Don't Buy a Car Until You Watch THIS Video | How to Negotiate in 2024

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well Zach uh I understand you just got back from your test drive on that Camry LE what did you think of it I really enjoyed the vehicle I think it's something that I could see myself taking home and to be honest the salesperson Frank he was really really great as well I I felt comfortable the entire time well I'm I'm glad that that Frank made you feel comfortable I'm glad that you think this is the type of car that you could see yourself living with AB um it's a great great vehicle you know the Camry's been around what 30 years it's still one of the most popular vehicles that Toyota's ever produced and I can I can guarantee it's not the type of vehicle that'll ever let you down yeah no and and between you and me really what it's going to come down to yes it's the price you know it's it's really the numbers at the end of the day cuz I love the car yes I feel ready to go home in it w but my wife you know she needs to we need to you know we just got to make sure everything's in alignment before before I walk out do we do we need to have your wife here process or if you've already you've already got the stamp of approval from her to go ahead if the numbers are correct she said as long as I negotiate a good deal well the the wonderful thing about us here at gotcha Motors all we're interested in is is trying to figure out a way to make you a member of the family a member of the Goa Motors family okay somebody's got to be there I will say one thing and what was your name again uh my name's Ray Ray I will share one thing with you yes so my wife smart lady yeah smart enough to marry you smart enough to marry me yeah she had me watch these YouTube videos all right on how to buy a car so I got one question for you before we even get into the numbers absolutely when you show me a number I want to see the out the door price okay none of the payments none of the none of the add-ons and and crap I need the out the door price okay it'd be my pleasure to do that for you I've got nothing to hide all right okay so the Camry the Le it's Bas model I know you loved it I have some numbers for you on that vehicle and and since you're a bottom line kind of guy an otd kind of guy well also known as a bottom line kind of guy with the outd door number for that vehicle you're with taxes fees everything you're only looking at $ 33,6 6355 so $ 33,6 163 .55 is what that's the out the door number if I had to write a check you write that check you'll go home Happy I'll go home happy I might plan a vacation no I'm just kidding there's I I I couldn't take a vacation off of this commission all right let's let's let's run through there's a lot of line items here make up every every car deal has a lot of line items so it says market value selling price yeah that's the MSRP $ 29,34 exactly yeah Camry's MSRP from the factory is 20 okay yes you're giving me a discount $264 discount I guess I guess you got a few cam okay that makes sense I can understand you're trying to get a deal done yes the price then is $227,200 we could wave the freight but you had to get the car here doc fee is $150 I know you charge everyone the doc fee I read something about that yes dealer prep yes $1,688 yes on the Camry's that's what it is now if we were looking at a grand Highlander it would be a higher number for dealer prep and what does the dealer prep mean well it's to get the get the vehicle ready for the lot for sale safety inspection everything that the pre- delivery inspection everything that you need to do to have that vehicle be 100% ready to go for you to take it home do you do that to every car got you Motors yeah every every car gets gets the dealer prep and like I say if now if it was an entry level Corolla it would only be 1488 being an entry level Camry it's 1688 if we were on the grand Highlander it's 2488 I had no clue that dealer and does do all dealers do that I don't know what other deers do I only know what we do here I I don't run other shops tax I can't negotiate tax that's my sales tax you get that viit another tax all right I understand license fee and inspection fee title fee okay those are all state fees we got the pipa new is that is that another type of fee that is another state fee it's it's yeah it's like an environmental fee I okay environmental and schme menal cash deposit obviously we haven't even talked about that yet so we're not going to well because you want the out the door number you add all that together let me ask you a question yeah that $1,951 125 a tax yes what items on here are are are taxable oh well yeah the selling price the U the freight that's taxable the dealer prep is taxable the dock fee is taxable so everything above tax is taxable yes is that one way I could think about it okay how about this yeah you want to sell the you want to sell this this car today Frank seemed really you know again he was kind but he was eager he I could tell he hasn't sold a car in a while Frank's knew all right well that could explain a few things yes yes but of course I mean you know the only reason we're here Zach is is is to figure out how to sell a car in a daily base this is no good to sit here and try and figure something out where we don't sell you the I asked what's what's taxed is because if it's taxable it's negotiable and when I look at this out the door quot yeah go ahead you're actually charging me a lot more than MSRP a lot more than MSRP like2 or $3,000 over MSRP and I can't really wrap my head around the fact that the freight is almost $2,100 I'm pretty sure on the window sticker it showed Freight as part of Y all have it as market value selling price but as the MSRP I'm pretty sure you're trying to charge me twice for that and now that I think of it yes gotta Motors you're trying to Goa me that's unique but no we're just trying to get you because our slogan here at gotcha Motors is once we get you we got you so yeah that's exactly Ray can you can you in all seriousness yes I appreciate the first pass I appreciate that you you even put a discount on here of course let's run it back I can't walk out of here paying over MSRP I know that there was a shortage of vehicles I saw it in the YouTube videos I get it we're not in those times anymore I could probably go down the street to the other dealer not have to play any of these games they give me an otd at MSRP i' be a happy camper they they might play other games I don't know I understand I understand but I'm here I want to buy the car okay and I appreciate that so let me ask you a question all right um you feel as if we're charging you over MSRP you all your I don't feel that way R the numbers the numbers are the numbers all all you're concerned with is the out the door number so right now the out the door number is $ 33,6 6355 what is it that you had in mind that would be uh uh compelling enough for you to go home with the vehicle 33 66355 and you're telling me to tell you what I think should be I I need you I I I'm getting the sense that you want me to do something for you yeah I need to know what it is you'd like me to do um you know because if you're just going to ask me you say well uh Ray could you take a few dollars off well so if I take a few dollars off is that going to be enough to get you to say yes but the easiest way to find that is what numers doesn't need to be in order for that to possibly happen and I'll let you know whether or not that's doable I can appreciate that I can assure you of two things yeah one is I'm not paying over MSRP I I get that I so use that use that as a barometer okay for the next the next pass the second thing the second thing I'll mention yeah I actually have a trade in I wasn't going to bring it up but I'll bring it up now I have a trade in and I know that's valuable to you all here because that means you get another card that you can go sell you don't have to worry about going to the auction and all that so I have a trade in okay so I'll lay that card on the table here for you yeah I don't want to pay over MSRP and I have a trade can you take that to your manager and tell me what we can do forget about the trade at the moment okay I and I appreciate the fact that you have a trade but what what did you want that out the door number to be give me some I I'm not going to go into my manager and say uh boss he wants it to be cheaper and then my boss is going to say to me okay R so he wants it to be cheaper how much cheaper does he want it to be well I don't know boss he wouldn't share that with me um so you know why don't get where you're coming why don't we just take like a wild ass stab at it and see if maybe we come up with the right number no I need to go in there and and be able to give them some idea as to what you're hoping to get I got to be under $30,000 out there so so so if it's a $29,999 199 we've got a deal I'm probably still going to jerk you around a little bit so so give me you know I I want to be able to go to my boss give me a decent amount under 30,000 what to find decent decent to me could be $3 decent to you could be 300 I need to know what we're talking about you're going to you're asking me to go into my boss put my ass on the line to get you a car deal without having any idea as to what it is that that's going to get you to say yes he's going to look at me and tell me right go do your job go find out what your customer wants to spend when you walked me to this office yes I saw you had no ass to get well that part might be true I you know lots of people have taken lots of bites out of it over the course of time I'm trying to preserve what little bit I have left give me another pencil under $30,000 I don't I won't pull your leg too hard under $30,000 Ray can you do that for me please I want to go home with the car today i' love you figure out the trade and yes I'm physically here yeah I'm physically give me give me a a real number to shoot for don't just give me give me a pencil under $330,000 $29,000 that's where I want to be you're happy now 28 29 on the dot nothing else 29 so if I get you to 20 you go below that I leave I want 29 so I get you the $229,000 at the door you're going home with the car I can assure my boss when I go back there and beg is that at at $29,000 you're you're going home with the car soft and then you know I'm selling cars I'm not selling Lumber here um and then we can work on your trade after that is that what you're saying you might get me here Goa Motors if if we get you we got you okay that's our slogan don't ever forget that now let me go see what I can do thank you Ray Zach yeah Ray I'm going to going have to ask you to leave now leave yeah because you told me why do I got to leave because you told me if if if the number I came back with was less than $229,000 you you weren't going to be happy and you and you were just going to leave so I'm afraid I'm going to have to ask you to leave what' you do here for me I I I don't want to share with you because it's under $29,000 how'd you get it under 29 for me well I told my boss that you were serious about buying a car and then maybe we could make some of the money back up on your trade I'm glad I mentioned that yeah what do you got for me Ray $ 28,8 3711 now this is what I I we were but you said if it was under $29,000 you were leaving did you manager see the car I drove here in he he he didn't care he just here's the number I know it's a nicer R4 I get okay he said here's a number either it works for him or it doesn't MSR got it yeah huge discount huge discount yeah but I'm fairly certain you guys are just but you know what either way either way either way Ray yeah you're fairly certain you how many cars have you sold taxable fees of 37.85 see these discounts and these fees things just aren't making sense well I don't know is it is it $5,000 less than what it was before it is okay then it's making sense I don't know how you guys do it with these numbers you want me you want me to back to the first and and you can be at the 33,6 of course I don't want to be at the no of course okay you said make it no is there get 29,000 even I couldn't do that it's less let me ask you a question yeah are there any gotas on this seriously let me look at it closer there's the first number 33 66355 here's your new number 28 so what were you trying to do were you really trying to get a vacation out of me on that first one I was I was hoping for to and now I'm settling for Hershey Park okay what you don't want me to take my kids to Hershey Park I mean that's all I'm going to be a doesn't matter just curious if I if I had if I had more than two I don't know that we could afford to still go to Hershey Park I he I don't want to be I don't want to be breaking your you know busting your I get it but you know it's it yeah I mean were we trying to make a nice profit yeah of course that's that's what we do you know you never know when somebody will just go yes shame on us if we don't ask just like it's shame on you if you don't ask you asked I got it for you what's the next step what do we got to do well I guess now we have to appraise your trade and then we can horse trade over that I think it'll be a lot easier you've really eased my mind here right 28 8371 cents I don't care how we got there we're there I'll take the deal thank you congratulations thank you Ray my pleasure
Channel: CarEdge
Views: 723,045
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Id: _EA-74yr5D4
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Length: 15min 1sec (901 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 10 2024
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