Canon EOS 90D User's Guide

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right before we jump into this video if you would like me to send you a free guide to capturing motion in low-light situations just look for this orange box over on the website put your name email address in it and hit Send it and I will send you that free guide jared polin and this is your user's guide for the canon eos 90 d now if you just picked one up congratulations on picking it up I'm gonna help you set it up as well as understand all of the buttons on the outside of the camera and when we get into the menu section show you how I personally would set it up if I was using this 90 d now if you're looking to pick up this 90 D we did do a hands-on preview which for all intents and purposes was a review the link is down below so you can check that out to see if this camera is right for you but now let's take a walk around the outside of this camera first things first I'm gonna show you where the battery goes but please understand that this first section is pretty basic but once you know this stuff then you can skip ahead to the next sections that get into a little bit more detail so right here we have the battery door on the bottom you pop the door open you pop the battery out like this and there you go so this is your battery I always recommend that you have two on hand one in the camera one fully charged in your bag just in case something ever happens to one you are still able to use your camera because the battery isn't dead I know it's simple but it's just a good thing to remind you so how do you put it back in the camera there's this white tab right here yeah just go like this pop it in it clicks in shut the door and now you have a battery in the camera now moving over to the side of the camera this is important as well where does the memory card go right here to open it just press slide this way the door flops open pop the card out and here you go with your SD card now there's only one way to put it in there there's a little diagram right here on the inside of the door but just remember that the label will face towards you and that that little hash mark cut out of the top of the SD card faces up you pop it in here like this press it in it clicks in shut the door this little light blinks here on the back to let you know that it's loaded and now you have a memory card inside of the camera now you may be wondering how do I put the lens on the camera because when you get this camera the lens isn't on it so I'm gonna take it off I'm not gonna show you how I did that yet but let me show you something you shouldn't be afraid to change lenses when you are out shooting don't worry about dust don't worry about well you'd want to worry about getting things inside you don't want to get anything on the mirror you don't want to touch this mirror you generally don't want to leave it exposed to the elements for terribly too long just because you don't want to get any dust or debris or bugs inside of this mirror box but this is how you put the lens on do you see this white square as well as this red dot on the mount of the camera these actually mean something because this lens right here has a white square this is what's called an EFS lens this is designed for crop sensor cameras but you can also put on their EF lenses which would have a red dot here instead of a square EF lenses are considered full-frame lenses from Canon there's a ton of them out there in the world that you can pick up and they still work on this camera so how do we put the lens on simple we line up this white dot with this white square and we go like this it is lined up and then we turn it away you hear the click it is now locked in so how do we take it off there's a button right here which is going to release it you press you turn it the other way and you take it off just like that so if you had an EF lens you would take the red dot lined it up with the red dot in the camera and then you do the same exact thing you put it right here boom lock it and now your lens is attached to the camera now let's move to the back of the camera to show you where the on and off switch is right here back to the camera off to on you just flick it that way when you're not using it you turn it back off like that and the camera is off now moving up on top of the camera to this dial you will see that when you get the camera and take it out of the box it is already set to the green mode which is considered full auto you set it to this when you first get the camera you don't know what you're doing the camera gonna do all of the work for you and as you progress as a photographer you will get out into the P mode which is basically full auto we call it professional mode but it's really program mode the it's where you get out of auto and have more control over the settings in the menu system which I'll show you a little later and then the camera is still gonna make all the decisions for you next you will see something that says TV no this does not let you watch Netflix on the back of your camera though that would be a good idea it doesn't do that this actually means shutter priority this is where you set the shutter speed and the camera sets everything else then we've got aperture priority which is a V you set the aperture say you want it set to f/4 and the camera is gonna compensate with the proper exposure for the other settings and you don't have to do very much I lived in aperture priority mode for a good decade when I started out shooting aperture priority mode was a great place to start I do recommend that you figure out how to get into manual mode but we can talk more about that a little later this is manual mode M M means that you are gonna set the shutter speed you're gonna set the aperture you are taking control of the way that the camera exposes the image I'm not afraid of manual being that I've been doing this for close to thirty years at this point even though I'm 38 I actually started shooting at 13 so it's more like 26 but whatever 30 26 as you get older it doesn't matter next we have the letter B which stands for bulb mode now bulb mode is used when you want to do a long exposure how it works is when you go into B when you press the shutter button down as long as you hold it down the shutter stays open when you remove your finger from the shutter button the shutter closes where would you use this well if you're trying to capture lightning storm or a lightning storm you would press the shutter down wait for the lightning when the lightning hits or strikes as long as it doesn't strike you because that would probably knock your finger off the button anyway you remove your finger from the button and the shutter then it comes down you have a C 1 C 2 those are for user-generated settings where you could custom set that say you want one set for outside one set for exposures for inside you can go ahead and set that yourself after - you have this circle icon which stands for creative filters that's where if you want to be all creative and look like you're on Instagram you could access different things which I highly recommend you don't actually do because you shouldn't be doing that in the camera you can do most of that stuff in post-processing for example if you wanted to shoot it monochrome or add some weird-looking thing once you add that weird looking thing to your JPEG you can never go back to a normal picture so I recommend not doing that unless you are big onto Instagram and you're a major influencer I still don't recommend doing it moving on we've got scene modes that's if you want to shoot portraits these are custom modes that Canon has already set up so that if you're shooting action and doing a running that they usually show you a running man you've got a portrait mode landscape mode you've got a macro mode for shooting flowers that doesn't say turn your lens into a macro lens if it's not a macro lens but these are good things to try out when you're first starting so you can play with the different features see what you like see what you don't like and then graduate from there moving over to the right side of the camera we have the shutter button that I was talking about this is what you're gonna press to take the picture you press it fully down to take a photo now you will feel this when you press it halfway down that it budges or nudges just a little bit when you press it half way that's how you're gonna control your autofocus so just get used to pressing it halfway and not fully if you want to focus verse taking a photo right here we've got a dial this dial is going to control your shutter speed so when you are set to shutter priority or manual as you turn this dial left or you turn this dial right you're gonna change your shutter speed from higher to lower now how do you change aperture well that's a good question Jarrod because you do it by turning this dial on the back of the camera so right here is the dial that changes aperture moving back to the top of the camera you have your top LCD screen where you can get a bunch of different information that's here it says 999 because that means how many pictures I have left I actually have more than 999 photos but Canon for whatever reason always gives you as many as 999 even if you have more photos on the card so you get a bunch of different information on this screen that are all controlled by these buttons this button right here would control your autofocus so you don't have to go into the back of the camera to make the change you can do it from the outside drive mode is what you change when you want to go forward or you want to go reverse in your car in the camera drive mode controls how many frames per second you're going to take whether you want to take one picture every time you press the button or when you hold your finger down on the button do you want to get 10 frames per second you can control that right from here ISO button that's where when you want to change your ISO from say if you're inside you want it higher if it's bright outside and you want it lower you can change your ISO right from here and then the button on the right with this like eyeball looking thing that's metering mode that's where you would change the different meter modes this light bulb means when you press it you get an amazing idea like oh I got an amazing idea that is not correct it actually turns the screen Orange so if you're in a dark situation it lights it up so that you can read it let me jump in here real quick and say that the images you're seeing on the screen right now we're taken with a canon eos 90 d and edited using our custom Lightroom presets now if you're new to presets or new to editing RAW files these are gonna help you speed up your RAW workflow as well as give you a great starting point to check out these presets head on over to slash presets over there you can play with the sliders to see the befores and afters if you decide to pick them up right now they are currently on sale for a limited amount of time now let's jump back in to the video moving on to the next button on the top of the camera but which is between the command dial and the shutter button is a auto focus selection button you'll see this the more that you shoot when you press this it's gonna give you different options to change where you want your focusing points so just know that that is there right on top of the camera I'm moving back to the back of the camera you have right here something that says start and stop this is to turn on live view as well as turn off live view there is also a switch associated with this button on the outside right now it's set to the camera mode so that is for stills as long as this white line is lined up for there that's for when you want to shoot stills and when you want to shoot video you go ahead and move the switch over here to this red camera and now it puts you in to video mode and when you start recording you literally just press Start it's gonna start recording and then you press stop again to stop recording to close down the shutter boom we just flick it back into the camera mode so one is for stills and one is for video this AF on button is a way that you can control the autofocus so if you want to do back button focus which a lot of Canon shooters like doing you can control the autofocus from back here and then just use the shutter button to take photos personally I use the shutter button to do auto focus because and take photos I don't like having this set to auto focus and this set to shooting because it's - it's an extra thing it's an extra step I don't like taking I like to control the focus from the shutter button and not from the back here but this may come in handy when you're shooting video moving to the next buttons we see that there is a button right here and a button right here you see some blue text which I'll explain in a second but you also have some white text on the top this is for your auto exposure lock this one right here that you would press would then allow you to change which focusing points you want to switch to but keep in mind that Canon gives you the ability to custom set these buttons to a bunch of different options which I will show you when we get into the menu setup but also when it's blue this means when you're reviewing an image and you press the left button it is going to zoom out so if you have an image for example like this on the screen and we hit it it's going to zoom out into the checkerboard and show you multiple images the other way is you zoom in and that's what you will do to zoom in and the being that it's a touchscreen which we didn't even mention so I'll just mention it right now you can use this scurvy arrow press that and it takes us back to the full image now since I mentioned the touchscreen let's talk about it this is your touch screen it comes here on a swivel out and rotatable screen hinge just like this it comes closed you can close it if you're traveling and you don't want to run the risk of breaking that screen because if you break the screen you have to send it back personally I don't have a camera that does this so my screen is always exposed like this but that's not a big deal I haven't run into knock on wood any issues up to this point through all of my years of shooting which is like 43 at this point and I haven't run into issues luckily so let me show you a few more things with this touchscreen it flips out like this like I showed you but remember if it doesn't twist because you're trying to twist it don't force it or you will break it and you will be upset so only turn it which way it wants to go but the cool part is you can raise it like this you can lower it like this you can turn it back like this and have it seated right here which is generally where I leave it set when I'm either shooting or traveling moving right here we have a multi-function button aka a joystick with some cannibals on it can oppose are these little raised dots you know so that your finger I I would like to see bigger cannibals because it doesn't really grip my finger you know when I'm trying to move the cannibals but you would use this to move your focusing points when you are controlling them when you're looking through the camera right here is a cue button this is a quick menu button you can see on the back of the screen that it brings up some different options that say oh I want to change this well you can go ahead and change that right there if you would like as I already said before this is the dial to control your aperture but inside of that you have a d-pad aka up up down down left right left right BA BA select start that will give you 30 people in Contra actually it gives you 30 men because it was 1987 and at the time they just had men in the game so anyway you'll have 30 people in Contra remember that code if you're too young to remember it I don't know what to tell you but it is a fantastic game inside you have the set button which for all intents and purposes is your OK button to approve whatever it is you're trying to do right here this is your playback button you press this it's going to bring up image that you took prior hit it again it turns it off but let me show you one more thing I activate it I hit the trashcan does it it says do you want to cancel or erase well I don't want to erase on the camera because there's really no reason to delete the images on the camera just in case you delete something you didn't want to delete but I don't want to do that so there's two ways I could hit cancel on the screen like that and it won't delete or I could hit the trashcan again and it will take it off the screen but if you really want to delete this because you like Steven I don't like this picture Stevens the guy working this camera over here by the way for those who don't know but I'm like Steven I'm going to erase you I hit erase and Steven disappeared like he's in Back to the Future and he never was born this lock button right here it says lock it's actually a switch you switch it up like this it's going to deactivate the twisty button on the back so that you can't accidentally make that change if you don't want to make the change I don't really lock it ever so I just flick it down and leave it on locked on the bottom of the camera right here is your tripod mount this is what you would mount a tripod plate to or if you want to mount it directly to a tripod you can do that right here on the bottom of the camera on the right hand side of the camera you have your mic input your headphone jack they go right here behind these rubber pieces boom when you're not using it you just put them in and they stay right there this is where you would put a remote control a wired remote control from Canon you have a USB port as well as an HDMI mini right here so if you want to connect this to a TV you can connect it to the TV to review your images or to act as a massive monitor the one thing I haven't shown you yet is that this is your viewfinder this is an optical viewfinder so what you see through here is exactly what you are seeing come in when the light comes in through this lens it bounces off the mirror goes through a prism and then shows up in your eyeball right here it is an optical viewfinder but keep in mind that inside you will see an overlay that shows you your shutter speed your aperture your ISO that's the information down on the bottom of the viewfinder but right in the middle and over it that's where you will see your focusing points change or move of when you are moving them to autofocus on top of the camera you have your hot shoe this is where you would put a flash or a microphone or something along those lines anything that can fit in the hot shoe right here where you see this plus - this is to control your diopter if you wear glasses go ahead and focus on something then turn the diopter until it looks perfectly clear inside of this optical viewfinder and that means it's going to be set for your prescription a little better than if you just shot it normally personally I don't shoot with I wear glasses but I don't shoot with glasses because it's very difficult for me to get my eye up to the viewfinder and shoot with glasses now you do notice this right here this is the top of the camera when I press this button that has a flash on it oh it pops up look at dad I got a flash I can take a flash picture oh look at previews flash that's to help with focus so you need to pop it up or to pop it down boom you pop it down and now it's locked in place let me cut in here and let you know that this video is brought to you by Squarespace if you're new to photography and looking to share your work online in your own personal portfolio use what I use for jared polin comm which is Squarespace to get a 14-day free trial head on over to Squarespace comm slash froknowsphoto there's no credit card needed and if you decide that it's for you use my code froknowsphoto at checkout to get 10% off your first order now there's two more things to show you one of them is down here on the camera this is your depth of field preview button which I've never used in my 53 years of shooting photos in any camera I never used a depth of field preview you know what a depth of field preview is when you have a digital camera it's the picture take the picture look at the picture and go oh the depth of field looks good the one other thing that I have to show you is I'm gonna take off the lens to do this right here there's a little LED light this LED light will help focusing help you focus in lower light except that it turns orange and it becomes a massive distraction when you are photographing a subject so I tend to turn this off and not worry about it because I think it's more of a distraction than a benefit also I just noticed this on the front of the camera this is an infrared receiver so if you have a remote a wireless remote that's what you would point it at point it right here press the button and boom you are good to go so one more time putting the lens back on locking it in place that is the outside of the camera now let's move on to setting up the menu now before I jump into the menu section I just realized I forgot two buttons on the back of the camera which are important now one is the menu button you press this and it brings up the menu and then the info runs through different info on the back of the screen now some of you may be wondering what is this device that I'm plugged into this is called an atom most this allows me to record the video feed from the camera so that you can see the menu that I'm working with now keep in mind that this will deactivate my touch screen on the back of the camera so that I can't actually touch the menu but you sitting there watching this can touch the menu when you see a function that you want to change and now it's time to go through the menu keep in mind this is how I would personally set it up if I was setting up this camera for my personal use the first thing that I did honestly was turn out of the auto mode because the auto mode does not allow me to control much of this menu in fact when you go into the auto mode and you hit menu there are so few options in there that it lets you control that you just then say well here camera you do everything but in this case I'm in manual if you were in a V TV or program mode then you can control the entire menu basically you are unlocking the power to control all of the camera kind of like if we were at Castle Grayskull it unlocks the power of he-man because he's got the power anyway let's start off with the first things first this says image quality right now it is set to large JPEG I personally shoot RAW as you can see if you go to store dot you can pick up your I shoot raw shirt and show the world that you shoot RAW if you don't know what Rahl is it is an uncompressed format jpg is a compressed format raw is a much Archer file because it has more data JPEG is a much smaller file because it throws out a lot of data that the camera companies don't think you actually need I recommend shooting raw plus JPEG when you first start out so that you have both files for when you decide you want to edit those RAW files Rahl to me is the best way to go now keep in mind when you shoot RAW you do have to edit each one of those images in something like Adobe Lightroom but you will see over time that you can do a better job editing than what the camera can do plus you have a larger file in this case I can go ahead and turn this top dial because that's what that arrow that's what the dial is showing me to do to raw and if I want to change JPEG I can go ahead and turn this dial and change it to small all the way down to s2 if you're just starting out always shoot in the largest option right here it is set to large so here we have raw plus JPEG large that's going to use more space on your memory card so keep an eye on the top right hand of the screen where it says $9.99 and just know that if it says like 50 you only get 50 photos to that memory card so when you're done all you need to do is go ahead and hit set or touch the screen like I said I'm using the d-pad to control this because my screen is deactivated still image aspect ratio I leave it 3 to 2 image review is set to 2 seconds this means when you take a picture the back of the screens gonna turn on in for 2 seconds you are going to see the picture that you just took I hate this I turn this off because if I want to see the picture that I just took I can go ahead and hit the play button and look at it that way the reason I turned it off is when I'm taking pictures and my eye is up to the optical viewfinder and I'm in a dark situation the bright screen turns on which then becomes a distraction for me when I'm shooting photos plus you shouldn't have to look at every single picture you take release shudder without card if you don't have a card in the camera which is like having no film in the camera why would you want to take pictures you wouldn't so in this case I turn this to disabled and that way it's off I cannot take a picture if there's no card in the camera so you can't shoot for a whole day and then realize I have no card in the camera lens aberration correction I don't go in here flash control I don't go in there either these are just settings that are there if you want to dive deeper you can dive deeper into those moving to number two under the camera mode we've got exposure compensation I leave this set to zero ISO speed settings this is where you can go if you want to change ISO I personally do this on the outside of the camera but you do have an option for ISO auto ISO Auto will allow the camera to decide does it want to shoot at 100 does it want to shoot at 25 thousand six hundred one hundred is for when you have a lot of light the higher you go twenty five thousand six hundred that means you're in a much darker situation but keep in mind your images are gonna be cleaner when you're at a lower ISO than a higher ISO I personally set this myself because I don't want the ISO ping-ponging from say 400 up to 8,000 from one shot to the next because I don't want all of that noise or grain in the image but you can also set ISO speed range when you're shooting Auto to a certain range so if you don't want it to go to 25600 you can set it to go to less than twenty-five thousand six hundred not too high and be like I don't want to going past 3200 personally I want to control this myself and I don't want the camera to do anything else so I have to hit menu to get back out here we've got minimum shutter speed look I turn off auto if you're not confident in your shooting at the very beginning you're probably still in full auto green mode on top of the camera so this won't matter you will hear people these days telling you that auto ISO is a great mode to be in I just don't agree with that and when you watch more of my videos you will start to understand why back to the main menu we're gonna go to number three we've got white balance I leave it on auto white balance if you're shooting with a flash on top of the camera that's where you would want to go in here and set it to flash white balance but remember if you are shooting raw you can change the white balance after the fact with no penalty if you're shooting JPEG is going to be much more difficult to change the white balance after the fact you can do it but it's gonna be as good as if you shot raw and went from the raw data instead of a baked in JPEG you can set a custom white balance which is what we do sometimes when we shoot video white bound shift I leave this zeroed out color space srgb is where I stay picture style is currently set to auto now picture style when you go in here you have Auto standard portrait landscape fine detail neutral faithful that's for the practicing then you've got monochrome user-defined one two and three it's nice that they give you a bunch of different ones that you can set keep in mind that the picture style is only going to affect your JPEG images for example if you were to set it to monochrome and you take a picture you're throwing away all of that color information and you're being left with a JPEG that is going to be black and white but if you're shooting raw plus JPEG you will still have all of the raw data so that your your raw file will come into the computer and show black and white but being that you have the data there from the raw file you can still get that color information back another thing to remember is that picture style is actually more important when you're shooting video if you shoot video in monochrome you're only gonna have monochrome video because there is no raw video inside of this camera so you want to make sure that your picture style is set correctly for what you're shooting when you are doing video but for the most part I go ahead and leave it in Auto and don't worry much about it moving on to number four menu in the red mode which is the camera mode the first thing we see is long exposure noise reduction I personally turn this off what is happening is when the camera shoots at higher ISO s it's introducing noise or grain so when you have this on the camera is gonna go ahead and smooth that out which I personally don't like it doing because it takes an image that may have been sharp but with a lot of grain and make it smooth and look less sharp this is only affecting your JPEG files and not your RAW files high ISO noise reduction I turn this to the lowest order sable good it gives me disabled so I go ahead and turn it off dust delete data I don't worry about that at all Live View shoot is currently enabled if you want shoot live view photos that's where you would press this button in and then it would flip up the mirror and allow you to use the screen to shoot with live view so that's enabled multiple exposures is a fun thing to play with it's currently disabled but if you ever want to play with it it basically what you do is you will take one picture and then the film doesn't advance it stays in the same place and then you take another picture and it exposes that same image again I use film as an example because obviously there's no film in here advancing but that's just to paint that picture that you can take two exposures on the same frame or honestly you could end up doing more HDR mode is currently set to disabled if you did enable that that would just affect your JPEG files moving to number five we've got interval timer that is a built-in feature this is actually pretty cool so let me enable it now you can see that the interval is set to 10 seconds and the number of shots would be 10 so after 10 seconds it would take 1 then after another 10 seconds it would take another to get in here and change this you hit the info button and you can set the timer to a bunch of different settings like wow lots of time that would be lots of time and you could also go to scroll down which I can't currently do because I can't touch the screen because it's deactive but you can change the number of shots that you want to take interval timer is actually a really great function if you want to take time lapses of a skyline or sunset or sunrise or whatever sunrise sunset or if you want to shoot Yentl let me jump in here real quick and say would you like to take better pictures in only 11 days if so I created a free mini video course that you can sign up for right now at slash 11 days bulb timer is currently great great out because we're not set in bulb mode right now anti flicker shooting is currently disabled this comes in handy if you're shooting in a gymnasium where you have flickering lights those old old sodium halide or sodium vapor lights that give you that weird color when you would enable this the camera won't take a picture during the flick it will only take a picture during the air so the air is when it's not flicking and then the flick is when it's actually flicking you really don't see much of a delay but it will every time you take a picture you're not getting that flick so the anti flicker is actually a really good mode to use moving on to the last section here this is where they hide the stuff that you're really not going to use very much so the lens electronic MF I just leave this defaulted but AF assist beam firing is that orange light that I was telling you about I go ahead and turn this off so let me go ahead and disabled that because I don't want that orange light coming on because if you're trying to get candids of somebody and they see this light coming on they're gonna know that you're taking pictures and they're gonna get a little awkward moving on to the next menu section we've got the play button which is highlighted in blue a lot of this stuff I don't ever touch so I'm gonna go through it pretty quick like protect images rotate images this is if you want to change things in the camera after you take them I prefer doing all of this in the computer so I don't really play with that either raw image processing if you don't have a way to in to edit your RAW files in the computer you can actually process them right inside of the camera skipping to number 3 cropping resizing slideshow all things that I don't even touch because this menu I don't plug this into a TV to show people anything so I keep that I just keep this all at default number for playback information display this is actually a pretty useful thing so when we look inside of here this is showing you what's going to show up on the image after you take it and hit image review you can see that number one playback information number two shows you all of this information 3 has some histograms 4 has some other weird stuff that I wouldn't use if I don't use it I hit OK and it unchecks it and you can just see all of the other out they give you a lot of different options that you could have here the ones that are important to me I want to see the full image on the screen I like having the histogram that is that box more on the right-hand side with the white spikes going up that looked like a mountain that's a digital representation of your exposure so I like to have that on but you can go ahead and set this up any way you would like it make sure you hit the okay down there so that it will lock in those changes highlight alert is currently disabled what highlight alert is it means that if you shoot the sky and it's SuperDuper bright you're going to see this back of the blink at you to tell you that there's no image detail there that doesn't mean that your image is bad it just means that there was no detail recorded in that section moving down the AF point display this I actually like to enable that's going to show you a red box for where you're focusing point was in the image that you just took I like to see where it was so it can show you whether you missed or didn't miss playback grid I leave off next we have view from last scene it's enabled I don't really know what this one does I think it just means that when you go back to playback it's going to show you the last picture that you were looking at I just leave this set right where it is moving on to the Wi-Fi mode this camera has Wi-Fi and Bluetooth built in it's a great way to control your camera say if you set it up over there and you want to sit in the chair and make a video you can use Canon Connect app to control your camera from the Wi-Fi or Bluetooth which is really cool so you've got Wi-Fi and Bluetooth connections we're going to go in there you can sit connect a smartphone connect to remote control printer upload to a web service and then connect to a wireless remote I'm not going to go ahead and show you how to set this stuff up right now we do have some other videos that do go into that to show you how to use it Wi-Fi settings are currently enabled if you're not using Wi-Fi just go in head in here and turn it to disabled because if you're not using it you don't need to waste the juice because the camera is still looking for a Wi-Fi signal so I go ahead and disable that Bluetooth settings same thing I'm not using bluetooth so I go ahead and I disable it nickname that's the name of this camera next it says GPS device settings that is currently disabled because I believe you need to get a GPS receiver connected to this camera to do it to be honest when you connect your camera to your phone it knows exactly where you are so that's another thing that you could have imprinted into your images into the data the metadata but I leave this off because it's going to use a lot more juice so I don't like to use the GPS connecting at all then you could clear wireless settings which we're not gonna do right now because we just set them moving on to the wrench menu so here you Cecil folder I don't actually select the folder I just leave that exactly where it is but file numbering is set to continuous this is important because when you go in here you've got continuous or auto reset the reason I have it on continuous is if I take a hundred photos take the memory card out put it in the computer check those images put the card back in I don't want it to reset to zero again for the file numbers I want it to go to 101 now something to keep in mind is that cannons will reset after 9999 photos back to zero or one would be the next image after you take 10,000 images so just go ahead and keep that in mind now this is important as auto-rotate is currently on on the camera and on on the computer now I set this to on just on the computer now let me show you why I took a pic of vertical picture of Steven and when I hit the play button it's taking up the whole screen which means that you can turn the camera vertically to see the full image if you didn't let me show you what would happen we're gonna go back into the menu we're gonna turn on on on the camera and on on the computer and I'm gonna go ahead and show it to you and now it's only going to take up a little portion of the back of the screen so I rather see it rotate on the computer only and not on the back of the camera it's a personal preference but I go ahead and do that format card is very important we're not gonna do that right now but this is where you will delete reformat get rid of everything on your memory card you only do this after you've saved all of your images to your computer and they are backed up because once you reformat a card it's basically impossible to get those images back so when you get a brand-new card you put it in the camera you format it and it basically tells the camera how to talk to the memory card and you're good to go i reformat a card every time i do a photo shoot but again i make sure everything is backed up so that i'm not erasing something that i didn't back up just yet so you would go over and hit okay i'm not gonna do that because i already have stuff on this card so i go ahead and hit cancel moving number two we've got auto power off we currently have it set to disabled because while I'm talking I don't want it to show off sorry shut off and ruin this so you can go in here and you can set it to all of these different options I would set it somewhere probably between like one minute so that it will turn off the camera after you don't use it in a minute it's not physically going to flick the switch it's gonna just turn off the power and then it will have to wake back up display brightness we have it dialed down just a little bit for showing you on the screen so we can show you the back of the screen I generally leave this set right in the middle on default if you're outside and you need it to be brighter because it's sunny you can go ahead and make it brighter if you would like are you enjoying this video so far well if so be sure to hit that subscribe button as well as the Bell right next to it so you never miss one of my videos also so you know there's over 3,000 videos in the fro kyv that you can check out right here on youtube now let's jump back in to the video next we have screen off button it's currently set to remains on that is where I leave it the date and time is currently wrong because it's not January 1st 1919 at 156 because I didn't set the time yet it's real easy to set the time you can just touch it on the back of the screen and set it yourself language you can go in here if you're not english-speaking and you can change it to all of this stuff that you look at all this stuff look at all these languages you could use we could set it to this English because that's all I know so I leave it set to English number three we've got video system for NTSC if you're in the United States it's gonna be set to this by default so I leave it there touch control is standard you have sensitive and disabled I think standard is the best option beep the beep is enabled so the beep is enabled when you're doing single focus shooting you will hear a beep when the camera is in focus I like having that audible representation of focus because it just gives me a little bit more of a sense that I am locked on and I'm good to go with my auto focus moving on headphone volume self-explanatory you could change how loud the headphones are if you have a headphone plugged in battery info will show you that we have 50% of the battery remaining I've taken 64 photos with this battery recharge performance this one's already on one because I have an older battery when it lights up more red that means your battery's life is starting to wear down which means you won't get as much time on that battery and it may be time to replace it sensor cleaning I'm not going to go into right now but every time you turn off the camera by default it is cleaning the sensor in essence it's just shaking a little filter in front of it which is hopefully dropping any dust off of the camera off of the off of the sensor and putting it on to a little sticky pad that's hidden somewhere inside of the camera moving on to number four you've got mode guide is currently enabled I I disabled this because I don't need the camera modes cuz I shoot in manual but if you're still trying to learn the camera that you bought which is this one you can leave it on enabled will leave features aren't enabled for now health text size if you're blind like me you can make it bigger size I like I like bigger sizes bigger sizes are better viewfinder display this is different things you can set inside of the viewfinder electronic level you can hide it the grid display you can either put that on if you'd like or flicker detection shows up on the bottom when you're looking through the viewfinder it's actually pretty cool that it lets you know that is in there but for those of you who want to show the grid display that's gonna help you with getting your lines much straighter if that helps you you can go ahead and put that on to show I personally leave it off button info display options we go ahead and click this you can see electronic level will come up when you hit info the quick control will come up when you hit info if I do not want the electronic level to come up when I hit that info button I click off of it and I scroll down to okay or I touch okay on the back of the screen and that will no longer pop up HDMI resolution is set to 1080p because we're plugged into this Atomos recording at 1080p moving on to number five we got multifunction lock you can see what it's going to lock remember how earlier on I showed you that currently it was just going to lock the changing of aperture well you can actually have it chained lock the shutter speed you can have it lock if you hit that it will no longer let you use this command dial to move anything or the d-pad or it will deactivate touch control altogether so you can see you have a lot of control over what you can touch and what you can't touch by using the lock switch like I said I don't use the lock switch but if you find that you want to lock everything in go ahead and lock everything in and move that switch continuing on to custom shooting mode c1 and c2 this is where you would go ahead and register the settings for c1 and c2 for example you want it set to 100 ISO at 250th of a second at F for every single time and you want it to be monochrome in the picture style and you want it to be shooting raw plus JPEG you can set that so that every time you switch into c1 it's gonna automatically jump to those exact settings and same thing if you want to set it for number two clear all camera settings we're not doing that because I don't want to clear them right now copyright information you can enter your author's name you can also enter copyright details this will be embedded in all the files that you take I recommend that you take the time to go ahead and set this up and being that you have a touchscreen it's much easier to enter your information much quicker next up we've got manual software URL which is kind of funny it's a QR code that's going to launch the manual so if this video doesn't give you all the information that you need pick up the manual and go ahead and read it to find out more information I'm just trying to stick to the high level stuff so that I can give you how I would set it and save you a bunch of time certification logo is just something that the FCC need makes them put in there we don't need to show you that next up we've got firmware this camera is set to version 1.0.0 at the time of recording this there's actually an update to the firmware so I can go ahead and update the firmware from this section you just have to go to canons website to see when they have new firmware that comes out which either fixes issues inside of the camera or gives you new features that weren't there initially when you purchased it next up we have the custom function setting menu system this is where you go in and you can change custom functions this is for the more advanced photographer because there's a lot of information in here right here there's 8 different things that you could change there's nothing wrong with keeping it on by default to set where it's set but as you become a you know more advanced photographer you can change these settings to your taste because everybody likes to tweak the camera a little different so this one for example and I'm not going through all of them is exposure level increments it will either do a third of a stop or a half of a stop so you can see you've got ISO speed setting increments bracketing bracketing sequences number of bracketed shots there's a lot going on here that you can change this is to taste I don't really change much in that first menu the second one has 16 different things to change tracking sensitivity oh do you want it more responsive you can just tick it up like that and you can see that now there's a star under number 1 showing you that there was a change number 2 acceleration tracking you could bump that up if you wanted to go a little faster AF point auto-switching servo first image there's a lot of information here that you just really need to go in and play with but I don't change most of this stuff so I just leave it set to where it is set moving the custom function operations number 3 I leave this all the same I leave this all the same this is where it gets interesting so I'm gonna click into this section right here because remember when I said that you can set the buttons to certain ways that you want to set the buttons right here I go down to the AF on button so this means I can change what this AF on button is going to do so I hit the OK button I scroll over to one shot to serve oh I know I didn't explain this yet but one shot is where every time you press the button halfway down and as long as you hold your finger down on the button halfway the focus is going to be locked so if you remove your finger you're gonna have to refocus now if you're in servo mode when you press the shutter button halfway down its going to continuously focus and track a subject I like to change sometimes from servo which is continuous focus to single which is one shot which is single focus and I like to do that quickly without having to go into the menus so in this case I can set it right here so that when I press AF on and say I'm in servo mode which is continuous focus it will switch it instantly into single focus so it gives you much more control of the camera all from the outside without having to take your eye away from the viewfinder it makes shooting a hell of a lot better moving on to number four I'd leave that exactly where it is audio compression that's if you're getting into audio modes you can leave this set to where it is currently and finally clear all custom settings or functions if you want to clear them you can clear them right there I'm not gonna do that and finally we've got the star which is your custom setting menu this is where you can set things that are your favorites say you want to get to formatting the card quickly you can put it right there say you want to put auto ISO in here you could put auto ISO in here it's where you put your favorites that you come to often that you want to get to quickly actually I like putting battery life in there so that I can see how much battery life is left quickly when I go into there so that is setting up your menu for shooting stills since you just picked up some camera gear how do you keep track of everything that you have from the serial numbers down to the receipts well if you said I don't know Jared I just throw it all out well that is not good well I want to let you know that I created a free app called my gear vault it's the best way to input organize and protect your gear so you know what you have and what it's worth so head on over to my gear vault comm to download this for iOS and Android and also don't forget you can get an insurance quote right inside of the app now that we're done setting up the menu for shooting stills I want to show you how you can quickly access important features from the outside of the camera without having to dive back in to the menu to make the changes you see the cube button on the back of the screen check out what happens when I hit it you see all the different options that I have well now I can go in there and independently change them either by touching them or using the d-pad like right here at the top it says manual when I scroll over to the right it shows my shutter speed now it says convey subject motion Thank You canon for letting me know what the shutter speed does but I can go ahead and make a change if I want I can scroll over turn this dial we can go to one eight thousandth of a second or dial it down where we need to dial it down to all the way to thirty seconds so I'm just gonna put it somewhere we'll leave it set right to there you can control your aperture right here this lens lets you go from f4 to f-22 moving over to the right auto ISO I do not want so to get out of it I set it to 100 and now it's always going to be set to 100 unless I make that change but it's really quick by hitting the cue button to get there your flash compensation turning on and off your connected devices getting to your picture style white balance white balance for custom white balancing you've got this right here which is auto correct image brightness and contrast is off because I don't want the camera making those changes for me this is cool because you can actually get in to customize your control settings which is probably not something you're doing on the fly unless you really need to make a change of something and you know exactly where it is back here again one shot to servo let me explain this one more time one shot means when you press the shutter button halfway down you're locking your focus in AI focus is basically continuous auto focus or one shot combined I know that sounds a little confusing but the camera is deciding based off of the subject that you're photographing which one it's going to select so then you also have AI servo which is for focusing on moving subjects super simple hold the button halfway down and it's going to continuously focus next up we have where you can change your focus points so you can see I can dial around and move a single focusing point or in this case if I hit the function button right up top it will change to the different options you've got Zone AF which is good if you're shooting sports so it's going to take a reading from most of those focusing points that are highlighted to help you get better auto focus next up you've got select large zone AF I personally don't use this myself you've got auto selection AF that's where the cameras going to do all of the work and select the focusing point that it thinks it wants to is best for focus and then all the way back to the beginning for manually selecting your focusing point like I said there's a ton of different options select your metering mode I leave that exactly where it is this is set up for single or continuous shooting so right here you've got a bunch of different options one shot every time you shoot a picture or hold your finger down this is continuous high when you take and hold your finger down it's gonna take up to 10 frames per second you've got low speed continuous which you can probably set it's probably around 5 frames a second you've got silent shooting which is not silent you've got silent shooting for multiple shots it's still not silent but it's a little quieter you've got your timer for 10 second remote you've got your 2 second remote and you've got your timer for continuous where it will continue let's see press shutter button to shoot set number of shots so if say you're shooting a group of people and you're in that group and you're like well I don't want it to just take one picture when I press the button I wanted to take 10 in a row well you press the shutter button it counts down and then it starts taking photos I use this when I'm making thumbnails for YouTube it's a good feature so I could be like let's see every time it clicks I can be like and that's how I go ahead and shoot thumbnails for myself there you have it that's how you can change quickly certain settings that are important right from the cue button on the back of the camera so right now I want to show you what you're gonna see when you hit the Live View button on the back of the camera now keep in mind I have the lens cap on so that it's not distracting when I'm showing you all of this and that the stuff isn't moving in the background so live view shooting means you're gonna hold the camera like this and use the LCD to take photos I highly do not recommend doing this because it is not super stable for one and it kind of looks amateurish for to the proper way to shoot in my opinion is you look through the viewfinder you tuck your elbows you put this left hand underneath the lens not on the side like this and definitely not up top like that you still can look at mature when you do that this makes you look like a professional if that's what you actually want to look like but anyway we are in Live View mode so at the top of the screen on the top left you can see em that lets you know that you're in manual mode to the right of that you can see that it has 12 hundred and eighty-nine photos left which is more than the 999 that showed up on the top of the screen so at least inside the camera it can show you how many images you have left next to that you can see 23 which is your buffer if you were to take 23 photos in a row it would fill up the buffer and you would have to wait for it to stop now going back to the M and right below that you see what mode we have we have AF lock on we're in one shot it would be on that continuous shooting under see we've got the metering mode which is currently set to evaluative which is taking the brightest and darkest part of the the image and giving you a middle ground reading to give you your exposure below that we can see that we're shooting in raw plus JPEG large and then down along the bottom of the screen we've got my shutter speed is at one 200 and you can see that it's changing as I dial right as I dial left my aperture is at f9 as I turn the back dial it's dialing down and dialing back up you've got your meter you can see that the Wi-Fi is off and we've got exposure simulation is currently on exposure simulation means that as I change my shutter speed or aperture I'm actually going to show you this I'm taking this off let me show you I'm gonna dial back from f11 to 3/5 and I'm gonna show the shutter speed getting slower and slower let me focus now we can see that it's InFocus I'm at a half a second but what this exposure simulation is showing me is that it's showing me that it's getting darker or it's getting brighter so it's giving me an exact representation of what my image would look like before you take the picture so that is one of the things that I love about live view shooting except for I don't like when you have to hold the camera out like this and then right below there you can see that it's currently set to ISO 100 at the top of the screen on the right you've got auto white balance you have your picture style and then you've got the auto correction for backlighting which is off and then you have the other the filter modes which is also off as well so to get out of Live View mode you would go ahead and hit the start/stop button again which will turn off live view being that some of you would like to know how you shoot video with this 90 D I'm gonna go into the menu and show you some of the settings so we can figure out together what I think you should set them to now to get into the video menu settings you actually have to flick the switch and go into the movie mode which means your mirror flips up out of the way and locks out of the way and the camera is active the whole time it's one of the things I wish that Canon would change is allow me to get into the menu without actually having to flip the mirror up and waste battery but here we are in the menu settings for video the first thing we see under the camera mode now keep in mind this one's actually going to be shorter because we only need to go through these first four menus not the rest of them because they're basically the same as if you were shooting photos movie record quality let's go ahead and click in there we can see that we've got movie record quality is set to 4k at 29.97 frames per second so basically 30 frames a second and it gives you 29:59 of record time not unlimited but 30 minutes of record time before it stops now I do want to mention that we did not update the firmware inside of this camera yet but canon did release a firmware update that will let you shoot at 24 frames a second which gives you that cinematic look that you see when you're watching the movies it will give you that in 4k you also have the option to do 1080p at 60 frames a second then we have 1080 at 2997 basically 30 frames per second then 1080 at the exact same thing in light i PB I would not recommend shooting in this this is a more compressed video file I never like dumbing it down because once you dumb it down you can't dumb it back up so if you start with higher quality you can always dumb it down but you can't start dumbed down and go back up and then finally you've got 1280 at 720 at 60 frames per second which I don't really recommend that you shoot in either would you like to show the world that you shoot RAW will if so head on over to store dot because that's where you can pick up this I shoot raw shirt as well as a ton of other different designs and colors and a bunch of different swag so head on over to store dot to pick up some swag now next up we see high frame rate is currently disabled this is where we're gonna go if we want to shoot slow-motion at 120 frames per second see it's on disabled but when we go over to enabled it goes movie servi servo AF movie digital is an audio not available AF not available in high video movie recording so you're not going to get audio recording you're not going to get continuous autofocus it's going to basically give you slow motion make sure you're focused before you do it and it's a baked in file so it's already gonna be slowed down when you watch it back so you can record up to 7 minutes and 29 seconds in the 1080 at 120 frames per second moving on we see 4k movie cropping is currently disabled what this means is that you are getting a full width recording at 4k a full readout of the sensor now if you want to go in there and crop it you enable it but don't read what this says because the English on this is really bad I'm not even gonna try to read it basically what it's saying is that you're putting a crop on top of the crop that you already have because this is a crop sensor camera so it will actually zoom in a little more so all of your lenses will be multiplied when you're shooting 4k this may actually give you a better quality 4k than if you shot it with the full readout edge to edge reading the full frame of the sensor when shooting 4k but keep in mind when this is active you are adding a crop on top of a crop so your wide-angle lenses won't act as wide as they once were so I'm just gonna leave this on disabled back into the menu a couple of more things here we've got sound recording is set to auto you can go in here and change that that if you want to do it manual or turn it off altogether manual you can go in here and change your record levels like I'm doing right now let me hit it change it because we want to see that it's not peaking in the red I'm gonna move it quicker and quicker and quicker come on let's go move move dial dial down ah there we go you see that that's where you want to see your audio levels so it's not peeking into the red this is much better we've got wind filter attenuator I kind of leave this off at all times because I don't want it to add some other weird sounding compression to it that I don't like we've got movie digital is because this does not have image stabilization built into the camera it does have image stabilization in some of the lenses but this is currently disabled it actually works pretty well for when you're walking it will crop in just a little bit but the is that's digital is actually pretty good these days lens aberration correction I don't go in and change that at all time lapse movie mode is disabled remote control is disabled and the video snapshot is disabled as well here you can see exposure compensation when it comes to shooting video ISO speed the see these are very similar settings that you would see when you are doing your photos remember white balance is going to be locked in so if you're outside and it's a cloudy and you want to have a cloudy white balance well go in there and set your white balance to where it needs to be dependent upon the situation that you're in you can do a custom white balance you can do a white balance correction picture style is set to auto but if you're shooting something that's more landscaping you may want to change that if you want to shoot in black and white I recommend not doing it in the camera and just changing that in post just make sure that your picture style is set properly and that it's not over sharpened and looks bad because you can't go back after this because you're not shooting raw video doesn't have that capability hi so speed noise reduction is off HDMI info display is currently on because we want to show you the dirty out to the camera you're seeing this right now generally you're gonna want to have that on off AF method you've got your AE lock let's see what we have here we've got tracking ya tracking that's going to give you your dual pixel AF which is fantastic when you are shooting video of moving subjects movie servo AF is currently enabled that means that you can do autofocus while you are shooting video eye detection AF is something new here let's see if it works let's go to enable let me take off the lens cap and let me show you what's going to happen okay here we go here's Steven oh look at his face let me see if we can get his eye there it is look at that it's on his eye you see how it's tracking him oh my god hey get in the frame actually that looks really good that's why I love these cameras now let me show you a few more things while this is on let me zoom in on that clock you see how the autofocus is smooth and it's changing automatically that's because this dual pixel AF is absolutely fantastic I love the autofocus in this camera let me show Stephen again look at this look at this autofocus we could go boom it's on the camera now it's on Stephen now it's back onto the camera so there you go now let me throw this lens cap on so it's not distracting what you're seeing on the screen and here we go you can see that we're in movie mode manual we can see that we have one hour 6 minutes and 41 seconds of possible record time total it doesn't mean it's gonna run for that long it will still do the 29:59 below there you can see what auto focusing mode were on 4k at at 30 frames a second we've got the anti-shake the is digital is is off we can see that microphone mode is set to manual headphone mode you can see where the headphones are set we are in servo AF you can actually see the left and the right monitors audio monitor picking up as I speak which is kind of cool we're at one 125th of a second at 5.6 ISO is set to auto we've got Wi-Fi is currently off moving on to the right hand side of the screen we've got the movie snapshot mode is currently off we've got filter modes is off we've got the auto correction for lighting is off we can see that picture style is set to auto and then we have it set to auto white balance as well let me jump back into the menu real quick we can see we've got lens electronic manually focus I currently set this to off and that is how you set up the camera for when you want to shoot video and need to make changes inside of the menu one of the things I didn't show you is how to start recording video and what is on your screen when you are recording video so let me pop off this lens cap right here let me get into live view mode right here on the back of the camera you can see start stop as long as we are in the video mode when I hit start stop it is going to record watch boom I hit record the recording comes up in the top right hand side of the screen in red you can see the timer is counting up how much battery life we have to the left of it oh you know it's funny you see that that manual it's showing the cameras in manual look there's a camera right next to it it's kind of funny how that icon lined up with that camera right there that's funny you can see the microphone is set to manual you can see servo area the AF is on all of the same settings at the bottom for auto ISO and your exposure as well as the meters for the audio but here it is boom hi Stephen oh yes Stephen looks like he's working hard and there he is so let me go ahead and hit stop record again we hit stop that takes us out and basically we are done with how to shoot video so I know that that was a long video but the point is if you'll watch it once you set up your camera and you understand more of how it works that means you're going to be able to get out there into the real world and start taking better photos and better video quicker because you're now more confident in how your camera is set so if you found this video to be valuable please go ahead and hit that subscribe button so you never miss a video when I post it also hit that Bell button that's gonna notify you when a new video goes live don't forget to Like share comment and that is where I'm gonna leave it thank you very much for watching jared polin see ya [Music] you [Music] [Applause]
Channel: Jared Polin
Views: 262,896
Rating: 4.9085331 out of 5
Keywords: FroKnowsPhoto, Jared Polin, I SHOOT RAW, Canon, Canon EOS, Canon EOS 90D, User's Guide, users manual, tutorial, hack, 90d hack, canon 90d how to, how to set up canon 90D, DSLR, canon 80D, How to guide, manual, camera set up, walkthrough, canon eos r, canon eos rp, canon RF, Canon lenses, canon video, 90D Video, Canon 90D Video, Canon EF, canon 90d review, canon rumors, canon 90d, eos r, canon 80d vs 90d, canon 90d 4k, canon m6 mark ii, eos rp, canon 90d unboxing
Id: mhd6Hem1jDo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 13sec (3973 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 09 2019
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