Cara Delevingne Is Hilarious But Does NOT Have Expensive Taste | Expensive Taste Test | Cosmopolitan

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can we be quiet in the room in the back oh so it's not like i'm blindfolded because i feel like my senses are more aroused when i'm blindfolded okay hi my name's cara delevingne and i'm playing expensive taste test with cosmo do i have expensive tastes [Music] my younger self would probably look at myself now and go it's really no yeah it's no different but i still like non-expensive things mostly probably [Music] this is going to be hard i've never been good with like skincare as much you know i'm kind of just whatever is there i'll use it feels moist okay this one doesn't go in as much so that's the thing so maybe it has more like petroleum in it that's a fact no that moisturizes an epitome i think this one's more expensive the first one i'm really bad at losing i'm really competitive i don't really buy really expensive cream because i think that they're all kind of the same [Music] water i should get this right latap water has a very distinct smell i'm getting notes of hydrogen two parts and some chlorine in one of these i just don't know which one okay oh god i'm not drunk enough of this today wait oh oh this is crazy this is such a good game i think this one oh no because some bottled water does not taste good but these both taste great [Music] so does it matter which one's bottled yeah cause one's more expensive okay i think the blue dot is the more expensive one the bottled am i right okay this is tap water it's stunning [Music] okay are these both american chocolates they both lose them because american chocolate is horrible no offense i'm just saying i'm sorry for people that love chocolate from america but really i love the chocolate it's good okay it's actually not that bad as i thought it was so i apologize for anything i just said oh wow i'm gonna get it wrong again and i'm just scared so i'm just trying to do the opposite of what i think is right which might be wrong this time what do i do this is hard because i don't know much chocolate in america okay um i i think the orange packet is the right one this one is that more expensive who's who's the winner now okay yeah the one i should know least about i won like life huh [Music] ready i'm ready i'm ready [Applause] chocolate chocolate seed chocolate it's apparently good for endorphins i don't know that's true but it feels good what the hell is that it's like a salty love oh i love that what is that oh my god it's hot oh my god it's so hot why did you tell me i didn't know it was hot it's an after kick that one i don't know why i put all my hard i'm not gonna be hot i mean they're both hot crisps chips crisps the first one is hotter but the second one is more colorful so what does that mean i think the first one is more expensive two out of four sorry two out of four [Music] oh no clothes i don't know much about oh okay okay this is i've got to get this right so i'm going to check the lining there's metal little okay what kind of zips do they have the zips make a difference okay there's like lining what is that lining that zip is nicer though that lining is nice i think that's because okay um it's going to be deceiving and i know you guys because you mess me every time but this has more like stuff on it so everything's telling me to say that one but i know it's gonna be that one i'm gonna say this one this one sorry i knew it i know your game now you try and mess with my head and i say the thing that i think the opposite off now i understand the game [Music] how do you know i have a stuffed bunny that's so embarrassing kitty that's all good oh well i know the game now you make me think it's this one because it's bigger but actually it's going to be this one final answer this one i'll keep this one it's cute see the less expensive one i'd prefer more it's the same with all the things everything we just tried i prefer the less expensive one so technically i don't have expensive taste or i think i do but it's a lie everything is a trap run do you have a stuffed rabbit no who said that i do of course i do doesn't everyone singlets my favorite that felt good it's gonna be this one no wait i don't know that's really weird um this one let's say this one okay that's not like that's not real that's my thing what the hell are these do i put these in my mouth these go inside my mouth are you sure don't taste your balloon oh yeah i can't eat them right what is happening this is not real that's not a chewy toy what is this it's gum huh why is it minty um who eats us who oh my god who invented this isn't this the one that exploded in someone's face no oh my that's not bad oh my god never buy these for your children sorry but it's the same but this one tastes better so i'm gonna say this is more expensive pink one no damn you gob topper [Music] jewelry well that's so easy this one's more expensive wait hold on obviously this is more expensive the the thinner chain okay yes i got three wrong so i got six right and i can do math that's cool how well did everyone else do so like loads of people have done better who did who did worse than me we put it up on the screen after so no if i'd known there was a scoreboard i would have won thanks for watching i lost but i'm on the cover of cosmo which is pretty cool so i'm gonna go and take my money and use one of my laura carlos sex toys bye guys thank you
Channel: Cosmopolitan
Views: 687,542
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cosmopolitan, Cosmo, cara delevingne, cara delevingne interview, expensive taste test, cosmo expensive taste test, cara delevingne cosmo, cosmopolitan cara delevingne,, cosmo, celebrity, cara delevingne funny, cara delevingne cosmo cover
Id: 81yTi_xPi04
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 4sec (544 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 29 2021
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