Car Detailing A NASTY Trashed Car! Toyota Highlander Deep Cleaning Disaster Transformation!

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Welcome back to Stauffer Garage channel guys on  today's video if you haven't seen from the title   already this one is dubbed the goo mystery machine  because this toyota highlander has this stuff   underneath the passenger and the driver front  seats that i cannot explain it has the consistency   of motor oil it smells like food just it's pure  disgusting to be honest but we're going to be   getting out of the carpets today and the first  things first is obviously getting all of the seats   out of this one in particular because the carpets  don't look too bad from the before shots but once   i remove the rear seats and these front passenger  and driver seats it's a whole different story now with it being december it's only rightfully  so that you guys need to comment below   what is the one thing you wish  you got for the holidays this year   so let me know down below what it is and what i'm  going to be doing this video is giving away a 250   gift card to amazon to one lucky person that  i'll be picking from the comments down below   so make sure you enter in by commenting what  is the one thing you want this holiday season wow that is a mess i'll show  you guys that in a minute now despite all the candy wrappers and food and  cheetos which are by far one of my favorites   there is no maggots there is  no living objects there's no   living animals whatsoever underneath  these seats which was a true blessing because if you haven't seen any of my previous  videos on stauffer garage it is a common theme   that i have in my videos i find maggots i  find bugs roaches you name it underneath seats   especially ones that have some sort of food inside  them but this one didn't which was a blessing me   now right here is the first glimpse of that  mystery goo and you can see here how it pretty   much just stays on the surface it doesn't like  soak back in which led me to believe that it's   some sort of oil based product but i did smell it  i know that sounds disgusting but i had to kind of   understand what this was because it kind of helps  with the cleaning process of what chemicals to use   um it smelled like candy too so it was the  weirdest thing i'm not still to this day not sure   what it was maybe it was lip gloss that had melted  or something but i tried to use a cleaner that   was more for oil based type substances later on in  the extraction phase which seemed to work out well woof and for the driver's side this was  obviously the worst of the mystery now all the products that i use within my  videos are always listed in the description   box for you guys to pick up and the first  products that you're going to see is for my   own personal brand fox clean that's where you'll  find your detailing brushes your microfiber towels   and even the pet detailing brush which i'm  hoping is going to be coming out in the next   probably 30 days or so i'm going to have all of  that product in inventory for you guys to pick up   and then if you're looking for vacuum  cleaners or any of the sprays i use   i have them all listed in amazon  links for you to check out as well my top recommendation that if you're trying  to keep your car clean and looking awesome   is to just keep it vacuumed vacuuming is 80  of any detail and you can see here just by   me vacuuming up these different areas of the  vehicle how much of a different it makes and   which is why i recommend it as the number one  thing that you can do to keep your car clean   is to just keep it vacuumed for all of you  that have been asking where you can pick up   the foxtail pet detailing brush it's going to be  available on in the next 30 days and   i'm gonna have pre-orders open up very shortly  for all of you that want to pick it up early   because honestly supplies are not going to last  and this thing is a game changer to get into all   of those nooks and crannies to get all that  pet hair out of your carpets or off your seat whenever i'm detailing cars if there's any  plastic trim or anything that is easily   fixed i always try to repair it for the owner  so in this case the top trim piece that goes   in this hatchback portion of the vehicle it  snapped back in and it just needed a little   bit of fine-tuning to those clips to make it fit  back on so i went ahead and repaired that for   the owner and i try to do that every time i can  within a reasonable amount of time if possible do now for all the plastics and all these  different nooks and crannies i'm using my   all-purpose cleaner diluted 10 to 1 ratio with  water and then my fox clean detailing brushes   to get into all those little tight spots and  then just wipe it up with a microfiber towel so   this clip in particular is actually sped up 20  times which is really really fast but the stuff   that was inside these little pockets around these  bolts took quite a while and it was a mix of hair   food candy and god knows what and it just  took a long time to get out so this clip is   rather short compared to how long it  actually took to get that spot clean now as much as carpet extraction and  pressure wash and how enjoyable that   is for me personally cleaning door panels and  especially leather door panels or leather seats   leather transformations are probably my favorite  because they make and break the actual detail   for most of these types of cars they truly can  transform a car especially if it's a tan leather   with making it look 10 times better  than what it was when it first came in i know my body never knows   this was the worst door panel by far and  it was specific to the speaker grill area   and that's because some sort of you  know soda pop or something spilled   on it and got completely saturated inside  that area so using my all-purpose cleaner   my detailing brush to get inside all  those little holes and pocket areas   was easily cleaned up with the vacuum cleaner and  it helps suck out all that excess fluid that you   can't really get to with your microfiber towel  and one other tip that you can use your vacuum   for is getting inside of any of those seams  or leather you know seam areas on your door   panels it helps remove that excess fluid that  you can't get to when you're doing your detail oh i keep everybody   when it comes to extremely dirty leather sometimes  you have to stick with an all-purpose cleaner   because it has some oil breakdown properties  whereas a leather cleaner sometimes just doesn't   have enough oomph if you will at getting them  clean now with this being a 2004 there were   certain spots in those leather seats in the  headrest that weren't able to come out because   they had actually stained the leather itself  so with just using the all-purpose cleaner the   drill brush these turned out incredibly well  considering how much dirt was on them before now my procedure for these floor mats  is to get them all vacuumed first   followed up by using my pet hair brush  to remove any of the loose fibers from   the carpet itself but also to get  that pet hair out of them as well um um now for stain removal i fill up my sprayer  with a powdered type carpet cleaning solution   and all that's linked down below for you to  check out but using hot water and my carpet   cleaning powder mixing it up spraying  it on here giving it some time to sit   and then using my drill brush to agitate  that fiber get those stains moved around   and that liquid detergent doing its  job before using the extractor which   is just filled with hot water to remove any of  those stains and dirt from the carpet fibers um oh always if you're trying to clean your carpets yourself  or your floor mats yourself one thing to keep in   mind is if you have a light colored carpet the  longer the stain sets the harder it's going to   be to remove it so if you're trying to get them  out just have general expectations of how much   you're going to be able to get them clean and  for these floor mats in particular and even the   carpets inside the vehicle my expectations were  with two passes i would get probably you know   75 percent of all the stains out and returning the  carpet back to new and that's just being realistic   of what you're capable of with the machinery  and also just with the actual stain itself   so if you're trying to remove them yourself  just kind of keep that in mind that you know   whatever you're going to do to try to clean it is  always going to be better than what it was before okay so this floor mat in particular i was really happy  with how well the extraction fluid pulled out a   lot of these stains but if you wanted to take it  to a different level when it came to restoring   your carpet is to either one by brand new floor  mats or carpet or they do have carpet spray paint   dyes out there that after they're clean and if  they're truly dry and vacuumed you could just   kind of spray paint them if you will and it keeps  the carpet soft but it also re-dyes the fibers so   that way it's a actual you know a consistency that  covers the whole carpet to make it look like new this spot in particular was rather troublesome  and you know no matter what i did with this area   it seemed like the stains kept coming  out so i don't know if there's extra   motor oil that i talked about earlier underneath  here if that's what it was but majority of the   carpet got clean but this spot definitely stayed  wet longer which makes me think that there might   be some more underneath the carpet itself  and ideally i would pull out the carpet in   a vehicle of this level of dirt but because it is  25 degrees in ohio right now taking it out of the   car pressure washing outside would just turn this  into an ice cube and make it really pretty much   impossible to get clean with a pressure washer  so using the extractor we do the best job we can know   so so like you can see here if i didn't have these  seats out of the car itself and removed from   the vehicle it would be really impossible to  get them to the level of cleanliness that i   like to have with my details and for this one in  particular the rails were rather filled with food   and i would have never gotten all this you  know the different you know candies and   food and trash underneath the seats out  if i didn't remove them from the car   one uh   on the back side of this seat is a small  stain here that you see i'm spraying with   the all-purpose cleaner that is an option  that you can take instead of having to   extract a full seat or if you have a  small stain in one little small area   using a you know some sort of detailing brush  or bristle brush to agitate that all-purpose   cleaner and then just using a microfiber  to wipe it clean it typically does the job um so do   now while you're watching these before and after  shots of this transformation make sure you're   subscribed down below so you don't miss out on  any new detailing transformations like this one   and also in the top right corner i want you  to make sure that you watch the previous video   and this was an audi tt that you will not believe  the amount of cigarette ash that was in it it was   truly disgusting and if you thought this one was  dirty this one was by far one of the top ones out   there so make sure you watch that video after this  one and also make sure you comment down below what   is the one thing you want this holiday season as  well that way you can be entered in for the 250   gift card giveaway so thanks again for being part  of the staff for garage crew enjoy the next video   and i hope you guys have an amazing holiday season  and if i don't see you until 2021 happy new year
Channel: Stauffer Garage
Views: 742,254
Rating: 4.8091326 out of 5
Keywords: car detailing, stauffer garage, car cleaning, cleaning a car, detailing a car, deep cleaning, detailing, car interior, car interior cleaning, detailing interior, how to clean car interior, interior car detailing, james stauffer, interior cleaning, car interior detailing, interior detailing, cleaning, interior car cleaning, dirty car detailing, auto detailing, toyota highlander, highlander, toyota, filthy car detailing
Id: jVfi8FAT--k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 33sec (1953 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 19 2020
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