My Favorite Roulette Strategy but BETTER!

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we had a fan submit a system based on one of your favorite systems and he has said here is the Improvement okay he has the Improvement yep what is your favorite system what is this an evolution of well we do have a relation from the sack baller James that is called wow economy Star Destroyer that's a fan name right there buddy it's a 400 buy-in I have 400 and 25 chips Papa's Got the same thing in his Salmons basically it's a modification off of like modified TIE fighter or also romanovsky or something other familiar what you're going to do is it's two hundred dollars you're going to do 75 on the third column and you're gonna pick five Corner bets everything wins one unit so you bet 200 to win 225. uh if you're playing on there's six donks one two four five zero double zero if you're playing on an Sr AKA Plaza downtown there's five wax there's also a modification a DJ modification you get paid a little bit more if you want to bet the zero one two and that that leaves you exposed for seven wax so if you get a little hair up you know where you can move it up to there yep Rhymer over here if you have ADHD such as me you can change whichever squares you cover to switch between the first and third call Fantastic all right well here I am this is nice for me because I just have these two bets out here ready to go and we can only we can only hope that the hand model hooks me up oh look at you up to a Rip Roar and start okay now uh it's kind of funny because he calls the economy uh Star Destroyer but I call it broke D TIE fighter oh really yeah shout out to my dad Charlie Kim well there you are up 25 yep I mean you could do this a couple times and have dinner paid for dude yeah I'm gonna do now these types of systems I like doing two spins and then I'll switch the numbers left right keep it keep it interesting you want to keep an interesting a little diversity yeah do you I can do in twos just same thing when I go eat I'll eat the same restaurant real nice and I'll try a new yeah do you eat it like twice in a row I can't do that I'll be like yo that shit's good let's try it again really yeah wow really not you I mean I I'm trying to max out all my Google reviews dude yeah I can only go once I let them have it unless it's by the way if a restaurant is not good I want to go back and give them the benefit of the dog because everybody has a bad day but if you go twice and it's the same crap then you know that uh the bad day I mean how many Olive Gardens are there here I mean not enough apparently dude not enough yeah I mean I've had it's been hit or miss dude hit or missed dude we try to we try to go to Olive Garden today it was packed dude did you really try to go to Olive Garden yeah that was packed when you walk up to Olive Garden they say you gotta wait 10 minutes you're like yeah no I don't think so I'm in 10 minutes here for Olive Garden okay that zero scares the [ __ ] out of me really I mean I'm only 10 minutes at like McDonald's what's going on today where Olive Garden it was busy dude the whole whole reception area we were good we were stunned it was literally like at a weird time to like three o'clock you know when Olive Garden is busy at three o'clock in the afternoon dude that spaghetti is just a Next Level dude next level they're like man we gotta pull out all the boilers we got boil all the Frozen bags they were loading up dude loaded up so anyways we don't have enough water to boil I know not enough salt can I please win one I mean the whole time I'm gonna switch it again you're gonna switch it around you like that man yeah all right well what do you got next what's the switch the switch is people gonna be excited about this system dude make sure to enunciate dude don't don't talk so much yeah I know I kept saying I guess I was saying instead of Valentine I was saying Valentine's I was like oh yeah slow it down let everybody knows oh you could do the DJ okay now this is the one throws me to flip off he says when to walk away with one bullet bankroll walk when you're up five units 125 on a double zero or six units on a Sr if you get whacked before you're trying to get that win we leave my donkey donks alone oh oh look at you buddy oh oh way to pushed me off my clip dude oh my God so he says with the one bullet bankroll walk when you're up five units or on a double zero are you up five units you might have arrived now oh yeah I will hit way more than that really or six on a Sr if you get whacked that many times we're gonna keep going with a two bullet bankroll or more walk when you're up five units or six depending on the wheel if you get whacked three or four hits on an Sr can you continue to play until you try to get back to even walk if you're ever downstairs more than five years people out there just not understand so are you up your five units should you leave now uh yeah I'm gonna keep going I mean you're going full dude DJ now this is kind of tilt mode for Alex he doesn't he needs to win more he's trying to get to the crap game 100 with 500 odds that's the Degen variation all right I need to win something here are we do we get finished off oh my God it's only six minutes in you're already out your your money I just can't keep playing because I'm already this is all profit I need to hit something big damn it no zero would have been nicer dude or any any really anything I'm out I gotta borrow the only interesting caveat to the system is compared to modified TIE fighter romanovski it's usually eight hits and out the fact they suggested five or six that's actually pretty realistic because what I tell people at Reserve with Alex I usually tell people first four is always a guarantee five six pushing it eight you know work me over on the Zero dude give me that big Goosey Goose me over here dude subscribe to our Channel if you guys are uh non-subscribed please love a gun shop for our favorite crafts for Less strategies and come visit us at our second business Casino Quest Fashion Show Mall thank you second floor next to Dillard's you are fantastic I'm the plug Master now thank you so much for plugging us we have our favorite strategies did you tell them about the grapefruit strategies available at shop Casino you already said that yeah where am I I'm just over here getting whacked dude I mean Dennis just doesn't we don't know each other now it's like they're above the dealer school I'm like holy smokes dude can I get a number please oh my God this is this guy see see I used to have to bet just two chips now he's making he's forcing me into this no win oh God again dude look at two buddy well we have did you mention the look at you buddy t-shirts oh yeah that's right on yeah we have a few extra yeah you got to get in a hurry bottles in the club paid for it look at this oh you and this oh God I gotta go here I'm out of money I'm in I'm in six hundred dollars I'm like what happened what happened what happened dude swear to God the the wife is oh now I'm in 700 dude I'm gonna have to I'm gonna have to wake the wifey up soon dude my credit card's gonna be maxed out I'm gonna have to do some foot service when you're married man trust me it's there are tears of activity once you get to the feet you know you're it's payback you owe something you're at a negative equity you're in a negative equity thing you know what I'm saying perfect because then you're gonna work those feet over nice little massage get out the lotion and figure out and if you don't know how to do it thank God there's YouTube I'm just saying those those of you out there who are married or have a significant other you know what I'm talking about when the feet come into the view then it's you know what I'm saying it depends on the relationship I mean the feet come out there the feet I mean unless you're like you know yeah you have one of those weird feet fetish things I shouldn't even say weird I mean it's not women that's probably like half uh but that's true that's true maybe if it's your thing you know what I'm saying I'm just saying but if it's not feed it's something else there's always tears dude you always have there's always these tears of Engagement thank you you know what I mean I'll keep that in mind for the future I mean when I become a husband mac and cheese and a good foot massage that's all you need that's that's dissolve oh God there we go wow make sure it's real you know don't be getting a generic off-brand stuff either by the way you're gonna make some mac and cheese make some good stuff okay none of this you know I I love it everyone's like I make mac and cheese and then it's just some Noodle and they just pour you know cheddar on it how's that that's not mac and cheese thank you for the rant to today sir I appreciate if it doesn't come out of the box with like all these chemicals I don't know how to pronounce if it's not like nuclear orange that's the good stuff the oranges cheese you gotta admit Kraft is perfected mac and cheese I have tried every other generic brand I just can't get it right that's the powder that's the only rant with you Sarah who would have known that all that milk will make us so nuclear yellow orange wait am I on the right thing why is it that process makes it so nuclear orange something like that right [ __ ] thank you Jesus I finally get to win something holy smokes that's all right I still I'm still up five units I'm still down like all my units I was actually up 325 before that I'm literally gonna have to work the alley yeah I mean just for a cab home would you Martin gild us no are you getting any tingles on this one dude uh actually yeah you really yeah well I'll do it again I mean I was more impressed uh a minute ago all right which one which one of these you know atrocities over here are you gonna have one two three see he loves that see he went from he put this right away you put the system on tilt dude oh we got the signal we're getting finished off dude that's on vacation so Dennis is a one-man band today Dennis finishes off and uh Alex I mean what's his name Jet Jet finishes us off and uh Dennis just fingers us gives us the finger dude you guys can't see it trust me he's a hand model for a reason bro perfect uh that's not gonna go well for me yeah now did you fully enunciate this uh explain the system in detail because there are people that want to know dude okay I don't want to hear you just carrying on about nothing okay talking about your mac and cheese or anything like this we're yeah we're all finished here so we're finished yeah damn it go ahead and bring in your chips or how much you got I'm in the negative dude this is like uh these are ghost chips right here how much did you give me you're in 800. I was only in 800 dude I'm out 375 so I'm on four uh I mean four and a quarter I lost I start with 400. I'm still up 150 and I got whacked that was so technically up to 325 over at the wax so there you go you had it up for a minute yeah yeah uh if you guys are new to our Channel we do have a grading scale durian is the worst eggplant Plum Peach grapefruit as an a what are your thoughts and we'll give it a rating uh I think it's a plum I think it's a middle really wouldn't play this oh it may be a peach okay only because you said really really I mean yeah it's okay I mean say really again it could be a grapefruit you know say like oh my God I think it's it's not a grapefruit but it's something that uh I can see people gonna enjoy uh modify TIE fighter Romanowski those are both grapefruits I like this version because you can bet the zeros now you couldn't bet that with the zeros I give it a grapefruit really another grapefruit from Alex yep giving away a lot of grapefruits wow just working that grapefruit like nobody's business been watching a lot of it you know oh my God uh all right well there you go you heard it here first thank you thank you guys thank you guys so much more videos in the corner we'll see you guys next time take care guys bye bye and then off to Kino to uh unwind well the truth is
Channel: CEG Dealer School
Views: 263,097
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: mPg9DUv8rIQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 35sec (635 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 08 2023
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