Canon R6 Quick Start Guide and Ultimate Setup Hacks

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hey guys hope that you're well we have the canon r6 here we're going to go over the 10 camera commandments we're also going to talk about how to set this up with all the buttons and customize everything to where it drives far quicker and far more powerfully i think that you'll really love this camera once you have it set up you can basically have it ready for anything at any time so let's get started first with the 10 camera commandments we are just going to talk about where the buttons are for these commandments if we get to a commandment and you don't understand what that commandment is please head on over to schultz and sign up for free and we'll make sure that you understand this basics but the purpose here is you just got this camera you kind of want the quick rundown on the 10 most important functions that's what this is first of all even before we get to the first one bonus on and off very clear right in the upper left hand i do miss having it down here or like kind of connected to the shutter button like sony does but it's fine it's right there so then that really brings us to the first command the shutter release button right where we would expect it you can enable like a touch screen with shutter i usually like to leave that off halfway down is an auto focus i end up disabling that to use back button focus all the way down releases the shutter takes the picture also does the metering start and whatnot so that's where we'd expect it shooting modes command number two very simple here because we have a traditional mode dial which i love it makes it super easy so we have all automatic we have the flexible priority program shutter speed priority aperture priority manual bulb and then we have three custom slots where you can do a recall to where the camera goes right to all the settings that you need it so there's three slots there but you will need to mix and match those three between photo and video if you're a hybrid shooter so one thing to mention here and make sure you get your mind wrapped around is how to change aperture shutter speed and iso within your basic modes and we're going to go over after priority and manual here so in aperture priority mode one thing that canon has done really well is give you icons down here that really show you what's going on so you can see by 2.8 which by the way you can just touch it everything's touch screen and you can just scroll which is really cool of course when you're out shooting buttons are much quicker so what i was saying though is that they have these icons canon did a good job of showing you icons to help you get familiar quick or if you change shooting modes and some of those buttons are remapped you can just pay attention to the icons and eventually it becomes second nature of course but aperture here you can see this little icon with the scroll wheel with the top half showing so here is the scroll wheel wheel with the top half showing here so you can see as i rotate this it changes the aperture and then shutter speed is obviously automatic in aperture priority but then we have iso you can see it's another scroll wheel with the bottom half showing so this is the other scroll wheel here and you can see when we interact with this we are interacting with the bottom half here so as you can see this changes the iso um when you're in aperture priority same thing then with shutter speed priority that top controls the shutter speed this still does iso here and then when we go to manual you'll see that the top wheel does shutter speed the back wheel does iso still and then the wheel back here does aperture so straightforward really easy to use and you always do have the touch screen if you need it number three is how to set iso and we just covered that in both modes so we're ahead of the game one thing i'll mention is that the new rf glass has this little control wheel this control ring on the glass i do set this to control iso and we'll get to that in a little bit but how do you select af mode so i got to tell you the little quick modes that they've always had available by pressing the q menu i have never found it as convenient as it is on this i could see myself using the quick menu a lot because of this touch screen interface so i hit q and you can see that right over here is servo if i touch that now you can see i can go in between one shot and servo so that's how you go between your two af modes i will tell you that we're going to remap that i'm going to remap this button up here to quickly toggle between those two without having to go into the quick menu but we'll get to how to do that soon so that's af modes how to select the af areas and then move the af points within there so same thing i will hit the q menu and then you can see upper left i'm going to hit that box and now we have all of our af areas we have this one which i leave it on it's going to start focus tracking on whatever's in the box and then follow that as that subject moves in the frame or as you recompose i'll kind of show you that here in a little bit let me get back to that but then you have spot af and all of your other areas right here so that is how you easily switch between all those i don't remap that to a button because again this little quick menu works so well with the touch screen but 99 the time i'm just going to leave it in that tracking mode and i'll kind of show you why in a little bit as we set up the all the other custom buttons here so i'm going to set it back to face detection plus tracking drive mode same thing i'm going to go q and then you can see right over here we have single shot high speed continuous plus that's maxed out high speed shotgun or the machine gun effect rather but just a little bit slower low speed continuous and then we have our timer modes so that is drive modes all right number seven how to set your exposure compensation i'm going to go to aperture priority it's just as easy as rolling this back scroll wheel your thumb wheel right here so when you press down and kind of get it going then you just rotate it and you rotate it clockwise to get brighter and then you rotate it counterclockwise to get darker so i'll get back to even here straight up and i did think about mapping this to exposure compensation but at the end of the day it is actually just easier and quicker like to have my hand on the zoom ring here and then just use that thumb scroll wheel to do compensation it's super quick and responsive and i love it how it is out of the box there how to set your white balance same thing here i'm still going to go to the cube menu and then we're going to go to white balance right over here and we can see all of them down here and you can scroll and whatnot you have these heal here the kelvin is super easy to set because you just have this going on so again the touch screen really does make everything pretty easy i'm not going to call it a game changer but it just makes going to the quick menu very convenient all right commandment number nine playing reviewing and deleting images very straightforward press play right here and then you can use the scroll wheel to go back and forth and of course anytime you need to delete press the delete key go to race and then enter i'm not going to delete these right now and then last but not least commandment number 10 how to select raw versus jpeg i'm going to go into the menu it's all the way back here right at the beginning the very first menu under number one image quality so you just select there and then i'm just shooting raw and no jpeg at the current time okay so that is it for the 10 camera commandments and again if any of those items you don't quite have a handle on go to and sign up for free we will get you taken care of but now let's get into the fun part where we set up this camera to where it drives more like a porsche instead of a truck and what i mean by that is we can customize all these buttons to where it drives much quicker and much more powerfully the camera is nimble and very responsive to where it feels like everything is at your fingertips that you that you use most often so to map all of these buttons we're going to click on menu and then we are in this orange icon menu i think this is like the custom function menu it's page 3 and you'll see that we can customize buttons and we can customize dials we're going to focus on buttons although really quick if you do have rf glass and you want to cut and you want to customize this control ring right here to iso on most of the rf glass it's on the end here it does have a very nice texture if you want to map that to control iso i'll cover that really quickly let's just go to customize dials you'll scroll down here to where you see the control ring and then you just want to set it to set iso speed there is another option up here to where you would select the iso and change it but you have to hold down the shutter button halfway while you're doing or any metering button down here and i just disable that i just want it to be a direct iso selection so right when i turn that it changes the iso value without me having to hold down another button so that is how you do it right there let's get back into the other buttons though so i'm going to try and set this up and i have for the most part like i do my r5 and just keep in mind that you can program that you will be programming the buttons separately in still mode than in video mode and that is great because it really opens up a lot more possibilities but let's get right into it here first of all with the shutter release button so i have this set up and by the way you can always click right into it with set or you can just tap on it a really good touch interface i have this set to where it only starts the af the metering rather it does not start the autofocus so most the time people have this to where it starts the autofocus press halfway down it auto focuses i want to start all of my focusing from the back button and in this case the back buttons i'm going to use two in two different use case scenarios to where there's just tons of power and convenience so a lot of people have tried back button focus and they just don't really get the benefit of it and that is most likely for two reasons one you never decoupled the focus from here and so you're not getting the full benefit and i'll explain that in a little bit but two you just haven't given it enough time i think that it really takes about a thousand shots to get used to and then you end up liking it but once you see how we have the focus set up here i guarantee you're going to love it and if you try it you'll never go back as long as you give yourself enough time to override that old muscle memory of doing this all the time so i'll leave it at that you're going to see more what i mean in a little bit next option i leave the movie shooting button set to movie recording so this button right up here that just starts the record button that starts the recording on a movie mode the af on button i have set to iaf so if there's a person in the frame and shooting portraits and pictures of my kids this is so powerful back uh two three years ago uh three four now that is iaf is why i switched to sony back with the a9 because it was a game changer and you'll see that it just makes it's like cheating and um so i have set that that to iaf and then the little star button the asterisk button which used to be like auto exposure lock i have that set to basically initialize af and metering so you can see here metering and af start so now this button basically does what the shutter button used to do out of the box so let me show you why real quick why this is such a powerful combination i'm going to get back into shooting mode here and hopefully the little iphone will kind of show you what we got going on here so when i press the af on button remember that's iaf so as you can see i have a picture here i'm going to focus off of it so it's out of focus anytime i press this down it's going to find the eye right away if that person moves in the frame it's going to track as long as i have it held down if i recompose it's going to refocus on the eye through those little micro movements at like say f 1.2 so you press this down keep it held in and it's going to continually stay locked on the eye and that is super powerful but what happens if i want to focus on the entertainment center well then i just move over and i use this button here i put that box right there and as you can see it's focused on the entertainment center and since i have this on tracking it's going to track that entertainment center as it moves or if it's a moving object it's going to track it it's also going to track it as i recompose so this button here is going to inherit the af area that i have set so let's say that i go just to the single point af let's do that real quick i'll hit my q i'll go in the upper left here and i'll just go to one point af now this button is going to inherit that so you can see as i press down it is in continuous still but that's not tracking because i've switched to one point af so now we're going to get back to what i was talking about earlier by the advantage of decoupling this let's just say that i have a stationary subject and a lot of things going on in the foreground but i want to keep taking pictures of that object in the background and even honestly a much better use case for this is anything in very low light where the autofocus continues to hunt if it's in continuous now you can switch to one shot and we'll talk about that in a little bit but you can actually leave it in continuous you could just press this button down to where you see it snap into focus then let go now when you take the picture and then take it again even if even if you go to a different composition it's still focused right on the area that you had it previously so this is effectively a way to have one shot and continuous in your bag without changing between one shot and continuous you just let go of the focus and you take a picture i bring it back up and i take a picture again and it's still focused back on those decorations on the tv stand so that is uh why i like it there for those of you who still do want to switch into the one shot mode because you know you have a stationary object and you kind of want to hear that beep you want to hear that lock you want to know that it's locked on and it didn't do like a little micro hunt i have the button on the right side set to toggle in between continuous or you know servo and single shot so all of my focus stuff is right on these three buttons all of my focus stuff is right by my thumbs and so it's really easy to remember and it's really easy to get any focus situation i want very quickly so let's get back into the menu customize buttons go over to that one right there and you can see i have that toggling in between one shot and continuous or servo so as i go back to the shoot deal here and i hit this you can see one shot and servo one shot and servo so perfect all my focus stuff is right at the tip of my thumb let's go on to the rest of these real quick i have the depth of field preview button to toggle in between the screen and the electronic viewfinder so when i first got my r5 i actually set up the viewfinder to go black whenever i put my eye up to it so as you can see this is set up that way if the eye goes up to this it shuts off the screen and now the viewfinder is active what i don't like about that is that this camera has such a useful touch screen that i'm always touching the screen i'm usually using the screen or a lot of times using the screen to review images or do something while shooting and anytime you get in front of that sensor even a little bit it turns the screen off and i especially hate that for like movie recording and whatnot and just reviewing images it's always flicking off so i would actually leave the screen in evf as it is out of the box and so to do that this is set to where it's only the screen it's not auto switching so i don't know why it is doing that but it is definitely still doing that as you can see i'll have to get back to you but regardless i know that when i hit this button it switches between the viewfinder and the screen every time i hit that little button it toggles so uh there we go so at least i got that much going for me i'll have to uh see what's going on here auto two is where it's supposed to auto switch let's say i just go to the screen i'm just gonna set that and then now when i do it it doesn't but when i still hit that button it does toggle in between so for now i'm just going to leave it like this it's set to the screen anytime i want to go to the viewfinder i just hit the depth of field preview button right back here it's a good placement for it because for one i never use that for depth of field preview anyway but it's kind of like connected to the lens like whenever i want to look through the lens like old-school dslr deal i can just click that and we're done so let's get back into the menu let's finish up these last few things go over here customize buttons the next thing i do the lens some of the lenses have a button here that you can map to a function i just leave it off because not all lenses have it i don't want to customize something that's not always available so i just leave it off and then this one the multi-function button on the r6 i have set to drive mode on the r5 i have set to where when i press this it switches between movie mode and stills mode i don't have to do the dial i don't have to press this down and turn it it just switches in between the two i wish that that was the case on the r6 but i've checked like four times when you go through here that option is just not there so we officially have the canon hammer at work here maybe they thought that like oh we don't need to give that option for this because we have just the old school dial here well i would still use it because a lot of times when you're out shooting fusion and you're shooting hybrid you would want to go from aperture priority to movie just with the click of a button and not lose any time at all you just want to go boom and then record and uh can't do it on this so right now i have it set to drive mode because old school i'm used to setting the drive mode with a button and so that's that i might remap that to something else at some point i do like that out of the box they have the center set button to re-center the af point i find that that is very helpful especially when shooting sports and kind of kids around the the house and stuff if you ever get that off center and you want to go right back to the center just hit that center button and it goes right back and then the multi controller i definitely would set just to direct af point selection that way you don't have to hit this button first then it frees this button up to use in my case to toggle between single shot and servo so that is stills but now we can remap all these buttons when we're in movie mode which is awesome because you go to movie mode and now these buttons behave differently to accommodate shooting movies which is just a different animal right so i'm going to set this up like my r5 i haven't done it yet to where at my fingertips i have zebras and focus peaking and some things that are much more conducive to shooting videos so let's get right into that i'm going to customize buttons and as you can see i'm going to go over here so the first thing that's slightly different is i'm not going to have the af on button do i autofocus the movie tracks it anyway i am going to leave it to where it does start af and metering so next is the star button so i'm going to set this button up to where it stops servo autofocus so it stops hunting it stops tracking so you can see pause movie servo af i'm going to set that right there now the reason this is so cool is that these cameras do a great job with autofocus continuous autofocus but there are times especially with like your cinematic stuff or your close-up there's times when people are coming in the foreground or the background and you don't want it to jump and so all you all i have to do now when i'm shooting a movie is i just have to press that little star button and now tracking servo continuous af is off this is great for if you it's basically like shooting manual mode and you'll know that like a lot of traditional movie guys only do manual focus but check this out i can basically turn it on i can get my focus point selected right there and if i know that i have a stationary subject and i just want to keep it there i can then just toggle off the servo af so it's a really quick way to get to kind of that manual focus without actually having to manually focus with the focus ring so the next button is this uh button all the way to the right i'm going to keep this on focus again so it's going to it's different than my stills but i still want all three of these buttons mapped like in my mind to focus settings so i want to choose this as focus peaking so if you don't know what focus peaking is don't worry about it but this is great to where i can press on this and right away get the focus peaking overlay so if i ever do manual focus i can just hit this and now i have focus peaking right at my thumb tip so all the focus right there as i was before all right next up is the depth of field preview button i'm going to select this to maximize the screen brightness of my screen back here so as you know a lot of times when you're outside shooting videos or in a bright scene you can't see this and now when i press this button let me just kind of show you guys a little bit when i press the depth of field button it maximizes the screen brightness and then i press it again it goes back to normal so really good quick way instead of having to go into the menu and go screen brightness and all that kind of stuff just set it to that button and i think that that works really well let's get to these last couple here and then we'll have it the lens button i'm just going to leave off i would love to set the multi-function button to switch between stills and movies and i do it in both sets but it is not the case here so in this one i'm actually going to set it to uh the focus guide that way i have that when i'm in manual focus as well so i basically have my peaking and my guide right here together so next up is the set button i'm actually going to set that to zebras so now anytime i'm out and about shooting and i want to see my zebras i i can just press it and i get the zebras right away so that's super convenient and then the last one here i'm just going to mimic what i have for the still side i'm just going to do direct af point selection on that and so that is it what do you guys think what would you do different what do you do different leave the comments below you don't have to set your camera up just like i do you might shoot something different you might have a different priority and you want to remap these but remap them because as you can see when you remap them you have everything at your fingertips and you just have such a nice responsive driving camera one thing that i didn't point out here is how i set up the c1 c2 c3 modes just know that you can set up your whole camera like if i'm in stills i usually set up c1 to see on the r5 c1 to shoot sports so i will set my shutter speed at a thousand you can do like your iso max and all this stuff and then you can save and register all those functions to custom one shooting mode and then you can do two and three for the r6 i would actually just set up the custom shooting modes all to do with video because is where there's all those settings so c1 i set up to 24p 4k c2 i'd set up to 120 you know the height the slo-mo stuff and then c3 i actually just set up for 1080 stuff for like youtube and whatnot and just home stuff that i don't necessarily want 4k on but just also remember that you can set up those three things for your kind of three frequent shooting modes or maybe it's just shooting modes that take so much like settings that take so much to dial in and you want to save those to one of the custom shooting mode functions there numbers but yeah keep that in mind play around set up to your liking you're going to love this camera and again if you want to know how it compares to the r5 how it compares to the a7 iii then like and subscribe i'm going to be coming out with those videos soon and i will tell you that i am going to look at it from a very practical like working pro standpoint we're not going to do a ton of pixel peeping to me i'm much more like how a camera drives how it handles and how it makes your job easier as a photographer and so i'm going to be comparing those these cameras in that sense i'm not really going to be comparing like low noise uh you know how it is and like at iso 12 000 because they're very similar but anyway i'll leave it at that don't forget to visit schultz i'm grateful for each of you and keep doing good things
Channel: Kyle Shultz
Views: 48,062
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: mMEXvSpF9Dc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 27sec (1587 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 15 2020
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