Car World Records are Dumb

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(suspenseful music) - Recently Kia did the first ever flat spin - Recently Kia did the first ever flat spin 360° stunt jump a record that literally... Nobody asked for, or like at first glance understands what it means. So, we started looking into more of these car world records, and it turns out that some of them just kind of seemed like publicity stunts. But, some of them are legitimately sick. Today we're going to look at a bunch of Guinness world records, set by car brands to decide if they're legitimately impressive, or illegitimately depressives. And later in the video, we're going to set our own real world record. Today I'm joined by, the world record holding, Jeremiah Burton, tallest donut host, barely. I'm James. This is the show where we put random car crap on trial. It's called the! - D. D. D-List. (whirring noise) - Big thank you to Jackery for sponsoring today's video. Whether you're camping, glamping, overlanding, or just throwing an anniversary party in the beautiful outdoors, like me. You're going to want the Jackery solar generator 1500 on your adventure. It's designed to give you all the power you need. This little guy right here, handles a massive 1800 watt hours of capacity with seven port options. The best part is it runs naturally. So you can actually enjoy nature. Unlike your grandpa with his loud gas chugging generator. Can charge it at home, in your car, or if you're really off the grid, just use the sun you dingus. (liquid with solid chunks pouring) (plastic clank) When you use Jackery's 100 Watts, solar saga panels, a quick and solar peak technology, you'll be getting maximum power extraction. Literally. Go from 0 to 80% power within four hours. Off the sun. So happy ninth anniversary Jackery. Thanks for keeping the lights on, no matter where we are. And to make this anniversary even sweeter. Jackery is giving you 15% off their entire site from October 18th to October 20th. Make the switch to electric today by clicking the link in the description below. Now let's power back to the show. (happy individual musical notes) - Our first record comes from a legendary car company. - Subaru. - In 2020, i.e; last year. Wait. - Yeah, that's a bad time to do this. - That's a bad time to do this. Subaru wanted to get in the record books. So they broke the extremely coveted world record of largest parade of Subaru cars. But yes, the Subaru got seventeen hundred, and fifty one, Subarus... - All in a line. - To do a parade. So that they could break this like, important record. But Subaru is not the only company that does this. There's also a record for largest parade... of GMCs. - Okay. - Mitsubishis. - Okay. - Ah, Ferraris. - Ooh. - Geelys. - Uh huh. - If you look up car parade on the Guinness website, there are literally hundreds of records. So I think we already know the answer to this Jer. Is this record worthy, of being documented, or should it go straight to home? - I think James that this should go straight to the depths of H-E Double Hockey Sticks. - Yeah. I think this is super lame. (low vibration) Our next record involves a bunch of cars from the same brand, but... they stepped it up a notch. Brand? Nissan Middle East. The notch? Dancing. (giggles) - All right. - In 2018, Nissan middle east, set the world record for largest, synchronized, car dance. - All right. - Using 180 Nissan patrols, that drove around the desert, in the shape... Wait for it. (tense build up music) Of a fricking Falcon! (Falcon cry) - Woo! - Yeah! - Hell yeah. - Sixth record for Nissan Middle East. (distant energetic music) One hundred eighty Nissan patrols. - Come on, come on. - Come on! Come on, man! We got to break the record, man! Oh! Yeah! Falcon! Yeah! We did it! Dude, I think we can all agree that that was the sickest thing I've ever seen. 100% necessary. - I thought they were going to flap their wings. - Yeah - Y'know? They just painted a line, and they drove. Just opposite directions. - Right. There's no like, marching band. I expected... - I was, I thought it was gonna be marching band. - Yeah. I love how stoked everybody was. - They were super pumped. - I don't want to send this one straight to hell. I think it's pretty cool, but we're going to beat it. - It's in purgatory. - It's on earth. - Okay. (ding) - Next record was set by Jaguar Land Rover, in 2016 and has yet to be broken. And I dare you! To even try... and beat this record! The record? Longest vehicle seesaw slash teeter-totter. Very important distinction. Don't show upselling on the biggest teeter-totter, instead of Seesaw, because it's wrong! Okay?! Basically they took two land Rover Evoques, slapped them onto a big platform, and balanced them 45 feet... off the ground. In front of thirty thousand people. - why, who. Who would show. Who would show up for that? - They spent over two months working with structural engineers to orchestrate this incredible stunt. - Incredible. - Yeah. Yeah. - We're in the business of like, you know, entertaining people. This isn't entertaining. Its. - It's very, very expensive. - It's very wasteful. - It doesn't make any sense at all. - I, 100% do not believe 30,000 people came to see this. (laughs) - No. - But it was on China? - Yeah. - I think 30,000 people see everything. (laughs) - It had the opposite effect of what they wanted. They wanted you to purchase the Land Rover and think they're cool. We'll never buy Land Rovers. - Boycott Land Rover Jaguar. - Yeah. - This is awful. This is not only going to hell. I will never buy a Land Rover. (laughs) (aggressive low vibration) But this awesome Seesaw wasn't Jaguar's first rodeo with world records because Jaguar also holds the world's record for largest loop the loop... In a car. The loop is 63 feet tall. - Dang. - Okay. - I'm six, three. - Yeah. - I'm not going to do the math on it, but I think that's 10 times as tall as me. - Yup. Well... - Yeah. - The car and the driver withstood 6GS of force during this stunt. - Damn. - Which is more than, a space guy. - Imagine your weight right now. And then imagine it's six times that. - Yeah, that's like... - So, like if you're 200... - 600 pounds. - Yeah, yeah. 600 pounds. - Yeah, I got hollow bones. The driver spent two months of intense physical preparation. So he didn't lose consciousness while driving upside down. I think this is so sick. We got the fireworks on there. - Yep. - I think it's rad as hell. - Yeah. It's actually showing the car do something. - Yeah. And it's an SUV. So it's surprising. - Right. - A big loop is a record that makes sense to me. - Mhm. - It's like a real life Hot Wheels track. - Yeah. - I think this is legit. - Yeah, for sure. It was great. - Don't boycott Jaguar. (positive ding) And this next record is also an impressive stunt, but you probably wouldn't expect it to be in a record book. Talking about farthest, reverse, ramp jump. - Dude. - Is that Rob Dyrdek? - Yeah. That's Rob Dyrdek car. So the Peterson has this car in the vault, and they are like. Hey, you guys want this car? And we were like, for frees? (laughing) And we were going to use it for something, but we didn't end up getting it. - Yeah. There's like two of them. - Yeah. There's two. There was one that was a kick flip car. - Oh yeah. - And then the reverse, uh, jump car. So cars currently owned by that dude in blue, check out his YouTube channel, not a sponsor, just a fan. So there's an episode about this jump on fantasy factory, but he jumped 89 feet in reverse. - Pretty impressive. I get their thinking, that's like. Hey, if we were to jump a car forward for this, that's scary. - That's very far. - That's very far, but reverse... - Lot shorter! - Lot shorter! - I think this is harking back to like, legitimate like, carny stuff. - Mhm. - Like Evel Knievel. - That's what I was gonna say. This is like old school Evel Knievel. - Right. Traveling around the country, doing crazy stuff. So I think this is legitimately sick. (positive ding) Hold on. I've just received word that the world record officiator has entered the building. - Hello chap, me is the world record checker. Me heard there is a world record going on. Maybe point me to the way? - So stay tuned to see the incredible record that we will attempt at the end of this video. I guarantee you... It will be a doozy. This next record is hotly contested. Everyone wants a piece of this record. - A pie. Obviously, I'm referring to... The heaviest aircraft. pulled by a production car. A long time ago, Volkswagen set this record with a Touareg. Then it was broken by, our boys, the Nissan patrol. Then, it was finally broken again. By a Porsche Cayenne S turbo. This PP Cayenne... pulled about 189 ton airbus A380. pulled about 189 ton airbus A380. A full 100 feet. A full 100 feet. - Dang. (laughter) Yeah, that's a big boy. That's one of the ones when like it flies over, and all the boys are like. Yo! - So I'm leaning into this thing, and this is pretty legit. - I think it was pretty cool. - Okay. Yeah. All right, cool. But also, have you ever seen the things that actually pull airplanes around? They look like forklifts. I'm like cool. But also... - We built a vehicle. - We built a guy for that, so. Pulling an airplane? Legit. - Legit record. - Totally cool. (positive ding) Don't confuse that record with the heaviest weight pulled by an electric car, which also involved pulling an airplane. This was set by the Tesla model X and the plane was only 143 tons. - What was the other one? How much did it weigh? A hundred and eighty nine. - Hundred eighty nine tons? - You can tell that this plane is like a little punk. - I think it's legit, but I do think they should've pulled a bigger plane. - Yeah ,they should have put a bigger plane. - I'm a little upset with Tesla. - It's a little bush league. - It's the same spirit of the other one. We're just upset with Tesla. - Yeah, it's the same spirit, but it's like spirit airlines. (laughs) If you're going to tow a plane, tow a bigger plane. - Yeah. - All I'm saying. - Yeah. (low vibration) - If you're watching this channel, you might like drifting. And a couple of years ago, BMW set the world record for greatest, cumulative distance a vehicle drift in eight hours. - Wow. - On a wet surface. There's a lot of qualifiers there. So believe it or not, this is actually a record that has been set several times. The old record was 90 miles, but BMW is like. Hold mine stain Einstein. - Ooh. - But then they drifted... Two hundred... And thirty two... Point five miles. In an M5. Can you imagine being in that car? - I mean, it's the marathon of drifting. - You think, he would have to pee pee in the car? - Eight hours? Of course. - Yeah. - He could probably not poopoo, but he definitely peepeed. - He probably didn't have to poopoo. He probably planned for it. - He prob-, he could've. - His diet for like days before probably went into his plan. The most impressive part beyond the peepee and the poopoo, and the eating. Was that they refueled the car multiple times, during this eight hour stunt. - I see that. I see the guy. - Just like a fighter jet. - I remember they made a promo about this. Hey, how big was the track? Do you know? Was it like a little tight circle? - At least one little tight circle, all right? I don't know why we would do this, but it's cool. It's hard. - It is hard. It is a feat. Anything you do for eight hours is hard. I mean it's sick. - Sick! - It's pretty sick! - It's pretty sick! Legitimately sick. - Legitimately sick. - Legitimately sick. (positive ding) - We're about to get into straight up top speed... - All right. - Records. - Now we're talking. - Yup. Just like everything else on this list, is simple fastest car record. Wouldn't be complicated, and not enough qualifiers, for example, a completely normal and not at all grueling world record with the fastest side wheelie lap of the Nurburgring. So this dude drove a mini Cooper on two wheels down the entire Nurburgring. He didn't know the Nurburgring is 13 miles long and has 73 turns. And he drove an entire lap like this. But it took over 45 minutes. - It's like the fastest lap in the rain. Guess what? did they have. They broke in six or set, six second mark. Right? He took his time. - 40 minutes. - 45 minutes. - I can't dude. Just like. (quiet elevator music) - I mean perhaps to them, but I think this guy just does this, this guy's a two side wheel driver and he could probably do this wherever the hell he wanted to. - Right. And he was like, you know what I want to do? Let's do it at the Nurburgring. There's not a record. - Right, and I'll set the record, and no one else is going to give... - I mean, respect. - Respect. - You know what I mean? - Am I going to go tomorrow? Start training for this? No. (low vibration) Okay. So now for a land speed record, that actually matters. Earlier this year, the Porsche Taycan achieved the fastest speed achieved by a vehicle. Indoors. - Woah, - Which sounds kind of silly, at first. - Yeah. - But if you think about it, you're introducing a lot more stuff. - Right. - You're like speeding towards a dead end. - Right. Right. You have to stop. Stopping is part of the equation. - So apparently, the normal outside land speed record is 763 miles per hour. And that was too hard. - Porsche was just like. We can't. - Yeah. - We can't do that. - So you want to take this inside bro? Hey buddy, you want to take this inside?! - To break the previous record The P-Car needed to be at a stand still at the beginning, and! The end of the run. And the entire thing needed to be in sight. So they couldn't just like rip out of the garage door. They did this at the new Orleans convention center, which is a pretty big building, but the floors are super slippery. And the dude who set the record said: It was like driving on ice straight towards a wall. And he ended up sending it 102.65 miles per hour. - That's pretty sick. - I'm into this. - I honestly think the sketchiness of the floor adds to like the like scare factor, which is. - Yeah, and the columns man. - Dude, Evel Knievel. Remember an Evel Knievel jumped that, uh, fountains at Caesars? And then ran into the ****ing column? - Yeah. - Yeah. Like that, like wreck them. - Anytime there's like death involved. It's a real world record. - Yeah. This is legitimate. - Yeah. (positive ding) - Speaking of legitimate world records. I just want to remind you guys that I'm about to set one. - And it's legit cause he could die. - I could. - So, stay tuned. We have reached our final world record, perhaps the most outrageous, the most extreme. Dare I say the most unbreakable one on this entire list? I'm talking about the fastest car in space. The Tesla Roadster. Now you guys probably remember when Elon Musk launched the Roadster into space with the Falcon heavy rocket a few years ago. We made a video home where we tried to launch our own 1/64th scale Tesla into space. But Guinness world records actually put this, in their record book, for achieving a speed of twenty four thousand, nine hundred and forty two miles per hour. I think that it's cool. That Elon launched a car into space. - That is cool. And he put his own car. His own car that he built. - That he made, yeah. - That he made. - Into space. - Into a rocket, that he also made, and launched it into space. - Insane. - That's cool. I think a kid's going to see that back. Oh, that car went 24,000 miles. Well, it wasn't powered. You know what I'm saying? - Yeah, you're lying to kids. Like if I could launch a Stocky in a space. - That'd be sick. - Or like a Nolan. - Yeah. - Or like our streaming. - Oh, that'd be. - Or like our million sub button. The fact that he launched a car in a space is legitimately sick. - Pretty sick. - I think the records goofy. - Goofy as record. - Yeah. So that record is legitimately goofy. (mouth fart) (fart) I'm sick of just talking about records. So now we're going to go set our own record, right here at the Inglewood propulsion laboratory with our world famous. Race car Jetta. The most beans, shot out of a MK Three Jetta, next to an airport, on a Friday. Let's go Jer. (intense dramatic music) (distant crowd cheering) (clapping and cheering) (intense dramatic music) - Silence please. James Pumphrey will attempt to shoot the most beans out of a Mark3 Jetta, next to an airport, on a Friday. Now, Mr. Pumphrey. No funny business. You hear me? (crowd counts down) - Give it the beans! (slow, dramatic, intense music) (glorious victory music) (fast whirring) (engine roar) (laughter) (fast whirring) (engine roar) (laughter) (loud engine revving up and down) (clapping and cheering) (laughter) (loud engine revving up and down) (loud engine rapidly revving up and down) (laughter) - Oh! The bean juice! There is the bean juice! - The check engine light came on. - Yeah, they don't usually like all that. - You shot the furthest bean out. - Yeah, how far is that? (suspenseful intense music) - 34.2 feet. A new record. To the one, James Pumphrey. (children cheering mechanically) Congratulations sir. - Thank you. I just want to thank all of my sponsors. Donut media. (Slow trumpet call) (Slow trumpet call) (Slow trumpet call) (distant tape rolling) - Hanging in your garage, hanging in your bedroom or watch it wave proudly on your at-home flagpole. And let the world know that you believe that cars are for everybody. - And if you thought our merch couldn't get any better, we just started an all new rewards program. That'll get you points for every dollar spent and even more for referring your friends. So get your very own donut flag and learn more about our new rewards program by going to today. We love you guys. - Thanks for watching this video and everything else on donut media. If you liked it, hit that subscribe button, to make sure you don't miss anything. Let me know if you want to see a shirt with the Jetta on it, now it's not only the most famous Jetta on YouTube. It's a world record holder. (laughter) (intense epic adventure music) (laughter) (clapping) (chocking) (laughter)
Channel: Donut
Views: 2,361,351
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: car world records, world records, guinness world records, best world records, worst world records, craziest world records, fastest car, worlds fastest car, side wheelie, dumb world records, car stunts, car jumps, drift world record, james pumphrey, jeremiah burton, donut media, dlist
Id: ecRLtzu_-UI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 56sec (1196 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 15 2021
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