How to Buy a Car for the BEST PRICE in 2024!

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here's the car Edge process to buy a car or lease and get the best price possible huge shout out to one of our community members Bob Bob sent this email to his local BMW dealer and look what he said pops he says can you please provide me with all lease terms including selling price residual value percentages and money factor factor basically the lease worksheet with otd breakdown including the money factor also please let me know if there are any consumer rebates or any other programs that might be available or any other loyalty rebates that could be applied and what do you know Dad the dealer replies and gives none of that information the car Edge process it fails us the dealer provides the total amount that would be down and the monthly payment and here is where things go really well for Bob he doubles down and he says hey I need all the information I requested and what do you know Dad the dealer budges and provides all the information let's break down the car Edge process and how people can save money when they purchase or lease a vehicle thoughts here on Bob's experience before we jump in well the thoughts are that yeah you have to push back because regardless of what you request in the first email that you send the dealer is not going to honor that request by providing you with the information that you asked for uh the dealer Personnel have been trained to set up appointments and and be as vague as they possibly can so yes it's going to require additional effort in a second email usually uh saying hey you've got but one other chance to get this right and there you go Bob good on you for pushing back all right let's break this down Dad we have 100% free email templates that you should be using to implement the car Edge car buying process we've got an email requesting the best out the- door price template or best out the door price excuse me when you are on the car Edge car search you can click on these email templates and it will pre-fill with information we're about to review hello my name is Zach shfa and I live in your area my zip code is 28607 and I am looking to purchase the following a 2023 Dodge Charger RT stock number pH 73192 with be sure to put any additional details if there are any and I noticed this vehicle has been sitting on your lot for 110 days and I'd be happy to get this vehicle off of your lot if the price was aggressive let's break down the initial paragraph here two paragraphs from this email template that you send to the dealer what are we doing here Dad well first we're establishing that that we're in your area in your market area and you need to take this seriously because I am a buyer and we're we're secondly we're setting up that we know exactly what car we want we know the stock number and lo and behold we know how many days it's been sitting on your lot and and why that would be beneficial if you're aggressive on pricing for me to come in and take take that vehicle off your hands so you're showing that you're a little savier buyer than most people who just send a hey can you give me some information on and you need to provide the dealer with your ZIP code because we are requesting an out the door price they need that zip code to figure out your taxes and any local fees so that is very very important to include your ZIP code a lot of people don't want to share any information with the dealer but they need the zip I have already arranged for my own financing and I am open to what financing options you offer I would even entertain a pre-owned or retired service owner if it was offered uh if it would if it would offer the appropriate savings you can obviously remove that if it's not applicable I am looking to take delivery by month end at the latest I'm prepared to move sooner if the deal warrants it walk us through this paragraph what are we doing here pops well we're we're giving the dealer options to find ways um to come up with a car that they can be aggressive on the pricing um you're letting them know that you'll complete the transaction by month end so that they have a sale for this month and if they are aggressive you are prepared to to complete the transaction sooner than month end so that they can get a complete a deal on their books say maybe this week as opposed to next week love it absolutely love [Music] it kindly provide me with your best detailed out the door price breakdown including dealer discounted selling Price Less any manufacturer rebates plus dealer and government fees I will will be contacting multiple dealers within a 75 100 mile radius I am a serious and committed buyer ready to move forward with my purchase provided that you supply me with the details that I have requested what are you doing here uh well you're putting the onus on them to provide you with the information once again you're reiterating that you are a serious and committed buyer and that you are willing to travel to to some degree in order to find the deal so you're inviting the the dealership to be competitive in their pricing absolutely now what happens when the dealer does not provide that information double down just like Bob did in the example at the beginning of this video but there's also this template the email for when the dealer says well Zach the price is the price let's run through this one time as well cuz this is ultimately part of the car hedge process you will get hit with dealers that don't want to negotiate but in the end they likely will hello thanks so much for getting back to me I greatly appreciate it I understand that the price for the vehicle I am interested in is not negotiable but I do have one question for you I am assuming that your store like most dealerships has an aging policy for both new and used cars is that correct if so to prevent vehicles from aging how often do you review your pricing daily weekly every 10 days or so when you determine that you need uh that your price needs to be adjusted downward what would that price reduction look like $500 less $750 less maybe even $1,000 less I'm sure that turning inventory quickly is important to you especially considering the cost of flooring your inventory in today's high interest rate environment pick a price reduction let me know what it is and I'll come and buy the car today please let me know what number works for you what are you doing in this email template pops well you're you're really explaining you understand how the business works and that there's added cost by having the vehicle continue to sit there um you know not kudos to me not the not to Pat myself on the back but I really like the wording of this particular one that I came up with um you you are you were offering bring them the opportunity to review their pricing sooner rather than later and letting them know that perhaps there's just $500 standing between them and a car deal 750 maybe a th000 whatever it is but how much would you be adjusting the price when you do look at at vehicles that are sitting um I I honestly believe this is some of my finest work all right now the first example we LED with from Bob was for the lease for getting a lease template oh my goodness for getting a lease quote excuse me here's our email template that you can use for the carage process to get that lease quote back from the dealer hello my name is Zack shevin I live in your area my zip code is 26807 and I'm looking to lease the following again pull in the information so the 2023 Dodge Charger RT with the stock number we know that this vehicle's been at your dealership for 110 days happy to get it off your lot with very aggressive pricing similar to what we saw with the otd quote I need a 36-month 15,000 m per year lease replace that with the details of your lease request and I only want to put the first payment down at signing my credit score is but some sort of estimated credit score and I looking to take delivery by month end at the latest or I would move sooner if the deal warrants it kindly provide me with a breakdown of all lease terms including dealer discounted selling Price Less any manufacturer uh less typo less any manufacturer customer rebates residual value percentages and money factor plus all dealer and government fees they will be contacting multiple dealers Etc etc etc another example here Dad pretty much the same logic you're just asking for slightly different information exactly and it once again you're you're displaying to the dealer that you have a working knowledge as to how dealerships operate and that you have a pretty good understanding as to how a lease is configured and that is why you want the information that you want all right if you found this video to be helpful and interesting we have more resources like this please subscribe to the YouTube channel and just Google search car EDG space email templates they are 100% free use them to initiate that car Edge way you know go through the process get yourself a fair deal this is what we're here to help you with thank you Dad for writing all these uh my pleasure I'm I'm really pleased with my penmanship this week
Channel: CarEdge
Views: 92,811
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 50sec (530 seconds)
Published: Wed May 01 2024
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