Can't connect to mysql server [solution] error 2003, 'localhost'(10061) from MySQL Workbench
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Keywords: Can't connect to MySQL: cant connect to MySQL server on 'localhost'(10061)(Code2003), errorcode 2003,, how to solve mySQL error 2003, could not connect to mysql server on code 2003, MySQL, Database, Open-source, Oracle, MySQL Workbench (Software), Tutorial, Command Prompt, 10061, Unknown error, ERROR 2003 (HY000), Can't connect to MySQL server on 'localhost', ERROR, to, server, 'localhost', connect, windows, localhost, Technical, cannot connect to database server mysql workbench
Id: GBGDoh1H0aQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 57sec (177 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 23 2017
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