Captain Smushed Achievement Guide - Unlocking the NUKE!

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so you're looking to complete the challenge captain smushed unlocking this gives you the nuke that everyone has been clamoring about but the challenge requires you to kill the final boss using a supply beacon which normally doesn't even do damage so i'm going to be showing you how i did it within like 40 minutes that's a long time but trust me there it could be longer all right so what i did to begin with is i just slapped on the artifact of command it's easier that way for me some people do artifact to sacrifice too which means that items will spawn from enemies instead of chests and chests no longer exist but i find you can sometimes get unlucky with that and it takes a long time to get just a couple of items so i'd rather just be able to pick the chest myself also because i'm captain i can get the chest unlocked with my hacky beacon so it's even faster to get the items that i want once you actually get in the game it doesn't really matter too much what you get at the beginning basically you're just trying to get the mythrix because that stage is really hard now so you're going to want to have to survive here the entire time i recommend playing on drizzle everything scales less everything has less health you don't die as often it's really great i don't think you would enjoy this challenge at all if you were doing this on monsoon and then right before you got to mythrix you just got destroyed by like a perfect chimera so stick with drizzle for the challenge and then go back to monsoon or whatever difficulty you play once you unlock the actual ability okay so like i was saying just get whatever items you want try to daggers they're nice death marks always great armor-piercing rounds does extra damage to mythrix it doesn't matter just get you a build that can get you to mythrick's i have been told that reynald's band can mess up the kill this happens with bandit where it's really hard to kill mythics if you have reynald's band because if it procs and kills him instead of your actual special then you know it doesn't count but what you'll see is that it doesn't really matter for what we're gonna be going for but just in case you do it in a different way and you're not sure what happened i think that reynolds can proc on his beacon i'm not sure that's what chat told me not 100 but i didn't worry about it because i did it a different way all right so once you get to the moon there are lunar pods you're going to want to open up i recommend killing things on the map and doing all the pillars before you actually go ahead and do this because what we're going to be doing is grabbing shape glass we're just going to be stacking as much shape glass as humanly possible this will reduce the mithrix's health in phase 4 so you will be able to almost guaranteed one-shot mythricks even with your supply beacon you don't have to aim anything else just your supply beacon depending on how much glass you get remember that i had four when i fought mythricks and this was just about enough but i also ended up dying on my way to actually fighting mythrix even on drizzle i just got surprised by one of the kamikazes so if you do actually do this maybe pick up a dios just in case it doesn't matter if mithrik steals the dio and then revives because technically it still counts as you killing him also as chat pointed out if you pick up a dios you can actually get two resupplies that's a mechanic on the captain where if you die you get your beacons back so if you mess up and actually miss both of your beacons fear not as long as you have a dios just die respawn and aim them again you might want to pick up a chrono bobble and again depending on how much glass you get this might not be a play that you're allowed to make but a chronobottle will slow him down while he's in his fourth phase so you won't have to try as hard to aim the abilities it would feel real bad to miss both of yours and not be able to get the challenge after spending like 40 minutes doing this the best time to actually throw out your beacon is when he's doing his ground slam because you know he's stationary while he does the ground slam so that'll be the best window the best period of opportunity that you will have to actually use it on him and boom once you actually use it on him and hit the ability he should be dead it's really not that hard and here you go enjoy the nuke or my bad the ogm 72 diablo strike i'll play you some clips of me using it it's pretty cool i really like it i enjoy it is it going to replace the other utility skill probably not at least practically but still pretty cool if you enjoyed this make sure to like it and you know subscribe it and if any of your friends have a question on how to do this you know share this with them it's pretty simple thanks for watching all right nuke all beetles [Music] so 40 second cooldown so this should at 20 seconds be when this lands okay this was actually made to exterminate beetle queens i feel kind of bad right now and she's dead this is literally made to they they can't move they literally can't move out of it purity holy you're speaking my language right now 8 billion purities [Music] oh seven beetle queen was nice knowing you i mean i'm probably gonna die as well but i nuked your ass out of existence again captain still doesn't have m2 feels bad yeah but think about it how broken would captain be if he did broken pretty broken rock are we you know what's pretty great about the tactical nuke you can literally just just put it on the boss and then walk away that's crazy i don't have to worry about i didn't even look at the boss i just went yeah it looks about right and then i went away oh god that just feels so good oh my god they dropped a red item for me radioactive radioactive [Music] [Music] all right let's see here where are we going to drop this all right we'll drop her her we'll drop her hurt and then we'll drop her there we go now i can't time it though now it's a lot harder to time i'm going to play in them i'm going to see how dangerous we get oh okay that one's about to explode uh [Music] [Music] so [Music] you
Channel: rndThursday
Views: 517,497
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ror2, ror2 captain, ror2 unlocks, risk of rain 2 unlocks, ror2 skills
Id: Y9Gx7m2iplQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 35sec (515 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 27 2021
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