Canada Is Giving Free Visa Sponsorship To Overseas Care Workers, Apply Now

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good news guys yes today I come bearing good news this is an amazing news as the Canadian government just made an announcement saying that more overseas SC workers are needed in its country they're looking out to recuit a lot of overseas caregivers and this time around they want you to come in as a permanent resident that is you're going to be moving into Canada to work as a caregiver using the Canadian PR that is an amazing news this is one I've never seen in the sense that if it is the UK you need to come in for about 5 years before you obtain the UK but for Canada now they are saying if you are coming in to do the caregiver job you'll be giv PR on arrival and if you know what PR means it means you have permanent status in Canada here it means you have a strong ground in Canada year now as usual I'm not yet to only tell you about the announcement but I'll be giving you stepbystep guide on how to go through this I'm going to be showing you on my screen this time around where to apply for those jobs see recors and a lot more indeed come companies agencies are hiring caregivers in Canada and guys believe me if you'll be serious to pursue this pathway then it will be a good one as you can also move in with your family yes you can move to Canada with your family through the caregiver pilot program now if you're joining me thank you for tuning in please do not forget to like this video let me know where you're watching from okay and if you're ready for me to get started give me a thumbs up and we're just going to Dive Right In I'm also going to be showing you from the Canadian government website in regards of this announcement so guys are you here we are quite um I think we are 80 something people here now so give me a thumbs up if you can hear me so we can get started if you can hear me give me a thumbs up so we can get started do not forget to share this video to as many people as you can so they can be notified so they can join and partake from this opportunity in Canada guys let's just go straight I'm going to be sharing my screen now if you can see my screen please just let me know you can see my screen as everything you need to know today is on the screen okay everything is on the screen and I want you all to be able to see this so if you can see my screen just give me a thumbs up just give me a thumbs up if you can see my screen okay can you see my screen now I believe you can see it now can you see my screen now now just as you can see over here it says Canada announces new pilot program support caregivers and Canadian families intending to make the caregivers program permanent what does this mean formally this program has always been in existent there's been partway where overseas caregivers could come into Canada to work uh in the child care support home support to work as a nany and all of that but caregivers were coming in with let's say let's just use an instance two years visa on a work visa but this time around they said they don't want caregivers to come just on a work visa they want you to come as a permanent resident to come work live permanently now what are the kind of caregivers they're looking for I do tell you all you see when it comes to caregiving there are different kind of carers it's not about oh I just want to apply for this job I just want to apply for that job you can come into Canada to work in a care home to work as a Nani the home child care support I believe that is what it's called to work as a support worker the home support worker pathway so it is two distinct two different pathway we're going to be talking about today so please pay attention and once again if you can hear me if you can see my screen just let me know you can see my screen while we continue just let me know you can see my screen while we continue okay if you can see my screen please let me know you can see my screen while we continue now for this pilot program you can get jobs and I'm going to be showing you how you can get jobs you can either get a job through a private employer private organization private company or you can get a job using an agency and this jobs are 100% free what does that mean it means you're not meant to pay a dime you're not meant to pay a penny you're not meant to pay nothing to get this caregiver into Canada and guess what one thing I like about this is that this pathway I believe cannot be abused unlike the UK caregiver Visa or pathway into its country that has been highly saturated that has been you know abused and also competitive this one to Canada a lot of people don't look into it and I don't know why the truth is that the requirement to get this Visa into Canada are also quite low they are quite low they're not asking you to get a University degree they're not asking you to go to university higher um qualifications before you get this jobs okay but I believe even though they're not asking you to go to the university to get a professional degree you still need to show some level of experiences and that is what I'm going to be talking about so let's just continue yeah let's just continue if you can see my screen please let me know let's continue and read about this announcement that has been made by the Canadian government on the 3D of June 2024 it says caregivers from abroad are invaluable to Canadian families what does this mean it means that you guys are highly needed you guys are very much valuable and they want you they have spaces for you in all of its provinces in all of its community in the rural area the suburban area the urban area they need care workers and this is the time we as overseas workers foreign um job Seeker International Job Seekers applying from outside of the country it is time for you to focus and start sending in your application it says your work make a difference in in the life of those that you care for being children seniors working in the elderly home or working with people with disability learning disabilities you are needed it goes on to say the new pilot program will provide home care workers with permanent residency on arrival in Canada permanent residency on arrival in Canada guys I don't know but I feel so excited about this one I feel so excited about this one and like I've said to you I use the UK as an example with the UK yeah you need to work for at least 5 years as a nurse a care assistant and domicillary care and name it 5 years before you obtain P before you obtain the I before you start being entitled to let me say benefit having a stay a ground year you get what I'm trying to say but the Canadian government are now rolling out the red carpet for you to say come on we need you the UK doesn't want you or the UK is is changing its immigration rule in regards of the caregivers in regard of its care Visa but we want you and as a matter of fact earlier this year in January the Canadian government made an announcement that they opening several pathway where overseas workers could come in with their family and this is one it shows they talk and do okay so guys talking about this what qualification do you need what qualification do you need of course you need your I El anybody that wants to relocate abroad especially to an English speaking country and you're running away from high heal you're just joking it means you're not serious at all to start your relocation Journey if you want to move abroad through work through a job offer of course you need the ey El I can't swiet talk it I cannot pretend neither can I laughe you may be asking what kind of I Clara you can use I general or the Canadian language Benchmark which is either French language or English language and guess what you only need a band four anybody can score a b four I'm sorry to use this word even the dumbest person the dumbest person can score a b four in I out trust me believe me so if I out is making you give up your dream on relocating to Canada or relocating abroad through the job offer then maybe you need to look into the caregiver PA way as you only need a b four now if you're just joining me and you're not with your book you're not with your pen I don't know what you're doing here as usual I always say when you're coming to my life session especially the one where I'm talking about job offer job recruitment relocating abroad true work then you need to come in with your book and Pen because it is very vital for you to start taking informations start taking information now someone is asking can I use I I believe if you're not using um someone is asking they can use ethics rather I believe if you're not using I you can use your English proficiency now in Canada I don't know what they refer to to as their English proficiency but in the UK yeah they refer to it as ethics or naric as we may know it so you need to go and do that research okay I don't have money for a or I don't want to sit aot I have a degree definitely I can um evaluate my degree showing that okay it was taught in English my degree was taught in English then you can go and evaluate it there are platform for you to do that website on the Canadian government website I do say when it comes to relocating abroad it doesn't happen in a day especially through a job offer and I like to say this without giving you guys sweet in your tongue or sweet to leak it doesn't happen in a day it is a step by step process a step by step measures a step bystep method on how to do this to ensure that when you eventually put in your application you put that application with so much confidence knowing fully well that no matter what you're going to get a yes answer those are the kind of people I like to work with who are ready 100% ready now like I said caregiver pette program has started already has been inexistent since last year or two years ago if I'm being right but now coming very soon they want to create this atmosphere create a pathway where caregivers are not only coming into work but with a PR why am I making this video today why what is my agenda of making this video today this live video today my agenda is to get you all prepared it to get you all started show you how to submit your CV where to submit your CV how to find this recuiter where to start applying for those job direct contact of employers and all of that agencies that is my agenda for today now going forward still talking about the requirements like I said you need eys you still need to show some level of experiences guys you know when I get people coming to me to say want to relocate um abroad they want to move abroad through a job offer they want to get a job a care job I'm like okay yeah a care job have you got some experiences in it now like I said the Canadian government are not saying should go to university to get experience but come on these are employers investing so much money in you so much effort in you resources in you just to bring you down here to work so of course they're going to choose the best out of the best of course they're going to choose those ones who are actually um I don't want to use the word qualify but who knows what they're doing who knows what the care pathway is about who know what the care job is about who knows what duties they to do in regards care and when it comes to duties it comes to it it it involves assisting patient either with their personal needs and a lot more now for this care giveway in Canada like you've read you're both working with children if you want to come in as a nanny if you want to come in as a support worker if you want to work with those with disabilities learning disabilities what we call learning difficulties could be those with a special needs you want to come and work with the elderly being in a care home or a live in Cara you know these are the available opportunity for you talking about experiences now you need to show some level of certification I do say Yes um and I'm taking care of my grandma I took care of my grandma for three years she had stroke she had diabetes I took care of my grandma she was not feeling well and I was giving her food to eat and I was giving her water to drink that one I'm sorry to say I do tell people it doesn't count officially and that is the truth it doesn't count officially you need to get an official experience per se you can get this either virtually you can get this physically guys if you've not likeed this video at this point I don't know what you're waiting for I can see the numbers Rising we are so much here so please do me a favor by hitting that like button because I know I'm doing a great job I know I am doing a great job so please like this video share this video who you think to those rather who you think are looking to move to Canada and they are looking to move to Canada for free relocating a broad through job is the most cheapest way of relocating abroad where you don't need to pay a dime these employers as a matter of fact will go as far as paying your flight ticket just for you to come and work pay your visa fee pay everything bring you down from my experiences talking with this um employers some of these employers and recruiters all around the world having access to them some of them are even ready to give you accommodation for the few first months you would be in in the country so that you can find your ground your stand before you sort out your own accommodation so this is a good pathway so this experiences you need let's start from the virtual one you can get it online you can get it online right you can use Florence Academy Alis Academy take diploma in care one to 15 standard cses that one to 15 stand cses comprises of a lot safety and first aid CPR should I stand mean then it's quite a lot and about age does this part where has age limit absolutely no it doesn't have it doesn't have age limit or should I say as long as you are 18 and above so you can be 50 55 you can be 40 45 30 as long as you have the skills that is been needed you have the ability the certifications then you qualify for the partway another requirement that you need before you get a Visa first of all is that you have to receive as you can see on my screen an offer for a full-time Home Care job now this is where we are how do you get this job offer where do you see this employee this is what this video is about this is the agenda of today's life now if you can see my screen once again let me know but before I go to um showing you something else I just want to say that another requirement that you need is your high school certification what does this mean High School back at home in Nigeria precisely where I come from we call it um Secondary School secondary school could be your W your Neco gcsc you you you will go to the Canadian board evate it so you need your high school in other countries I don't know what you guys refer to that but it's Secondary School put in a l man's language are you are you feeling this are you feeling this please let me know so it w look like I'm talking to myself okay cuz you know when I'm here I'm here for a serious business I don't play I give you the tea I make sure I'm the right information using the government website to butress this using the government website to illustrate all of this that is why I said no I'm not going to just stay here open a camera and put just my face but I'm going to take you to the government website directly where you can see this once again I'm going to be sharing my screen please like this video share to as many people as you can let them know there's an amazing opportunity right now let them know there's an amazing opportunity right now okay and guys you can see the statistic of caregivers that they need you can see the statistic so please grab this opportunity while I show you the next important agenda for today if you are still seeing my screen could you please do me a favor by leaving a thumbs up to say Clara I can see your screen is my screen clear can you see see it very bold please give me a thumbs up okay if you can see my screen please give me a thumbs up now let me show you this this one is very important if you can see this please let me know about the code for this caregiver pilot program in Canada now just like UK right whereby we have different codes you will hear okay I want to come into the UK or apply for a Visa in the UK under the care Visa under the careway they will say okay it is code 6141 s o 6131 and the rest of it same as Canada Canada also have its own code I believe you guys can see it Canada also have its own code yeah and for the own child provider it is no i44 one0 just boldly written here this is not Clara who has gone to make up this code this is directly from the Canadian government website itself now it said for you to come into Canada to work with children n and what other job relates to working with children yeah n is coming to my mind now domestic worker related to children and all of it he said your duties include you must care for children in your own home or your employer's private home the location can't be a daycare it must be an organization per se you don't need to live with your employer so if if you're not doing a livein nany job okay you can do a live out n job and the rest the next one is home supp worker which is nooc KN 44101 just as written here so please take note of this code it is so important So eventually by God's grace which I know CU one thing I said is that I'm not going to come here it takes a lot to speak sometimes my throat get dry that is why I always have my water here so I'm not just going to come here to speak about this partway but it's going to leave a lot of impact on people but those who have been dreaming so long to move abroad through the job offer those who is praying for a miracle those who feel like relocating abroad would change their life those who are stranded in a country be the UK whatsoever who need a break through I don't feels like okay maybe if this opportunity is in Canada it will benefit me and my family okay so guys please pay attention if you're joining please Ure you're coming in with a book and Pen someone asked me just now why am I encouraging relocation like I just say relocation is a beautiful thing immigration is a beautiful thing and it has been in existence from the time past in time in Memorial relocation has been inexistence be it within your confine you're reloca from one state to another state be it internationally nationally it has always been in existence it's a beautiful thing and like I do say if you feel like where you are you're not making any progress if if you feel like you need a change and a change would bring you a big blessing that you need to take the move as long as you're moving genuinely legitly as long as you're moving rightly as long as you're moving not illegal but in a illegal way through the right part then it's a good one but then again I would also say this Rel also have it ups and downs side but for me I have seen the way it has blessed me and that is what my channel is about it's a big passion yeah for me it's a very big passion for me to help as many people who wants to relocate but don't have a dime so this one is for you you don't have a penny you don't have a scent please grab hold of this opportunity now let's continue let's continue the Next Step the next agenda is Clara okay thank you we've heard you right job relocates to Canada as a caregiver exciting amazing PR on arrival woo where can we get this job so we can start getting prepared because this PR on arrival the announcement has just been passed out third of June I believe that was two days ago yeah yeah two days ago today's fifth two days ago and it's going to come into a implementation in no time very soon so why don't get started why don't get prepared why wait until become until become very crowdy before you you put in effort that is when you be hearing CL I've been applying I've been applying no job CL I've been applying oh I'm tired I feel like it's a scal I feel like a beg all these people safe they will tell you unfortunately no start now start and do it now so please let me know if you're seeing my screen what I want to do is I want to show you step by step guard this is this is the big part of this video so don't skip this one neither should you go off this is the big part it's going to be step by step most of this stuff I'm teaching you guys is what people pay for pay to join my master class but then again like I do say yes I may be charging a penny for my master class A lot of my colleague have come up to me to say CL are you crazy is your brain all right why are you charging that penny for this amount of knowledge you are imparting and all of that but I do say money is not everything in life and I also know even though my master class is a penny not everyone can still afford it because I've been in position in my life whereby I couldn't even afford a dime so why not try as much as I can to even show those who could even afford it at all show them some things that would help them so please if you are seeing my screen now if you have seen my screen now again please let me know please let me know I want to show you something um I don't know if you guys are seeing this one are you guys seeing this one on Google please give me a thumbs up if you are saying this yeah give me a thumbs up so we can dive in my master class is starting today by 6 p.m. and I need to just really brush this one off so that I can pay full attention to those who are registered for the master class so your Google your Google um Chrome you could use any browser of your choice you could use um Safari Google whatever fire force name it all you need to do please jot this down I'm begging you please J this down all you need to do is go to your Google Chrome type in Canada job bank foreign workers now as you can see on the screen you can see temporary foreign workers you can see foreign candidates from outside Canada you can also see foreign temporary foreign workers temporary foreign workers search if you can see that could you please give me a thumbs up if you can see that please give me a thumbs up and while you are that could you please like this video just do me a favor Clara is doing amazing do me a favor use it to buy me m water for this my throat that is becoming dry let the like be matching the views so no matter where you're watching from it doesn't cost you anything to just like this video yeah that is the big favor you would do for me so you can see what's on the screen you go and you click either any of this tree temporary foreign workers temporary foreign worker search foreign candidate from outside Canada so I'm going to click this one first and see what it brings out we're going to let it load and we're going to see what it brings out there are so many job posting but there's something very important I want to show you here something very important please watch watch watch watch take out your time and watch why like this website people will say I feel like the job bank is a scam I feel like YouTubers are selling us live lives rather do people really get job in Job Bank should I tell you people do get jobs in job bank and you can why this is because the job bank is a portter a job website open up by the Canadian government themsel it's not CL I went to open it it's not a private organization I went to open it it's not Mrs monkey went to open it it was Canadian government who opened this portter for applicants those outside of Canada those inside Canada oh requires a job so yes it is legit it's not a scam okay now that we are here um you could go through but this one is not giving me what I want so I'm going to go back I'm going to go back and I'm going to click of the foreign workers for overseas applicant on I get what I want you guys know I don't stop yet foreign workers for yeah I've gotten it yes I've gotten it and I'm so excited if you are as excited as I am let me know in the comment section give me a thumbs up you are seeing my screen it is bold it is clear that is all what I want to hear it is bold it is clear now you see we are just just click that that um foreign worker job search here you scroll down you scroll down you see where it says search job open to International candidates that is your ticket that is your ticket to success that is your ticket to start applying for those jobs in Canada I'm also going to show you other recruitment agencies aside from using the Canadian job bank I'm going to show you where you can see other private employers aside from using the Canadian job bank but the most important one is using the Canadian job B you know why because this one is the legit platform by the government opened by the government however we still need to be careful and I'm going to show you how to fish out the ones that is real and that is not real now if you see what I did let me go back again so you guys are following this I just click on search jobs open to International candidates if you can see this let me know you can see I'm going to make it a bit board so everyone can get this say job open to International candidates can you see this one are you seeing my screen if you are seeing my screen please let me know you're seeing my screen are you seeing my screen guys let me know you're seeing my screen I don't know I'm yes okay I just got a yes there so that's good now say jobs open to what international candidates now when you come here you can either click in the job title caregiver job for international applicants click in the province or just leave it open and you click search but you see what I like to do I like to go to advance this is my secret this one is my tip as a matter of fact you want me to pay before I give you this tip but like I said it's because I love you all that is why I do this yeah you click on Advance okay now please pay attention to this this is very very crucial now Canada is a country yeah it has various territories various Province and all of that these jobs this caregiver jobs where is it precisely in Canada where exactly is it is it situated or just for a particular Province or Community we need to find out so what I want you to do is that you come to where it says Province and territories are you taking note come to where it says Province and territory yes you come there you can see all the province and territories but you know what I do me being a smart girl I click on all of them I click on all of them we're going to search jobs in all of them it sounds funny yeah may be laughing but that's the truth we're going to set job in all of them so I'm clicking on all of them noas sculture New Foundland Ontario Prince what do they call that one again you click on all of them never can tell what this jobs may be where this employer may be just like in the UK you have the caregiver job in every in every regions in every Community you have the caregiver job so you just click on all of them Santa I believe that is how it's pronounced you click on them um now look at what I want you guys to pay attention to the job categories some people we call it job categories but as a proper Nigerian girl I call it job categories that is what you should pay attention to I'm going to go forward up rather to ensure I've um clicked virtually all of those provinces in Canada all of this community in Canada and territories in Canada so that the more the more Province we click the more job opportunity we are going to find the more job opportunity we are going to find there now you said the job category that is that is the most important you see where it says at at um occupation see where it says occupation you click on eight occupations you click on that one please if you're seeing my screen let me know you're seeing my screen so it w look like I'm talking to myself it's beginning to sound like I'm talking to myself I don't want to talk to myself please so let me know if you saw that um Step I I just did the occupation step I just did let me know if you saw that and while you at it again this is just a gentle reminder why not play with the like button of this video just play with it just like the video just use time say let me like this video small someone is saying it's small but is it really small okay let me see if I can zoom it I zoom it there so let me see if I can zoom it again yeah I think I think that is better um yeah that is better now so is it bold now is it bold is it bold now now you see where I I put eight occupations can you guys see that one the eight occupations you click on that someone say it's blurry is it blurry let me just move on I don't believe it's blurry now when you click on that you can see various kind of um occupations yeah workers various kind of them and jobs occupations and um what what's the English word for that now job occupations in general and sectors you can see all of that but remember this partway to Canada what they are looking for is caregivers they're not talking about um social therapist doctors massage therapists pharmacists this and that they want caregivers they're not talking of NSE now if you're a nurse you like clar maybe this video is not for me I'm not needed yes there still opportunity for you you can come into the caregiver pilot program caregiver pathway I'm not saying you should Bel little yourself but if you feel like okay it may land you into the country then you should this is because nursing in Canada before you move as a nurse you know you need to go through the necessary qualifications attaining the necessary um evaluations and license before you can move in as a nurse and even practice as a nurse so alternatively this is where the caregiving job comes for for you now the only thing we're searching for now is the NSE Aid look at it here the Norse Aid yes can you see my screen oh can you see my screen guys let me know maybe I I'm just going to zoom it again I'm just going to try zooming it again again like Zoom it big big big big I think it's okay now is it this is like the highest I can go in terms of zooming is it bold now if it is bold let me know it's bold if it is bold let me know it's bold good so we're going to move on now you say the no Aid that is what we need that is what this okay give up paway is about caregivers including nanes care assistant start using synony in terms of what the words you can think of in regards caregivers now since that is only what we need I'm going to click on all of the rest that doesn't matter it's quite a lot but we're just going to click on all of the rest that doesn't matter so we can only get the right job when I mean the right job only the n Aid um caregiver job we can only get it and apply so pardon me why I just take up time on clicking them I wish there was a way I could just batch on click but there's no way to do that and it's quite a lot here it's quite a lot it's quite a lot you know trying to un click it one after the other but that is the pain that comes with job search I do tell people searching for job is not phone but if you if you are determined you will definitely get it and no matter how stressful it may be you will get that job as long as you're putting in the work so we're just going to leave it like that now I think I've done the most and then this n Aid is what we want so let's see how we can click on search let's see how we can click on search after choosing not Aid We're not choosing um years of um experience no we're not choosing that so most importantly guys please see this don't miss this now going to zoom the screen again if you can see let me know you can see most importantly this is where I want you to pay attention intended applicants are you guys saying what I just highlighted intendent applicants what does that mean intended applicants um what kind of job are you looking for per se where are you situated from where are you looking to apply for this job and me I would say Canadians and international candidates is what you should click on now the nursing a job currently as at today the 5th of June on the job bank there's how many vacancy look at the vacancies you have here but these vacancies are split into two that is those who are in Canada and have the work permit already and for those who are outside Canada and for those who are outside Canada look at the vacancy currently made available for you which is 241 as at today and this website every day you check every day you see new vacancy every day number goes up every day there are different changes every day so we're going to go back to the advanced search now you see where it says view 241 view 241 result that is where you should click that is where you should click okay don't miss out from this step now when you click on that you can see you can you can see that it already brings out um um what would I call it vacancies for us already look at this healthare Aid like I said when I when I come and make this video I like to show evidence I'd like to show you that I'm talking the fact and as you can see this was just published open today this vacany just came out today that is why is at the top of the page it came out today June 5th 2024 they need aare Aid so how are you going to know if they are willing to hire you from overseas with the work permits if they are LM sponsors yes how you going to know even though we click on um the one that says open to Canadian and international need to do about due diligence to ensure when we are clicking on this job before we apply to it we are ensuring we are looking that indeed it is for those for overseas applicant and also those in the what do you call it in Canada it is open to everybody because I don't want you going on to apply for jobs randomly just like that you apply for over 2,000 you get frustrated that is because most of the time the jobs you're applying for is not for overseas applicant right it's not for overseas applicants so this one now is saying relocation cost not covered by employer definitely we won't go for that one because what we need is relocation cost covered by employer even though that this one is hiring from outside um Canada as you can see here it say relocation cost not cover if I were you I'm never going to apply for that I'm not except you have so much money to pay for your visa fee yourself your flight feir by yourself but my goal my goal really is not just to it's not just to what do you call it's not just to get um a job but to come in using a free pathway now there's home support worker remember worker is a was also posted recently all they need is um your English language you must be able to speak English secondary school high school graduation certificate experience is not is an asset rather so you need to have some experience yeah your responsibility include administrate administer medications assist clients with batting and other aspects of personal hygiene launder clothing I don't know if you guys are seeing this board let me Zoom ler clothing men clothing just like what home support worker is for now who can apply for this one this one says you have to be a Canadian citizen so you can't apply then you go back again that is the pain that comes with job application you need to take out your time until you find the one that talks about International applicants or the one that says can be applied for those in Canada and also those outside of Canada so we'll take our time we search for this job take our time and we this is a step by- step guide today taking you guys you know along holding your hands showing you how to do this so we're going to go again going to go again oh my screen sto sharing there is this thing sharing please can you see my screen can you see my screen guys if you can see my screen just give me a thumbs up cuz it's St okay good can see it now so this is just the step by step gu you did personal support worker nsing um care let's click on this one see if this one is taking overseas applicant click on it scroll down see if he taking overseas applicant good news this one is taking overseas applicant Bly written here it says look at look at this side I just highlighted look at what I just alighted why this noted uh oh okay just look at this side my counil is pointing to he said other candidates with or without a valley Canadian permit so that is the word they use in Canada when they say they can hire from overseas they can hire International applicant other candidates with or without a valid Canadian permit so how would you know how to send your CV where to send your CV you just need to click on where it says show how to apply now most of this um job in the job bank requires you to apply via email to apply via email you can either apply on the job bank or you send your CV to their email you only say send your CV to this mail send your CP to this mail I'm not joking I'm not joking it's for a fact that people get job even through the email now what do you need you need your cover letter references as testing experience that is your experience certification proving showing a prove that you have some level of experiences in this now guys this is just the step by step guide you need to use in searching for a caregiv job in Canada you can see one in Toronto you can see there several several several several vacancy several companies recruiters agencies that are hiring look at there's so much here you just need to do your due diligence I do say nobody can do this for you if you have money you go and pay someone $500 $200 and $300 $400 to apply for job for you you are only deceiving yourself you are wasting your time you know why I said so this is because they will make you sign a contract and say okay yes I apply for job for you but in this duration let's say after three months of applying for the job and you don't get the job that is our business closed that is St I do say so in case you don't want to fall victim to that you don't want to fall victim to that apply by yourself you can do this or look for any Master Class to join unfortunately mine is closed I'm not taking anybody in anymore because I'm starting today by 6 p.m. after this live session join learn how to do this for yourself as long as the price is fair you know learn you can apply by yourself there so many so many job opportunity out there and this is one way you can search for this job in Canada this is one way I believe everyone of you are following me you're taking notes let me know in the comment section if you have questions just be dropping them I'll be answering why I go to the last agenda for today before we call it a day and if you not like this video what are you waiting for please eat that like button say Clara you're doing a good job CL you're doing an amazing job Clara we love you you're doing a fantastic job those words of encouragement keeps me going it keeps me going also be your brother's keeper you have a friend a relative you have anyone you know wants to move abroad you feel like they've been looking for this opportunity for so long to relocate abroad why not do them a favor this video could just be a breakthrough for them a miracle for them this video could just be something that they've been looking for on how to do this process on how to start this whole application like I said normally people pay for this but I'm here giving you out for free people come to my master class to learn this but like like I said it's not everything is not about money and I believe not everyone can afford even the so-call penny that I'm charging so share this video to people you feel like they can benefit from share share and share and also like this video now the last agenda for today I want to show you a particular platform or agency or website where you can apply for n90 jobs in Canada and now when I show you this I don't want anybody come to me and say Clara um help me apply for n job no what is the Ence of this video showing you how to apply for this I don't want anybody coming to me to say oh Clara and I want CV Nan I want CV Nan it's not like that someone recently came to me you know say oh CL I want I wanted Nanny CV why do you do this C for me I said CV only taor using your experiences and your certification you don't have any experience at all you don't have any certification with regards of nanny or Child Care looking after children or or you've never work in a children environment or settle or with kids at all and you want to apply to that job how is it possible so before you do your CV have the experiences and certification to back it up that is why say it's not about money people will come to me and say can't you just make up something just for something and put as if I'm working as a NY I will say God forbid I will never do that I will not lie if I not lie and put under your CV how can you back it up during interview how would you be able to back it up during interview so no matter the kind of job you want to apply for please ensure you have um experiences in regard to that and certification to back it off now let's go to the last agenda cuz I never intended for this video to be an hour but almost an hour now I need to go and get ready for my master class those people are the most important people right now in my life if you get what I mean those people are the most important people right now so if you're seeing my screen just let me know you're seeing my screen let me know you're seeing my screen please are you seeing my screen give me a thumbs up let me know you're seeing my screen now you see where it says International Nares and Home Care Limited this is for those who want to move into Canada as a caregiver Nan or this agency may just help you with your location plan and you are saying Clara agency would help me do I need to pay it is highly prohibited to pay for any job um should I use the word relocating abroad through a job offer should be a free pathway because when you hear Visa sponsorship it means moving for free a free Visa sponsorship the word an employer covering up your relocation cost and everything that is what sponsorship means they're sponsoring you so you can use this agency you can go to that website another agency you can use for caregiver is this one called doit you can use doit too okay as you can see you can use them another agency you can use is face Personnel but I don't have them open up on my screen now you can use face Personnel too as you can see for international applicants International Job search this is for you International Job search this is for you guys I believe this video has been quite amazing I believe this video has been informative enough I want to say something before I go yes it is left to claraa to come and talk and talk some some people who are troll will say you talk too much oh your mouth is smelling get away all of those stuff yes it is left to me to talk or maybe I talk too much but the ball now is in your court it is left to you to put in the work like I said if you don't want to get scammed if you don't want to get scammed if you don't want to get cheated you need to do this yourself when I mean yourself apply it doesn't kill anybody apply and apply aggressively apply aggressively like apply like I need this I need this this is going to change me it's be my apply send out applications and when you applying please apply well because there are difference with apply and just apply apply well get a standard CV get a good cover letter like you see on one of the job application there he said submit your cover letter to this email including your certification and your CV get it people say can I pay $20 can I pay $10 can I pay this for CV if it me paying for that CV as long as the price is fair pay pay do your CV well if you can do it yourself do it yourself if you can get free material out there then GA those material make a good CV Canadian standard CV apply and like I said before you make that c sure you're having the necessary certification experiences in regards of the role you applying for as a nany home child care support whatever kind of care job you're applying for in Canada using this partway make sure you have that necessary certification and experience now as usual you all know when it comes to CV I give give the fairest prize this is because I want everyone to get a feel of having a good resume Canada college resume I want everyone to have a fear of getting a good resume you know to take that burden from them in terms of making a good CV a good resume to take that burden from them so if you want a good TV you can reach out to me on my Instagram page my Instagram handle is called Clara immigration with over 21,000 followers that is the only right claore immigration please make sure you come to the right one any other one is counterfeit you can see it on the screen Clara uncore immigration that is the only right Instagram that I have any other one is fake and I believe God has given all of us brain you can identify the one which is good which is bad you can identify them when you're going on Instagram you're seeing someone with just 10 followers 100 followers um 200 followers you believe that is me that is not me I do repeat this Clara underscore immigration with over 21,000 followers that is my only Instagram account you can reach out to me me go straight to the point Clara I need a CV from you can you make me a CV for this job or that job I make CV worldwide regardless of the job and one thing is that I give a very good price fair price I don't want you to break the bank to be able to get a good CV my CV is just $18 even with the materials resources put in I tried to make it so cheap so you can reach out to me alternatively you don't have Instagram you can reach me via my email it is also spelled on screen here I'm going to put it on screen now you can reach me via my email which is called Chu Fred at Chu FR it is also on screen now it is also on screen CH Fred 97 at that is the only email address I have in regards of people reaching out to me to do their CV or any other inquiries I just noticed yesterday there's a scammer who is using an email called Clara immigration scamming people that is not me my email is the one written on screen ch come once again thank you so much for tuning in do not forget to like this video share to as many people as you can your family your loved ones your friends and don't forget if you need a CV cover letter you can reach me on my Instagram and my email address they will be in the comment section so look out for that thank you and goodbye and I hope this partway favor every one of you bye-bye
Channel: Clara Immigration
Views: 70,997
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: senior carer visa, canada caregiver, caregiver in canada, recruitment agency, free senior carer visa uk, free uk senior carer visa, clara immigration, canada care visa 2024, canada care visa straight to pr, canada immigration, canada pr, canada permanent residency, relocate to canada as a caregiver with visa sponsorship, canada care home jobs, canada care home vis, care homes recruiting overseas nurses, care jobs in canada
Id: _Ytw9IjYuhQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 23sec (3623 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 05 2024
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