Deep Cleaning a Girl's DIRTY SUV...AGAIN! | The Detail Geek

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hey what's up guys and welcome to the video today's vehicle is a 2004 Chevy Trailblazer and some of you might be having deja vu right now but I can assure you this is real the Trailblazer is back after only five months now if you haven't seen that video yet I'd recommend giving it a look but needless to say it was one of the dirtier vehicles that I've seen and it still holds the title for being the smelliest ever so let's take a look around and see what kind of shape this thing is in after only five months alright so with the owner working out of town and driving over 200 kilometers every day on gravel roads the Trailblazer has gotten almost as dirty on the outside as it was last time as there's a ton of gravel dust that's accumulated all around the vehicle especially on the back end and in door jambs - and really overall the exterior is incredibly dirty it needs some serious work but moving to the inside now and unfortunately a lot of that dirt and dust has made its way to the interior as once again the floor mats are full of dirt and looking around and the carpets aren't absolute mess again and full of stains but if that's not enough there's a whole so a ton of dust and debris covering every surface in here so the whole vehicle is going to need to be deep cleaned but just before we jump into the detail take a quick second and subscribe to the channel I post a new video like this every week so if you go out the bail on you won't ever miss out on one alright guys well thankfully it's marginally cleaner this time around but I've still got a pile of work ahead of me to get this Trailblazer completely transformed so sit back relax and enjoy [Music] alright guys so starting on the pre wash rinse and because I know I've seen some comments recently asking what kind of pressure washer I'm using I figured I'd let you know quick that it's a 110 volt Bertolini electric pressure washer that pushes 1900 psi at 2 gallons per minute I switched over to it for my gas-powered Honda in the winter and if anyone's curious the link to the site I bought it from his right at the top of the description for you and make sure you stick around until the end of the video as I was able to record the owners reaction once you pick the vehicle up and you definitely don't want to miss it [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] now moving to the back and starting on getting all the dust sprayed off here I figured I'd give you a little bit of background on the vehicle and the owner in case you haven't watched the original video yet so like I mentioned in the opening the owner works out of town has a mechanic and commutes about 200 kilometers on gravel roads every day for those of you wondering how a vehicle gets this dirty but also ends up in situations where dirty tools and clothes end up being inside the vehicle and is also occasionally driven on gravel with the windows down to check on fields and crops so it does make sense that when you use a vehicle for work it's going to get pretty dirty but because the owner actually cares about her vehicle she's brought it to me to keep it looking its best and if you're wondering what I think about seeing the vehicle in this condition in such a short amount of time honestly guys at the end of the day it's business for me and it really doesn't bother me at all [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] now one unfortunate thing about winters up in Canada is the salt used on our roads and sadly this Trailblazer has started to rust on the bottom of the door as you can see that's where the snow would build up in the winter but the owner date assure me she is planning to line-x the lower door areas to keep it protected from further damage [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] now spraying out these wheel wells and I'm definitely thankful that they've got plastic liners in them as with the amount of gravel dust this vehicle sees it really doesn't have anywhere to accumulate so I can get these fredo pretty quickly [Music] [Music] all right moving to the underside here and for any of you out there who might be wondering where you can get one of these undercarriage sprayers I've got the link in the description for you and I would definitely recommend picking one up because you really can't do a very thorough job with just a pressure washer given the limited angle that you can spray out [Music] [Music] [Music] now after getting some nice thick foam on the Trailblazer I'm going around with the boar's hair detail brush to get into all the places that are guaranteed to have gravel dust hiding that my wash mitt would otherwise miss [Music] all right with the vehicle rinsed I can get started on drying it and luckily for me Mike decided to pop out and give me a hat and as usual he sure was feeling the beat of the music I had playing in the garage major props though to anyone who could figure out what song we were listening to just based off of Mike's dance moves [Music] now moving to these super dirty floor mats and getting a fairly liberal amount of my carpet solution sprayed on I'll let it sit for a minute to help loosen up those stains hit it with the drill brush and then simply blast them with the pressure washer and just like last time the second that I started spraying these out my entire garage was filled with the smell of cigarette smoke [Music] now on the driver's side floor mat as I get it sprayed out it's almost hard to believe just how much dirt was trapped in this mat and like I've said before with mats this dirty pressure washing is really the only way to actually get these clean if you tried to extract them there is no way you would ever be able to get all the dirt out not to mention it would take significantly longer to do a worse job [Music] [Music] [Music] now behind the driver's seat here some of you might be wondering why the carpet is two different colors and that's because there was battery acid spilled in the backseat that ended up running up to the drivers footwell and it ruined a good chunk of the carpet and when I was talking to the owner last time she said she was planning to replace all the carpet however do you guys can see that hasn't happened yet but a simpler option in this case could be to use some carpet dye and at least match the color however that's just never been a service that I had any interest in offering [Music] now oddly enough there was a purple stain in the exact same spot underneath the backseat as last time so I'll quickly get this tire wrench holder removed as the stain was right up against it and if you're wondering why I don't always remove the seeds it's because I only do it when it's actually necessary and can't clean up to my standards with the seats in low in the case of this trailblazer there wasn't anything that I couldn't reach the seat still in here [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right so getting started on these dirty seats and even though they don't look visually dirty I know that from the amount of dust around the interior it's pretty likely a lot has settled into the fabric and as I make the first few passes with the Bissell it's pretty clear there's quite a bit of dirt hiding in them [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] now since I keep seeing comments from people asking if I clean the entire seat or if I only do the seat bottoms I figured I would record the upper portion this time and even though I know there's probably a few of you out there who would want to see a super-long video of me cleaning every single section of the vehicle unfortunately those videos would be far too long and take a lot longer to film so I do have to pick and choose my spots and I usually offer the dirtier areas [Music] [Music] alright moving down to the carpets now and for those of you who enjoy these videos and find them relaxing or satisfying don't forget about the second channel the detail geek - I've got lots of different types of videos over there including carpet cleaning compilations Q&A videos and I recently posted a video where I detailed my personal vehicle so if you haven't already checked it out make sure you do as I'm sure you guys will enjoy the videos [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] now for those of you who are curious as to what I'm using here to do such a magical job on these carpets and seats I've got the link to the carpet solution the drill brushes and extract or down in the description so feel free to check that out has all this equipment is very reasonably priced and works incredibly well as you can see [Music] here's the bucket full of dirty and smelly water the Bissell pulled from the trailblazer gross [Music] now for the center console here where there's a good amount of grime built up around the gear shifter and in the cupholders I'm often to use a steamer and one tip I have when cleaning these areas is to make sure you move the shifter back and forth and pull the e brake up so you can get full access to all the dirt [Music] [Applause] moving back to the interior and with everything in here clean I'm starting on applying 303 aerospace protectant to dress and UV protect the interior and as you'll see this process takes a little bit of time as it gets applied to every plastic surface in here including inside of all the compartments and around the vents where I always make sure I get the entire top and bottom of them and even though my customers may not ever know I did that it's just not in my nature to not do the best job I possibly can with every detail [Music] all right so once again with this Trailblazer I'm applying some McGuire's synthetic sealant and earlier during the pre wash rinse and when I was drying the vehicle I could tell that it had pretty well all worn off over the five months since I've seen this vehicle so if the polisher speeds set to about two to three I'll apply a nice even layer to all the painted services which will boost the depth and gloss of this paint and really make it shine [Music] not to revive the look of this old and super faded exterior plastic trim I'm applying 303 again and you can clearly see just how good of a job this stuff does as it instantly makes the trim look brand-new again [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] now moving to the tires and I'm once again using car Perl pearl diluted roughly two to one and the nice thing about pearl is that it comes in a concentrate and can be diluted to various strengths for use on rubber vinyl plastics and even leather [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you so much all right guys and ten hours later I'm done with the trail wizard and it's looking super sweet again if you guys enjoyed the video make sure you smash that thumbs up button and subscribe to the channel if you haven't yet enjoy the guitar outro and I'll see you guys in the next one [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: The Detail Geek
Views: 2,407,603
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the detail geek, detail geek, dirty car detailing, filthy car detailing, car cleaning, cleaning, car wash, car detailing, detailing, disaster detail, interior car cleaning, interior car detailing, car interior cleaning, auto detailing, super clean car, nasty car detailing, interior cleaning, deep cleaning, muddy pressure washing, mad detailing, ammo nyc, stauffer garage, wd detailing, the detail geek 2
Id: 48pgnXmkZCE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 41sec (2021 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 12 2020
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