Canon M50 Mark II Tutorial | Guide How To Use

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what's up guys it's river and today we're gonna learn how to get the most out of your canon m50 mark ii in this video i'm going to show you step by step how to set up your canon m50 in the exact settings that you need to use to get the most out of this camera so grab your canon m50 sit back and follow along alright guys so the first thing we're gonna do is set up our camera now if the shot looks a little dark i apologize i just want to make sure you guys can see the camera but also i want you guys to see this monitor without it getting too bright because you need to be able to see those menu settings so the first thing that you need to know about your camera is right here is the shutter button if you have pressed this your camera will focus i'll show you guys how to do that later if you full press it it will take a photo and next to it is the movie record button if you press this it will start recording a movie if you hit it again it will start recording the movie and next to it is the mode dial and the on off button so naturally you know as you may have guessed you want to keep your camera button in the on position so your camera's actually on shocker i know uh welcome to welcome to the channel we like to educate and with that next to it is the mode dial now this mode dial will put your camera in different settings but the only two that you really need to know is the m setting and right above it is this setting right here that has a little camera icon this is how you're gonna switch between photo mode and video mode so when you go to the m setting you're now in manual mode and this is where you're gonna be able to pick all of your options where you have complete control over your camera so when you're in manual mode you want to hit the menu button which is here on the back it says menu so you guys will to find it right away and then from there you'll be you'll be brought to this menu and the first thing you'll see is on page one is image quality you wanna middle click the button and you'll get to this so right here at the top you have raw and jpeg now raw is basically the high quality super extra craft if whatever fancy term you want to use but that is the professional file format and jpeg is the consumer for everyday people so if you're somebody that wants to do a lot of editing you want to do professional work with your camera i absolutely recommend shooting raw and you have two options for raw one is raw and then c-raw basically there they give you the same quality but c-raw takes up less space because it compresses the file where raw takes up more space because it doesn't compress the file the real place where you're going to see a change or where it's going to matter is when you're editing them if you don't have a very good computer it's going to take longer for it to uncompress the raw for you to use versus raw where the file hasn't been compressed so your computer's going to have an easier time with it if you've got a good computer i would just say go with compress raw and below that you have jpeg now with jpegs this is the consumer format so if you're not planning on doing any kind of editing i recommend only using jpeg raw is just going to be overkill and plus you'll get way better colors right at the camera with jpeg but with jpegs they don't really take up a lot of room nor are they heavy to handle for your phone or your computer simply put you should just shoot the highest format of jpeg why shoot anything less because there's really no advantage to it so i just recommend going all the way to the jpeg thing on the left here and picking l with the curve next to it and middle clicking and you have that selected and now it might seem like well that was easy to do and honestly it is that easy but the next thing that you need to do is actually set up your focus mode so the next thing you want to do is you want to go back to your main your main screen and if you don't know how to do that you can either hit menu or just tap your shutter button so if you're in your menu and you just hit the shutter button it will take you to your main screen right up here top you'll see a little q q icon right here at the top right of your screen so if you hit that q icon it will open up your quick menu and right here at the top left of your screen you'll see this little uh autofocus method now believe it or not the default method is actually the best but i want to show you guys anyways in case you have it set to something else so basically you want to hit the cube button go to mit and go to autofocus mode right here and a bunch of them will come up you actually want to select this down here with face tracking and at the same time if you tap the info button right here can enable or disable eye tracking now if you've got a mark one it will not have eye tracking but if you've got a mark ii make sure to keep that eye tracking enabled and the next thing we want to do is let's set up video because video is a lot more complicated for setting up on this camera so you want to take your model switch over to the camera icon and you'll be greeted by the screen now what you want to do is click here choose mode and now you'll have to i already have mine set to manual but you'll basically have movie auto exposure or movie manual now this is entirely up to you if you're somebody that wants to control every aspect of your video image i recommend picking manual otherwise auto does a pretty good job at just making it easier so you can just hold the camera film around it'll just adjust all the settings for you if you're someone that's just like a hobbyist and not too bothered by any of this i recommend going with movie auto otherwise manual is the way to go and once you have that picked hit the menu screen again and again you'll be brought to this menu but this time you'll notice that it is very very different now in case you were wondering you can actually pick your shooting mode right from the menu but we've already done that so but in case you needed to change it later that's how you would change it and right below that is movie record quality now you've got a whole lot of different options so the first thing you're going to do is move your record size now this is going to give you a few options naturally most people will want to shoot on 4k but 4k is not the best quality so what you actually want to do is shoot on full hd 23.98 and this will give you the best image quality but if you want to shoot in slow-mo you want to go to 20 you want to go to fhd 6 59.94 and this will give you uh full hd with slow motion but you will have to slow it down in post but in case you wanted slow motion in camera where you don't have to slow down later you actually want to go down here to high frame rate click middle click the button and click enable and from here now you will be shooting in 1280 by 720 at 120 frames per second this is phenomenal for getting four times slow motion so if you're into that kind of stuff highly recommend turning this mode on and having a bit of fun with it but because we're going to set up the rest of the camera i'm actually going to disable this for now and i'm going to set it up to be full hd 23.98 which is the cinematic mode by the way if you're watching this video chances are you just bought a brand new canon m50 and you want to make sure you get the most out of this camera in that case make sure to check out the camera boost course in the link down below in this course i'm going to show you how to take your beginner or entry level camera and make it perform like a professional camera this course is not only going to save you time but also money because i'm going to show you that you don't need to spend a ton of money to get amazing results i'm going to show you everything you need to know from top to bottom i'm going to show you shooting tips lighting editing everything that you need to know to make your work look professional so if you're interested make sure to check out the camera boost course in the link down below now once that's set up the next thing you want to do is actually go back to the main menu in case you're on a different page just hit m and make sure you go to page one and you want to hit sound recording so i'm actually just going to use the buttons here so sound recording and you'll see right up here top you'll see sound recording auto so now you want to middle click this button and actually pick manual oops i hit disable but you want to pick manual and now what you'll actually see is if you look at the bottom here you'll see these lines going up and down that's actually the audio level and now you can see they're all the way to the right and that's not good for audio recording so you want to go down here to record level and actually lower rate now this will depend on where you are how loud the noise that you're dealing with is but basically if you want to just go down here and just click the and click the middle button and then just hit left and drag it all the way down here and i'm going to have this really really low because i'm so close to my camera but right here as you can see these little lines at the bottom are not going past the 12. you want to make sure it never goes past 12. otherwise your audio will sound scratchy and bad so right here this sounds good i would recommend doing this every single time before you record audio with this camera and once you have that set up you are good to go and the next thing i want to show you guys are two really really really important things that you need to know about setting up this camera the first thing is you want to go to the menus and you want to go all the way to page 8 and right here you'll see is image stabilization mode now this is specifically for video so if you're using video you want to middle click the button and you want to turn is mode on and right underneath there it says digital is you want to go to enable do not turn on enhanced enhance is not very good it crops in your image and it kind of makes it look all wobbly so you just want to make sure you click enable and from that you will get much much smoother video so the next thing i want to show you guys is a very very important setting for video and specifically for videos but if you're shooting jpegs this will also matter this is to shoot set up your custom picture profile so you want to go to page three and you want and you want to go down to picture style now initially it'll give you auto picture style and if you're just shooting casually you're not too bothered about things keep it at auto and the camera will do a very very good job but in case you're somebody that wants to do a little bit of post editing and you want to tweak your colors down the line this is how to get the most out of your camera and the base profile so you want to go down to user define one hit this thing and it'll take you into the main menu you want to hit picture style and you actually want to pick the neutral or faithful they're both work really really well i'm going to go with neutral and then from there you want to go down and you want to adjust your sharpness so if you you want to take your sharpness strength all the way to zero neutral will already give you zero but you want to make sure sharpness is all the way down now you want to go down to contrast you turn this down to negative two some people like it negative three i like it a negative two and you wanna go to saturation and again negative two and color tone is something you just want to leave alone never touch your color tone and once you have just that set up once again it is um just a very very simple just picture style neutral uh sharpness all the way down to zero contrast negative two saturation negative two and once you have that set up it's super simple and with these profiles you will get much more dynamic range and a much more flat image so that if you want to do a little bit of color grading in post-production you will have that flexibility but if you do not plan to do any kind of color correction i actually find auto or standard works amazing all right guys and the last thing i want to show you is super super helpful so you want to go into menu and you actually want to go to page 8 over here and you'll see an option called shutter button function from movies now this is super useful if you go into that and now you'll see like a bunch of these options if you're going to fully press and you change that to start stop record you actually don't have to use this tiny little button you can actually use the main button to start recording your movies which is super helpful because i really don't like this tiny little bun for shooting video so once again shutter button function start and stop and then also make sure you leave the half press option to meter and servo af this will help you manage autofocus if you have press it it will grab autofocus and then if you full press it it will record well guys that's pretty much it for the canon m50 setup guide if you enjoyed this video please leave a like and subscribe if you want to see more content as always if you guys have any questions hit me up in the comments down below and i'll make sure to get back to every single one of you see you in the next video peace you
Channel: Tech Through The Lens
Views: 145,107
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Tech Through The Lens, Camera Reviews
Id: jcc6nG6Czo4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 32sec (752 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 23 2021
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