Cannabidiol and covid

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got a warm welcome to this talk it's Sunday the 30th of April now today's studies really quite impressively uh interesting it's about cannabis now most of you will probably know in cannabis there's two main ingredients there's the THC the tetrahydrocannabine oh that's the bit that gets you high if you use this substance and there's the other one the CBD the cannabidiol which is very much none uh psychotropic it doesn't affect the brain at all now I'm going to give evidence today that the CBD the cannabidiol seems to have and there's pretty good evidence from this study and other studies antiviral properties now we'll be looking at evidence that it uh reduces the infection from SARS coronavirus too and helps with the illness and we'll be looking at evidence that it helps with another RNA virus hepatitis C now let me tell you what evidence I'm going to be considering and you can decide if you want to watch this video this is oral by the way it's not injections and in all cases it's been completely non-toxic at the doses that have been described now the first line of evidence that this works against SARS coronavirus 2 and probably other viruses but the researchers on SARS coronavirus too is in human lung cell cultures where it prevented infection when the cells were infected if they'd been exposed to the to the cannabidiol two hours before it essentially prevented all of the infection but it didn't work with THC so this means that if people are smoking cannabis or using cannabis products that are mixed with CBD and THC the ones that will get you high it won't work this is strictly the non-psychotropic version tetrahydrocan are being all inhibited the effect of the cannabidiol in terms of antiviral properties so that's the first one human cell cultures the second evidence is from mice so it actually works in animals infected mice they were given CBD cannabidiol twice a day for four days and they had 40 times less viral particles in their lungs really quite impressive and the third line of evidence is human now in the United States they managed to recruit 1221 people that are on cannabidiol to prevent epilepsy and they found that they were 50 less likely to get infected with SARS coronavirus II and they had no follow-up on whether they got sicker or not but it would be likely that these people didn't get uh sick as their counterparts may have done it especially with the early versions of SARS coronavirus too so three impressive lines of evidence we're going to look at probably works against appetite to see some evidence for that terrible disease hepatitis C could well work against colds flu Ebola mumps and measles the reason I'm saying that is purely because they're other RNA viruses we don't know but it could potentially work against that so I would certainly call for uh um immediate research to be done on this but of course hemp plants which is where this essentially comes from can be grown up by the hectare and uh hemp oil the cannabidiol can be produced for essentially nothing and it can be produced by anyone it's not a it's not a specific preparation so again because any producer who meets basic food manufacturing requirements could set up and produce this it's unlikely that big Pharma are going to do the clinical trials so this could be another one of those uh potentially brilliant treatments that's going to be completely lost to humanity because there's no money in it and I'm going to stop there otherwise I'll get crossed let's let's go back and look at the evidence now that's what this video is about so this is the original paper here cannabidiol inhibits SARS coronavirus II replication and promotes host innate immune response now this was a preprint so I did come across this I think last year but I decided not to take it up but now it's uh it's fully peer-reviewed so we now have the evidence in hand and well um it's taken me a while to read through this paper it really is quite an impressive piece of work very biochemical I had to look up a few other words I must confess um but so this is my understanding of the paper but I think I think I've got the the main points uh fairly accurately uh cannabidiol potential regulator of the host stress so this is the the way that the body responds or the cells respond to viral infection and it also looks like it is it um it uh it helps antiviral inflammatory responses now there was two things here first of all it helped the beneficial inflammatory response which is what you need as part of the immune response but also it inhibited the release of the cytokines which causes the cytokine storm so it looks like we're getting the benefits of the immunity but inhibiting the cytokine storm so it really is a win-win uh preparation according to the evidence cited in this study um kind of bedial class of natural products so it's a natural product natural products of course are great there's all sorts of natural products let's think of some for example opium is a natural product from opium poppies antibiotics are a natural product from molds the very the the a lot of the best Therapeutics come from natural products um others we could mention um it's a normal solution so that's good now hemp hemp plants contain less than 0.3 percent uh THC tetrahydrocannabino so um but we'll show that this preparation was actually uh fairly pure um CBD oral solution is already FDA approved so given that this is FDA approved and it exists um there's no reason why in theory doctors shouldn't be allowed to prescribe it it would be off license for this product because it's only licensed for epilepsy at the moment or various types of fitting and as I say the large-scale clinical trials probably won't be done but they should be done High purity CBD inhibits SARS coronavirus 2 replication in human lung epithelial cells so this is human cell lines that they're taking cells that were taken from humans have been bred up in cultures and they're able to do experiments on these in my view this is quite ethical research it's actually human cells taken from people who had lung cancer is where they got it from so the pre-treated human cells with CBD and these are with the ace receptor for two hours so the pre-treated with CBD for two hours CBD potentially inhibited viral replication under non-toxic conditions so the doses here that they used if you scaled this dose up to the uh the whole person that they were none toxic doses and CBD is a safe preparation anyway well safest you can never say it's completely safe but it's it's basically safe you can certainly buy it in supermarkets in the UK for example worked in other human cell lines so they tried another human cell lines they also tried it in Monkey kidney cells it also worked they tested it on the Wuhan strain and three other variants of concern and it also worked the ability to infect cells was comparable uh was comparably inhibited by cannabidiol so in all of these uh the Wuhan strain the three variants of concern all of them couldn't effectively or as effectively infect the cells treated with cannabidiol so it looks like it's working for all of the SARS coronavirus 2 viruses and as we say very likely to work for other viruses now um they tried quite a few they tried few a few preparations of cannabidiol to make sure it wasn't just the um um the particular preparation so here they add different suppliers um here they have the positivity of the spike protein and we see here that as the doses go up the numbers go down until up up in these doses here we essentially have no viral expression and as we say these are non-toxic doses that you could have used and they actually tested these with various methods to make sure that it was fairly pure cannabidial and they found out it was 97 to 100 percent uh pure cannabidiol because when you extract products from natural plants like the hemp plant you're going to get other alkaloids in there or as well other other cannabis products as well but they were sure it was the the CBD and one of its as we'll see one of its metabolites that was having the benefit so was it the other cannibaloids well no they checked so basically it wasn't the other cannibaloids 97 to 100 pure using quantitative nuclear magnetic resonance uh scanning don't pretend to give and know much about that at all but it is an industry standard way of measuring compounds in in plants and things like that so it is an accurate way to do it that is uh that is clear no toxicity was observed for any of the CBD preparations that the dose is used to inhibit viral replication no toxicity this was safe at the dose is used it could be scaled up to the whole human body and the CBD metabolite so it was CBD and its metabolite seven hydroxycannabidiol now what happens here is the um this is quite common for example if you take codeine for example the codeine itself isn't a very a very good painkiller but it goes to the liver and the liver converts it into morphine so the reason that um the the reason that codeine is an effective analgesic is it is the metabolite is morphine and in the same way here the CBD worked and one of its metabolites there's seven hydroxycanabadaric her cannibidiol also was anti-viral so two ways to win there the CBD probably working originally when you take it then some of that's broken down into this uh seven hydroxy cannabidiol and that goes on working for a period of time so uh and interestingly these are exactly the same molecules that are known to be effective in suppressing uh some forms of um seizures that people take cannabis for already or this particular CBD preparation for so both of these the CBD and its metabolites exhibited antiviral activity the other cannabis compounds did not work and combining CBD with tetrahydrocannabenol significantly suppressed CBD activity so taking taking the sort of cannabis that gets people high would not work that's important to stress taking the Cannabis that gets people who I would not work because it's it basically there's a competition between the THC and the CBD and that stops the CBD working and the CBD and its metabolites are the active and uh equipotent ingredient for the treatment of epilepsy so that's why it works so the same things that work in epilepsy are the same things that are hiring this newly discovered antiviral that's very impressive antiviral property so it's working by uh early steps after viral entry into cells it's reducing that CBD targets host cell processes uh CBD exhibits uh viral RNA expression and reverse virus induced changes in in the host genome so in other words the virus actually what the virus does is it changes quite a few things in the cytoplasm and the nucleus of the cell to make it more hospitable for itself the CBD undoes those changes quite amazing really I mean I don't pretend to understand how it does this but uh they did identify quite a few mechanisms that uh that can work for that CBD effectively eradicated viral RNA expression in the host cells I mean wow they weren't getting the viral expression the virus just couldn't reproduce inside those cells um prevents changes in the cell produced by the virus to force the cell to produce new viral particles so the the virus has got all these mechanisms to take over the uh the CBD blocks those C produces in strong activation of genes associated with host stress response now the stress response is the way that the cell responds to the infection and the CBD initiates the activation of genes which help that response so if you like the CBD it's partly working by genetically upgrading the cell by stimulating the genes to to make more antiviral activity in the cell quite amazing but this is what the biochemistry shows direct quote from the paper together these results suggest that CBD acts to prevent viral protein translation and Associated cellular changes amazing induction of viral genes for Spike envelope and nucleocapsulin protein is reduced by 99 percent just incredible just incredible um so if this had been if this is demonstrated to be effective as it looks if if everyone in the uh Wuhan area or around the people that were first infected won't go into the story of that now but if they've been on CBD that could have been a firewall around about this virus and pandemic might have never occurred non-toxic simple cheap readily available by the Tongue nothing complicated no huge profits for anyone and uh of course if it had been eradicated at source we would have never have needed the vaccinations either because there would have been no pandemic uh cbgd uh induction of increased transcription of three defense genes as we've said and these affect the endoplasmic reticulum of the cell which I won't go into but it's part of the cell that's associated with the ribosomes which makes the the new viruses it stops those from working also CBG induces interferons we've talked about interferons before interferons are antiviral uh cytokines really antiviral uh um signal molecules that when when a cell is infected by a virus it can release interferon and that goes to the cells around about and tells them to prepare for the infection so it kind of puts a firewall around about the infection so stimulating interferons also very uh important part of protection against viral infection promotes degradation of viral RNA so it messes up the viral RNA SARS coronavirus 2 infection suppressing the interferon signaling Pathways so it so the SARS coronavirus 2 would interfere with the interferon activity this undoes the Damage Done by the SARS coronavirus 2 and allows the interferon to carry on and indeed stimulates the interferon CBD effectively lowers the viral Titus so the viruses aren't there to add their suppression to the interferon as well CBD effectively reverses viral induced cytokines that can lead to the deadly cytokine storm so if this was given to so this work is about early infection but it sounds like it's also um could have saved many many lives by preventing the cytokine storm which of course would kill people of course the acute respiratory distress syndrome really quite amazing look at this paper it really is quite quite a oppressive array of effects that you wouldn't have expected CBD treatment significantly inhibits SARS coronavirus 2 replication in mice so the mice were deliberately infected with a virus a viral challenge they were given CBD twice a day for four days and CBD treatment significantly inhibited viral replication in the lungs and in the noses at five days CBD lowered lower Dosa so the lower dose of CBD if they gave a lower dose of CBD it reduced the viral dose in the lungs by a 4.8 fold higher dose of 40 times Less Price than the lungs and you know for most people that will be the difference between getting sick and not getting sick this is really quite quite staggering and even the higher dose was a non-toxic dose it was not making the mice sick the mice did not stop eating they did not lose weight the mice did not get sick but they had 40 times less virus in their lungs looking like a very safe way of doing this during this period the mice showed no signs of clinical disease and didn't get sick from the drug the authors say these results established the pre-clinical efficacy of CBD as an antiviral drug for SARS coronavirus 2 in the early stages of infection but potentially in the later stages because of the um reduced cytokines now what about humans CBD is negatively associated with uh with the indications of SARS grown advice to infection in patients medical records now here what they did was they looked up these more than 1200 patients so they're on CBD already and found that they got less infection they didn't follow them up when they got sick unfortunately but it would be interesting because it would be likely that they got that they didn't get sick as much because they weren't getting infected as much and the viral lobe will be lower of course all these things should be done with full-scale clinical trials but as we said that's probably not going to happen um unfortunately given that high Purity CBD preparations are taken by large numbers of individuals we examine where the CBD prescriptions are associated with uh interactions of SARS coronavirus to infection now apparently people are taking all solutions of CBD at 100 micrograms a ml um often using the treatment of seizures they analyzed 1200 patients taking already they then made up a control group match for age sex all the variables uh they found that 75 patients um with CB uh six six point two percent of the patient 75 patients with CBD got infected at 8.9 for non-cbd patients now this doesn't sound like a big difference 6.2 um got infected with CBD 8.9 got infected without CBD but of course this is absolute risk for the whole population so this is a huge difference and it worked out it worked out so the odds ratio in other words um it was a 45 protection for people that were probably taking it but for people that were sure taking it it was a 52 the odds ratio of uh four 4.48 52 protection and again these results are very significant only six chances in a thousand that arose by chance so these people were not getting infected this was having about a 50 people taking the adequate dose or having a 50 protection um against against infection um it's it really is quite quite significant pity they didn't have follow-up data on if they got sick or not but um as we say that that work wasn't outside the scope of this study potential for the cannabidiol for treatment of viral hepatitis that's the study there it looking good here it was CBD inhibited hepatitis C viral replication by 86 percent didn't work hepatitis B now this is interesting hepatitis C is an RNA virus Hepatitis B is a DNA virus so it looks like the data we have that this is working for RNA viruses probably not for DNA viruses but if we could get rid of the RNA viruses effectively and I've had an effective treatment for RNA viruses that would help to put it mildly let's just look at some of these infections common colds whether it's rhinoviruses or um coronaviruses are RNA viruses influenza is an RNA virus SARS 1 and Middle East for spider syndrome Dengue terrible disease hepatitis c and e all RNA viruses Ebola rabies polio mumps measles all RNA viruses if this turns out to be an effective treatment for RNA viruses this would be a major massive step forward in medical practice so I think what we need to do is take these clinical trials out of the hands of big Pharma because as we say I don't think they're going to do it because you can't make money out of CBD but this is a drug which could be precious for Humanity therefore governments and other agencies need to take on This research and we need to know definitively if this works and if it does it could be a Wonder treatment for many conditions let's hope this is done the work we have so far is impressive I'm really quite impressed with this article as you can probably tell um we'll leave it there because that's as far as the data goes thank you for watching
Channel: Dr. John Campbell
Views: 1,443,404
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: physiology, nursing, NCLEX, health, disease, biology, medicine, nurse education, medical education, pathophysiology, campbell, human biology, human body
Id: Bz4fn2QFO_A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 37sec (1297 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 30 2023
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