Canadian Gas Masks

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hello Governor James 1:5 so Canadian Forces gas masks or masks and BCD the nuclear biological and chemical defense so prior to these two that we had what we called our mark - so this is a C - this is a c3 very very similar there's not a lot of differences between the two and so what we had from both well we were we were using these the la G or light anti gas masks in World War two and then we came up with our own in 1944 we call it - mark - and so we used that up until about 1960 and then it was replaced so our mark - is replaced by these here that went all the way up to 19 and they were building until 85 but they were still in service till well beyond that this is the type that I was issued when I was in and so this particular style or whatever this particular one is is a British mask that was then reissued to the Danish army and so it's got the marks from the Danish army here and I believe their designation or the something like an M 45 ye or even 45 is what they Danish designated these but you still have without British markings and one of the things to our mark - and this particular one here the rubber is a lot thicker it's a very sturdy piece whether that's as far as the wear is concerned it's probably heavier for sure but you kept the same style of head brace this particular one you can see very nicely mark so it's the velum it's nice markings there's the broad arrow that shows up all over the place and while I'm holding this here I just wanted to mention the fact that I was trying to figure out what we were issued as far as anti Jim and we weren't issued anything because of the different indifference in the design you could see that this area down here where your nose in your mouth go is all wide open whereas on the only the c2 and c3 they've got that covered up so your nose in your mouths are closed off from your lenses so I mean they did there was were times when they might fog up and there was a method to get get them to deep deep fog which I'll explain in a little bit but that's the main difference is that that's all it took was just to close that off so anyways that's your and I believe - as far as the Canadian versions or Canadian Canadian built mark - is there was g SW which was general steel whereas in general spherical steel whereas I see that marking on mark two helmets and and metal containers gas cans I see it all over place on a lot of World War two stuff so VFW built a lot of a lot of items for the Canadians and then do em Dominion rubber company also made them and so yeah that was the our that was our early version very similar to this and so then we had on this one you can see it and it's probably on the other one as well so if that shows up for you there's g TR and this particular one's got me 1985 or 85 and they're showing size medium and so that GTR is General Tire and Rubber Company and what's different or one of the things - that's different is that they only basically had one size it's all same for this one and they called it normal so on the side of this one here and you can see the see a cleaning Armed Forces basically in 1960 and you can see normal on the side there and it's been updated with this tape and that happened in the third month in 1970 so there's been some some upgrades on this because like I said we were using these and the c3 when I was in difference to is the yes there's a lot it's a lot more flexible a lot lighter rubber material lot thinner and then there's this very distinguishable flat piece here on the nose so they used the m69 canister and this one here's got its but it's covers on so this is the see all of them up to keep up moisture and keep dust and whatever out of them so normally you're gonna just have this in your bag like so not always best to just store these in the bag because they can probably take there the shape then and and not feel well so and so what what I was looking for when I was going to do this video was anything I had that was related and so I've got some bags and whatever on the table so the carriers there's some other items up there I'll get a little closer in on one of the things that I noticed too or not noticed was the fact that through my notes and when I say notes I had done some research on this but I found my old notebook this is what I had back at basic training this just on the subject first this one here's introduction to the cold subarctic and arctic so we're discussing clothing and all that kind of things and honor goes oh look at that characteristic adequate for weather to minus 80 well that would be it would be very cold so in here I found all of my notes for the gas mask and so I was gonna read you a little bit of that because it's it's quite interesting where they're the first thing that they're talking about here in my notes is that these are not good for carbon monoxide of course paint fumes ammonia and smoke no cigarette smoke will happen and forest fire or whatever else so these these aren't going to help you in any of those situations and I also found out that the c3 is non-magnetic that's a real heavy-duty magnets here and that that there you can see is a c2 whereas I'll stick into anything on here in fact they're right on the lens so that's that's one of the big differences right there on the c2 and c3 so that's in my notes and as I said the c3 comes in small medium and large c2 only in what they called normal and they are mentioning that the c3 can see three can be identified by a green tape around the canister mount and the outlet valve assembly well that's a black tape so just how exact or whatever I mean there could be changes along the way but this one here being a newer version doesn't have tape at all it's got these metal crimp bands so that's interesting and one of the notes too if you're going to wear this I mean instructions do say if you're going to put it on or take it off that you you're not stretching this successively so you you're gonna do it in a manner that's not gonna stretch these out any more than necessary and this little valve in here you want to check and make sure that's there because those can fall out so you're going to go on your mission or whatever you want to check your mask over and make sure everything's good you'd want to try it on and make sure it's sealing well that's where one of the things with the I find strange now I guess maybe the c4 c4 mask that replaced these is made a little different design because a lot of the guys are wearing beards so the beards were discouraged in the time I was in because of the fact that you may jeopardize your seal on your mask so in this particular case when you put this on and I know that's in my instruction you're going to put it on your head and then you're gonna cover that hole and breathe in and it should suck the mask real tight to your face and you you know you've got a good seal bit so that's one of the tests you're gonna do so they refer to the black anodized aluminum and in inside of here we've got particulate paper and carbon and so they're also mentioning that the lifetime of these canisters it depends on the type and concentrations of the gas and so you know that's that's that's limit them and the other thing too is that they also refer to blood agents these will only protect you for about ten minutes and so the also one of the most common areas where these will leak is if you don't have that tightened in see I can give that another bit of a turn there so you want to make sure that's in good and tight when you're using that so that's one of the things that's mentioned in the in our instruction so yeah you're gonna want to make sure everything fits before you go out you know just grab mask you want to make sure those straps are all tightened to where you need them and so it's gonna protect your facial skin your eyes your nose your mouth throat from chemical irritants and and yeah so when I talk to you about the the possibility of fogging up so there there's mention here to rid the mask of moisture accumulation lean forward blow hard and moisture will exit the outlet valve so it seems simple enough and so the usual thing you know keep away from heat never stored in your carrier your you don't want to be denting the canister and stretching the straps as I mentioned and the you know you want to make sure the moisture is not getting in there and dust in your mask or in your filter and so they also say to clean these just put it in warm soapy water kind of wipe through and not not with the canister of course and then let it air dry and so then we're gonna go I was gonna show the this particular cloth and I don't know if this is anything special this was in with one of the masks hard to say don't know I can't remember but some of the things that were issued was this the MIT decontaminating and it's got your needle number on there and then the same information in French and then these are two styles this one seems to have a shiny outer edge whereas this one doesn't whether one's newer or not they've they both got the same stock numbers on them and and and the French in English on there and they would fit into your this is the just out of the way but this particular one is still attached to all the the web gear so this is an 82 pattern and this this style was what's compatible dude so there's one thing that's different about it it's got this he's here where you can put your your name into that on that plastic and then you would take this and let me have you had one or two but they've gone in there and along with that there's coaches inside so separate separate pouches in there where you would put your so they came in two in these bags it's easier to see if I take it out but that's your chemical agent detector and so these are this one happens to be someone's written some notes there quite make out what that says anyways there's your little gas detection pieces and they'll stick you can stick those here there and wherever and then if any if any of them change to these colors then you know what you're dealing with so that's that's where you'd have a couple of those tucked into the into those pouches and then on the side we've got a spot here and then there's three little three loops the type of atropine injection devices if you call them surrett so they were more of a round tube by this time a round tube and it would be about yay long and there's be three of them there and that's all that pocket was meant to hold and so the the older style I happen to get this off the internet and just make myself a little little box and so that would be for the older style they just had those in the side pockets of the side pocket so I'll show you in a minute a lot smaller than on the 82 pattern so that's a just a reproduction after pinna inject injection device surrett and so excuse my reach but i'm of the opinion that this I don't know where I pick this up somewhere but I think that's perhaps an American piece usually you can tell when there's no French on it so we have that and then this here I picked up recently this is a training reactive skin decontamination lotion so it's a training device which kind of cool how many of these kicking around store only had one so I grabbed it so then moving this out of the way I wanted to show you the two bags so that's our 82 and this then is the 64 and that material one of a nylon type over there this one here is like a coated plastic e-type not really plastic but it's almost like a webbing that's got a wax coating earth or some kind of a coating and the same deal and it's got a couple of those chemical detection books and then in here of course is your spot for decontamination mitt and here's where I was I think it's you might even have to go further back that maybe the 51 yeah because here we've got lots of room in that pocket and then we'd have for the threats in in these slots here and so like the other style I believe I get that back here it's it's basically the same thing with the velcro pull tab so you can have a quick and easy access to your gas mask and then this one the same so you're going to be able to open that up wide and get that other in a hurry and so the same applies with this one here it would have had these other straps this years made to go on your belt and then this here would go oops around your waist this one and this one would go around your neck or just over your shoulder with this with this strap so it gives you all the different ways a managing net bag on your body and then this one here which I was quite happy to get and you can see that 51 pattern style of tab and this here it doesn't have any any separate loops or anything so you're gonna take that there and you'll have three three of those in that pouch and again the same same idea with the chemical paper and then the contamination mint and this one here has that same type of release and nice these are these are actually a very hard I don't know if there's metal in there or what but that's a very definite easy to grab and open and of course with this one here we've got we don't have so much of the plastic this is all metal buckles so we've got that we've got our our belt loops belt loops and then of course this one here is again for around the waist so it's it's actually tightened up quite a bit and it can just hook in there so that's yeah the three the three bags from the all the errors that this style of mass would of and the mark two would have been used in and before I close out my video I'm just gonna check my well yes I did want to tell you that the command was either shouted loudly gasps gasps gasps or spray spray spray so when the instruction was close your eyes and stopped breathing remove your headgear if you're wearing it and place it between your knees and then you open the pouch with your left hand and remove the mask with your right hand then you're gonna remove the plugs so basically plugs this this should be already on your mask you're gonna remove this plug that little bit the other will just be hanging there and and then place it in the bag I don't know I guess if I'm worried about gas where this ends up but anyways that was the instruction is to put that back in the bag and put on masks breathe in covering the canister Inlet okay to check the seal if the seals okay breathe out and shout out the command given so you're basically gonna shout out gas gas gas again or spray spray spray and eyes may be opened a normal breathing continued once the good seal is achieved and gas on the inside of the mask has been blown out and then you put your headdress back on and continue your duties and so that was the instruction right out of my basic training notes that I took in that classroom many years ago and so bit of a long video but I guess we covered a lot of stuff and so again I say thank you very much for watching and we'll see you soon
Channel: gunnerjames105
Views: 265
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: gas mask, canadian gas mask, post war gas mask, ww2 gas mask, military gas mask, army gas mask, canadian army, respirator, gas mask collection, army gas mask bag, gas mask bag, canadian military, c2 gas mask, c3 gas mask, mk.2 gas mask, lag gas mask, british gas mask, Canadian gas mask
Id: 3xmxWlGOlRA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 7sec (1207 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 12 2020
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