Canning Turkey and Broth * CANUARY COLLABORATION

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hi guys and welcome back to my channel i'm miss laurie and welcome to my homestead you're at whipplewill holler we're always welcome to come sit down and just learn a few things and chat with us for a while because we love you all so much today is really exciting for me because i'm part of a collaboration with a bunch of of really talented women for the month of january and it's called january and every day if you go to each one of these ladies links which i'm going to put down below in my description box you're going to see a new canning video every day for the month of january these ladies are very talented and you're going to learn a lot a lot of new recipes and learn how to can and i know that there's a lot of y'all that are wanting to to learn these skills and if you're an avid canner you like to learn new recipes so these ladies you go their channels and they're going to teach you a lot about canning and a lot about a lot of stuff canning is a skill that's been passed down for so many years and we sure don't want it to be lost so if we can all stick together and teach each other maybe we can keep passing it down you know they say it takes a village to raise one child but it takes a community to help each other and teach each other skills learn skills and whether if you've done it all your life or if you're just new at it even as long as i've been doing i'm learning stuff every day so what we're doing today is before thanksgiving i bought a couple turkeys that were on sale and uh they were 89 cents a pound so how can you pass that out because that's even cheaper than lunch meat you go think about it and i thought well i'm gonna go ahead and get two of them and i think they weighed anywhere from 12 to 14 pounds apiece they weren't real big but and then i was given a turkey so three turkeys so in my mind i'm thinking i'm gonna can a bunch of it up not only the meat but for the broth too so that what what we're gonna be doing today and not only for turkey and do chicken this way too so we're going to be getting this beautiful broth we're going to be getting some turkey meat that we can make so many different recipes with so it does save you money it is healthier for you and it can also be for convenience because if i can come in and open up a can of my home can turkey and some of my other canned vegetables i've got a supper and i've got it pretty quick when i come in from work so that's always a good thing so let's get started cooking our turkey making our beautiful broth and getting it canned up and then after that we're going to do a little bit of a recipe because a lot of people say now once you hand this up no matter what it is they'll say what do you make out of these meats or veggies or whatever that you can show us a recipe using it so that's what we're going to be doing today it's going to be a really easy one so let's get started okay mr brown cut my turkey up for me y'all he's done a good job now we didn't just cut it up in small pieces because i've got a big pot up here i'm gonna put it in to make my turkey and my turkey broth but uh here it is he's got it cut up we just left the the breasts and everything on the bone because that bone is what's going to make that broth really good too so we got that done i think that was about a 12 pound turkey yeah it was about 12 pound turkey big turkey in fact i've got two more that i'm gonna do but i just want to do it in batches i didn't want to do it all at one time because i really don't have time and then right here we got our veggies uh we got our carrots and i got two big onions i just cut in half and then i've got a whole bundle of celery so we're going to get all this in the pot and get it on the stove and get it cooking because i'm going to let it cook for several hours to get some good broth i'll show you on my big pot here this is a 16 quart um [Music] it's a tri-ply stainless steel pot and it held that whole turkey and all my veggies see i got them all in there now we're just going to start putting our seasoning in there and like i always say season your food the way you like it i'm going to put about three-fourths of a tablespoon of peppercorns when i'm making broth i like to use peppercorns and i'm going to put this is sea salt i don't want to put too much salt and put about a teaspoon for right now i've got some sage from the garden put about a teaspoon in half i got some rosemary from the garden teaspoon and i've got some parsley dried parsley from the garden and i'm going to put just a probably a couple tablespoons parsley just a little stick there and we're gonna put some thyme good teaspoon we're just gonna go from there now i'm also because i love it so much i'm gonna put some garlic in there and that's just up to y'all if you want garlic in your broth your chicken put about a teaspoon so i'm gonna stir this and put the lid on it um if it was i could cook it all day on my wood cook stove but not everybody has a wood cook style so we're going to do it on top of regular gas stove and we're going to let it cook most of the day we'll come back and debone our chicken strain our broth and we'll can it all up okay we got our turkey out of the pot and i've been cooking this turkey for probably i don't know probably about four hours today it's just been simmering on the on the stove all day while i was busy doing other stuff so i got the turkey out and it's back here cooling off and i went through here make sure i didn't have any bones left in there but i left all my veggies and you can see that the broth is about half of what it was when you take all that turkey out so what i'm going to do is i'm going to fill this back up with water and i'm going to turn my burner back on and i'm going to heat this up a little bit more and just let it simmer a little bit more and after that because i'm going to get all my jars and get everything ready to get it canned but i want this to be good and heated through so we're gonna do that right now i'm gonna let my my turkey cool off get my jars ready get everything going and we'll be back probably about 10 minutes or so i think before this gets too much warmer i'm wanting to y'all remember i did not take out my carrots my celery and my onions and there's some still some whole peppercorns in there and that's okay too but i'm going to keep all this good veggies and um all this nutrition in with this canned turkey so now that i've took all my bones and all my turkey meat out and before i warm this up any longer i'm going to take my immersion blender and i'm going to blend all this up [Music] well that took about five minutes but i finally got it all in carrots and everything pureed and i want you to look how pretty that broth is it's gonna be good and healthy too because it's got all the carrots and celery and onions in there now that's not something you have to do if you want to you can strain all that out before you can your chicken this is going to be really good for just a lot of different dishes this will make a really good uh heart of if you got somebody sick that needs some something good and nurturing like chicken noodle soup or something this is gonna be great so i'm gonna go ahead and get the turkey meat off my bones and i'm gonna turn this on low and it's just gonna simmer and stay hot until i get ready for it okay we got our turkeys ready i got my hot jars out here my pressure canner has got three quarts of water in it and it's heating up and i've got my my broth over here so the first thing we're gonna do is uh see how many of these quart jars i can fill up with this turkey meat and uh the broth now for quartz you're going to need to pressure can this at my altitude it'll be about 11 pounds pressure for 90 minutes for quartz be 75 minutes for pints and there's so many things that you can do with this canned turkey you can make get that out there you can make turkey and rice just like you were making chicken and rice you can make turkey and dumplings you can make turkey and noodles just like you were making chicken and noodles you can make a pot pie with it just add your veggies and your crust there's just a lot of different recipes and i'll go over some more here in a little bit i want to get this done and get my meat in here now my jars i'm hoping i can feel my jar set my quartz and then we'll come back and we'll get our broth in there so we can get them in canter do [Music] i ended up with five quarts of turkey meat and broth and then i've got two quarts of just the broth um but i've got enough left in my pan that i'm gonna have another canner full and i'll probably do it in pints and i should have a can careful of pints i'm pretty sure i've got that much broth left so this 12 pound turkey was 89 cents a pound so it was 10.68 yes so we will get five meals plus some really beautiful broth quite a bit to put on the in the pantry i don't know what i'm doing i need to do bubble i always do bubble and i put these on wide mouth jars when i'm canning meats and stuff like that i like to use wide mouth jars now you would think there would have been more meat than that on a 12 pound turkey but there really isn't i mean you the most meat you're gonna get is off the breast and a little bit off the thigh and in the in the leg but that's what it that's what it made so that's pretty cheap for that many meals and uh that much broth to put in the pantry so i'm cleaning the tops of these to make sure there's nothing on the top of the rim that's going to cause it not to seal i de-bubbled it now we're going to put our lids on finger tight 10 pounds of pressure like i said for quartz is 90 minutes so let me get these done and we'll get them in the canter it's been inventing for 10 minutes now we're going to go ahead and put our weight on and we're going to watch our pressure and when it gets up to about 11 times the pressure and i'm going to time it for 90 minutes okay so we got our turkey and our broth out after 90 minutes it's done um i let it depressurize for just a little out over an hour i got my jars out and it all looks really good so we got plenty to put on in the pantry we got more that we need to do because i got more turkeys out in the freezer this is gonna make us a lot of meals it's well worth the effort saves you money saves you time okay our recipe today with our canned turkey and broth is gonna be a very comforting but very easy turkey noodles this is really easy to put together and i'm using these are frozen home style egg noodles that you get at walmart or some of your other grocery stores in the freezer aisle now what you can do that i'd do but i haven't done in a while and i need to is to make your homemade noodles up spread them out on a sheet pan flash freeze them and then bag them and you'll have egg noodles for a long time and you can also dehydrate your egg noodles too that's a whole different video but anyways we're going to start with this recipe if i can turn the right burner on there we go and like i said when i'm showing y'all this that pot that one turkey that 12 pound turkey made um it only made five quarts of meat but um for 12 pound turkey you know it's about what you're going to get off of it but it made seven quarts of broth so if i do that three times i'm going to have quite a bit on the shelf but anyways even at one turkey that's quite a bit to put on your shelf and if you go to figuring out how much you're saving on your broth and your turkey meat and for each menu you make it's going to be pretty cheap when you figure it out so what i'm going to do is i'm just going to pour two quarts of my beautiful broth in here and that is some rich broth y'all especially when i use that emerge immersion blender on it and blended all them carrots and celery and onion just devoured it in with that broth so we add two quarts of broth i'm going to add my quart of turkey meat i'm going to bring this up to a boil then i'm going to put my noodles in it's only going to take about 20 minutes to cook your noodles we'll add a little bit of cream to it we're going to add a few veggies to it and we're going to have a meal about that fast okay our broth i can hear it and i can hear it simmering in there well it's boiling pretty good so we're gonna go ahead and put our noodles in here and i think i'm gonna go ahead and put all 24 ounces in here put a little bit in just kind of stir it and put the rest your noodles in there it's kind of stirred and when they're frozen like that they kind of stick together just kind of break them up a little bit we're gonna put a few uh herbs in here too in my little bowl here i've got salt and pepper i've got some thyme a little bit of garden sage and parsley and uh that's what we're gonna put in here just put the amount that you want i've got about a teaspoon of of all of it pretty much and just stir it up good now we're just going to put a lid on this and we're going to let it simmer for about 20 minutes and the noodle should be good and done okay our noodles are good and done it's smelling really good so what we're going to do at this point you can just add any of your vegetables that you like or what you've got in your pantry i'm putting some peas some green peas and i'm going to put some carrots in here that came out of the pantry i think they've been in there well they're going on two years so we'll be using them carrots last a good while in the pantry and they taste so good i just can them in water and we're going to add about a fourth a cup of heavy cream now if you don't have heavy cream you can use half and half or you can just use regular whole milk it's pretty much to help just make it a little bit richer and to thicken it up a little bit because we're going to go ahead and put the lid on it and let it go ahead and simmer for just another 15 minutes just to get everything warm through so why do we can this is the reason we can beautiful beautiful food nutritious i hope you like this video check out the other ladies their links will be down below in the description box y'all give me a thumbs up if you haven't subscribed please subscribe give me a thumbs up and god bless everybody
Channel: Whippoorwill Holler
Views: 42,166
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Id: KldFvivem8o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 57sec (1257 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 10 2021
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