Car Market CRASH Of 2024 | KARMA For Car Dealers

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all right so I'm over here at our local GMC dealership in May oh my have things changed we've got an $83,000 GMC Sierra 1500 Denali and look at this it was only a couple of months ago that dealers were putting addendum stickers on their vehicles now pops you're not going to believe it look at this sticker it says the MSRP It also says what invoices on the vehicle and then what they're charging oh my it seems as if uh it's that they're just disc counting right off the top you don't even have to ask this is the market reset man we've done videos on this it's gone from a sellers Market to a buyer Market I was shocked that there's more footage that we'll show in just a moment here but when I was out on this dealer's lot looking at all the trucks and I saw these yellow stickers immediately the worst case scenario went through my head addendum labels like you and I saw all summer long and now Dad it's the polar opposite it is a buyer Market not a sellers Market this type of information on a vehicle the invoice price and below it that's great to see so so they're actually what almost $1,200 below invoice what they're willing to sell the vehicle for and then I'm assuming that would be plus fees um and let's assume for a second that fees are the dock fee tax title and license fees and and knowing the dealership that you're at um that they typically don't play games with any additional dealer add-ons all right pop so I came over to this Hyundai dealership owned by the same group we've got a nearly $55,000 Palisade calligraphy and they're doing the same thing man like things have changed times have changed MSRP invoice here's what their price is $51,988 there you go man I was just there a couple minutes ago and they are well below invoice price on Palisade calligraphies like like one of the hottest cars that were on the market now below invoice and and uh you you were there did they have a bunch of Palisades there or or were they Limited in the in the amount of Palisades they have but they're just being aggressive in their pricing no all the Lots I walked at there were tons of trucks as you saw in the footage tons of fullsize pickup trucks over at the GMC dealership and then the Hyundai dealership was was pretty dog on full man there were all sorts of electric vehicles which I'll show you one in a moment which was insane and all sorts of you know internal combustion engine Vehicles as well so they were they were pretty full well you know it's it's really if I may it's wonderful to see something like this where they have the yellow sticker dangling from the windshield um if you are a customer and you show up and you want to know how much you have to pay for something it is right there it doesn't get any more transparent than that and the the real reality here is that it is below invoice pricing that you can pay for the vehicle which is not something we have seen for I don't know 3 and 1 half 4 years so this is really proof positive in the Washington DC area that prices are coming down are they coming down at all dealers no are they coming down at some yes is it incumbent upon you to find the sum where they are coming down absolutely all right pops this was the big shock when I was on the Hyundai dealership's lot a Hyundai ionic 5 dad and the price point on this thing $ 51,69256 th000 discount on a brand new Hyundai ionic 5 and as you can see in the footage man a lot of bird poop on this one as well it's been sitting there for a while yes and but the but the wonderful thing is is that this is just proof positive of the market reset of dealers being more aggressive knowing they have to be more aggressive today than they have been in the past and that that only bodess well for consumers out there now I know a lot of people are going to say Well they're going to have to knock another $10,000 up hey knock yourselves out folks if if you're not happy with the fact that they've come down nine grand on it already uh and you don't see the the added value of that then there's never going to be a discount price that's going to make you happy would you rather pay the 60 or would you rather pay the 51 and people have a great Point we've been doing a lot of research on how msrps have become inflated so for example Hyundai Kia one of the you know Hyundai the dealership I was at msrps at Hyundai Kia have gone up over 50% or nearly 50% in the past 5 years you've got a great point a great argument to say hey the msrps have gone up like crazy and still people were buying them as the msrps were going up and dealer addendum stickers were being placed on these vehicles this is proof positive like you said D it's the polar opposite now the market has done an entire 180 yes and sure the msrps haven't come down but the price points have from the dealers and the addendum stickers are no longer for additional packages they're for hey look at the discount that we're offering you that's good news this is a buyer Market it's anytime the prices come down even though they might not come down as much as you would like anytime prices come down that's better for you as a consumer than if the prices just continue to remain at the inflated price that they have on on the monr label so let me ask you a question dad are you surprised by the footage that I captured earlier today or did you you know did you think it was going to be different like what's your take on this I'm I'm not as surprised as I think some of our viewers will be I know that in large Metro areas dealers realize they have to be more motivated and more aggressive in taking deals on cars today they they understand it especially in the large competitive Metro areas and the Washington DC Market is one of the most competitive in the country uh so it doesn't surprise me now if this was an I don't know Lancaster Pennsylvania um somewhere in that area I wouldn't be surprised if there weren't any discounts on the vehicles there um it just depends on where you are and how far you're willing to go or to travel in order to shop to get a better deal on a vehicle today friendly plug car you can skip the dealership and just buy a card from us directly and use the market day supply data on the car Edge car search to understand what's going on in Lancaster versus in Lance and understand that there are different market conditions I was pretty blown away man I got to be honest when I saw that yellow sticker I thought oh crap they still are doing addendums and I was pleasantly surprised when I saw that this dealership is just being upfront about hey we're selling below invoice and that's the new normal hopefully dead this is the sign of a continued reset and a buyer market for consumers my gut tells me it is and I think we'll be able to keep tabs on it for months to come uh you know I'm looking forward to your uh next time out in the wild so to speak uh so that we can keep these dealers on thanks for doing that today Zach all right Dad you can sell your car on car Edge what's the deal the deal is you just plug in your VIN number and we'll get you offers from local dealers in minutes seconds cell [Music] okay car all sorts of free resources back there dad like what oh I don't know what's your car going to depreciate over time how much is your insurance going to be what should you expect to pay for fuel it's all there all that information in one place
Channel: CarEdge
Views: 126,792
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 5CwquP_qv1Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 11sec (491 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 28 2024
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