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hello again everybody and welcome back to the channel thanks for joining us today well today we'll be taking a quick look at the meta by canik now we've had the opportunity to review some other canik pistols on the channel so far and up to this point they have been pretty good shooting pistols good triggers they've had some good features and so far they've done pretty well canik supposedly has been taking a lot of input from consumers shooters to make improvements to their pistols and the meta supposedly is the manifestation of many of those consumer demands so today we're going to be having a look at it see what has changed and see how this makes this a better carry gun and we're going to get into all that in just a minute [Music] all right once again welcome back thank you so much for being with us if this your first time coming to the channel uh welcome aboard thanks for being with us if you're a returning viewer thank you so much for your loyalty if you like our content please consider subscribing it'd be real easy to do you can just hit that little button in the lower right hand corner of your computer screen or you can scroll down below the video and you can hit the subscribe button that way it helps us out a lot and we really really appreciate it so canik meta if you don't know anything about uh canik firearms these are actually imported by sentry arms they're made in turkey now i had not had any experience with kinnick firearms until about a year or so and i'd had the opportunity i just had messed with it there's a lot of other good options and i just hadn't looked at them and so now that we have it seems like every one of these cannot pistols that i pick up ends up being a really good shooting firearm so we're going to explore this one today and kind of see how it stacks up and look at all the changes that were supposedly made to uh to make it better well the first thing of course we always like to do is give you a little uh comparison because ultimately this is going to be evaluated as a carry gun now this is no small pistol i'm using a glock 17 here for a basic size comparison and as you can see it's no small gun if you look it over you can see that the meta is actually a little bit longer than the glock 17. they've got a very similar trigger guard profile the meta's a little bit bigger but that actually doesn't bother me one bit because i'm a i'm rather a fan of a larger trigger guard just from a operational standpoint getting my finger in there quickly the grip i i rather like the grip on the meta it doesn't seem like it's quite as blocky and quite as thick but they are similar in overall length now the canik here i'll get to the capacities in a second but this has got the extended magazine in it and without it it's a little bit closer to the uh profile of the glock 17. if you look at it from the top you can see that that little bit extra length in the meta you can see the optics cut out on top which we'll get to a little bit later and then looking down the sight pictures you can see that uh looking at the length that they are very very similar you can see if that extended mag wasn't in there these would be very very close so it's like to do that just to give you an idea of what it's like because ultimately at the end of the day i know a lot of people who carry pistols you know this size i typically don't because i like to have a smaller pistol even a revolver a lot of times just so i can easily grab something and make sure i've got it but there are a lot of people who can very easily carry larger pistols like this and especially with all the advances in holster technology you know you can get a lot more firearm in a holster and be able to carry it so if you're used to carrying something like a glock 17 or maybe a larger firearm then this probably wouldn't be an issue either all right we're going to jump into the features here before we do we want to take a second to thank our friends over at don's weaponry for providing us this beautiful example of this canik meta for our tabletop review today don's weaponry is a huge supporter of firearm safety and education and we can't thank them enough so taking a look at this thing first thing we'll do of course is make sure that we are clear so we drop our magazine there and then of course you can look and see that the chamber is empty you can see all the way through so we are nice and safe so let's get to the very basics here so this is a striker-fired nine-millimeter semi-automatic pistol um they give you 18 round magazine and in addition they give you another magazine it has a little extender on it here holds two more rounds so you have a 20. so both an 18 and 20 come with the firearm which is pretty nice and kind of looking at the firearm in no particular order you can see that across the top here you've got your optics plate and this comes ready to accept trijicon rmrcc or shield rms which is nice you've got your sites these are three dot white sites and like say i normally will change my sites out to either knight or a combination of fiber optic and trijicon but these are pretty nice they show up really well and they worked really well for our testing purposes in addition you'll see that the rear sight is angled slightly forward and that is to make this easier to rack the slide against a surface for one-handed operation if you have an emergency now you've got your front and rear serrations here that are pretty aggressive you can feel these through gloves as easy as you can with your bare hands you got your accessory rail 1913 picatinny rail so if you want to put light or laser system on here you can certainly do that here's your slide release this is ambidextrous and it's been slimmed down quite a bit if you want to compare it to some of the other mechanic pistols and you really notice it when you are handling the pistol because you just don't feel as much sticking up on the side as you used to the ergonomics are pretty good right through here i like the way the hand feels on the firearm the trigger guard they have worked this little cutout here to where you can get your finger a lot higher inside the grip than you used to it's a small thing but it makes a big difference on how it feels in your hand it just feels really good i like the texturing they've gone with the little you know bumps on the back here but they've got this fine texturing all the way around which is also different they had the rougher texturing on the front so i really like what they did there your magazine release very easy to get to very easy to operate very solid they have also made a change ergonomically right here this used to come out a little further before it turned upward so it's more flat in here and by them taking that material and rounding it off a little bit it's a much better fit for your hand and i can as a guy with big hands i can appreciate what they've done there because it's a lot more comfortable you can see your loaded striker indicator this is not a loaded chamber indicator this just means that your striker is ready to fire when you pull the trigger you can see it disappears cocked the weapon you can see it's back and then that little red dot goes away you have an actual loaded chamber indicator right there right behind the barrel which will pop up whenever you do have a round in there you do have the uh magwell here this flared piece and this can be removed like i say if you're wanting to use this bigger magazine and you like uh being able to get your magazines quickly this little mag well of course is a nice thing to have but you can take a screw there and you can remove that and then you can easily you know use that with the other magazine and like i showed you in the beginning with the regular magazine this is very close to the glock 17. it's almost identical as far as this length so if you had this removed it would feel a lot more like the 17 if you were carrying it on you so the trigger is really nice i'm not going to get into the specifics of the trigger yet because we're going to talk about that the range section but it has a really nice trigger um really smooth and of course you've got your i was talking about the texturing you've got these little pads up here on either side now i've seen these used in a couple different ways i've seen some demonstrations where people have got their thumbs extremely far forward and using those for stabilization there's a couple of firearms i've seen where you can do that and it and it works my grip on something like this i wouldn't be quite that far forward but it is an option for you there so not too bad and of course um i'd be remiss if i didn't talk about uh something else that's pretty important on a gun like this and that is hey there's your disassembly um tab right there now what you do is you make sure the weapon is clear of course and then you pull back slightly right here and you pull down on these and then you can see that it just comes forward and you just come forward just a hair right here because there's a little notch that holds it then you just lift it straight up and then once you do that of course it's going to disassemble just like you're used to with your um you know your rod and your spring and everything's captured the same way it normally is so it's a very simple thing but just keep in mind that you won't go all the way forward you'll come forward just slightly and then lift up because you've got a little spot right here that that cutout has to align with so it's very simple but you know you can see just from this overview that uh canik has gone through a bit of trouble with a lot of little things to make the ergonomics of the gun really nice they're mild little changes but they're things that hopefully for people will add up a lot when they carry the weapon all right we're going to talk about the range performance now like i said we have had the opportunity on this channel to shoot some other um mechanic pistols and up to this point um they've been pretty good so the question of course going into this test was if we were going to experience the same thing and i expected that we would but let's kind of talk about what happened there and once again we'll verify that we're clear before we start manipulating things you can see that we are empty and we are empty so i want to talk about the trigger first because this is one of the most important things obviously that we can discuss on the firearm and it's really really nice you uh i want you to kind of pay attention here as the trigger is being engaged you have just a little bit of take up here and then it breaks really cleanly and then i want you to watch the reset here okay i know that was fast so i'm going to come back look at that just bare look how short that is there are people that many times of course if they're new to shooting they haven't had their hands on a lot of firearms this may seem like unimportant stuff to talk about but that reset is so short it's amazing how smooth your follow-up shots are when you have a reset like this because you can just really keep the firearm on target and i was really impressed with how not just how good this trigger is but how consistent this trigger is now using my scale i was getting somewhere between 3.2 and 3.3 pounds on the trigger so yes it's pretty light i think it was great it was a really great shooting experience and of course we did the usual test as far as what this thing will tolerate um add several types of ammo i like to really mix it up but smb i had some of the pmc as far as your you know regular range ammo had your sig your v crown as far as your um hollow points and i also had some of the uh the hornady critical duty so far everything that i've run through this firearm has been great i haven't had any problems whatsoever and i didn't expect any because the mechanics that we've tested up to this point have all done very well so i kind of expected the same thing out of this um now accuracy i had a lot of fun with this firearm i got to be honest with you you know on these larger firearms well you already know that you're going to get you know better groups better overall shooting with a larger pistol you know a full-size pistol like this and if you're carrying like a you know a compact or micro compact now one thing to keep in mind this mod that we're looking at there are two versions of this pistol the one that you see here this is the sft okay and that is the standard size um slide in barrel they also make what's called the sfx and the only difference between this and the sfx is it has a slightly longer slide and barrel and that slide has lightning cutouts on the top and it has a couple on the bottom basically that's the only real difference between the two pistols there may be some minor technical differences but that's really the sum of it but you know a larger pistol like this is always going to shoot better than a smaller one and this was no exception um right out of the box you know we're getting really really good groups with the firearm it's very easy to shoot like i said the trigger is fantastic and the comfort the ergonomics on the canik is just really really nice and even people who have never shot these firearms before we always like to mix it up and get people involved at the range and let them have some time shooting the firearm and people have never had their hand on the firearm before they actually were shooting this firearm better than the glock i actually had the glock 17 and i actually had the hk vp9 and people who had never shot were actually doing a better job shooting the canik than they were the other two pistols and i guess a lot of that just has to do with the trigger but really good performance really good reliability once again impressed with what kanek has brought us so what's it like to carry this pistol um on a regular basis what's it like to conceal this thing well i'm not gonna lie to you um well two things first of all you know i did not have a specific holster other than my other canon holsters available for this thing but that's one thing about canik is that they they like to give you stuff so here we are just as usual can it gives you a pretty nice little holster to go with the firearm and you know there are all kinds of accessories that come with the firearm besides this you know we you do have your different size back strap if you need it they do give you your little punch for when you do full disassembly they do give you a magazine loading tool and of course they give you you know your your cleaning rod and they and your cleaning brush which is nice i mean and these are little things but it's just nice to get they even give you and this could be the you know most important thing check that out so you've got your little baby version here of the pistol that you can take the bottom off and then you've got your smaller tools inside there and um yeah i know i looked at this and i thought well that's interesting but they give you this little thing to go along with it you know it's like the the baby version pew pew pew so kanek likes to give you stuff this is one of those things now this is not the greatest holster in the world okay it is you know it's free it does a good job of holding the weapon this is not my preferred holster type for the simple fact that usually if i'm carrying a larger gun like this i absolutely have to have leather between me and the firearm and that's why i'm a big fan of either like an alien gear a cloak tuck or a crossbreed super tuck that'll have you know once the weapon is against the body i'll have that leather bit that comes up and around and i just like that because i think it's a lot more comfortable but as far as having something to carry the weapon with that actually fits the weapon perfectly and this actually was not uncomfortable it's just not as good as what i normally use hey you know i always say that anytime you can get something for free you know you're doing okay and they give you these things you can adjust the retention on this if you want to so it does gives you some flexibility now as far as comfort and carrying the weapon you know i'll be completely forthcoming here i am not the kind of person who typically carries a firearm this large on me as a carry gun there's nothing wrong with it and there's a lot of people that can do it and do it comfortably but i'm not really one of those people this is what i would call a winter gun for me um if i'm on my property you know where i can carry um outside the waistband if i'm open carrying that's one thing um excellent nightstand gun you know something to have in the safe you know that you can get to quickly if you need to and of course it's great for many many things but for me i'm gonna tend to carry something a little bit smaller this thing is very heavy um to me especially with the 20 round magazine people tend to underestimate um you know how much ammunition weighs but by the time you put 20 rounds you know think about that by the time you put an entire box plus one into this firearm well it's already heavy so it's going to get a lot more heavy when you add the ammo to it so for me it's a bit much but i know people that can do this on a regular basis and be perfectly fine to me the as far as the weapon being sleek enough and ergonomics being good enough it fit pretty well inside their holster and i carry it on the body no problem but it's a little bit heavier than what i would carry on a regular basis so that's just me but if you like a larger firearm and you're used to that this is a great option to consider because it's got a lot of great features so overall impressions of the meta by canning well you know canik has been making surprisingly good firearms um at a lower price point than a lot of its competitors now i don't shop 100 by price whenever i'm looking for firearms i you know i think shopping anything 100 by price is a remarkably bad idea but you do get some offerings that are really good and they're inexpensive at the same time and i think that canik is doing a pretty good job of showing the gun market that you can have a lot of features without breaking the bank now being a larger firearm obviously it it shoots really well um if you have to me if you have a firearm that's standard size shooting nine millimeter and you can't produce nice groups right out of the box there's something seriously wrong anyway but canik has really put some effort into having a really nice trigger and the firearm i'm pretty impressed with how well this thing works and how it breaks you know if you think about it all the things that canon gives you you know you've got a new retention holster that comes with it they've improved you know the push pins for this thing how easy they come in out so if you need to do disassembly they redesigned the beaver tail to address that complaint the uh you know the magwell edition you know they change the site to make it easier for one hand operation you've got your optics cut you know they've slimmed down the uh the slide stop i mean they've just they've done a lot and you know and they and there's some quality that goes into it as well you know the barrel and the slide have got a tungsten gray stereo coat over nitride which makes it very durable and you know it's little things like that you get like when you look at a pistol you really kind of need to add up all the things that they've done to really see what they've given you and you know canik like i said they like to give you stuff you know they give you extra they give you tools your back straps your punch you've got your little you know baby meta here full of uh small parts you've got your magazine loader and they give you a holster and of course you know they give you an extra magazine a lot of people they don't care about that kind of stuff they're 100 focused on certain specifics of their firearm but if you're a consumer that is at all concerned about getting a good bang for your buck no pun intended then the canik firearms give you a lot for your money so far they've proven to be very reliable they've got great triggers and the accuracy you know speaks for itself at the range and those are your top three considerations in my opinion for a carry firearm anyway accuracy reliability and comfort like i say this is a little bigger than what i will carry typically but that doesn't mean that others can't do it so overall the meta did address a lot of concerns from shooters it performs really well and there's no reason if you like a larger firearm this can't be a great carry option for you all right well that's going to do it for today we sure appreciate you being with us of course as always we'll back very soon with another video for you so until then as always please everybody be safe and have a great day thank you
Channel: The Concealed Carry Channel
Views: 19,661
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 49DJFo5ItDo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 29sec (1469 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 13 2021
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