Protestors at my UK Tour | Michael Franzese

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what happened in the United Kingdom well they couldn't shut me down they made it very very difficult changing venues all the time they didn't care about the people that bought tickets that were waiting you know every moment to find out where the new venue was they didn't care how they inconvenience people they had an agenda and they just wanted to get the word out and they didn't care how they lied about me my family the they didn't care so I've seen it firsthand I've become part of it now and that's why I'm a stronger supporter at this point in time for Andrew Tate and Tristan Tate and always of course for Donald Trump because he's a victim here that's it period he's total victim and people want to say this walk Redemption hey everyone welcome to another sit down with Michael Francis hope everybody is doing well all is very good very blessed on this end as always I give all the praise honor glory and Thanksgiving to God for that well as you can see I'm back in my studio I was gone for just about 3 weeks I went to Romania first then United Kingdom and Ireland and uh it was a very interesting trip I have to tell you that and I'm going to kind of recap that uh really starting with the Tate Brothers in my trip to Romania and I got back just in time to celebrate my birthday on Memorial day uh I first want to thank all of you out there that uh sent me well wishes and birthday wishes it was really overwhelming ing I really appreciate that it was kind of humbling to have my birthday on Memorial Day uh it's always on that Memorial Day weekend and every couple of years it'll fall on Memorial Day and I just want to give another shout out to uh all the families of all the military uh men and women that have sacrificed their lives in defense of our freedoms in defense of our country and some people have said to me well it wasn't in defense of our freedoms well those that sacrificed their lives for that that's what they thought they were doing even though at times it might have been political whatever those military people were honest in what they were doing and they did sacrifice their lives and we certainly owe them a lot of respect and honor and uh that also goes to their families so uh but it was great it was a great day I was out on a boat with my family saw my new grandson hadn't seen him in three weeks tough to be away from uh the grandkids especially when they're uh you know so young every couple of weeks things change he's standing up now he's clapping his hands he's smiling uh he's got teeth he's ready to talk I can see it so it's just really a blessing uh we really had a great day and uh you know I want to recap what happened there because I've been through a lot in my life people I really have been and I never thought I'd be caught up in uh cancel culture but this was a very interesting trip and I'm going to talk about it and I first want to get to my first stop which was Romanian and meeting with both Andrew and Tristan Tate now some of you or many of you that follow me you've seen that I've been supportive of them over the past year or so since they got into their legal troubles and the reason for that is very simple because I believe in all cases in all countries anywhere on the planet um whether it's the law of the land or not that you're innocent until proven guilty that's just my position that's been my experience I've seen too much I've been through too much and I know the system quite well whether it be here the United States or anywhere else I can kind of see through when uh you're trying to get or when prosecution or people are trying to get uh defendants that have allegedly committed a crime uh guilty in the arena of public opinion and I've seen that many many times happen with me so I understand it so for me you're innocent until proven guilty well that position I think has been strongly supported by most of you I think you understand that the Tates have a huge followup and I think those that follow them uh totally understand that but then there's the other side you know who are claiming that they are misogynists and they go off their social media uh comments and so on and so forth and people let me remind let me remind you of something things that might be distasteful language that might be distasteful doesn't always and in most cases doesn't ever rise to criminality you might say things that could be offensive but that doesn't mean it's a crime crime and what we're talking about here is criminality and what these two young men I say young men I'm probably twice their age um have been accused of and um it doesn't mean that they're guilty my position has been innocent until proven guilty and after meeting them both I have even a stronger position of that because I saw some things um and people have been in touch with me about the Tate case that has given me reason to believe that these men are innocent now I'm going to recap the visit that we had I was with my wife and my daughter I had security with me uh because they travel with me when I'm in Europe and I had one of our Representatives that was uh heading our tour and um they invited us into their compound in Romania we spent a full day filming both Andrew and then Tristan we enjoyed you know wine afterwards you know Frise wine I brought them a couple of bottles they liked it by the way Andrew doesn't drink but TR enjoyed it very much as a matter of fact you'll see evidence of that shortly um and we just had a great day it was really great they opened up their house they were very respectful to myself my wife my daughter uh they couldn't have been more accommodating it was just a great day and we did our interviews Now understand this many people have gone there and interviewed the Tates so keep that in mind as I move this forward next day we went out for dinner and uh there again we had a great time you know and uh we went to a Cigar Lounge afterwards you've saw some photos of that uh it was just a great weekend we discussed the case and some of the details I got a little bit more information that I already had and I would say all in all it was it was a very good weekend right after that uh I was on Pierce Morgan show and I want you to watch it because Pierce agreed with me on a lot of things that I talked about concerning the Tates he said Michael they're innocent until proven guilty he said the same thing I don't agree with all of the things that was said by Andrew and and possibly Tristan I don't agree with everything some of the things could be misconstrued or construed to be misogynistic I don't agree with that he said but I believe they're innocent until proven guilty so a guy is a guy of substance like Pierce Morgan tremendous interviewer a lot of Integrity agrees with me and I think a lot of people take that position so so moving forward from there I now leave the Tates and I go and start my tour now keep in mind the interview hadn't been posted yet only posting uh up to that point when I left Romania and went to the United Kingdom was a photograph of myself my wife my daughter and the Tates and then one of uh I believe me and Andrew and one of me and Tristan photos that's it nothing more well you would not believe the Firestorm that it caused in the united K there was one particular person in Parliament that came out very strongly against me she said that I was a misogynist because I interviewed the Tates and because I supported them there was another person in the minority I would say who on YouTube started to call all the venues and threaten the venues that we were having our our talks in our events in and threaten them you know that there would be problems if the events went on they also went on to say which was an absolute 1,00% outright lie that in my presentation which I've been doing for 25 years I was going to have a video of Andrew and Andrew is going to appear live on stage with me not live you know live through the video and uh that was going to be the content of my speaking talk it was an absolute lie there was no truth to it whatsoever but they started to spread that and in that small community of haters and that's what I'll call them they started to spread this lie well this person in Parliament I'm not going to mention her name you go on YouTube because she made statements about me in Parliament saying that I was a misogynist now let me stop this right there I have a wife that I'm married to for 39 years okay who is very independent I have five extremely independent daughters I have granddaughters I am anything but a misogynist I've never been accused of that at any time anywhere in my life as a matter of fact I've been accused of just the opposite of doting over my wife so this was ridiculous and it was only made that statement was only made because I interviewed Andrew and Tristan Tate and she said I was a supporter of them now as a result of that this person contacted each and every venue that we were uh holding our events at there was eight in total nine in total I should say and threaten them that they would lose their license to operate as a business if in fact they held my event now there was no justification for that whatsoever what she was spreading was an absolute lie it was false she even said that I should be banned from a country that I've been to several times that I've spoken at several times the content of what I speak about is out there for everybody to see there was no mention whatsoever of the Tates this weekend other than to let people uh that bought tickets understand why we had to change venues two three or four times now I was not going to let them close me down and thanks to you know I'll mention her name both Ella and sha um the uh promoters they weren't going to stand for it either so they had to go out of their way within 24 hours and find new venues so that we wouldn't disappoint people that have been holding tickets for months and they actually were able to do that they and sometimes they had to change venues two or three times because the threats kept coming into the venue holders so I became part of cancel culture for absolutely no reason and for false information that was being spread out there so having this happen to me okay wouldn't you think that I think people are always innocent until proven guilty I know what their agenda is if you disagree with their ideology if you're a threat to their ideology well then you're attacked that's plain and simple let me compare what's going on with the Tates to what's going on with Donald Trump very very current as now closing arguments are in process in the New York State case and I'm going to tell you something people please I don't speak out of my you know you know the term I know the law especially in New York I was indicted six times in the state of New York once in the State of Florida I went to trial five times in the state of New York both state and federal I know the law I know how they operate I know what they're capable of doing this case with Donald Trump is an absolute sham it's it's absolutely horrible there is no case there is no crime and look what they're putting this man through because I'll quote are Donald Trump crooked Joe Biden and the White House are looking at the only way they believe they can defeat Donald Trump why because their record in the White House is nothing short of a disaster disaster he has no record to run on that isn't disastrous these are very bad people so they target an ex-president with a nonsense case in in the state of New York wasting millions of dollars of taxpayer money and and going after somebody for a crime That Never Was committed there is no crime while things are running rampant on the streets of New York Alvin Bragg should be thrown out of office he should be prosecuted for Pulling this farce on the American people the people in the state of New York and the American people in general because they're trying to eliminate Donald Trump as a candidate that's the bottom line there is no other methodology here this comes from the White House Bragg has been at the White House the orders for all of these indictments against Donald Trump are coming from the top from the White House so when I see this so clearly why would I not give the benefit of the doubt to Andrew Tate and to Tristan Tate when they've been speaking up for men speaking up for men being men and going against the current ideology in the United States in Great Britain and possibly now in Romania it seems because they're under uh they're they're being charged with crimes there that and there are no crimes now I want to go a step further there was a person that reached out to me during the tour in an email and said that they were one time as part of law enforcement I'm not going to mention mention their name or even the country and they had the opportunity to look at all of the evidence alleged evidence okay against the Tates and told me it was an absolute sham there is no evidence he told me this firsthand and I turned this person over to the Tes because they need to know this they know it already but if people on the inside are saying the same thing they need to know this and I also want to read something and this is terrible it's terrible to what they're doing to this young man because of the fact that they I ideology is different and that maybe some of the things they say are distasteful I get it I understand that I'm going to say it and Andrew and I are friends now I don't agree with everything that he says and I'm sure he doesn't agree with everything I say either that's just the way life is doesn't mean that we can't be friends okay and that goes for him and Tristan I want to read something that Andrew wrot wrote this morning on X and uh tell me what your thoughts are on this okay this is from Andrew this morning uh Andrew Tate speaks out publicly about his case it's been two years now quote I invested money in Romania and they threw me in a jail cell two years later I'm still not free I still can't leave the country two years and all my money is blocked all my cars are taken all my assets are seized why is this happening he hasn't been convicted of anything why they seizing his assets same thing in the United States under the RICO Act same thing innocent until Pro proven guilty and yet they're already made these guys guilty it's terrible no one saw any victims on the news not even one time and I challenge any of you to bring something different I've been watching this case I haven't seen any victim cry out and say hey I'm a victim I'm part of this not one time on the news the only girls I can find are girls who say they are not victims I've seen that the government law enforcement the prosecution is trying to convince these girls that they're victim when they're saying they're not victims they did this willingly and let me tell you something you know these sites out there like only fans and everything Andrew and Tristan didn't create those sites they didn't create them the women that are on there are on there will willingly now if somebody is helping them you know Market themselves better well why aren't they locking up the people from only fans why aren't they going after the guy that created it and I don't know who that is I have no act to grind with him I'm just saying there's nothing illegal about it obviously I wonder if it crosses anyone's mind that after all this time that I spent 4 months in detention 8 months in my locked house I was stuck in the city for several months now I can't leave Romania how long will this work I often wonder if anyone considers the fact that two years have passed and no one has seen any victims they were saying that they were going to put them out there we haven't seen it yet I sat in a Cell watching the news as they said I was a bad person that I made so much money that I was a criminal that I was a human trafficker do you know you know what a what a terrible uh accusation that is to be called a human trafficker in the real sense of the word human trafficking do you know what a horrible allegation that is you better have evidence to back something like that that up not something that you're trying to paint as human trafficking or whatever that's a horrible allegation and you know what the boys are very very offended by that and by rights they should be if that tag was put on me I'd be extremely offended by it that's a terrible accusation and we're going to find out that that that wasn't true I believe that I was a criminal I was a human trafficker we were going to see all the details of the case come out two years later and there were still no victims now the argument can be made well you know Android they're not going to put it out there yet but you know you do get Discovery you know in a criminal case you get Discovery you're allowed to see who the victims are alleged victims who the people that are making statements against you are hasn't seen it yet so why did I compare the Tates to what's going on with Trump because look Trump is against the grain Trump is against you know the ideology of the people in power Trump is against a lot of things that these minorities are yelling about and uh and so they're out to get him the horrible thing in Trump's case is that they're not Trump has said this a million times and I totally agree with him it's not about Trump it's about the people in power taking away the vote of 50 60 70 80 million people they want to eliminate their choice and they have the nerve to say the nerve to say that Donald Trump is a threat to democracy we have four years of a record of Donald Trump how is he a threat to democracy instead of making these blatant statements Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi and all of these people out there that just lie lie lie and figure that if they lie long enough you're going to believe it as as something to be true where's the evidence for this there's no truth to it whatsoever zero don't let them feed this to you all they're trying to do is hide their horrible disastrous record in four years that or three and a half years that he's been in office that they've been in power that they've been in control they're just trying to cover it up by going after Donald Trump that's the only card that they have to play I compare them in the Tates because I believe innocent until proven guilty and I think it applies in both of these cases what happened in the United Kingdom well they couldn't shut me down they made it very very difficult changing venues all the time they didn't care about the people that bought tickets that were waiting you know every moment to find out where the new venue was they didn't care how they inconvenience people they had an agenda and they just wanted to get the word out and they didn't care how they lied about me my family the T they didn't care so I've seen it firsthand I've become part of it now and that's why I'm a stronger supporter at this point in time for Andrew Tate and Tristan Tate and always of course for Donald Trump because he's a victim here that's it period he's total victim and people I want to say this uh I like both of them I really mean that they were honest with me I think if you look at my uh interview or sit down with Andrew it was great and the comments have been overwhelmingly positive overwhelmingly positive and in Tristan's case the same thing he talked more about the case and I think you should listen to it I really do before you convict somebody because of social media statements or or things like that that you might find to be distasteful okay back up back up they deserve their day in court and they're going to get it and I think all of this is going to come out and I told them I said listen don't take these people for granted they will fight they will lie they will be underhanded they'll do everything be very active in Defending Your Case don't leave any Stones unturned you have to fight hard I know this I saw my dad get railroaded and that's why in all my criminal cases I was very actively involved with my attorney with my investigator and that's how you have to do it you know there's no other way so we got got through the tour I have to tell you people the people of the United Kingdom were just wonderful I really mean that they were wonderful uh I just was so overwhelmed by the positive responses we got that the interaction that we had with everybody there were so understanding of what was going down you know we had standing room only crowds at every event so it backfired you know for them trying to destroy my my uh uh tour they made it very difficult my wife and daughter we had to move around more we had it was just it was a tough one but we weren't going to let them defeat us and my wife and daughter were very supportive of that because they understand the system also so um it it was great we went on to uh to Belfast love the Irish people it was terrific again once again we had such a great time with them they're funloving people uh we had a great uh venue we had actually we're at a gym we had to get to a gym with people that didn't care about you know the pressure or the threats for the licenses being removed they were terrific there I met with a fellow by name of Paul Ferris who was an ex criminal he calls himself that so I can say that wonderful guy you know he's reformed himself he does a lot of good in the community and the group of men that he had around him with terrific so we had a great time in Belfast then we moved up to um Dublin what a great City we hadn't been there before but I love the city of Dublin once again people wonderful just so uh happy they're just happy great and then we had the privilege uh and honor I would say of meeting with Conor McGregor he was terrific he has a restaurant and a club called the black Forge and uh he's in training he's going to fight on June 29th I'm going to be at the fight I got an invitation from him me and my family so we're looking forward to that he looks like he's in great shape he's training twice a day you know and uh he did take time not out of his training in between his training period to come and uh visit with me and my family and he was very outgoing just wonderful guy I really enjoyed meeting with him and that's uh he's in tune with all the Irish that I've met there just great people the night uh L after that Sunday he had a big uh thing at his club that night it was kind of a special event we went he was there that night took a little time off for a minute for his training he didn't drink at least not in front of me and he was just so outgoing with all the people there I understand why uh people in town really love him you know he supports the people there I understand he does a lot of good for people in the community in the neighborhood so we had a great time and and really enjoyed uh meeting with him so it was a great trip all around people and um you know it's so nice to be in a position that I'm in where I can go around the world and uh you know just really tell my story uh hopefully encourage people give them information that's important to them I thank all of you on my YouTube platform that keep tuning in I thank all of my new subscribers and and people that have come on board since speaking with Andrew and Tristan uh you know I really appreciate you coming on board hopefully you stay and enjoy the content that we're going to provide uh we always try to give you something of of value while I was there okay I had the opportunity to speak with through Zoom tulsey gabard for those of you that don't know who she was she was a democrat in Congress she later switch she's now um independent I would say and uh she was terrific I have a lot of respect for this woman I'm going to get into it you're going to see the podcast and I'll do more about her in my introduction to her but what a classy lady what a knowledgeable lady she is being considered right now for vice president I can tell you this Trump's got some good people in mind person like telsey Gabbert if we really want the next woman to be a president uh she'd be a great uh selection for vice president and be groomed for the job because she has a great great handle on uh the topics today that are really relevant to all of us not only here but around the world so stay tuned my interview with her will be coming up so people that's it for today I just wanted to wrap up and I think you know this this conversation about Tristan and and Andrew it's very relevant because it shows what's going on in the world today this cancel culture nonsense that I have to uh credit a lot of people you're getting to see what this is all about you really are I see heads turning I see opinions turning you know I got great news today that you know Trump is closing the Gap in New York that minorities you know uh African-Americans Latinos are starting to see through all of the Biden garbage that's all I can call it this guy is a pathological liar he does nothing but cause chaos and ruination all he cares about is his base and satisfying his elitist base you know the Democrats okay were once the blue collar you know party they cared about the work people no more don't let them fool you or pull the wool over your eyes they are the elitist party right now it's the Republicans that are looking to help the working class trust me on that people and again I have no horse in this game you know what my horse is in this race I should say making a better future preserving a better America for my children and grandchildren that's all I care about I'm 73 how much more time do I got I don't know but my children my grandchildren it's their future that's the horse in the race for me and that's why I'm supporting Trump because he's the guy and all of this talk about you know about democracy being destroyed where we have a four-year record of his to look at where did he destroyed democracy this is nonsense don't let them feed you this nonsense anybody that's telling you that is trying to pull the wool over your eyes and distract you from the garbage that's been going on for three and a half years in this Administration so hope you enjoyed this podcast we're back on track now I am leaving for New Jersey I have a big event there uh with franie wine very excited we're in the United Kingdom now we'll be in Australia shortly and we are moving dramatically Across America and a big announcement pretty soon with slices Pizza not going to do it yet uh but pretty soon I think people are going to be pretty excited about it that's it for today my people my friends my all my followers how do I always leave you same way going to change be safe need I say more be healthy and God bless each and every one of you and your families and yes I'll see you next time take care [Music]
Channel: Michael Franzese
Views: 117,808
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: michael, franzese, michael franzese, mafia, mob, mobster, mob boss, mafia boss, colombo mafia, john gotti, american mafia, italian mafia, sitdown with michael franzese, mob movie mondays, andrew tate, tristan tate, donald trump, cancel culture, Michael Franzese UK Tour, Michael Franzese Got Cancelled, Michael Franzese Got cancelled in UK, Tate Brothers Are Innocent
Id: MWNaj8nb5Aw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 57sec (1677 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 03 2024
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