Homemade Basic White Bread/Two different ways of baking!

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so welcome to riverwell holler I'm Miss Laurie and this is Mr Brown we live in the hills of Arkansas we love the Lord keepers are the old way but accept some of the known we love to cook and we love to eat we love to Garden it's in our blood it's how we're staying sustainable and fill our pantry we do a lot of canning and preserving we live a sustainable life we love our family we work hard and every once in a while we like to dance so y'all join us it's such a beautiful day here on the homestead we've got the windows open Mr Brown's out mowing just a little bit you can probably hear the the lawnmower you know I have a lot of requests for homemade bread and if y'all been with me from the beginning I have a lot of homemade bread videos and uh just like my lunch lady hot rolls and biscuits and you name it there's a lot of a lot of different bread recipes that I've uploaded in the past and I think I'll get those together and I'll put them down in my information box down below the video and a lot of y'all really are interested in bread machine bread recipes and I do have a lot of them and I never even owned a bread machine up till just a few years ago and it was only because I was watching different videos different channels that we're using uh the bread machine I thought this is this is really something so I ended up ordering me one um I think it's a Hamilton and it wasn't nothing fancy or anything but it always made good bread and then after using that one it become because we work so much outside the house and we would rather have our own homemade bread than store-bought you know this become a whole big game changer for me and uh because I could put my ingredients in it turn it on and walk away and not and go on about my business and I know some people say well that's not homemade bread well it is you put your own ingredients in there the machines just uh it's just doing the rest of the work for you plus cooking it baking it at the end and you can continue with your life now that being said it has been like I said a game changer for me and I use my bread machine quite a bit because it does help help us a lot to make sure that we've got good homemade bread on the table and uh and I don't have to say well I can't make bread till this weekend you know because that's the only time I have and sometimes I don't even have you know even the time on the weekend to make bread I try to get it in there but so a lot of y'all are in that predicament too so I think that a bread machine is a good thing like I said it's still homemade bread The Machine's just mixing it and doing all the rest for you and baking it but you are still making your own homemade bread and it comes out so good now I still make homemade bread just like I always have when I have the time so this video is about showing y'all the two different ways that I make bread one is with my bread machine and it's just as simple as a white basic white bread and then I'm going to use that same recipe just mixing it by hand and cooking it in the oven just like I always have so I hope you enjoyed this video um me and Mr Brown are getting ready to do some more work out in the garden today so having a couple loaves of bread already cooked and ready to go we just love walking in the house and smelling that bread cooking it smells so good you know for instance um I can put all my ingredients into my bread machine turn it on and like I said walk away I can go work out in the garden if I need to run down the road or if I have 20 loaves of laundry to do or just the hundred other things that need to be done during the day this brain machine is really it's a good thing and you can have any I also bought one from a thrift store and I forget the name brands I'd have to look but it's it's an older one when they first come out with bread machines and I paid eight dollars for it and I use it too and it works wonderful now here recently back around Christmas time I did spoil myself and I bought me a new bread machine and the only reason I did was because I wanted a different size and a different shaped loaf of bread so I'll be showing y'all my new bread machine and like I said I splurged on it but the old Hamilton and the one I bought at thrift store does a good job too so let's get started on our two ways of cooking a basic white bread if using a bread machine put your ingredients in the order that the recipe reads that way your bread comes out good it comes out right it bakes up right every time we're putting in one and a half cups of just lukewarm water and we're going to put in two tablespoons of melted butter my granddaughters wanting to help just a little bit I'm going to put in two tablespoons of honey you can use two tablespoons of sugar if you want to but I like using honey in my bread recipes it's an all-natural sweetener and it just makes your bread and taste so good now Avery's going to help me with the rest ingredients so I'm going to help her just a little bit we got two teaspoons of salt and we've got a fourth a cup of powdered milk I'm using a powdered buttermilk you can buy your powdered buttermilk in the grocery store we've got four cups of white bread flour and I'm going to help her do that and then we're going to put our yeast in last it's one and a half teaspoons of yeast and this is rapid rise instant yeast so that's all of our ingredients so we're just going to close it up turn it to the cycle that we want to use I just want basic bread so we're going to number one cycle I want a medium crust on my just to make I don't want a dark I don't want to light just a medium color on my crust and we get all that pushed look it over make sure we got it where we want it and push start and now we can walk away and just go about our business here is our bread after close to three hours later and it made a beautiful beautiful loaf now we're going to start on making our bread same recipe by hand I'm just using my Big Bowl here this bread recipe is easy too stir so if you want to use your KitchenAid you can use that too so we got our one and a half cups of lukewarm water but I'm going to put my yeast in my water so I'm doing this a little bit different your braid machine you have to put all your ingredients like I said in the in the order that the recipe calls for for it to to mix well and to bake up right so I put just a little bit of my honey in here with my yeast stirred up good and I'll just let it sit here for just a little bit while I get everything else together okay I got everything else together we're going to put in our two tablespoons of melted butter a couple tablespoons of runny honey and if you want to use a sugar substitute you can do that too we've got a fourth a cup of I prefer to use either whole milk powder or buttermilk powder we got our four cups of bread flour and our two teaspoons of salt and I'm just going to use my my dough whisk here and I'm just going to mix it up and it'll come together pretty good pretty quick it's not a real stiff dough so it's not hard to stir if I can do it with my arthritic hand over here you know it's it stirs up pretty easy and you can use your KitchenAid or any mixer that you have that you usually mix your bread up in now I'm gonna get my hands in here because when I'm making bread like this I have to get my hands in it so I'm just going to knead it I usually need my dough before my first proof I usually need it anywhere from six to ten minutes so that's why a lot of times I'll just make it my KitchenAid and I also have my nutrimil artiste mixer which y'all see me use a lot it does bread dough really really wonderfully and I'll just let my mixture do my kneading for me A lot of times but I just want to do it by hand today and show y'all how easy it is and it's just very therapeutic to making bread and this dough is just a little bit sticky I'm gonna bring my dough out of my on my counter and I've got just a little bit of flour because it is a little bit of a sticky dough and like I said I like to knead it for at least 10 minutes so I need to knead it again just a few more minutes before it's first proof this makes just a really really good all around sandwiched bread or just all round bread that you need at the supper table or for whatever reason the next day it's usually really good to slice up and make French toast out of actually this is really good for my hands it's good therapy for my fingers I've been having a lot of trouble with my arthritis and my hands and fingers there was a a couple days that uh Miss Laura couldn't even bend her hand or couldn't grip nothing I couldn't hurry right with a pen but they're doing a little bit better now it seems like with the weather it gets a little bit worse but it's doing better now so just need and stretch it need and stretch it and just make you a a ball we're gonna I got a bow and I've got a little bit of olive oil in it we're just gonna put our our bread dough in here and I've got I'm going to put it in a in a warm Place covered up in fact I might put it in my Emeril Lagasse uh my little countertop oven because it's got a proofer in it stays about 95 degrees in there and I'm going to let it stay in there for about an hour should double in size okay my dough has doubled in size and it was in there in a in my proofer for about an hour if you don't have excuse me if you don't have a proofer just put it in a warm place where there's no drafts or anything and we're just going to knead it for just a little bit longer just a couple minutes now y'all know how much I love to make bread but you can see uh how it does take time it does take time but you always come out with a beautiful loaf of bread so if you have that time it's just a a beautiful thing to do for your family to put that homemade bread on the table to smell that homemade bread smell cook bacon in the oven it's a good thing now I'm just going to roll this out just a little bit stretch it just a little bit then I'm just going to roll it to me and as I'm rolling it to me I'm just going to start pinching it gather it up pinching it in just like this then you can gather up the sides just kind of tuck them in and I've got my cast iron loaf pan that I'm going to use today I love this thing I've got two of them it bakes up a beautiful loaf of bread Danny's out there weed eating so we're going to cover it up and we're going to let it proof for it proofed for about 30 minutes and I don't want it to proof No More Than This you can over proof a loaf of bread and there's the other one back there from the bread machine we done eight on it so we're going to put this in a 350 oven for about 30 minutes beautiful dough okay here it is n't that beautiful it backed up so pretty and Miss Laurie walked away and left it in there about five minutes too long it got a little bit too dark on top for me but it still turned out wonderful 30 minutes is uh is a good time it's it's good and done this was in there 35 minutes about five minutes too long but it's so pretty turned out so good well that was our two basic white bread recipes for the day and y'all seen how easy it was for either process but if you're just needing that little extra time that just a little extra help here it is right here the bread machine loaf of bread you've seen how beautiful it turned out and it's also good we've donate some of it and then just our regular uh homemade by hand in the oven bread it's beautiful too this this is really a good recipe like I said I've got several several bread recipes and this is one of my favorite tote but never be discouraged about using something that just helps you out just a little bit this is a I think it's it's just a really good product that comes out of your braid machine and I'm not trying to sell braid machines believe me but I'm just telling you we all need that little bit of help we all want good healthy homemade bread and I I do have several different recipes not just your basic white and if y'all want me to continue with more bread machine recipes and of course just your regular homemade bread recipes and you can convert it you know to to bake it either way just let me know down in the comments because I do love bacon bread when when I have time and I tell you we're going to be in big trouble when miss little Laurie retires because we're going to be doing a lot of baking I have I have a feeling so anyways I hope y'all enjoyed this video I'm gonna be leaving some links down below to some older videos of me making bread and I think one of them is going to be one of the first videos are done making bread and it wasn't just a little bitty loaf of bread either I think I ended up using how it's been so long ago [Music] why am I thinking it was about um probably 10 10 pounds of flour I'll have to go back and look because I don't even remember but it was such a beautiful day and I got my my big dish pan out and we just it was just such a a relaxing video of just making a bunch of bread and and Rose and just different things so I hope y'all go down and watch those videos so I want y'all to have a beautiful beautiful weekend Memorial Day weekend remember what uh what the uh what we're what the remembrance is what Memorial Day Weekend stands for and but y'all just be safe be very safe this is such a busy weekend especially here in my area traffic is it's just unreal because everybody's going to the lakes and our main road coming to our house is one of the main roads going to all the lakes in Missouri and everywhere else so it's it's hard to get out on the road sometimes but anyways y'all have a good one and I'm hoping to get another video up [Music] um either uh probably tonight or maybe tomorrow and I want to be making some good old coleslaw and maybe a cobbler or something for y'all to take for your Memorial Day picnic so we'll see y'all God bless everybody we love y'all oh what'd you say [Music] when I
Channel: Whippoorwill Holler
Views: 48,017
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Id: 2X-mpDHokd4
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Length: 23min 7sec (1387 seconds)
Published: Sat May 27 2023
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