Captain Disillusion: Heroic Feats of YouTube Debunkery - Live at QED 2016

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👍︎︎ 264 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Oct 30 2016 🗫︎ replies

damn he's as good live as in videos , incredible.

👍︎︎ 47 👤︎︎ u/Dragonnite 📅︎︎ Oct 30 2016 🗫︎ replies

Idk. I gotta debunk this. I'm pretty sure Alan is the the captain. When he was talking about the cap he said "I" a few times. Let's do a quick d on this.

👍︎︎ 124 👤︎︎ u/reptar1220 📅︎︎ Oct 30 2016 🗫︎ replies

huffing paint

👍︎︎ 92 👤︎︎ u/yParticle 📅︎︎ Oct 31 2016 🗫︎ replies

That's pretty awesome of him. Hopefully he'll get more recognition with these talks. The guy deserves to have a whole team work under him and he can stick to one aspect of it and manage a whole bunch of talent.

👍︎︎ 51 👤︎︎ u/notjawn 📅︎︎ Oct 30 2016 🗫︎ replies

Man he deserves so much more subs.

👍︎︎ 118 👤︎︎ u/Colvinsteiner 📅︎︎ Oct 30 2016 🗫︎ replies

Dude he blew that out of the fucking park. Very well done.

👍︎︎ 12 👤︎︎ u/xoxomissc 📅︎︎ Oct 31 2016 🗫︎ replies

This is unbelievably good. So funny, interesting, and well-paced!


👍︎︎ 18 👤︎︎ u/abrAaKaHanK 📅︎︎ Oct 31 2016 🗫︎ replies

I never thought I'd see Matt Parker and the Captain in the same video.

EDIT: Nevermind, it's just a CD intern and a Matt Parker hologram

👍︎︎ 24 👤︎︎ u/ElagabalusRex 📅︎︎ Oct 30 2016 🗫︎ replies
extremely pleased to have our first and indeed only genuine superhero you you may have come across know and across the internet as Captain disillusion you've already seen some their fantastic work there you to tell is amazing if you haven't seen it I I personally do subscribe to it they're given there are over quarter of a million other subscribers I am statistically insignificant and you should update I think the number of views on the channel has now passed 15 million so if you could all adjust your booklet accordingly that would be appreciated captain disillusion will be talking to us about heroic feats of YouTube D bunker II so can you please I think we're set put your hands together welcome to stage Captain disillusion [Applause] hello hi quick clarification I'm not Compton disillusion obviously my name is Alan and I'm an intern at disillusion industries the captain's non-profit business conglomerate and uh the captain himself will be out here momentarily to tell you all about his heroic feats of YouTube debunking very exciting very exciting but first I have to ask and please be honest how many of you have never heard of Captain disillusion okay a couple well my instructions are that if even a single hand went up even partway I am supposed to play and narrate for you the following educational film so please sit back relax and prepare to be disillusioned ever since humanity achieves its dream of making pictures move there have been those who've used the technology to create illusions some Vermeer harmless fun and profit others just read ignorance and superstition in generations past voices of reasons spoke out against the hoaxers and some we're pretty good of streaming video a new hero arrived from space a space or possibly the downstairs estimate of his parents house captain disillusion a crusader of digital justice a hero of YouTube on YouTube whenever a viral video goes viral the captain is there to bring it down thoroughly ghosts - UFOs from crazy stunts by awkward Millennials we flawed product concepts that wouldn't work in a million years come on but who is the man behind the flesh-colored mask and how can we mere mortals apply his wisdom to our own efforts popularizing scam new internet-based format of short more video the time has come to find out please gentlemen live for the first time ever please welcome captain disillusion just a moment sorry hello hello captain here me I can get Ken Allen no you have to switch to - wait don't just press his silence at random so I'll do it on this side one second captain one second here we go I can hear you we can all hear you captain what's going on you're supposed to be on stage right now well I'm almost there I'm just having a little trouble finding the place what is it again pickle the Mercure Piccadilly Hotel sir a Manchester earth captain earth earth uh looks like I'll be there in 50 minutes 15 minutes the whole talk ends in 50 minutes it's okay just start without me and I'll be there as soon as I can you know the material you practically wrote the whole thing for me captain this is highly unprofessional these people have paid upwards of 99 pounds to hear you explain how to make skepticism palatable in video form I refuse to shortchange them in this way Allen may I speak with you privately for a moment one second yes sorry yes yes no sir no I I do understand I know I wouldn't want that to happen of course sorry yes I will okay okay I am sorry it's fine we're fine we can do this sorry um I work closely with the captain and I can teach you everything you need to know about debunking videos the first thing the first step in debunking a video is to just look at it and decide if you think it looks fake or not right we all do this we see things in our newsfeed and we just kind of pass judgment right away this looks plausible this looks completely implausible it's not very scientific it's not skeptical but it's a jumping-off point it's kind of a useful skill to have so um it's early in the morning I think we need a little warm-up so I'd like to practice this instant debunking skill with you with a little game that I like to call Klaus ability pop quiz let's all clap our hands for no beautiful let's stop clapping our hands this is a very simple game very simple game I'm just going to play a series of short internet videos for you and I don't want you to think too hard just go with your first impression as to whether you think what you're seeing is real or in some way fake so here's the first video looks like we've got some people lighting up massive fireworks and the contraption is spinning out of control it's going to smoke and sanely they run away and suddenly it takes off into the air and keeps going and going and going up into the clouds that is quite a sight and it's just going all up it's all up into the cloud amazing now let's use the gorge prop method for crowd boating by preparing to do a single clap all together in unison one time when I point at you so prepared to do that if you think this video was real clap now if you think this video is fake clap all right sounded like the majority there are on the side of fake and that is is a real thing they do at a festival in Thailand where they launched this thing and it lands back down on a parachute and sometimes the parachute breaks off and it falls on people's heads presumably but it's real next video amazing display of very arbitrary skill [Music] you get snow not four not five but six hits in a row all right what do we think about this one if you think it's real clap if you think it's fake clap again you think it's fake but that is again wrong no it's actually a thing you can do here's the video from another angle you just need a little time and practice and you can achieve the same thing it's real here's the next one looks like some surveillance video from a warehouse where an impromptu race ends in a very unfortunate chain reaction my goodness oh no that's not that's not good at all okay so what do we think about this one if you think it's real if you think it's fake finally it is correct this is very very fake if you want to know how it was faked talk to me after it's too long to explain here I need topics of conversation I'm not good at conversation here's the next video a gentle little windmill a wind turbine on fire what the hell all right and of course things that are on fire actually explode huh what do we think about this one is it real class is it fake it's about even there I'm gonna say that you think it's fake there's a thing that happens to wind turbines all the time because they are generators what's the next time if you think it's real pop if you think it's fake very good I wonder why you know that okay here's the next one more wondrous disease and why isn't Australian accent : yes so if we think it's real if we think it's fake i cued you for that one okay that is correct that is very fake I think that's enough examples and that is how we play the plausibility posture is give yourselves a hand ladies and gentlemen you have excellent excellent skeptical instincts and with trivial things like this instincts are often enough because you know who cares and also the truth usually comes out about these videos eventually and you know some stupid viral company will be like we fooled everybody and you weren't fool you knew it was fake so um you feel superior and everything is fine but if you want to convince another human being that a thing is real or fake it's not enough obviously you just tell them trust me I have a good radar for these things you're going to have to give them some evidence-based reasons for why something is real or fake so as skeptics that is what we do that is our thing we get very excited about gathering the facts and knowing the truth them synthesizing the closest thing we can to the truth and sharing it it's it's a thing we do because if you have the truth and you are passionate about the truth that's all that matters that's why everyone in the world loves skeptics so I I'm a skeptic as well and I would get very excited about these things and I took the liberty of gathering the facts about those last two videos the the lightning videos right they're very interesting and they have similarities so I have put together a sceptical presentation the kind of presentation that a skeptic might present at a conference such as this so you know no visual frills nothing I'm just gonna look it up I'm just gonna just give me a second um let's just get out of this fanciness and find the file sorry just don't look at that I think it's no actually I think it's this one that's the latest version very good okay here's my skeptical mode on my presentation of the critical analysis of lightning strike videos I'll stand over you so in terms of introduction I guess um I'm sorry if you can't see that it's just uh suffice it to say if we look at some real examples of real lightning cloud-to-ground lightning strikes we quickly see that they're very bright and they overwhelm the sensors of most modern cameras um so by that measure the the car video fails almost right away because this is as bright as that lightning gets and that's not very realistic but of course that doesn't mean that the beach strike is automatically real it has its own problems which we can dig into now now I'm a big fan of skeptic gradual universe podcast like a and in episode of 583 of skeptics guy to universe podcast co-host Cara Santa Maria who I think is here this weekend which is very exciting um she cited a news item from Norway where a 300 reindeer were instantly killed by a single lightning strike and of course the way that happen is that struck the ground and conducted the ground being excellent conductor of electricity conducted the electricity into the reindeer for hundreds of feet and killing them and you know we have a similar situation in the beach strike video which has the lightning striking only a few dozen feet away and yet the subject standing on very wet ground doesn't get electrocuted which is inconsistent in terms of digital evidence sorry excited about this I'm sorry you can't see see this but there's a purple line there's a little purple line of pixels at the very bottom of the image and this is a sensor glitch that sometimes happens on the sensor of a camera and as a sensor glitch is something that is on top of anything that the camera actually captures through the lens and yet and yet when the lightning strike flash happens this this line is also brightened which you know indicates that the writing happened after um the fact I turning our attention to the car video I'm sorry I couldn't get any bigger than this but I want you to look over here don't look at the lighting look at the ground there's a little bit of a shake and then the shake I'm sorry I couldn't get the sound to work but there's a thunder there's a you know it's a loud noise and it's loud enough to shake the very car in which our camera is a mountain dismounted and yet it does not shake the cables the three cables that are hanging there much closer arguably to the impact now as a professional in film and visual effects with many years of experience I I tend to spend a lot of time looking at stock visual effects elements and I look at them so much that I recognize them on site and in the beach strike video there's a little bit of a splash that is caused by the lightning somehow I don't know if they do that but it's very reminiscent of this particular dust element stock footage similarly in the car video we have this little pattern of debris that is very reminiscent of this stock real effect element and trust me when I say that it in motion and I'm sorry I couldn't get this to be in motion it is much more apparent similarity so to summarize there's a strong line of a physical circumstantial and digital evidence that would lead us to conclude that the Lightning's videos are not in fact antic thank you here so judging by that applause I take it that this kind of presentation could actually be passable for a a room full of people who are passionately interested in this stuff but the problem is of course that most people in the world they just don't care about this and they certainly don't draw any connection to like being into things like this and having a more skeptical look outlook on life in general as a result so reaching them requires more than just having the truth we need to develop a whole other set of skills presentational skills which will help us do that which is why right now I'd like to change change the vibe a little bit and give you a little excerpt from a completely different talk I do for corporate clients and it is simply entitled effective skeptical activism strategies on social media video sharing classes because let's face it if you're involved in skeptical activism and your medium happens to be a video sharing platform which is by definition part of social media you're going to need effective strategies and there are many schools of thought on this but in my humble opinion what we're really asking ourselves when we talk about effective skeptical activism strategies on social media video sharing platforms is how do I be good at YouTube the answer comes in the form of my patented system called PSP what is PSP I'll tell you what it's not it's not a game system okay I'm not talking about games here this is not a game this is your life your existence on YouTube depends on PSP picture sound pacing these are the things you must be cognizant of whenever you're even thinking of making a video picture how does it look sound how does it sound pacing how does it move along okay and since we're talking about videos here um which one of these is the most important just let me know yell it out picture picture picture we can thank you wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong they're all equally important okay no one wants to see a video that looks beautiful but sounds like garbage no one wants to see a great-sounding video that's boring to death they're all equally important but if you have to prioritize them that's the order right right wrong surprise that's the order because they sing there's a consideration to be made before you film anything when you conceive the video okay no amount of editing is going to save a video that is conceived to be boring and it doesn't matter if you're just recording a vlog update for a couple of followers or producing a highly anticipated high budget skeptical webseries which with the help of a bunch of talented amazing people if your funny little sketch about a little caveman takes 13 minutes 25 seconds to tell and twenty six and a half percent of that time is credits no matter how beautiful it looks and how well it's acted there might be pacing issues which affect its success moving on to a sound not much to tell about sound get a microphone what are you doing get a microphone and put it close to your face without getting overly technical here's some microphones work if the microphone is more than two feet away from the source of the sound and it's not priced in quadruple digits you're doing it wrong okay get it close a great way to get it close is to use a lavalier mic a lapel mic and I know what you're thinking now you're thinking Allen I'm scared lavel ear mics that's for television that requires all kinds of fancy equipment and is expensive that's not true okay you can you can go simple you can go simple with a rode smartlav+ a tiny little inexpensive microphone that plugs directly into the headphone jack of your phone turning it into a mic pack that you can record the sound separately onto and then easily sync it up in editing and I know what you're thinking now you're thinking Alan the new iPhone doesn't come with a headphone jack and to that I say get an adapter and shut up picture good shot composition a focus exposure and color balance are all very important all right and I'm not gonna stand here and waste your time telling you what you've already heard many times that high-quality cameras are more affordable than ever you should get the best one you can and learn all of its settings and use them how about just using learning all of the settings in the camera you carry around in your pocket do we all know how all of the settings work let's check if we're on the same page most of us know that we can with the iPhone we can tap on the part of the image that we want to be in focus and will expose then that happens some of us don't know that we can tap and hold and that locks the settings allowing us to adjust exposure manually and most of us don't know that you can also use this to control the color balance you can't do directly but if you put a colourful object or a color chart into the scene let the camera Auto adjust and then lock the adjustment take the reference object out of the scene tweak the exposure manually you can cheat achieve a perfect picture on a phone that's not been doctored that's actual footage so it's doable okay of course it doesn't matter how well you the settings on your camera if the scene you're actually capturing has horrible lighting and frankly I've run out of ways to convince a generation of people practically living on camera of the virtues of knowing basic lighting techniques so I'm not even going to try I'm just going to demonstrate for you the ease and effectiveness of basic portrait lighting through the only art form I think is going to get through to you and that is interpretive dance hi welcome to my skeptical blog about philosophies of maths but seriously folks here's a list of some online resources that I would recommend to learn some anything from basic videography techniques to advanced cinematography editing visual effects graphics sound design I encourage you even if you have nothing to do with these fields to just download some demo software play around with settings things like that you would be amazed how quickly tinkering with software and trying out equipment in a store turns into legitimate creative output so now I think I'll get to the point to just share with you how I apply all these techniques to creating an actual captain dissolution episode when the captain tasks me with that task because the two lightning videos are actually featured in a real captain dissolution episode usually we do one video but in this case the two videos are very related again they're lightning they're both supposed to have been captured in Australia and they both made the news cycle in some way so that got me thinking about the concept that the captain dissolution episode would have which is the first step in making the video I started thinking about the social media newsfeed and how our trending topics feed is becoming the place where we increasingly get our information and it's kind of a weird place because it's tracking what we like and giving us more of it and sort of throwing in advertising and it just got me into this or Willian kind of boot I started thinking about movies like Brazil and like pneumatic tubes you know old timey pneumatic tubes with information going through them and the way like in a way you can imagine the social media newsfeed as a pneumatic tube with all this stuff rushing through it so with that image in mind I went onto the next step which is writing script and I we make one video a month so at the beginning of every month I go to Starbucks of my laptop and type an actual script in screenplay format on final draft and I don't just do that because you know I'm trying to be like a Hollywood douchebag I'm just I think it's a useful tool if you use it correctly one page of script equates to about a minute of screen time so you get to see the scope of your video and obviously nail down the dialogue and all the details that would be part of the video which allows you to go to the next step which is pre-production and that's just taking care of all the things that would need to be ready to film the video and sometimes it's just a matter of getting the captain to learn his lines other times we need to create or buy extra stuff I had to make these square video players that the captain usually holds this thing this little visual effects marker that would stand in for the pneumatic tube and some funny little props to illustrate the jokes the captain says throughout the monologue so with those things ready we are actually able to do the shoot and here's a completely exclusive behind-the-scenes look at an actual shoot this actual shoot of this episode is a time-lapse of the shoot from start to end now I couldn't be there because the captain's got me doing all kinds of things but the people you see assisting him in this case are my dad and my girlfriend my dad you know the captain's a big proponent of exploiting three labor my dad has experienced as a camera operator my girlfriend happens to be the exact almost the exact height of Captain decision making her an ideal stand-in for when shots are being prepared and lighting is being tweaked so you know the shoot happens in an orderly fashion and she's also operating the auto queue in this case because the captain never did end up learning his lines now I'm not going to take you this whole thing this last is still like 10:30 p.m. and we don't have time for that but if you'd like to see this entire time lapse and see other behind-the-scenes goodies I would encourage you to sign up on slash captain dissolution support the show and get access to things like that but let's pretend we finished because now we can move on to post-production and people often ask in comments and stuff what program do you use to edit your videos but it's not that simple of course because the post-production process is a multi-step process and it requires all kinds of software I like doing it this way I start things in Avid Media Composer where I just put together a rough cut of the video you know honoring all those all-important pacing decisions and then it's on to everyone's favorite Adobe After Effects where most of the effects and you know graphics and things are completed then the video takes on its final form practically and when I when I need more advanced computer animation and things like that I turn to software like blender which is a free program that you can do CGI animation in I did the tube in that program in this case and then everything is finished and polished and color corrected in DaVinci Resolve which also has a free version that you can download and use then it's on to sound design where in Pro Tools another industry standard piece of software I do you know I clean up the dialogue make everything sound perfect pepper and a whole bunch of sound effects and of course layer in music and of course the music happens very late in the process it's always almost time to publish the video by the end of the month so I usually just use stock music royalty free music you know you can download but when the occasion calls for it and there's time I go ahead and make original pieces of music as well and I'm not a professional musician by any stretch but again getting back to that idea of tinkering with things and trying art forms that you're not familiar with I want to demonstrate for you how I came up with one of the more iconic pieces of music from Captain disillusion which if you watch the series you might be familiar with that debunking music the little happy piece of electronic music that happens when the captain finally gets to the point and all the graphics are explaining you know the the video so I was playing in a piece of software called reason one day what but hopefully that'll work um yeah I was playing in reason and it's I found this interesting little patch this little sample or synth yeah little sounding techy cynthy right and I knew I wanted my melody to be happy and upbeat and kind of you know positive so that usually means the major key and the easiest major key on a musical keyboard is the key of c-major this right so in the key of C major I made up this simple little riff that goes like this [Music] that's all the creative work that went into it honestly because the rest of it is just figuring out what other instruments might not clash would that sound like maybe some kind of Oh interesting can't hear that very well well okay some kind of echo a piano let's say and perhaps I can have a little distortion on it or something oh I know what happened just a second folks technical difficulties so we could have these keys during this kind of thing continuously and that could be during the intro and maybe during the actual melody they could be up here and we just add a beat and interesting drum loop and and some kind of baseline going up and down and then we just layer on top of that to get the final melody the sound [Music] anyway you get it so after all of those steps we end up with a finished video so would you like to see it the result of all this work yes okay it's it ended up being called Australian lightning double debunk and here it is in glorious high definition greetings children it's me captain the solution my domain is YouTube a place for measured intelligent discussion of substantive issues but for latest news and trending topics you can't beat the social media feed a more efficient way of consuming content that never stops the other day I saw a video of a bunny being friends with a kitten I like animals and I like friendships so I liked it someone posted a video of a non homeless guy being kind to a homeless guy I like kindness and the outside and rare events like a rare event caught on dashboard camera a bolt of lightning striking a car in Melbourne Australia mistress nature reminding us the cheese in control I love this kind of thing another lightning strike almost hitting a girl on a beach in Sydney Australia unlike girls it wasn't her boyfriend sounding all funny like a real person totally would in this situation I love everything about this Australia get it together what's this a long-awaited sequel to the iconic sci-fi disaster film Independence Day starring the latest wins - funny firmware update Michael Monroe shut up and take my rubles hey I don't mind seeing some sponsored content if it means I get reliable news in my feed the rest of the time and I know it's reliable because it's posted by sources who somehow know what I like privately funded portfolio companies like now this news know what they're doing they've got a staff of dozens posting hundreds of items per day ok they might not be able to check their sources as thoroughly as real journalists but they're dedicated to news as a concept news is in their name oh ok news might not be in their name anymore but the point is now this would never try to blur the line between videos of real events and videos of branded content in order to confuse and manipulate me and my less intelligent friends you know what let me take a look at both of those Australian lightning videos again I'm starting to suspect they're not as authentic as I've been led to believe and maybe it's time to put my skeptical hat on it's true that lightning is a very common weather hazard in Australia and it's not unreasonable for one or two up close strikes to be caught on video these days there are countless compilations of spectacular lightning strikes out there if the origins of both of these videos make them questionable from the start the car one was posted by now this at some point but they've since removed it from all their feeds trust me I checked it all perhaps even they noticed that the original YouTube post was an attempt at a viral ad for a dashboard video camera for licensing our usage contact licensing at viral hog yeah I'll get right on that by the way what kind of psychopath is sitting in this car no reaction of any kind I'm a pretty calm guy myself but lightning once struck about 15 feet away from me and even though I was separated from it by a window believe me when I say I didn't stay still or quiet like the car video the beach video seems to have been posted by some unknown third party why are all these personal home videos of amazing things always posted by someone else wouldn't the owner have the motive and opportunity to post it themselves there's ads on the video and it just passed two million views the couple could have made like $7 for the boyfriends speech therapy speaking of which we've all thoroughly enjoyed his hilarious reaction after the lightning strike by the mother woman bulges me but just listen to him at the beginning I baby shot my from the eighth or well it's pretty Rocky he hikes I flat down on the rocks by be a dangerous add a nice foreshadowing who wrote this Joe Eszterhas I know all of this is purely circumstantial everything I said could be true and that still doesn't prove that these videos are fake does it you need clear observable smoking phaser evidence of digital trickery don't you I can do that the return stroke of a cloud to ground lightning is very bright it can illuminate an entire zip code from miles away yet it doesn't manage to completely overwhelm but tiny sensors and these cameras from just a few feet away here's a beautiful real slow-motion lightning strike captured by Clint Velvets imagine what the view is like from here and while we're looking notice the equally bright reflection extending even into the sand both of these scenes happen over very wet ground but there's not even a hint of the Lightning's reflection now the creator of the video with the girl tried to make it stand up to frame by frame scrutiny by simulating the effect of rolling shutter this kind of splitting really could happen with a CMOS chip but they failed to notice another glitch see this little pink line at the bottom whether it was a defect of the GoPro sensor a known issue or an artifact introduced later in file encoding it should always be present on top of the captured image but the flash makes this line disappear indicating that the flash was added after the fact the maker of the car video failed to take into account basic physics the deafening air vibrations of the up-close thunderclap are enough to shake the car in which the camera is mounted but apparently not enough to disturb the suspended wires located much closer to the impact I guess that's not as easy to fake with off-the-shelf plugins and stock effects elements let's see a video copilot optical flares preset with an implausible anamorphic streak and action essentials to charge o5 mixed with a little bit of dirt charge o6 if I'm not mistaken this one couldn't help himself either looks like a modified dirt charge Oh three to me you know in a real lightning strike water doesn't splash up like a boulder was dropped into it it conducts the electrical charge along the surface and electrocutes the people nearby so what really happened in these videos were they completely staged or just less impressive real events embellished to turn them into viral sensations I don't know there's evidence that this car actually kept going someone spent a lot of effort digitally bringing it to a stop but I can't help wondering why to supply the ever-growing demands of the social media feed to give me something to care about something to like I already know what I like and I think I'm done letting the feed distract me from what it is I'm afraid it's time for me to go kids an optometrist in Spartanburg is about to write a 7,500 word blog post about the benefits of therapeutic touch remember love with your heart use your head for everything else captain disillusion [Music] [Applause] [Music] glad you like it for those curious the little dedication at the end Benny that was the actual bunny featured in the little videos he was our pet and he passed away during the production of the video so I thought I'd put him in to commemorate him and the captain didn't mind so there's that um but now I'd like you guys to be even quieter than you are right now absolutely quiet because the Internet is talking I don't know if you guys know but under most videos on YouTube there's like this section where people can say whatever they want and they do and one of my many tasks for the captain is handling social media so I got to read all these comments and stuff and I have to say that at least in the captain's case it's mostly a lot of positive good interaction people like to share how much they like the videos their favorite funny lines they they ask interesting questions there's basically a good time underneath any given captain disillusion video but the rest of the comments can all be classified under three distinct categories you look like blank hate and extremely original jokes now everything I'm going to show you is actual comments from actual people and some of it gets a little you know explicit so fair warning but let's start easy you look like blank there's something about the captain's face that when people look at it they see literally anyone else okay here's some examples has anyone ever told you that you look like red from pineapple Express I don't think so why do you look like Ethan from h3h3 shape themselves not sure because I don't really know who that is but I'll trust you on that one do you ever get that you look like a young Kramer sure the wants to invite that comparison you look like Will Smith's long-lost twin thank you you look like Sean from Sykes weird a cousin I don't know if they they have that show in UK it doesn't matter you look like the robot who introduces lone star and barf to Pizza the Hutt and space balls very specific I get it because all silver people look alike I get it you look like a young Charlie Chaplin now that one I think the captain can get behind whoever he resembles you have to admit that the captain's mask makes him look kind of like a white man so when it comes to haters and trolls you know he doesn't receive the kind of abuse and vitriol that unfortunately some female and minority youtubers tend to have to endure but he gets his fair share of hate and it comes in different forms sometimes it's ideological in nature sometimes it's kind of long-winded but you do learn new things like vocabulary like I use the word trumpet every day sometimes it's short and sweet constructive criticism and the captain in such cases might even actually reply you know and of course sometimes it's just pure vitriol that defies categorization and it's kind of amuses me like here's one of my favorite pure hate comments of all time a nice straw man I mean to me it's an interesting person because he or she is familiar with informal logical fallacies and is a homophobe at the same time so you know haters can be funny but they're not being intentionally funny of course but some people are trying to be intentionally funny in comments and I just love those people I have a lot of jokesters very original jokesters in my feet so this guy says I'm sorry CD but I gotta make a dirty joke out of this I love a quick D in the morning what is he talking about I'll tell you sometimes the captain makes these shorter videos about very specific subjects and he calls them quick D you know quick dissolution whatever I didn't make up the name but you know that guy that one guy noticed that this kind of seems vaguely dirty like quickie could you know what is the D stand for right um so that's very original I bet he's the only one in the world who thought of this let's see oh I'm surprised this was a quick D is it okay that's you know that's another quick D innuendo that's very rude I'm sorry a quick Dean you endo a quick D innuendo quick Dean okay guys same idea I get it okay can we please make a joke about anything other than quick D innuendo please okay here's I love this guy's videos but every time I watch I think he's been huffing silver spray paint okay it's not about quick D at least but it's about the captain's appearance in a silver huffing paint it's funny who else what's of the paint on space does he have a huffing problem huffing paint huffing silver paid nothing paint I think spray paint up and paint back real hard Huff and paint huffin paint that one just says the words puffing someone typed huffing paint and pressed enter so if you're a fellow youtuber you know that the content of the comments almost doesn't matter it's just the onslaught of the weird feedback and things it starts getting to you I mean depending on your personality it gets to me for me personally I do so much work for the captain all my time is spent doing stuff with for Captain dissolution sometimes I feel like I am captain disillusioned which is crazy but um it gets to me I start asking myself questions like am I wasting my time you know am I am i helping the right person because um you know his really the captain I mean his humor his comedy is what the kids call cringy these days it's like it's funny but it's not like like on the level of real comedian comedians on his graphics and effects and stuff they're nice but they're not as impressive as like what people do for a living and put out there you know they're just okay and even his skeptical content itself it's kind of like a shadow of real scientific skepticism he doesn't have a graduate degree in any kind of scientific field and he makes little detail mistakes in his videos all the time you just have to look at I didn't even go into that whole section of comments where people loved to point out all the little things that go wrong he got wrong so you know what is the point is this helpful and am I wasting my time helping this guy and sometimes I feel like maybe the answer is maybe all right I think about these things but like clockwork every time I get close to turning that maybe into a yes and possibly quitting the captain gets messages like this hello there captain I just wanted to thank you so much for the time and effort you put into all your work I have been a fan since what is it like 2006 and all a lot of your original videos are what inspired me to pursue engineering as my field of study all the hoaxes in the world devalue what is truly amazing about the planet we live on that is why I chose a career path that would allow me to see into how two objects interact with each other react with each other and hopefully one day discover something new never-before-seen and I just wanted to let you know that you have been a decent influence into my career path watching you since I was 12 years old and now seeing that my 19 year old self has been influenced enough by you to go out and be skeptical and to find the real truths in the world says volumes about your content I hope that others were influenced similar Thank You captain [Music] when I see stuff like that I realize I really don't care how cringy most of the world thinks the captain is if you can affect even one out of a million teens in this way then I'm sorry the captain is and always will be a hero to me I really know that's so beautiful captain how long were you there I just connected because I'm still lost listen I'm sorry about earlier you're a great assistant and I should have been there no I'm sorry captain I was out of line that the presentation go well I think so but why don't we let the audience decide I must say I'm impressed Alan thank you maybe I should have you doing all my live talks from now on uh let's just take it one live talk at a time captain you
Channel: Captain Disillusion
Views: 1,883,956
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: skepticism, visual effects, superhero, live talk, QED, conference, comedy, debunking, explanation, filmmaking, behind the scenes
Id: MQrzcwsGYy8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 56sec (2816 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 30 2016
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