Cara Delevingne Talks Living in Jimmy's Apartment and Performs a Magic Trick (Extended)

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-Welcome back to the show. -Thank you for having me. -You recently bought an apartment in New York City. -I did. It's not great, though. -It's not that great, yeah. It's very interesting. You bought my old apartment. -I did. Yes, I live in your -- I live in your house. I sleep in your bed. Is that weird? [ Laughter ] -That's not weird at all. I'm just -- How do you like it? You just moved in, just happened. -It's one of the most incredible places that I've ever lived in, obviously. But, I just -- I can't believe it. I feel so connected to you, but I feel so grateful, man. -I'm so grateful -- -'Cause you lived in that apartment since you were how old? -I was probably 20 years old. -You could smell it. [ Laughter ] -You could smell it, yeah. I'm just so happy because when you sell an apartment, you're like, "I hope someone cool buys it and someone creative buys it, and someone loving buys it, and you fit all those -- check all those boxes. 'Cause all the little bits, and I never -- I didn't want to change anything about this house, honestly. I tried to design my house in L.A. basically like that without knowing the house. Like, this house is what I would've designed if I had style, basically. His wife, Nancy -- I mean, the whole place is beautiful. -It's all my wife, yeah. -Love you, Nancy! -We have old wallpaper -- -I kept it all. It's creepy. -No, I love it. We're like, "Thank you, thank you, thank you. 'Cause we worked so hard on it." I'm like, "Please don't just paint it all, and..." -Kept the bed sheets, everything. [ Laughter ] -I love you, buddy. I'm so happy that it's you. I'm so happy that it's you. I love you. -Welcome any time. -Yeah. I want -- I wanted to ask you about this thing. I saw Megan Thee Stallion... -Yes. the Billboard Music Awards. -So did I. -Yeah, you did too, apparently. -I was there. -No one understood what was happening because you weren't quite -- you weren't quite at the awards nor were with her. You were off to the side. -Yes. -And if you can't even -- If you don't even look at that, there's Megan Thee Stallion. -Yeah. -You see Megan. And then off to the side... -Peekaboo! -...that's you, yeah. [ Laughter ] And what's going on? How did you end up here? -So, basically, I was kind of working as her P.A. I needed a side job. Um, no, but, basically, you know, I was in Vegas. We're friends. I really wanted to see her play, and she asked me to come along with her, and I was like -- I didn't know I was gonna go and sit or do anything. I thought I was just gonna come and watch her play. You know, she had a speech she was gonna do, 'cause she was winning an award. I was helping her run her lines. Like, I was walking around with a clipboard, helping her do lines. -Yeah, you were like an assistant, yeah. -Memorize the speech. And, you know, so she was on the red carpet. So I was standing behind her, and then she was trying to -- You know, the thing with fashion, you try and flick your own thing, and she couldn't really -- So I was helping her, and I was doing it, and going like, "Yeah, go!" Like, hyping her up. Being a hype woman. -Yeah. You flipped her scarf, and then you were like, "Yeah! Go get 'em! Go!" [ Laughter ] -Yeah, and then, like, I walked in, and I had a seat in the front row. I'm like, "I'm not meant to be here." So I was like, "Hi!" And then, like, I was getting on the floor, taking pictures. That's what I do. I don't know. I was just really excited. "Let me get an angle, guys! I'm a photographer." -It was so fun. I'm like, "I have no idea. I know Cara, but I don't know what she's doing." -I was living my best life, but people found it a little bit odd, which I -- People find me odd, but that's me. -Yeah, why not? -No shame. -I love you in "Only Murders in the Building." -Thank you. -Which is one of my favorite shows. On Hulu. -It's one of my favorite shows, too, and I'm in it. That's weird. -Selena Gomez, Steve Martin, Martin Short. -Yes. -How was it like? How did you know that you were being added to the cast, by the way? Did you get a call, and they go, like -- yeah, they go, "Oh, we want you to play..." -Well, the weird thing was, I just finished a show. I just finished "Carnival Row," and I was like -- I think I needed a break for a little bit, 'cause I'd done this show for like coming up to four years, eight months. And, like, I don't know. My agent called me up and said, "So, they've asked you to be in this show." And I was like, "Oh, she's probably joking." Because, also, I hadn't met the director or anything, and they were just like, "They want you to be in it," and I was like, "If this is a joke, I'm gonna be so angry. But if this isn't, I'll pay." And she was like, "You shouldn't say that to people." [ Laughter ] -"I will pay you to be in this show, 'cause..." -And then they're like, "You play a queer, English, wannabe artist." I was like, "Okay. That sounds odd." [ Laughter ] "Never done that before." -I love that you're in there. How is Steve and Marty to deal with? I know they're kind of nightmares. -Pretty rough, man, yeah. -Yeah, they're nightmares. -I have to teach them a few things about comedy. -Yeah, good for you, Yeah, please, yeah. -No, I mean, honestly, they are my heroes. I grew up watching them. My dad was so happy. I just -- But the thing is, coming into a new show and you haven't been in the first season, just not really part, but straight away, I was -- Marty took me in, he was like, "I want to see -- Let's get to know you." We were talking about what our favorite condiments were, what my thoughts on family, kind of grilled me a little bit. But I felt so a part of it. -Do you see that you're more of a Martin Short person or more of Steve person? -No, no, Selena is Steve, and I'm Marty, for sure. Like, it's -- they're kind of both looking out, and we're trying to do... [ Singing ] Like, singing, and Steve and Selena are like, "Guys, can we please just get on with this thing?" -I have a picture here of -- just a picture. This is a random day on set. -Random day on set. -No big deal. Yeah, just you guys hanging out. And then, look at that. Yeah. Steven Spielberg just dropped by. Steven Spielberg just drops by the set. -And I think he must have mentioned it, but I don't know if he -- He was just like, "Oh, yeah, guys, my friend Steven's coming along." "Yeah, yeah, cool, cool. And then he walked in, we're like, "What the hell?" -"Wait. That's your friend, Steven?" -Steven Spielberg. You could've mentioned that, maybe. -Look at Steve and Marty. -He was such a big fan of the show, and it was so nice, 'cause he was asking all these questions. [ Laughter ] -Look at Steve Martin. It's unbelievably funny. Oh, my gosh. -No, I don't wish anyone else -- -Casual, casual fans. -I do want to show everyone a clip. Here's Cara Delevingne in "Only Murders in the Building." We don't know if you're the murderer or not. We don't know anything. -Nobody knows. -It's a mystery. Check it out. -Want to show you something. I've been hideously blocked for a year, stuck in the past, no moving forward. Do you ever feel that way? -Yeah, all the time. -Stupid question. Of course you do. Anyway, then this happened. ♪♪ -Wow. It's beautiful. -I'm glad you like it. 'Cause it's you. And I want you to destroy it. -That is so -- [ Cheers and applause ] Fashion, art. Wow. -Art. -"Destroy it." Cara, every time you've been on the show, you've been nice, very nice to us. You've shown us some secret, hidden talents. You beatboxed on our show before. -Yes. -Do you remember that? You played electric guitar behind your head. And you crushed with that. And tonight, you've brought us a magic trick. -I have. So I call myself a bit of a "vagician," I'll say. [ Laughter ] Look at my earring. -Okay. All right. Not a magician. -Not a magician. Vagician. So I've got a pack of cards here, okay? This might not go well. That's all I'm gonna tell you. 'Cause my hands are a little sweaty. -Do you know the trick? -I don't know. My hands are a little sweaty. And I'm a little nervous. So this is gonna go really well, I promise you. -Okay. All right. -So I'm gonna shuffle the cards. -I'm not looking. -If it doesn't go well, please forgive me. -We'll be fine. We're on your side. We're on your side. [ Cheers and applause ] -So, I've shuffled the cards. I've shuffled the cards. So, I've shuffled the cards. So I've shuffled the cards. I'm gonna run through the cards. Yeah, this is perfect, perfect, perfect, perfect. Give me some light, yeah, yeah. I've shuffled the cards, and now I'm gonna shuffle through the cards, and you're gonna tell me to stop whenever you want me to stop. Tell me to stop. -Stop. -Okay. So, this is your card. I'm not going to look at it. -Yes, I see it. -I'm gonna put it to the camera. Also not gonna look. -Can we all see it? -Yeah? -All right, good. We all see it. -Can you see how much my hand is shaking? -Yes. [ Laughter ] Is that part of the trick? -Okay, so now I'm gonna put the card there. Right? This is the card, right? Yeah, that was the card. I know what I'm doing. -This is like -- -So, before we forget about -- we forget about that now. So close your eyes. [ Laughter ] No, I'm joking. So, as -- no, close your eyes. Oh, I thought you were joking. -Also, I just wanted to get you a little present as a thank-you for letting me be in your house. This is a bottle of Prosecco. But now I'm gonna ask you a question. You're gonna have to guess -- You can open your eyes now. This is a bottle of Prosecco. -Why did I close my eyes? -I also happen to own the company with my sister. -Why did you have me close my eyes? -Because I wanted you to be surprised by the present. -Thank you! Oh, my gosh. [ Cheers and applause ] -This is not a plug. -What is the trick? -Now, now, now, if you guess the bottle -- if you guess the price of the bottle right, you get to come and stay at the house whenever you want, back in your own house, if you guess the bottle. So how much do you think this bottle is? One bottle. -That's a nice bottle of Prosecco. -How much do you think it is? -I'm gonna say that's... a hundred... $150 -- $175. -Okay, so check on the back. There should be a price, like, on the barcode. There's a barcode on the back. What does it say? Want to read it up close? -I'm looking at it right now, but I want the audience to look. -Audience to see, yes. -Go zoom in. -Really zoom in. -There you go! -Seven of hearts! What?! [ Cheers and applause ] How? How did you do that?! Wow! Magic! Seven of hearts! Cara Delevingne, everybody! "Only Murders in the Building" is now streaming on Hulu. Seven of hearts. Bruce the Robot joins us after the break. Stick around, everybody.
Channel: The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon
Views: 862,144
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tonight show, jimmy fallon, Magic Trick, nyc, apartment, new york, Only Murders in the Building, NBC, NBC TV, Television, Funny, Talk Show, comedic, humor, snl, tonight, show, jokes, funny video, interview, variety, comedy sketches, talent, celebrities, video, clip, highlight, Cara Delevingne on Fallon, Cara Delevingne interview, Friends, Unagi, Running Wild with Bear Grylls, Amazon, Carnival Row, refugee, Vignette Stonemoss, Suicide Squad, Enchantress, Victoria's Secret
Id: 1JjCtRhmQTo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 29sec (569 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 28 2022
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