Candid Camera (UK) series 7 episode 1 LWT Production 1974

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thank you good evening ladies and gentlemen welcome to the show polls you have to sit silence in yeah William Shakespeare wrote all the worlds are stage and all the men and women merely players by other entrances and their Essex and it's my pleasure to introduce many of those players in totally and rehearsed situations and it says captions something yeah and then it's got grams and then it's got announcer oh that's a bit of which they are uh SS so it was saying keptly unaware because it is a cadded camera no oh Candid Camera candy is that what that is candid camera and you've just made the opening announcement for us and thank you very much [Laughter] foreign [Music] [Laughter] [Music] why hello and welcome to this new series of candid camera I think it's important that I should first tell you that all those members of the public you are about to see involved in our film are completely unaware that they are being filmed at the time but of course we do tell them afterwards and we do have their permission to show the film well so much for the formalities let's move on to the fun our first situation is very simple along this pavement we're going to space three members of the Candid Camera team and as a member of the public passes them each member of the team in turn will say to that member of the public it's under your shoe just that it's under your shoe how will that member of the public react well we can always find out take one it's under your shoe [Music] thank you [Applause] foreign [Music] thank you foreign [Music] thank you [Music] foreign the simplest of requests can have two meanings Arthur Atkins who's a featured member of our team is suitably dressed for the part and is about to ask a gentleman if he will give him Tums for a cup of tea now I'm sure many of you have had that request made at some time or other and you automatically assume it is a begging request but would you give me Tums for a cup of tea can have another meaning as this gentleman is just about to find out excuse me huh would you give me tough and throw a cup of tea Give It Up for a cup of tea thank you very much oh thank you [Music] thank you very much do you take sugar okay do you take sugar uh how do you take sugar one lump or two this one [Music] do you like to stir it yeah I'll do it oh nice nice cup of tea surprise what are you touring touring are you oh you're just selling tea oh yeah cheaper than anywhere else yeah don't sit down all your way no thanks they're like nice but you know I see it foreign [Music] I don't drink to him so there you go no coffee [Music] well there's a lot didn't you like it yes so I just had a cup say do another one no sure no okay all right thanks as this is a never-increasing age of automation we decided to set up a fully automated shop when the customers entered they discovered that it was without shop assistance and they were expected to speak that order into an intercom on the counter now this is a candy camera prototype unlike most prototypes it did have its teething problems and one customer in particular who only wanted a large packet of aspros certainly got a headache in trying to get rid of one this is a fully automated shop please give your order into the loudspeaker in front of you on the counter please give your order loud and clear large box of escrows please a large packet of Kleenex coming up aspros a large packet of actually next coming up hello hello could I have a large box of Ash Bros please one large packet of drift coming up foreign this is a fully automated shop could I have a last packet of aspros please one packet of cigarettes 20 in number coming up yes and listen could I have a large packet of ice Bros please one packet of Wilkinson's sword blades this is a fully automated shop will you please place your order by speaking loudly into the speaker on the counter please okay have a nice and easy please um number 101 scene coming up yeah I feel any Expos this is a fully automated shop please give your order loud and clear into the speaker in front of you yeah it went right it's just clear anyway this is a fully automated shop will you please not leave the shop immediately will you please give your order loud and clear into the speaker in front a box of nice and easy please 101. 20 Cambridge cigarettes coming up [Music] um what's the matter what's the matter my love what's the matter what's the matter what's the matter we've had cigarettes washing powder um when I last bought well we're trying out this automated thing you see uh large box best Pros you want a large packet of aspiros yeah and will you give us a smile because you've just been on Candid Camera oh I ain't have I yeah over here give us a smile around here [Laughter] well of course we did get the latest permission to show the film and that brings us to the end of real one in real two we have our guest star Sheila Bennett has a very eccentric old lady two frustrated Cubbies who get involved with a telephone and a couple of pneumatic drills but now we're going to take a break to put reel two on the projector so join us in a couple of minutes foreign to introduce Our Guest Sheila Burnett who in the role of a suite gray-haired old lady is sweeping the pavement I should add that she's also rather eccentric as you are about to see and passes by are about to find out ladies and gentlemen Sheila Burnett didn't die just down there yes down here that's right okay okay I'm allowed to walk on the street I I understand fancy doing a thing I'm allowed to walk in the street why did you hit me with that why did you hit me with that no no yes you did watch yourself a fly you're not Scott so yeah you're not Scott so yeah [Applause] [Music] do you know where Brompton Road is broken Brompton Road that way Brompton Road no no it's that way it's that way oh yes lovely yeah stop it that way foreign [Music] camera plot is quite elaborate and as many aspects of it will not be apparent to the camera I feel I should explain a little of the workings of it a cabbie will be given a parcel and asked to deliver it to this garage but on arrival here he will be told he has the wrong address now the parcel has no address upon it but it does have a phone number and it won't be suggested to the cabbie that he ring that phone number and find out the true address to which the parcel should be delivered now the cavi will ring that number but in reality he will be speaking to me in the Candid Camera van parked across the road after that is most apparent to the camera and we're going to try this on a couple of cabbies and as the first one is about Jew I think I better go over there and get ready yes [Music] and I was stopped in at Hammersmith Broadway in the traffic by capping a car yeah he gave me a parcel yeah to take the normal Garage in the outer words that he said it by the Commodore and the reception is on the corner oh no I know where you are you're at Norman's garage aren't you that's where he told me to come oh well we're not far away from you we're not far enough we're getting a lot of them now they're getting a lot about we have to change the name of the garage I think uh Well what we'll tell you it's not for about two minutes from where you are at the moment I'll give you the address the address is number number it's numbers you should be here in about two minutes why not because [Music] there's a compressor with Collective drills on the road joining it's number six [Music] start again it's number six yes I'm sorry about that we'll tell them to shut up or something tell him to shut up number six he got it hello number six Rose and it's the second turn go tell him about it well it's just one thing sir thank you you've got the name of the road no to the cable doesn't no no no no no no no no no no we're miles out it's number six in about two minutes well I haven't got it I've got the address of the mountains there's a man with a big noisy thing I'll say well someone's just stop it or something can you talk to him hello learn now now I'm all right now there's nothing happening now yeah come on all right number six [Music] why what's the matter because I'm making a noise here [Music] John are you making a noise but can you wait one minute no well I'm gonna wait I think a minute right then I'll give you you ready yeah number six [Music] you got it hello have you got it no I haven't now we're gonna stop now he's gonna wait he said he's gonna wait okay okay then now you've got the number number six foreign [Music] number six slow ly I love to get it from somewhere else because the world gives a minute to hear oh well I'll tell you what it's just one thing you you tell me where to get to and I can hear you yeah you can hear me now no is it all right to go now now right now you say it now and no no thank God and then okay yeah say it say it man go on say now and I'll go no okay if you get it no I haven't and can you see the other fella there with the cap on yeah well his name is Arthur oh yeah and what do you take to Arthur not to drill because you want to get the address oh [Music] [Music] I'm with my bloody time [Music] well we did manage to placate those two cab drivers and get their permission to show the film so we come to the end of the show and as the public at large are the acknowledged stars of this show we thought it appropriate that they have the final word so over to your reporter in Hampstead would you want me to do if you're just sort of speaking out then I'll be able to memorize it you see well we open you've enjoyed our show and don't forget to to look in looking next week same time same channel and an entirely different cast of new faces to television and to say good night here to your best Peter Daly well it is good night from us on Candid Camera and thank this gentleman for making the final announcement for us yeah thank you very much [Music] thank you thank you [Music]
Channel: ADC TV Collection
Views: 10,478
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 9q906CsRT38
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 12sec (1452 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 04 2023
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