butter in there kind of coated by the sugar and that is perfect now we're going to add our chocolate chips so open up your chocolate chip bags like I said earlier there's 300 rounds of chocolate in here because I mean that's the most important part of a chocolate chip cookie right so I'm going to put all of this into the mixer and then we're just gonna give that another maybe like 30 seconds just we're going to spread itself around the batter and how P it's a mixer by the way you might have seen this in our and mixer review that we did last week and this was Gemma's 1 obviously I mean it literally says cupcake gem around here don't tell her I'm in home except but you can see all about this mixer and what we think of it and you know some other ones that we reviewed as well so have a look at that especially if you're thinking of getting yourself a mixer as you can see in here the chocolates just kind of like separated all around the mixture and now we can go in with our dry mix so we've got the flour we've got some raising agent and a little bit of salt in here and we're going to tip that into the mix as well [Music] and then we're gonna go back on with a mixer on a low-speed again and we're just going to get this to a kind of bread crumb stage it's going to look quite kind of dry kind of a little bit like when you're making pastry and you're kind of rubbing the butter and the flour between your fingers that's what we're looking for [Music] okay sir just like I said the breadcrumb consistency as you can see here obviously you've got chunks of chocolate in there and but apart from that looks nice and kind of fine so now we need to add our final ingredient then that is eggs so you need two eggs it doesn't matter what size you've got Lars runs if you've got small ones or medium any sized egg will do and what we're gonna do before we put them in it's just going to give them a little whisk just to break them up so that we don't have to kind of mix too much the whole point like I said earlier is really not over mixing just combining ingredients so eggs are broken up and I'm going to pour them straight in and then back on for a final mix on the slow speeds and we're just going to get this till it comes together as one big dough's it's coming away from the sides of the bowl nice and clean [Music] and that is it the cookie dough is amazed but if you've seen some of our cookie recipes and videos before you wanna know that these need to freeze for a bit so what we're gonna do is we're gonna divide the batter into 12 equal balls it just going to be around 100 grams each and I'm going to put them in a Tupperware so if you've got a Tupperware or a tray that you can cover grab yourself one of those so it turn my scales on and I'm gonna weigh out a hundred grams and then we need to make these into balls but what we're not going to do is make nice kind of spherical round cause we're just going to gently squish them a few times between our hands and you know it looks kind of chunky and not very round but that's exactly how we want it this is how you're going to get those delicious tarry chunky cookies and pop it into your Tupperware and we're just going to keep doing that till we've used all the dough and you might have noticed that this is a these are a little bit smaller than the cookies that we've done in the other recipes because we thought you know they are quite large and if you've got 12 of them and you're all alone maybe you don't really want to be eating huge cookies or if you've got kids this is like the perfect size for everybody [Music] so this does make 12 but you might find that it makes kind of 13 or 12 and a half depending on the size of your eggs that's completely fine you can either you know make an extra cookie or you could divide this between the cookies you've already made I'm just gonna make a little small one for a midnight snack one day so now what we need to do is put these in the freezer and a couple of hours at the minimum but really overnight is best it's just going to give them a chance to really kind of get nice and solid which means that they won't spread as much when they're in the oven but the best thing about this is that you can leave these in the freezer for like up to three months which means you have like unlimited cookies at your disposal like 24/7 so if you fancy a cookie you can just take one out and bake it because that is absolutely fine I think anyway don't let anyone tell you that it's not fired so we're gonna go and put these in the freezer I have some already in there so we can get baking straight away so when you are ready to bake your cookies what you need to do is pre-heat your oven to 180 degrees C and what you need to do five minutes before you want to bake your cookies is pop in your baking tray any kind of baking tray will do with a bit of the baking parchment on it that we've provided in the kit and that's just going to get the train nice and hot so the bottom of your cookies are going to get really nice and crispy and then just pop on as many cookies as you like we've got six of the gang in today so I better make sure I've got one for everybody then maybe a couple extra and then we're gonna put them in the oven for about 12 to 14 minutes and what you want to look for is the outsides to go nice and golden and the inside is gonna stay all gooey and delicious [Music] I mean they smell amazing and they look amazing too look at that they're nice and golden on the top they're all cracked and chunky so obviously these are really really hot so we're gonna wait about 20 minutes until they've cooled down a little bit but I want to eat them when they're still warm because that's my favorite time to eat cookies so we'll see you in a bit [Music] okay so they have cooled down just enough so that when I eat them they're still gonna be nice and warm because that is just how I like my cookies so before I eat it we better get that classic cookie break shot which you guys have been baking these already and you're uploading your kind of break shots onto Instagram and we love seeing them so you've got to make sure you do that when you bake these so let's have a look inside oh it looks amazing and I mean I know that these are amazing because I actually ate one for my breakfast with a cup of coffee this morning but I'm gonna eat one for you guys to prove how good they really are they are the best cookie you will ever eat and because of our wonderful kits we've done most of the work for you so all you need to do is mix it all together pop on your freezer and then you've got cookies at your disposal 24/7 and please do make them and tag us on Instagram so head over to cupcake Gemma calm and you can find the kits like this one here so this is for the chocolate chip your classic chocolate chip cookie we've also got the double chocolate which is got black cocoa in it and it is amazing so you can get that one as well as the birthday cookies as well which are kind of our most favorite favorite favorite and famous cookie we've ever made so head over there now get yours also get your cupcake kit and all your other merch like useful tools everybody needs to have a good palate knife in their life for picking up cookies and decorating cakes and obviously all the merch take the oven gloves for aprons the tea towels and have fun baking and let us know how you get on and if you're kind of at a loss of things to bake and you need some kind of simple recipe videos please let us know what you want because we're here making videos for you guys maybe you've run out of breakfast ideas for your kids and you need some fun inventive things let us know in the comment box below and we'll be back soon with some more content for you guys so until then enjoy your cookies [Music]
Channel: CupcakeJemma
Views: 801,847
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: hqswc-Oy4yQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 46sec (826 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 31 2020
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