Car Cranks But Will Not Start

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hi welcome to another video by Jim the car guy today we will work on a 2006 it's a port Ranger with four cylinder the 2.3 liter engine the problem we have today is that the customer who drove the vehicle is running perfectly got to his house bought the vehicle went to stop the vehicle back up the leave and it just cranks and doesn't start at all all leading up to that he said the vehicle ran perfectly no problem check engine lights or anything like that so well we have it sewn in and I'm going to take it to the Diagnostics to figure out exactly what's going on with the vehicle and they get it back on a road is as quickly and as at least expensive as possible so alright let's do a I'm going to show you what to do first things you want to do is you want to obviously see if the engine cranks you know if the battery is it's charged and you started is okay in this case I already know that the that the battery is good and the engine does Frank because it cranks but it doesn't take on a spin very freely with no power whatsoever so let me say a couple of things to check and figure out what's going on with the state let's get in there I'm gonna show you the first thing you wanna check the first thing you want to do is one keep it on position turn the key on make sure you check into life is on very important next thing you want to do is you want to crank your engine has a tachometer ready you want to watch your rpms to see if you have your computer sends you a rotation of the engine or your crank sensor so let's check those first and first thing we're going to do and I'm going to point this out too is stupid but I mean you'd be surprised how many times this happened check your gas gauge make sure your gas gauge is full I've had cause already towed into me to get in the vehicle try to crank it over that don't start the gas gauge is pinned on empty so in this case here the gas tank is full I have a suspicion it's going to be a fuel pump because as anybody in the business knows they seem to always fail when a fuel tank is full but let's follow through our procedure first just to make sure first thing you want to do turn your key on you want to make sure your check engine light is on it is on so we know that the that everything seems to be okay with the computer next thing you want to do is this is your RPMs over here your revolutions per minute you want to crank the engine and watch this this should jump up two three four five hundred rpms as its cranking let's see what happens okay as you can see it is registering rpms okay so now we know that the the engine is actually the computer is actually sensing rotation of the engine so therefore the injectors should be functioning and that we should have sparks so next thing we're gonna do let's go underneath the hood and check for spark okay now you have to looking underneath the hood here I can see that everything underneath here is fairly new the coils new the plug wires and new and I'm assuming that the plugs themselves are also going to be new but I'm not sure what we're going to need to do first is we're going to need to disconnect one of these wires here or off of the plug whichever is easier in this case here it looks like it's going to be easier pulling it off the coil right here so we're going to take it off the coil and now we're going to put a spark tester in here to check to see if we have spark now if I have a spark tester but obviously if you're a do-it-yourselfer you may not have a spark tester I'm going to show you how you can check to see if you have spark without having the spark tested it's fairly easy just go to watch you don't get shocked all right so let me get some tools and we'll come right back okay but I decided to do is I did reconnect that coil back up on here on my unplug one of the spark plug wires and the reason they did that is going to be a little bit longer and easier for me to work on okay so what I decided to do is to plug in a screwdriver in just stick a screwdriver into the spark plug tube here gonna take a test light here we're going to connect the other end of the test light here which is normally going to be on the negative we're gonna connect it onto the negative battery or anything negative on the car itself we're gonna take this test light and hold it away from here and you should be able to get it if if it has sparked this spawn should jump about a half inch to three quarters of an inch maybe even more than that so that's what we're gonna do be careful you don't get a shock that's why we're gonna use the the test light because it's actually insulated we're just gonna hold it against the a light down we're gonna have our assistant crank the engine and we're gonna see if we have sparks so let me get set up and let's get started okay alright okay crank it as you can see we do have decent sparking alright okay so now as you can see we do have decent spark from here so now we know that we have engine rotation we have spark now the only other thing we have to check to make sure is that we have fuel pressure so let me reconnect this where it belongs back onto the spark plug and then we're gonna continue alright now if we have no spark here then we will go a little further and check the ignition system to find out where that failure is but we do have spark so now we're just going to continue until we find out what that problem is so let me reconnect this this spark plug lead and then we'll come back we'll continue okay now we have the the coil why is a plug back on what a belong the next thing we're going to do is we're going to we're going to check the fuel pressure and this is the fuel rail right here we need to know with this fuel pressure inside here so what we're gonna do is are going to take off this little cap that's just like a like a like a air valve on a tire take that cap off and now we need a pressure gauge to check the pressure on here I didn't look up the specs you have to see what it is but we're gonna we're gonna check that in just a minute what I want to find out first is do we have fuel pressure in here at all and that'll and the way you can tell is you just come inside here and you grab a screwdriver a Philips head a flat screwdriver whatever and you just push this valve down inside that now before you do that you want to go in the vehicle and you want to cycle the key a couple of times on the cycle the key just two or three times on off on and off on and off now if this fuel in that rail then we know that there's another issue with it if there's no fuel in the rail then we know the fuel pump is most likely the culprit and we're going to need to go on any to truck and check the power and ground to the fuel pump to see if the pump is running what I would always do is when you when you press the Schrader valve in you have to be careful if there is pressure in there it's going to be significant that's going to squirt out a couple of inches so grab a rag put a rag down in here so you can work and then you push this Schrader valve in so let me set this camera up and I'll see what it looks like again when you're working with gasoline always use a non exploding drop like this some fluorescent light so we don't have to worry about explosions if fuel gets on it if you're using a regular light bulb be extremely careful all right so let's press this valve in this is what happens okay we're pressing the valve in right now we have absolutely no fuel pressure whatsoever not even a trick so the next thing we're going to do is we're going to lift the truck up and let's get underneath that and let's check power and ground to the fuel pump and we'll see what it is now I just want to point out another thing to you to sometimes if you have an assistant with young and they just put this back on in this cap now sometimes if you have an assistant with you you can get the vehicle to start if it has a bad fuel pump just by banging on the fuel tank while you're cranking it so that's an option to you know what this is a Ford we're gonna check one more thing on this for the Fords have what they call an inertia switch so let me look on the computer see where the inertia switch is located and we're gonna go and check that inertia switch to to make sure it didn't trip so let me check on the computer and we'll come right back hey according to my trusty computer the inertia switch is in the right hand the right hand side the toe toe board which means it's inside the passenger compartment on the right side down what year toes would be so let's get in there and check that switch out and basically what an inertia switch is if this vehicle was in a really bad accident any event that was hit really hard this inertia switch would actually trip and shut the fuel pump off so first thing we're going to do before we lift this up and take a look at the fuel pump we're gonna go inside and let's take a look at that inertia switch the inertia switch from what I'm recalling it should be yellow or orange or red button on the top of this so let's go inside the truck and let's see what it looks like now this is the this is the passenger side or no said the toe kick panel I thought it was gonna be inside over here but it's not the fuse box is actually located yeah but looking at it this is it right here this is the inertia switch so this is it here on the top I'm just getting actually it felt like it was tripped because when I pushed it it actually clicked so let's give it a crank and I'll see what happens we're just prime it a couple of times that's it okay now this is a this is a contractors truck as you can see there's a bunch of debris laying down inside here don't know if that was a contributing factor he said he just parked it and tried to start it and it didn't start again so let me just take it for a ride and we'll make sure it's it's okay and welcome right back actually that test-drive was one time around the block which is not even maybe a quarter of a mile I took me about a half an hour to get around a block with this thing I thought sure I was gonna have to pull the tow truck to get this thing towed back over here again but I was able to get it around a block but what happened is the just the line but the the inertial switch kept ticking off as soon as I drove around the block I just went up the street and I spilled it to feather albedo and we're going to need to press that button again started right back up I was able to drive it again drove all the way back over to 30 40 feet it dies again now I get it back to the shop over here and it's running it's running fine it doesn't kick off so I'm not gonna take a chance I am going to change the nurses switch because this must be something going on intimately in there so let me get pulling at the dealer let's get into a nurse's switch I'm going to replace it and put the new with it out as soon as I get the switch we'll come back and I'll show you how to how to install okay something is just coming to my attention now that I got the replacement switch for this this is the current inertia switch the replacements which actually comes with a whole wiring schematic that you have to actually make sure you the replacement actually comes with a whole kit that you've got to relocate the the inertia switch from where it is located now so obviously there must have been an issue with it this piece here is actually going to be down underneath here now this is where your fuse box is located in your right kick panel I took the cover off that was right on here to cover the fuse box up the way we have to put this now is we have to actually drill a couple of holes eighth inch holes right here and mount this piece right inside this so I'm not going to bore you with this I'm going to drill the holes I'm going to mount it and then we'll come right back it's very important that when you mount this it has to be in a straight upright position like this so we're gonna we're gonna come in here now with this template that they gave us well then they drill the holes in there and once we have the holes drilled we'll come right back okay now we mounted the new inertia switch as it's supposed to be this way we ran on the wiring back up in the back where it's supposed to be over here we plugged it all in and if everything goes well it should start right up and run that's it that's what the old one looks like as you can see it is definitely a redesign from the way they used to be I used to be mounted up on this area over here and now it's mounted on the side so obviously it must have been a problem with all the banging around or whatever it was causing an issue with it so companies never redesign anything unless there's a reason for it so alright let's wrap this job up so the next thing we're gonna do is we're gonna put our cover back on over here put a fuse cover back on over here we're gonna wrap it up take it out and make sure it's okay alright thanks for watching any questions or comments drop me a line be more than happy to talk to you about anything as always thanks for watching see you on the next one
Channel: Jimthecarguy
Views: 2,000,164
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: no start, cranks ok, has no fuel pressure, will not start, were is the fuel cut off switch
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 5sec (905 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 02 2015
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