My 16 Best EF-M Lenses for the Canon M50 and Canon M6 Mark II

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so today i'm going to be taking you through the 16 lenses i used most with the canon efm mount cameras and those are canon small line of mirrorless cameras which include the canon m6 mark ii the m50 the m50 mark ii and other cameras in that range i'll also leave a list of the lenses and links in the description down below to where i got them and uh most of those i would say are people that i can say are reputable retailers of lenses and that's where i got mine i got genuine copies and i was happy with the copy that i got i'm gonna go through these in order of focal length and i'm going to tell you with each one what i use that lens for and why i keep it in my lens lineup and the first lens in the lineup is a 6.5 millimeter circular fish eye lens and this is a lens that really the only reason i bought it is because it was extremely inexpensive and i heard it was very very sharp one of the sharpest lenses you can get on this mount and i had it for a while i took a number of photos with it and the circular fisheye is sort of a strange effect because you just get that circle in the middle of your image area with black all around so you actually don't get a rectangular image that fills up the whole sensor you just get a circle in the middle of the image and even though over the years i have thought about selling this on and off the thing that keeps bringing me back to this lens is astrophotography and astro time lapse it is an absolutely magnificent lens for that and there's a couple things you can do when you do use this lens for astro one is you can just keep it as a circular image so you show it as a circular image it's sort of an unusual look but it's pretty cool and used the right amount in the right situations it is quite good the other thing that you can do with this lens is is you can you can stretch the image out in post-processing now you won't get the whole 6.5 millimeters you'll be using probably something the equivalent or of an 8 or 9 or 10 millimeter lens once you crop in and stretch the image out but you can do that and then you get an image that is rectangular in size it is as i said one of the sharpest lenses that i own and if you're on a budget and you want to do astro time lapse you want to do astro photography then i can highly recommend this lens the next lens is another fisheye but it's not a circular fisheye it actually fills the entire image frame and this is a was a 7.5 yeah 7.5 millimeter f 2.8 so not quite as fast not quite as sharp and not quite as wide but you do get the entire image of the entire image coverage or the entire sensor coverage so the image fills the entire sensor and you get a traditional looking image fisheye effect means it is bulbous and round and when you move it the horizon moves and everything is warped around it that is the effect that this lens is intended to give you and for the price this is actually an excellent lens not as sharp as the other one once again not as fast as the 6.5 but a very well-built lens all metal you can see the huge got a built-in little metal lens hood uh it's got a metal mount it's it's a nice lens it isn't my sharpest lens but if you're interested in doing fisheye photography and you're on a budget i can highly recommend this lens the next one's an old favorite this is the efm canon efm 11 to 22 millimeter lens this is uh the vloggers darling vloggers absolutely love this lens and the 11 to 22 is quite a useful and diverse focal range 11 is extremely wide and then and 22 you're actually getting into more of a normal range where you can use for snapshots and headshots and and even sort of portrait style shots so 11 to 22 very diverse i had a copy of this lens once that was not very good it was it wasn't very sharp at all i eventually sold that and i bought a second copy of the lens and my second copy is really sharp great lens great lens for video as well great lens for landscape so i use this a lot for family travel landscape vlogging um yeah anything that i just need a wider image it's not the cheapest lens but it's a very good lens and is probably of all the canon made zoom lenses for this mount this is probably the sharpest most well-built and highest quality of the zooms in my mind the next one's another bargain lens this is the rokinon 12 millimeter f2 lens it i bought it specifically for astro um and it's incredible it's so good for astro but in addition to that it is it is really good for interior shots when it's dark and you want to get a lot in it's good for cityscapes it's good for landscape and it gives a rectilinear image it's incredible the way it fits all this information in and then corrects it in the lens so even though you're bringing in all this wide view you get square edges and square buildings and a flat horizon it's it's really amazing what you get out of this lens for i think it's 249 on amazon i'll put a link in the description down below so you can check the current price on it but i think 249 dollars so i think if i was only gonna own one lens for astro and i could afford the 249 dollars now the 6.5 millimeter that i talked about earlier is about half the price so that is a really really cheap way to get into astro this is double the price but it is at 12 millimeters it's probably an easier lens to work with and you don't have to worry about that circular image and what you're going to do with it and how you use it either creatively or changing in post-processing you just set it up and take the pictures and the fact that it's a manual focus lens is a huge advantage with astro because you want to get all your settings in place and just leave it and know that they're they're where they are and in fact with this lens if i want to be sure of myself i get my focus to infinity get everything in and i'll actually tape it so it doesn't move and it's great length lens for astro but it also has a diverse range of uses including interior photos real estate vlogging landscape so there's a lot you can do with this lens for a 249 lens one of my top recommendations for this mount the next lens is the 15 to 45 millimeter the kit lens now this lens gets a really hard time but i've done some videos and some comparisons between this lens and some of the other lenses in the lineup and even though in some situations it's not as sharp if you do have a good copy it's not as bad as a lot of people say it is and actually i'll put a card up here i did a video on this i think i called it does it suck or does this lens suck or something like that and anyways the net result is no it doesn't and that 15 to 45 focal range is it gives you a real diversity like 15 is quite wide you can vlog with it you can do interior shots with it you can do wide landscape on it and 45 is close enough that you can do headshots you can do portraits particularly for video it gives you a wide range of wide to sort of getting into a standard almost telephoto range so i think because this lens can be had so cheaply i think everybody probably should have it and even though it is not the sharpest and best lane lens in the lineup it definitely has the most useful utilitarian focal range so 15 to 45 is to me the best focal range you can get on this camera this lens has it and if for no other reason it's worth owning just for that now this next one you've probably heard of the sigma 16 millimeter this is this is really an incredible lens it's so sharp it just gives such a great image it's certainly one of my favorite lenses on the mount it's a bit more expensive at around 450 to 500 i think it is but it is the lens that i generally use for my studio shots i'm not using it now because i need to have it so that you could see it and i could talk about it it is kind of a big and heavy lens compared to the other lenses in this lineup but once again good landscape lens uh good vlogging lens good low light video lens uh it is in if i would say i was only gonna keep three or four of the lenses from this lineup this is certainly one that i would keep and it's great for both photo and video and it's an incredibly well built high quality lens when you're holding it in your hand you just know you're you're holding something that is really rugged and i don't know just feels so well built so probably as far as the way this lens feels i say it's the best in the entire lineup now we're onto the 18 to 55 canon and this is a lens that came with the canon eos m and some of the earlier cameras in this lineup and this for me actually has better color representation and is a sharper lens than the 15 to 45 and if it wasn't for that useful focal range of the 15 to 45 if you don't need that 16 17 on that lens that wider end then i would recommend the 18 to 55 over that that lens and if i'm carrying the 11 to 22 millimeter with me that gives me the wide focal range i need and i will usually dump the 15 to 45 and take the 18 to 55 so the 11 to 22 and the 18 to 55 is really a great combination to take with you and when canon first came out with this lens lineup these were two lenses they came out with at the very beginning and they were designed to go together like that so your 11 to 22 takes you up to 22 you've got a little overlap between 18 and 22 on the 18 to 55 lens but carrying those two in combination really covers a pretty wide range and i think you are going to get a better optical performance out of that combination than you are the 15 to 45 kit lens also great uh video lens it's well built it's got a metal mount with the 15 to 45 dozen it's got image stabilization which is excellent and as i said better image quality sharper better built lens and i'll put a link in the description to the ebay listings you should be able to pick this up on ebay i probably would buy it on ebay rather than new and you're talking generally under 100 so highly recommend this lens particularly for the money now one of everybody's favorites is the 22 millimeter f2 lens by canon and this is the lens that i have long said that you could own the entire efm system just to be using this lens it is the smallest lens can't the smallest interchangeable lens canon has ever made it has excellent image quality optical performance it's it's quick it's it's just such a cool little lens and would put on any of these efm mount cameras it makes them on the verge of pocketable cameras so i think not just the form factor and the f2 which are excellent on this lens but the size those three things put together really offers you something that none of the other lenses do and it kind of changes the way that you can use this camera it's a super stealthy way to get around and do street photos and even be at a birthday party or something where a bigger lens people know this is like makes your camera barely any bigger than your phone so just for its size and portability and also price i think a new amazon price 179 or something like that so yeah i would highly recommend this one if you want to if you want your camera to be smaller and you want to use it as a borderline pocketable or personal camera now this next lens is my favorite prime lens for the efm mount and it has just come out recently and that is the viltrox 23 millimeter f 1.4 now 1.4 lets a lot of light in so it is a fantastic low light lens it's great focal range for both video and photo it's a it's an all metal lens it's got a metal lens hood it's got a metal mount this this is really a high quality lens it feels it it's got a neat function which is the aperture ring which is adjustable on the outside of the lens and this is really unique because it allows you to shoot video in aperture priority which people don't realize how useful that is so i use this lens a lot for low light video birthday parties um stuff like that it's a great travel lens and if i'm only if i'm going to be traveling and i'm only going to be taking one prime lens with me this is it if i could only own one prime lens i think this would be it the only other one that would be in consideration would be the sigma 16 millimeter f 1.4 which is also an excellent lens but the 16 millimeters is quite wide and there's a lot of situations where that just doesn't work where the 23 millimeter allows you to generally get back far enough to get everything in that you need to but you can get close enough to get somebody's reactions and facial expressions without being right up in their face the 16 millimeter is great at the wide but when you want to get somebody's facial expression you've got to get so close in their face it just ruins the moment where the 23 millimeter is just a bit more versatile choice if you're only going to have one focal length now this lens i tell you this is one of the last lenses i obtained i kind of thought why would anybody even own this lens it just seemed so bizarre and that is the macro the the 28 millimeter f 3.5 macro lens and i don't know i just thought i just couldn't see the the point in the thing uh it's nothing spectacular about the build it's a plastic lens mount it does have this neat little feature this is the built-in lens hood that comes with it that screws off and then once you screw that off you have a built-in light which is kind of a neat feature it allows you to get right in there and then you've got a light on your subject one of the problems with macro lenses when you get really close the object that you're shooting actually actually gets shaded where this has a little light to sort of overcome that so the light shines on the object and there's different you can light it with one light on one side one on the other both lights there's different levels of intensity you can use the other thing you've got is you've got super macro and macro so you can either get super super close or normal macro look mode you can use it as a normal lens so you can get close get a shot but then you can use it as a normal walk around lens uh it also it's image stabilized so that's another thing it's the only prime lens of all these that i'm talking about which is image stabilized now having said that i thought why would anybody own this lens this is now a lens that i will never sell i will never all things being equal i will never sell this lens and i use this for macro video macro photo but particularly macro video i just find i'm so happy with what i'm able to produce with this and it's really it's just unique i don't have any other lens that can produce the results this one can a lot of these lenses have overlaps where this lens can kind of do what that one can do and you can choose between one or the other but the shots i get with this lens cannot be had with any of the other lenses in the lineup i also use it a lot for ebay listings or product photography so there's a whole bunch of different things i use it for i never thought that i would really like this lens but i love it and it is definitely a lens that i will never sell so if you are interested in doing product photography macro photo or macro video then this is a lens i highly recommend oh actually i will show you hold one sec i use it with this this i use it with this skateboard thing that um yeah i mount the camera on and then i've got the lens there and i'll show you some shots that that i've done with it but it's a really cool effect because you can shoot in a high frame rate and then just slowly move the thing along and you just get this incredible dolly looking so you've got macro video with this dolly-like action it's really it's it's really really cool so if some of those things are things you'd be interested in i can highly recommend this lens and as i said this is one lens that i will never sell now the next lens is not a native efm mount lens but it works really really well when you just put it on adapter and you can see how small that is and i'll even show you compared this is the 16 mil sigma lens this is the canon 40 millimeter f 2.8 lens so even once you include the adapter it's much smaller and we'll even have a look at some of the other well here's the uh the 23 millimeter biltrox lens so this is quite a small setup even with the adapter and i should also mention that for the most part i've had a bunch of canon adapters over the years and i've slowly replaced them with this generic i think it was a 30 or 40 dollar adapter so this is the adapter i use now and yeah i find it just as good it's actually got a plastic exterior but it does have a little metal lens mount it's very strong i've never had any problems with it and it is something like 25 of the price of the canon version also a little bit lighter which i kind of like i use the 40 millimeter f 2.8 a lot for street photography and i think if somebody's interested in the 32 millimeter f 1.4 lens and that seems a little bit pricey often i would suggest that you get the the 40 millimeter f 2.8 and use an adapter uh you're gonna only be around 20 or 30 percent of the price and the results aren't quite as good but they're pretty darn good actually and um if you've got a if you've got the 22 millimeter as an example already often the 32 millimeter is too close in the focal range and you and by going between 22 and then stepping up to 40 with this one i think you get a little bit more versatility and you can own the 22 and the 40 and the adapter for less than you can own the 32 millimeter f 1.4 the 40 millimeter pairs really well with any of the efm mount cameras and because it's a pancake lens it's it's very small and it's it's really just works size-wise just like the native efm mount lenses the next one is khan of the king of the efm mount this is largely considered the best engineered highest image quality efm lens you can buy and i would agree with that it really it really does produce some magic images but that does come at a price this is the most expensive native efm mount lens that you can get so it's really about what kind of photography or video you do i think 32 millimeters is a bit too cropped in for video i prefer the 23 millimeter focal length so if you're looking for a prime for video i'm recommending the viltrx 23 millimeter if you're mainly doing photography and you like your street photography and you like head shots and portraits then i think this is a great lens if it's in your budget and i i do think that if you've got a good zoom that you're happy with and you are a portrait street primarily photo type person then i would highly recommend this lens so yes i would say it does produce the best images of any of the lenses i own it does come at a price and for me unfortunately this is a focal range that i don't really use that much i'm more of a 23 millimeter to 16 millimeter guy 32 is just a little bit too tight because i do so much video but once again primarily a photo shooter then i would highly recommend this lens if it's inside your budget now the next one that a lot of people buy is the 50 50 millimeter f 1.8 this is a plastic fantastic lens it does have a metal lens mount which is good it does have an sdm motor so it's nice and quiet the autofocus is good and smooth but to be honest when shooting at f 1.8 the image quality is not the best there are better lenses out there and at around this price point i would definitely take the 22 millimeter canon f2 lens over this lens for a little bit more i would take the viltrx 23 millimeter lens so if you need this focal range uh 50 millimeters is somewhere around 80 or so 85 millimeters on the crop sensor i think 70 no 75 it's probably 75 on the crop sensor so it's a good portrait lens but once you get into 50 millimeters on these efm crop sensor cameras you're really getting quite zoomed in not great for video and for photo it's really only good for head and portrait and detail shot so i don't find this lens to be super versatile i do sometimes use it for product photography but it's one that i've kept in the lineup and probably if there was a lens i was going to get rid of in the near future this is this is probably the one it just doesn't get enough use when i look across this whole lens lineup at least for me but i have included it because it's such an extremely popular lens and if you want to get a lens it gets you down to f 1.8 and gets you that much light in for low light i don't think you can do it much cheaper than this lens and have autofocus now this lens is absolutely critical i think to this camera system and that is the telephoto 50 to 200 zoom lens the canon model this lens is i think this is probably the most underrated lens in this entire lineup the 55 to 200 gets you somewhere that none of the other lenses in this lineup get you so if you have kids that play sports or you want to shoot a school play or you're shooting a wildlife none of these other lenses will get you anywhere near that and i've also owned the canon i think it's 50 55 to 250 or 50 to 250 lens the efs mount which a lot of people say is sharper i've shot this against those lenses this is sharper at least my copy i've had a few copies of both of them and this is the sharper lens it's smaller it's more portable the image stabilization is excellent it's well built so i highly recommend this lens if you want to get that extra reach when you're doing your photography and one mistake i've made a number of times over the years and i don't make it anymore is to go traveling somewhere and not bring this lens with me because for those one or two or few times that i really need that reach to get close to something nothing else really works like this is this is the lens and it's a lens that gets you shots that you're not going to get with the other lenses and i think that is the key so yeah particularly i think if you are shooting sports kids sports animals wildlife even landscape when you're trying to pick out a detail off in the distance this is a great lens for it not only is it a great lens but it's really the only lens you can use for this so if you need that reach then i can't recommend this lens highly enough now this next one this next lens is really totally out of left field and you need an adapter and it is a manual focus lens but it's a lens that i absolutely love and i really think it's a pretty special lens and that is the helios 44 m and it is a vintage lens that i use an adapter to use on the camera it's manual focus it's manual aperture this is a lens that was made in the former soviet union in the 50s 60s 60s i think and it just gives the most magical images it gives you an image that other people will spend hours messing with their filters and editing and instagram to get it it really is something special and in a world where all these lenses are so sharp and clinical and give somewhat of a similar look this just gives you something completely different and the other thing about it is it can be had for under a hundred dollars so i think if you want to add something new to your photography or video if you're sort of tired of the way things are looking and you just want something creative and exciting and different i just for the money i can't recommend this lens highly enough and if you really search around you might be able to find one as low as 50 or 60 dollars but i actually surprisingly use this lens a lot and i often use it when i i'm just tired of standard photography and i want to do something different and the the manual aperture and manual focus are actually really easy to use and you'll you'll be surprised at how quick you end up getting with that manual focus and it just makes you feel more in touch with your photography and video using this fully manual lens so if you just want if you're bored and you want to add something new highly recommend it if you're tired of editing your photos to get them to look spectacular and you just want something out of camera that just looks completely unique i highly recommend this lens now this next lens is one that just balances terribly on these small cameras it's huge it's bulky it's not image stabilized so why do i include it well this is the sigma 18 to 35 f 1.8 this is widely considered one of the best lenses ever made and when it came out it was really sort of considered an engineering marvel people were stunned that they could even make a lens like this and it is the equivalent of owning prime lenses from 18 to 35. this thing is as sharp as almost every prime lens out there from 18 to 35. this is such a good high quality lens that at one point and i don't know that they do it anymore but at one point the apple stores decided that they would stock a cinema kit a rig that you could buy and go shoot a documentary or a film or something that was capable of being put on netflix and they wanted to give you everything that you needed to achieve that and i think these kits cost about fifteen thousand dollars it might have been a red camera i can't remember but it is one of the cinema cameras that is used in hollywood that was part of this package but obviously they had to include a lens and the lens they included was the sigma 18-35 and the amazing thing about this lens is even though that kit i think was fifteen or sixteen thousand dollars the lens that came with it the the glass that it all did go through to get this image that was capable of being put on netflix or shot an award-winning documentary on is an 800 lens sometimes cheaper when it's on sale so when you look at what you get for your money this is an incredible lens now it's not a lens you want to walk around with these cameras it's something you really don't want to tote with you if you are going to shoot with it you're probably going to want to put a cage on the camera just to get an extra grip so that you can even hold the camera with this massive amount of weight on the front but if you don't care about the weight if you're shooting on a tripod or you're shooting in a situation where you're maybe fitting the whole thing out with a big cinema rig or something like that you're trying to turn your m6 mark ii your your m50 into a cinema camera this is unquestionably the best lens you can buy that gives you 18 to 35 on this camera and because of that i keep it around and i often in the past have done studio shots with it but yeah if all you care about is image quality and you want a zoom lens there is no peer to this lens this is it and actually at the price it's pretty reasonable i think it's actually a reasonably priced lens for what it is if you're interested in any more videos about the canon m50 the fm lenses i'm going to put a playlist right up here next to me so have a click on those thanks for watching and i'll see over there
Channel: Mark Wiemels
Views: 20,420
Rating: 4.9731903 out of 5
Keywords: lens, lens review, canon, m50, m6 mark ii, canon m50, canon eos m50, canon eos m6 mark ii, review
Id: qnyhl_8KQl0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 39sec (1719 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 23 2021
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