CCTV Records a Cannibal's Horrific Murder

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hey you and welcome my name is Mike and in this old video I have a story for you uh a story that is like pure kind of insanity which it which means it has it all cannibals Killers crossbows what more do you need you know right there that's a triple D A Man A Steve to be precise he was Hardcore he was dork he was goth to the extreme with a sick and twisted mind of course that's like what he definitely wanted people to think he wanted everybody to think he was as dark as can be he was Ultra goth and then it became one of those like self fulfilling prophecies when women around the city of Bradford in the UK started disappear control push the wrist up to the neck and snap and here's something else crossbows are like the weapon of choice for so many folks it's kind of baffling which which we will get into now let's give it a [Music] go [Music] this old story unfolds un Raffles definitely unravels like the minds in this video they unravel like my mind is unraveling in the city of Bradford England which is in West York West York sh no accent this [Music] time quite exciting really it's known for its wool yep that's its identifying quality it is the wool capital of the world look at you it is a wealth of museums Parks shopping strips and theaters Galore the culture in Bradford is nothing short of expansive and its population is just over half a million Bradford is known for a lot and has a lot something for everyone but moving on to the case now well actually before I do I covered a good few cases from England and like the UK but you do you ever notice that the vast majority of them are from like Yorkshire West Yorkshire remember those parts H Yorkshire AKA British Florida now we can move on on the morning of May 24th 2010 on Monday 53-year-old Peter ghee showed up to work at an apartment complex HomeField Court where he had been employed As a caretaker for the previous three years he started his regular routine which is reviewing video footage from the CCTV cameras you know in his apartment complex reviewing the what was going on over the weekends and he crack anybody up to no good as he sat there with his coffee or more likely his his cuper right he was reviewing the footage and scanning through scanning shter stuff when he kind of like did a double take he spat out his te that was when he got to the night of Saturday which is May 22nd he was kind of like zoning out and then he saw something he will never be able to unsee on the screen before him he watched as a young woman ran down the corridor seemingly terrified coming up behind her a man with a crossbow he aimed fired and missed he shot again and this time he hit the woman through the head she was lifeless that man was 40-Year-Old Steven Griffiths Steven then spotted the CCTV footage realizing he'd been caught and rather than try to destroy the camera or the footage he turned to face the camera and held up the crossbow in what could only be described as a toast then Steven was seen dragging the woman by her legs back into his apartment he returned with a drink in his hand held it up and then flipped the camera of the bird the footage next showed him coming and going with bags after bags which were later found out to be pieces of his victim uh Steven Griffiths bit of a character as you can probably tell he also went by the name then Pariah which is wow you ever encounter people who are just like you know I'm dark guys just so you know I am I am dark I am goth that's this nut sack in a nutshell by the way just a little kind of tangent I noticed using a crossbow pretty common in the UK they they love them some crossbows over there in April 2019 a retired lecturer named Gerald caran was watching TV late one night this was in angle SE Wales when all of a sudden the TV lost signal now Gerald lived in a very remote part of Angley very close to the water and so maybe you know the winds had picked up and knocked out his satellite dish or something like that so we thought you know maybe it's something to do with the satellite you know on top of his house whatever really dark outside he's like you know I'll go out and have a goo uh and he did so he walked outside to look you know the cables and how TVs work I don't know he was promptly shot with a crossbow and died the investigation would determine it was Sports therapist Terry wall who had killed the man okay so our Brea in we'll put the Brea in in a second what we're going to do now is we're just going to open the lungs up all ankles okay arms cross and you step out you face to the police were led to Terry as he was one of the 17 people on angle SE who had purchased a crossbow in the last 10 years and crossbows their controlled items a car was also later found burnt out suspiciously now this car belonged to Terry's partner but she was out of the country at the time it was destroyed the car's GPS showed it had been near Gerald's home the night of the murder and then of course it was determined he had purchased the same crossbow bolt and crossbow as the murder weapon his Amazon history pointed out there were only two people who made that purchase and the other fella quickly discounted it appeared that Terry tampered with Gerald's satellite dish the night off and then ambushed him outside for that he got 31 years a motive has never been proven never proven but it was suggested that Gerald cargan was a victim of fraud to a local fella he'd given him like 250,000 to do some work for him work which was never done when Gerald came around asking for his money back the guy didn't take too kindly to that and so this guy then hired Terry wall who was also in debt by about 50,000 Terry wall was hired to murder Gerald Corgan it's never been proven but that's what the rumor mill seems to be the whole story actually of Terry wall and Gerald Corgan it's really wild um as you can see in his videos which he posted on YouTube of him doing sports there y Terry was originally from London and his Alibi for the night um of the murder of Gerald Corgan his his Alibi to the police was that he was having sex with a guy in a field now Terry was married to a lady but then the guy Terry claimed he was having sex with came forward and said I've never met Terry in my life so it's kind of a strange Alibi but uh yeah Terry was arrested is imprisoned and no kind of real reason as the why he murdered this guy with a crossbow has ever been found or how about 2021 when Marcel Mente in Southampton shot a man in his own backyard in the head with a crossbow once again no real motive um some people have come forward and said either the victim or Marcel were pressuring the other to sell drugs some people were saying Marcel was pressuring the victim the other people say victim was pressuring Marcel and so Marcel was like Hey listen I'm going to sort this out with a crossbow to that I see it the victim somehow managed to survive the attack even with a freaking crossbow bolt sticking out of his Dome and Marcel was later arrested and sentenced to 18 years for attempted murder but again kind of no real Moto so I guess it's kind of just seen as crossbows are kind of like the one ring from lord of rings you're just driven mad when you see them and you have to use them and before we continue let me just let you know that today's video is sponsored by Factor what's factor I hear you barking big dog big hungry dog Factor cuts out stressful meal planning with its Chef prepared ready to eat meals yum how does it work let me answer because you're going to want to sign up today every week you have more than 34 dietician designed meals with Gourmet chefs prepping them and from there it's straight to you ready to eat all their meals are fresh fresh I say never Frozen it's like what I say at the bar you know I want some ice give me some fresh ice then not frozen in crap and guess what you doing keto local vegan vegetarian Factor got the right one for you listen here looking at foods and all that old cinos 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Steven was the eldest Ed of three children his parents marriage came to an end and they divorced leaving all three children in his mother's care this was a bad idea see Moira the mom she was eventually convicted of benefit fraud by the way which is the least of her kind of sucking ass quite literally um because Moira much like her son bit of a character kind of one of those situations where it's no doubt Steph grew up little little messed up in the head a little sick and twisted mind see aside from her benefit fraud little scheme she had going on uh neighbors would claim that Moira often brought men home to the house and would have sex with them in the backyard in full view of all of the neighbors I mean listen when this was happening maybe there really was nothing on TV so at least she was putting on a show but if the neighbors saw it you can imagine Steven definitely saw it too Steven's childhood definitely gives Jeffrey Dore Vibes you know this guy had issues from an early age he often bragged to classmates that he killed and skinned birds and tortured other animals but his most serious offenses happened happed at the ripe age of 17 while being caught shoplifting at a local department store Steven lashed out at the security guard with a knife striking him this cost him three years in youth custody where it stated he lost all contact with his family he told officers like during this time that he often F fantasized about kind of like killing torturing people and he did say he would be a serial killer by the time he was 30 it's important to set goals less than a year after his release in 1989 he was arrested once again for possession of an air pistol which he claimed he was just using to shoot birds and stuff you know no B just bird slids it's not like I'm kind of working my way up in 1991 he was officially diagnosed as a sadistic schizoid psychopath in 1992 he was arrested again for holding a knife to a woman's throat it's two years right there he later enrolled in University and managed to get a degree make it make sense he's a sadistic psychopath who was kind of let roam free as you do um and then he went and got him self a degree he started doing even a PhD so how does this make sense oh wait it will because when you find out what he did his he was doing his studies in PhD and guess what homicidal Tendencies I don't think he needs a degree in that I think he's got it down an ex-girlfriend would come forward later on and say stepen he could be sweet but also a bit odd he would sleep with cotton balls in his ears cuz he didn't want bugs to get in which is like okay I mean maybe he grew up with in a very filthy household doesn't sound like his mom was great so you know maybe he had like spiders crawling in his ears when he was a kid and that kind of traumatized him all right fair enough also though she would say that in his apartment his furniture was all covered in plastic even the carpet I mean the resale value alone you got to think about that I guess I'll give him that although maybe he also just didn't want to get blow on up because another girlfriend after this one would say he was violent and controlling one time she went out to a nightclub without him so he headbutted her in the face it was after she left him for beating the out of her that's when neighbors said he started slicking back his hair wearing long ass trench coats Dunning that real goth look with eyeliner even and getting pet lizards and walking them on leashes in the neighborhood he's so cringe it kind of rocks one former friend recalled Steven showing him his lizards and how he fed them live rats then to his friend's absolute dismay and shock Steven was like check this out picked up a baby Rod himself a live one gobbled it down gobbled it away washed down with a glass of water hardcore and during all of this time he created an online pudum for himself on good old MySpace remember them days I don't Myspace is even older than me his username though was aen Pariah he often posted dark and twisted quotes like I said he was extremely goth some of notable serial killers and fictional killers from movies and books one night he posted what will the pseudo human do one wonders poor Steven pretended to be me but he was only the rapping I knew towards the end that I supplied the inner core of iron hatred bound tightly in flesh at very long last the time has come to act out it was in June 2009 that Stephen became kind of restless with lizards eating live rats reading books about murders he was like you know what list enough I've done enough Academia it's time to get to to the Practical his dark desire to act out his murderous Tendencies kind of like fully won him over and so he headed to Bradford's red light district there he met 43-year-old Susan rushworth Susan had three children of her own and unfortunately weathered the wrong path in life after her marriage broke down and she was introduced to drugs her mother had tried to help her by paying for her to go to rehab but she always seemed to find herself back in the lifestyle of sex trafficking and and drugs and she had suffered a brain hemorrhage which led to her developing epilepsy according to Susan's mother Christine that was the Catalyst that trew her into the life of of sex worken drugs around the time she went missing she was living with her mom and trying to clean herself up she told her mom when that year she was headed to the store she'd be right back of course she was never back police interviewed locals and even drained a nearby lake her bank cards and phone were never used again and and so F play was was suspected Susan's remains have never been found in April 2010 31-year-old Shelly Armitage went missing from the same district as Susan did also a sex worker and a mother of two Shelia turned to sex work as a way to fuel her drug addiction the last interaction she had with her family was the very day she went missing she just happened to run into her parents while she was out shopping yapping away then she she she left and that was it her boyfriend reported her missing when she didn't come home that night and she never went to collect her Security payment Stephen reportedly killed Shelly with his good old trusty crossbow in his apartment before dismembering her and he filmed the entire thing on his phone then he bagged up her remains in just like plastic bags took it on a bus like public transport before dumping him disposed of it in a local River but this is kind of how brace he was he was filming it all just you know on the bus oh don't mind me with my bag full of person but funnily enough this then lost his phone that he' filmed the murder of shell he lost the phone he just happened to fell out of his pocket or something on the bus it was found people a good few people saw the video before passing it on to the police however by the time it was turned over to the police it wouldn't me time to stop his final victim which was just over a month after Shelly Armitage disappeared the footage that was recovered from the phone by the way uh allegedly it showed Shelly hogtied in Steven's bathtub my sex slave was written on her back in Black Ink it was May 2010 that 31-year-old Suzanne bla Meyers would be Steven's next and final victim the street name she went by was Amber she had been introduced to drugs early and by 21 was using sex work to support her habit before Suzanne had been introduced to drugs she had been you know just a regular happy woman who had studied to be a nurse but had all gone downhill from there it was thought that Suzanne and Shelly who lived only a couple of streets away from each other had been friends Suzanne was the girl that Peter ghee witnessed on his apartment complex CC TV that Monday afternoon she bravely made a run for Freedom out of Steven's apartment only to be shot down with a crossbow in the hallway and dragged back in to Flat tur tree considering he now had killed two within a month's time it's it was would have been pretty soon before the next one he was obviously escalating and escalating it was his dream to become a serial killer and um yeah sometimes just don't follow your dreams dreams that dreams just die die a death it's actually been suspected that Steven killed before he's he's kind of like sort of sort of kind of been suspected of killing up to six Six Women every time he's in question about this he refuses to talk but he has said he has killed loads and which is a load it's not that surprising though given his track record it's almost like he became bored and started killing you know cuz he had nothing better to do and it's also not like he was hiding it everybody in know's like oh yeah wow you know he's a he's a killer he's a serial killer not surprising at all he was eating rats in front of his in front of his buddies he was posting shitty quotes online but then in other pictures he looks like the most normal fella ever look at him he's having Z crack he even took body parts on public transportation in bags filming it all on his phone not expert hidden serial killer he was not and then given a middle finger to a security camera he's hardcore stepen finally got the ultimate attention when the cops slapped him with bracelets stepen was arrested the same day Peter ghee witnessed the CCTV footage on May 24th 2010 after witnessing the horrific murder on the camera Peter immediately called the police this was around 1: p.m. police arrived and arrested him shortly afterward and and Steven went willingly he was almost like you know what took you so long he was kind of just sitting there like I mean he he knew he'd been captured on CCTV on Saturday night but so I guess from then till when he was arrested on Monday he was like then when they arrested him he was like rambling claiming he was Bin Laden like what after the same time though his apartment was also like mid cleanup like um you know there was bleach everywhere the carpet had which was covered in blood had was in the process of being torn up his Tristy crossbow though right smack dab on the couch Pride a place I guess the dismemberment he had done right after he had murdered suzan well that had left quite a mess so I can only imagine he his first thought was like I'm going to be arrested any minute now and then probably by the time Sunday evening came around he was like I'm not arrested better start cleaning are you saying that you've killed San rushworth yes and what was the other name Shelly Armitage are you saying that you've murdered Shel Armitage yes and then the last one Susan Blair right you say you murdered her yes okay well thanks for that St I appreciate you telling us that and it's it's important what were you saying things on fire for well to destroy DNA but like I say in such a reckless crazy manner I can't believe mind you I don't know I think say k perhaps had other things on his mind but otherwise I can't believe you know with the smoke that must have been blowing out of the windows although I did keep them shut for a while as well so that's why I got a lot of s all of them in eventually I got breathing mask on so how do you know that the fire destroys his DNA well to be perfectly honest I me that was something I always kept uh meaning to check up on on the internet but um it was just an assumption that uh well certainly I think the principle I operated on was well it certainly isn't going to enhance the quality of the evidence in his interview with the police he was rather flippant about the murders showing zero emotion zero remorse stating I'm misanthropic I don't have much time for the human race guys just too dark and what sort of location have you put them in if you can't tell us where what sort of location have you put them I know where a robot where a computer would put it you know irrational emotionless aberation would what why did you feel the need to to kill her I don't know that's like deep she was inside me so why did you feel the need to kill any of the girls I don't know I don't uh well I'm misanthropic I don't have much time for the human race he was however very compliant with the police giving the police kind of any answers they wanted minus giving away the location for Susan rushworth's body DNA of all tree victims known victims that is was found on his stove and in his bathtub despite his best efforts to clean them up he told police that he had cooked and ate part of his victims and his last victim he ate parts of her raw I can imagine when he was eating or nibbling or whatever maybe he wasn't even doing out he just he just put the food near the stove I can imagine when he was doing that he was thinking man this is going to freak out the cops so much when asked police like why did you do what was your motive you why did you decide to become a killer uh he had no good answer to that question really the only one thing he said was that when you kill you kill parts of yourself I don't just you kill someone to K I don't know I don't know there's easier ways to do it than that pal his anger and violence against women sex workers likely stems from his mommy issues I mean she was getting it on in the garden not long after his arrest a woman f a rook sack nearby in the river it was the decapitated head of Suzanne bla Meyers the bolt from the crossbow was still lodged in her head all in all police recovered 81 pieces of suzan from the river at Tri step pleaded guilty to all k no no messing about well okay maybe a little little messing about because when he was like on the dock and they asked for his name he gave the crossbow cannibal just more proof he was in it for the whole coolness Factor what he thought was cool he showed no remorse or expression while Victim Impact statements were read he scaled often and crossed his arms in a statement of indifference psychiatrists that assessed stepen for the trial went on record to say he was mentally fit and fine just obsessed with murder which is wild okay we're going to need to invent a stronger word than obsessed because this is woof but hey utter not he has a great head in his shoulders regardless it took two errors to have it all done and dusted with Steven was given three life sentences and the judge said he will never ever ever see the light of day prison life has been hard on poor old Steven he's serving out his sentence at hmp long l in Worcestershire he's attempted to take his own life several times and was even found unconscious with a sock around his neck in 2011 he went on a 10mon hunger strike where police statements said his organs were shutting down and he had barely moved from his bed in 2019 he was attacked by another prisoner who got a sharp piece of wood and stabbed him through the chest step was rushed to hospital and unfortunately he survived thank you so much for watching uh it means a lot to me as always so you know uh yeah you know um here listen please check out the ad TR podcast if you're looking for more that chapter which has a new episode out every single Monday but until the next old video which will be in a couple of days please take of each other and yourselves because I love you [Music] m
Channel: That Chapter
Views: 669,851
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: that chapter, stephen griffiths, terry whall, Suzanne Blamires, Shelley Armitage, Susan Rushworth, gerald corrigan, spooky stories
Id: if7Nb6CQC6Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 12sec (1512 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 22 2024
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