This Roulette Strategy Can't Lose || The Secret Sauce

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Alex this system it's called the special sauce and the claim is you can never lose hole finder proof is the claim what do you think buddy let's test out if the secret sauce works I want to thank private internet access for sponsoring today's video private internet access is the most transparent VPN virtual private Network the world has ever seen 30 million downloads they don't keep track of anything they hide your IP they encrypt your little tunnel exploring the internet and it's really dark and it's hidden and encrypted no one knows where you're going and no one knows where you've been it works with all your streaming devices it works on your phone laptops it works on your tablets your desktops and it's one of the few vpns that support private peer-to-peer file sorry I like to watch a lot of different shows that may or may not be available in one office I can just go to my Monaco Villa or then hang out in my Paris townhome see whatever the hell I want to see if you use our cook we're going to give you four months free 30-day money-back guarantee it's this amount off this big ass number here and it's only this money here every month thank you again for private internet access and thank you so much for tuning in we'll see you next time David out from we have a roulette system from shadowhawk it is called The Secret Sauce it is a two thousand dollar buy-in I have a thousand dollars and a hundred dollar chips 500.25 chips or checks 500 and five dollar checks Papa's Got Two thousand dollars those represent Salmons those are 25 chips you're gonna pick two dozens 10 and 10. when you lose you go up 10 and 10 and you just keep going until you want 150 bucks and then reset what yeah if this loses I go 20 and 20. and then I just keep profiting until I I gotta keep track so uh keep track every loss add one unit to both dozens every win rebet with the same amount last used everyone rebet this is it he even said too he's like listen it's even better that you're not winning in the beginning oh yeah that makes sense so now watch I never want to win in the beginning absolutely 20 and 20. yeah I'm gonna I'm gonna kind of do a passive presser it's gonna be really hard to knock you out dude yo the dealer he says you know when you walk up and play this when there's you know the deal is like uh I just love to just I will tell you right now EtG friendly you should do this on an ETG yeah because the deal you become a Target by the way the deal is just so into look at you buddy look at this and now what I went I went technically I'm even now we gotta yeah we're gonna keep grinding out so I'm even we'll keep it this way you just keep it you just keep going you keep going until you get 150 profit then you reset no matter what you're at it's a little bit different from a Martingale it is different dude it is different it is different we did test this on the simulator the corn simulator and and I actually like this really yeah it worked out well for you yeah I enjoyed this wow all right we'll see right now I'm a little skeptical great call me skeptic right one so now if I hit this I'm down 10 I gotta grind out a couple 30 a little lackage for thirty dollars that's not bad oh that's gonna be rough okay now we're gonna go this might find a way 40 and 40. no he's gonna so this is what he says keep increasing units on losses until your wins reach or cross the first Target goal of 150 dollars once you do reset go back to ten dollars each doesn't continue to hit your profit goal at 300. you're gonna do that twice 450 600 until you reach your goal he says this system is Dennis hole finder proof losses are encouraged so the target profits reach faster finder Proof full finder proof we'll see Ron I mean this is the YouTube Proving Grounds this would like in order for you to lose a bankroll you don't have to lose 14 times in a row 14 times in a row you know who's gonna love this system I think Snapper no no no Allen Allen yeah because the minute here is 14 times in a row he's like uh that's better than Kino dude that's it better than Keno well I'm not even right now I'm really just hoping for the zero double zero action now so no profits on for you yet well there you go buddy there we go wow another 40 win what happens after 40. so you just keep going up yeah up and up and up and up yep you never go down until you get that 150. yep I'm only down 20 bucks right now only twenty dollars down without 20 bucks now I have it again now I'm up 20 bucks now you're up 20 bucks okay all right do you have a confused boner sir I mean I I sort of do I got to be honest with you this is yeah confused Runner alert yeah please imagine if that was actually an alert that'd be going that alert would be going on all over town I think he's boner yeah yeah I think I think at some point in the day everybody is in that position they're like I didn't know I like Goss uh golf golf Gothic chicks no I don't know oh Gods oh I'm with you buddy I'm with you I'm now I'm with you together another 40. check this out let's do another recap let's see where we're at okay so now watch this yeah so we got right here 18 19 2000. okay one so you're plus I'm up 60. yep yeah no that's that stuff is going to cut sets your back dude the good stuff the good stuff yeah the good stuff the one that's you know the stuff that's like the good oh there we go there we go now what do you do you go 50. yep now we're going 50 50. wow so I'm down 20 bucks now and you're and you're a bit I mean that's the thing that that that's the thing that gets me by the way join our Discord down below we're gonna have more further yeah I was a little confused he doesn't know what to do yeah you know what I'm saying so if you lose this you're going to 60. wow look at this two in a row that's gonna be rough all the way up to 60. yep that's it 60 60. um join our link tree down below there's a link you can submit your own gambling system that's a Google form right there you can almost patreon five extra videos a week and hit that like button to be much appreciated it is you are doing a fantastic job thank you sir thank you sir this hat is literally on shop Christina Quest you'll find it and and all of Alex by the way Alex we had a bunch of your shirts yeah people are wearing them all over the world I've gotten stories dudes that's stories that's true Alex can't ruin my life the t-shirt is available for sale on top and up to 5x up to 5x yep hit that like button and thank you guys so much for all your support and once again thank you for everyone for uh joining us for the birthday bash I was gonna say do us a favor buy a buy a shirt oh that that works yeah oh give me a zero oh that's nice for me damn what's going on here wow whole finder is doing his job buddy this is you know I love it when they when he said it's hole finder proof you should have seen Dennis roll his eyes dude Dennis Dennis is up for the challenge dude he is ready to go he's like I got your holes right here buddy I mean this of course a lot of patience like I said like that was the thing the key is just patience and the bankroll but has never lost as long as you continue to play never lost oh wow welcome to the main game sir welcome to the main game wow up to 80s nice look at this look at this is but this is popping David up on uh you know what I'm saying there you go he's always up to the challenge dude yeah he is the special hole finder dude I'm sorry I guess so there you go finally there you go so how you doing now what's the win last night time to get my money back really yep but it's at least it's 80 wins though well and it's hard to you just it's really hard to lose the 2000. so when he says lose does he mean like the whole bankroll the whole bankroll no kidding that's like me playing a nickel machine starting with two grand and be like you know what I'm gonna be here a while I may not win but I'm not gonna lose everything yeah you know what I'm saying like all right well I I now I'm less now I'm less optimistic dude and I'm a less optimistic kind of person look at you buddy is that back hey but this is what we do here we show real spins and we don't really edit because yeah we spin it for real you know we're too lazy to add that and yeah we are too lazy yeah the editors only do so much dude so much you know what I'm saying people Photoshop you know it's more expensive to photoshop but you gotta have really gotta have some good skills you know really has good skills by the way without his identity Dennis has amazing photos he can make you look however the hell you want how much you got 150 bucks and look at you now look now you're down seventy dollars approximately approximately seven give or take some math right now I'm only up uh 125 hours buddy but I am very excited to see this play out I would love it if we had enough spins for a whole finder to kind of work his way through you know sometimes yes it's not easy to get in some holes some holes take a little work dude you can't get in there right away you gotta like you know what I'm saying you got to use a little secret sauce that's where the recipe comes in oh oh that's good I love it I love it love it love it there you go buddy how you doing now how's it cooking chilling and you're still going up dude that's something that scares the hell out of me because eventually it's like I but I I understand it now because now you need you don't need as many with this much money to kind of get back correct that's the prayer yes now does he say you leave plus 150 what what's still no just whenever you want to walk away you hit your profitable oh that's not profit [Laughter] so you can have any profitable you want yep hey by the way did you notice there's a study came out and the beer goggles does not it's is technically not a thing bear goggles is not a thing and I'm thinking whoever did that study idiot you know what I'm saying like that's not a thing come on now oh look at you buddy that's a winner finally they say beer goggles you know because I think that's absolutely 100 true because I have found myself in that situation and woken up the next day and beard absolute Bear Garage let's see what I'm saying yeah I don't know I don't know where these scientists come up with their uh you know what I mean I'm just happy to be here next to you dude uh you know just just part of the win there we go there you go buddy that's two in a row yeah you need like three or four in a more don't you at this level yep just two more just two more that's that's not that's not a heavy lift that's easy that's not bad is that a lot to ask for that's not a lot to ask for I could use a zero oh that's gonna be that's gonna be right that'd be a rough one you know what's so funny because when I played this when I did this on the simulator yeah we'll talk about the end and you weren't distracted on the corn and roulette simulator because I think that simulator is more corn than roulette yes yes we love corn in this community like one tab is is corn the other tab is roulette absolutely yep um yeah when I played this it was pretty easy sailing of course Dennis is just sitting here just pounding away Dennis is a bit of a pounder yep I'm good at that he's good at pounding away buddy he will tell you firsthand right in person he is he's like a quarter pounder with cheese yeah all right well how many more how many more spins do we got buddy oh there we go damn it missed that one oh that's the last spin all right this is where David just goes completely I got my money and now I really want to win I really want to win I like to my win and then here's Alex and someone tells me we got to go and then hey oh hey hey hey hey hey what a what a great spin to go out of for me for me not so much the system okay I'll finish this up I'm in two thousand dollars I have a thousand eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen twenty five fifty seventy five fifteen eighty minus 420. 13.50 buddy if you guys are new to my channel we do have a grading scale during his worst then eggplant then Plum then Peach then grapefruit give us your thoughts sir and let's give it a rating this is the wrong Secret Sauce there's no way in hell I would play this I I don't I didn't understand it from the beginning how because you're progressing into those tents so you're just sitting yourself up to lose more money progressively I do see how eventually you get to throw a progression towards the end where if you hit a couple of those you get out you can get out a lot quicker but it takes you a while to get there yeah I don't I don't I don't see it I was lost okay let's give it a rating I'll give my dog you're gonna give the rating okay here's where we're going okay on three one two three man you're three for three buddy uh I give it an eggplant the reason why because even if when you're losing it takes too long and with two thousand dollars I feel like there's other ways to try and get your money I do appreciate the system I like the concept of it I thought it worked well in the simulator but in real life it just gives me a lot of stress so what you're saying is hole finder was not beaten today the whole finder was not beaten today so finder has found a way to find the hole all right thank you so much more videos in the corner please like for us we'll see you guys next time bye and then off to Kino to unwind well the truth is
Channel: CEG Dealer School
Views: 192,833
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: enTiLJDyZP4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 7sec (787 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 02 2023
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