CAN'T LOSE!? New Favorite "Comp Killer" Roulette System Review

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youtube hello alex here i'm here with miss lauren hi hi everybody how are we doing we have another roulette system but this one is literally called the comp killer by mr uh joe john goes gaming sorry john goes gaming it's a 2 000 buy-in system hold on one second we are going to get another stimulus i think so may i have 1400 lauren i got it 14. thank you very much because i actually might do this with my 1400 don't tell charlie kim okay 1400 it's rumple but it's different so in the fact that you're still betting so let's do let's do five dollars straight up on the numbers that you have to cover straight up yep so basically it's five dollars on one 16 24 third 28 and 33. okay and so what you're gonna do is you're basically going to do rumple around that if i'm right start here this way okay so go this way there's no big open space this way this way this way there you go okay so i'll explain so if you think about this total we have 150 plus five straight up so 175 dollars if the straight up hits you win five dollars that's including your bet correct if you win on rumple you win 50 because it's it pays out eight plus your bet 225 so 150 yep so there you go this right here if you think about it 175 dollar average that's huge for comp value yep 27 trying to build up my uh you know so if you have expendable income and you are coming to vegas this is definitely the system you want to play okay so let's do it again 33 28 24 16 and one and then i believe it's this this this this this because it's still the same pattern for rumple okay yep interesting so table's gonna look the same every time yep the board's going to look the same and you're just hoping that you get lucky and hit one of the rubble and then it says when to walk away after your three hour session to earn that sweet comp room or plus one thousand dollars so there you go there's a person in a community we talk about quite often mr chocodell's ooh five dollars take it that's right is a win is a win win is a win as a win so we're trying to find the system that you can get a free room at cosmo or wynn or arya and i think this is the system this could be it this could be it she's the one okay let's do it again 33 28 we already got the 24 16 and one now if you're if you don't have a great big huge bankroll you could always use dollars and fives and you can go dollars absolutely that's what he said here as well he said next visit to vegas with 500 using five dollars and one dollar denomination yep there you go boom so we have eight eleven yep eight eleven twelve thirteen fourteen so let's think about this so far eight eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fourteen eighty okay five so i'm already up a hundred five dollars right right okay fan favorite that's good okay 33 28 24 16 and one and then the six corners boom boom boom boom boom boom okay all right so easy use of this system do you give it a like out of five stars what would you think about this for easy easy use to actually play this yeah yeah i think uh oop there you go worries i think it's fairly easy as long as there's not too many people at the table okay and the reason i say that is because if you've got too many different people at the table and so many chips and colors out there you might it might be tough to see if you've made all your bets correctly that's true right and then also too a lot of some casinos might not give you quarters and nickels so you might just have to use all nickels that's true and just go five out of the rumple numbers and yep one on the yeah uh 28 24 16 and one one two three four five six boom yeah if you're at a table by yourself very easy because you've got you know you can see the entire table and what's there and what's not um yeah they might just give you just nickels so you might have to ask for like 500 nickels right and then just mark it off that way accordingly yeah sixteen five bucks five bucks that's all that matters baby right okay a win is a win as a win yep fantastic yeah definitely for this type of system you absolutely want to play on a a very busy roulette game because you're going to get less spins and i know people ask all the time in the youtube comments so you it's less spins more time for you that's right so i would definitely play this like if you're let's say you're staying at the win right obviously don't go to a casino that's triple zero number one but if let's say there's a 15 roulette game and it's busy i would play on that game all night because literally right because the your your time at the table yeah will be longer yep it's based on your theoretical and you still have the same average bet average bet based on how long yep yep that's average that's called your theoretical and on roulette your theoretical is the highest out of all the games oh yes your theoretical is actually lowest i believe it's uh craps or backrot backgrounds because the house edge is so low yep so and also too it can be on craps but it depends on you know what you're playing if you're playing combats oh yeah right that's correct if you're place bets right but in general roulette you do have the highest theoretical yes yeah so all right fantastic all right here we go yeah i like this yeah maybe i should play this at the at our favorite casino that we play at the why not might as well try it i like this i like this modified it's also called rumple all night still skin all day so okay i'm gonna put that right there 33 28 14 16 1. there we go yeah this is great i got 8 11 12 and then i got 13 so i'm pretty much even right now yeah up a little bit you're up a little bit including what's out there yeah so literally you're just doing this just to literally kill time time and build that comp value yep yep 31. now you could modify this so instead of just putting a five dollar straight up on those numbers you can also put five dollars on zero double zero it doesn't necessarily have to be those numbers right i would think i'm i mean i think that if you want to modify it a little bit as long as it's not as long as it's not those are not overlapping correct that's the point the whole thing is don't overlap them yep so as long as these straight ups aren't touching the ruffle correct so i could literally put five bucks i could put five bucks here five bucks here yep it really doesn't matter as long as you're just putting five straight up out there five straight up that don't overlap your rumple number you know what just to make it different to it i'll put five dollars here let's take the 16. put it on the double zero let's see what happens all right [Music] come on come on roulette god the roller 22 okay didn't matter all right didn't even matter all right we're good yeah i would definitely play this on a busy game so if you're coming to vegas friday saturday night even right now during the current climate i would still you know because the casino's still busy friday saturday good point when i said don't play on a busy game that was just as far as uh the ease of knowing where your bets are but i think alex you're right i think uh playing on a busier game definitely is going to bump up the comp value yep yep oh that's not a spin let's try that again right in the double zero yeah i would say so for sure just betting this yeah 175 dollar average no yeah because it's 150 25 yeah 175 average yeah if you play this for like four or five hours you'll get a day you'll get a free weekend interviews yep yep 30 30 okay dirty 30. so step one third stimulus step two come to vegas yup step three put it all on the line baby clench clench and go for it there we go okay i feel like double zero is coming out i'm gonna take that five from 24 and put it on double zero all right there we go all right now so what do you think about this so far do you give it a i'm giving it a peach for sure you get a peach yeah absolutely because remember it's not the whole purpose is not to obviously win right right we want to win we want to win but we also want to build up that comp value yeah so and this you know so far you're winning right and um that comp value is just going through the root yeah here let's calculate what i got real quick i got 10 10 11 12 13 12 13 14 15 16 16 35 so i'm up 235 so far yeah and i'm grinding yep yep love it okay i'm gonna put no 1 16 24 28 33 there we go this is so i mean this system's so good i might use this money to profit and get some hair plugs with this your thoughts to me i say don't use this money for the hair plugs make timmy pay for him he's the reason why you're going bald oh timmy your thoughts keep sponsored oh yeah thank you hey hey hair sponsors yeah right info cg dude that's what happens when you count your money while you're playing right there it's okay okay here we go starting again yeah hair sponsors hit me up that's right call of it and owning two businesses [Applause] and having to deal with timmy all the time right timmy love you timmy what my parents do up here i don't know what's wrong with you yeah that's true they were they were they were from start to finish i guess with your parents there we go all right back at it that's right so even with that loss 11 12 i'm not even with that loss i'm still yeah 10 11 12 13 14. i'm still up 80 100 bucks yeah so that's really all it is you're just building yourself a t you just need to grind up 200 profit cushion and then you're just sitting there just trying to just hang out the whole time [Applause] yeah i give this a peach even though i'm waiting till the end yeah so far definitely a peach but even if honestly even if you end up losing a little bit it's still for the comp value alone it's a peach that's true there we go oh you need some bread so step one stimulus step one a b if you can't get a stimulus ask daddy david their that's the that's the strategy daddy david i can't get a stimulus check yeah that's exactly it 16 24 28 33. we're gonna take the 28 out there we go hmm yeah i give this a peach so far even though we're waiting till the end yeah yeah i give this 175 average that's strong 34. all right there we go yeah cause giving you less you're just giving yourself more outs it's not even really a hedge system you're just giving yourself more alps it's kind of a hedge system a little bit a little bit but it's not like yeah 33 28. okay so i'm good at this but and i like it because you're hedging with five dollars and not twenty five dollars you know and you can switch to five numbers around like i said too yeah so you can constantly move it around like i'm betting the zeros right now i'm hoping the double girl is gonna come around 23 okay good enough yep you took that a couple of times i think hair plugs here we come okay i'm gonna need some too by the way so to get a corporate account or something yeah probably like i said unless one of you guys that are uh any guys that are watching that works one of those hair companies you guys want to sponsor me david and lauren that's right that's right let me know in the comments all right here we go okay spin number whatever it is i don't even know okay what do we got number ten okay boom [Applause] loving it okay let me check what we got here oh yeah i think we're time for maybe two or three spins all right and then we're good okay three more okay three more spins no 16. that's not a spin though maybe go around the there we go okay we're gonna change it i'm gonna do 24 we're gonna change it to the nine and then the twenty something's missing there's already something missing over there there you go 24. yep double error one oh good thing you didn't take that one off yep all right fantastic okay two more spins all right let's do it again so we're gonna have one two all right one two three four five six hopefully you have enough patience to sit and make the same bet over and over again i personally at this point like it's a good system we're up a little bit of money i would be doubling those bets i know me i'd be going for fifty dollars instead of 25 10 on the you know so you'd be pushing a luck or that's just me i mean when when it's working and you're winning why not right but so you're saying instead of 175 average you're going for a 350 exactly wow exactly but that's never really the smart thing to do well you lose a couple of them in your is this the channel where we have the responsible gaming ticker that's i don't know is it yeah no okay disregard everything i just said this wouldn't be a bad idea yeah because uh all right come on last spin let's get something good yep let's do it how about 22 i look at the 22 for the spin yeah i like this this looks good yeah [Music] three oh okay that will work fantastic all right so let's bring this in here you go lauren all right coming in yep let's see what we got here okay we've got 16 in black right there so [Music] all right i see sixteen seventeen eighteen fifteen eighteen fifteen fifteen so that's four fifteen fifteen very good wow very good so okay so final decision peach plum eggplant total peach i give this grapefruit here wow grapefruit i think there's a great fruit yeah literally if you're playing this to get a free hotel room or suite i think this is awesome without a doubt because we we always like rumple but i think this version of rumple is the one yeah because you're adding more to your average bet and it's giving you more out so you don't lose and uh yup i give this a grapefruit tears wow this and martingale lover that is wow awesome yup awesome let me know you guys thoughts on the video we appreciate it uh like comment subscribe and always tip your dealers and we'll see you guys next time take care guys bye what's going on guys it's alex here we just finished recording our 12 minute challenge we'd like to invite you guys anyone that's interested in coming down you don't have to pay or anything like that just come down join our discord link and also join us on twitch we stream four days a week live blackjack live crafts live carnival games hope to see you soon bye
Channel: CEG Dealer School
Views: 1,339,400
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: iuziINilUvg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 24sec (1044 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 27 2021
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