Can You Turn Motor Oil Into Fake Snow?

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- [Announcer] Insta-Snow is an amazing powder that when combined with ordinary water, quickly creates fluffy, realistic snow that won't melt. But if you replace the water with something more unusual, what kind of snow will you get. This is Will It Snow? (playful music) - Alright, so here we go. - Let's do it. - Six scoops of the snow. Five, six. - Normally you use water. - Normally. - But we're not doing that today. - This isn't normal. - No, we've got... - Mustard soda! That's not bad. It's weird. - It is good. - I don't mind it. - I do like it. - This is not a taste test, this is a snow test. - Snow test. - Let's do it. Oooh, I like the color. - [Adam] I do like the color. Oooh, it's already activating. Look at it go! - [Jon] This is some cool science stuff going on. - [Adam] Look at it go. - The fizz. We just gotta get in here and mix it around a little bit. - Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Look at that. - That is something you are not supposed to eat. Danny would eat this. - You know Danny would definitely eat this. - Danny would totally eat this. - Danny. - That's not good. - Yeah, you're not supposed to... - Verdict is it snows. - It snows. - Let it snow. (playful music) - Snow cones. - So yeah, you're supposed to freeze these and then you can just rip 'em open and have a snow cone but we left them out and so they're watery. I think it's gonna work. - I think it's probably gonna be a little too viscus. I'm gonna say it's gonna work just a little. - It's nice. - It's really yummy. - It's bubblegum. It's very blue. - It is so blue. Oh, it's working! - [Joey] Oh! It is working. - It's snowing. It's snowing. I don't wanna get my hands in there, though 'cause I feel like they're gonna just be blue. - Oh, you baby. I'll do it. - Don't wanna have blue hands. - It's nice, you're missing out. - It's so vibrant. Look at this. I'm impressed. I didn't think it was gonna fluff that much. - I can't stop playing with it. It's so soft. It looks like really soft cake that fell apart. Like crumbled apart when you tried to flip it out of your bundt pan. (gagging) (laughs) (jazzy music) - Red wine. - Yeah. - Ooh, cheers. - Yeah. Oh, this is gonna snow. - Yeah, this is gonna snow hard. - Yeah, how could this not snow? - Yeah. 12 inches of snow. That's gonna snow. - Give it like five or 10 seconds I think and it should just snow right up. - Here it comes! Oh, man. - So cool. - [Eric] Wow. That's kinda fun to watch. - It is. This is a lot wetter than I thought like, usually, it's fluffier. I guess it didn't suck up as much. I don't know what the deal is. - Yeah, it's not as fluffy. So, I was telling Bob, "Look, we gotta--" Oh, no, Jamie, I'm sorry. Oh, I spilled my wine all over you there. I'm sorr-- let's see if I can get a server over here. - Doesn't look that stained. - It's just wet. - Just looks kinda wet. - Did it snow? Absolutely. - Absolutely, it snowed but a very, very wet snow. (rock music) - We got our snow in the bowl and this time, we are adding something a little more spicy. The hot sauce challenge 12 pack. - Bam. - Now this is a book full of 12 hot sauces. - We've got it all in this glass. - It's all in one cup. Oh, good-ness! - It's hot. - It's stinking hot. Crazy hot. - Stupid hot. - Insanely hot. - We gotta taste test. We gotta do it. - Yeah, knock yourself out, man. - It probably will knock myself out. - I'm sure it will. Oh. - Oh my God. - Oh God, Jon. What are you doing? Why did you do that? - I had way too much. I shoulda just had a little bit. - Oh, God. - Oooh! Adam, you might be doing this by yourself. (hiccups) - You okay? - Whoa! (hiccup) The involuntary spice hiccups. - Okay, we're running out of time so I'm just gonna dump this in and mix it on up and see if it works. Jon's gonna take care of what he's taking care of. Let's see, we didn't even make predictions. I don't think it's gonna work, it's way too thick. (inaudible muttering) Oh, it's going. Oh, it's kind of getting a little, it's kind of snowing just a little bit. Surprisingly, it is getting thicker. It's not getting super filled up like it would if it was water, but it definitely is more of a snow consistency. You wanna get some water? Some milk maybe? - Yeah, I'm out. - Do we have any... Guys, do we have any ice cream? Will is snow? Kinda. (mellow music) - Soy sauce. - Soy sauce. - It's got so much salt that like... - Salt's how you shrink this stuff so I'm thinking nothing's gonna happen. If anything happens, it's gonna condense even more and the granuals are gonna get tinier. Let that soy sauce flow. - Just glug it out? There's some bubbles, some bubbles. - [Danny] Some things are... - It looks like it's growing. - [Danny] It's gone. - [Joey] It's gone? - It's like dissolving it. - What? - [Danny] Get your hands in there. - [Joey] It's just like slime in there now. - [Danny] It's just like, it's so tiny. - [Joey] What the heck? - I mean, this is exactly what I thought would happen. - Didn't work. - Did not work. - Soy sauce. - If you got a soy sauce spill, don't use Insta-Snow to clean it up. - 'Cause that's what everybody was thinking. (playful music) - I think I'm coming down with something. I think, I think I'm getting a little sick here. Oh! Oh, some NyQuil. Oh, this will hit the spot. This will be great. - I see what ya did there. - I don't know about this. Its a little bit thicker. - It's a little bit thicker, but it's still pretty... - It's a little runny. - I think it's gonna work. I'm gonna go yes. - I'm gonna say no. - Let's dump it. Make it snow. - Ooh. - Look at that. It didn't immediately kind of like, snow up like the mustard did. - I think I might be right. It might not actually work. - Don't call it too soon. I'll get my hands in there. What the heck? It's like dissolving the snow. It's like just syrup. - No. - The snow is gone. - No, it isn't. It's there but it's very tiny. - [Jon] It's like, shrinking. - We put this in our bodies? - You were right, it doesn't now. - Yeah, surprisingly, it does not snow. (country music) - I again don't think it's gonna snow, man. - Oh, that'll totally snow. You don't think the oil will snow? - I don't know. I think it'll snow maybe a little bit, but not fully. - I just wanna pour this in. I think it's gonna snow, you don't think it will. - I think it will a little bit but not very well. - [Jamie] Here we go. - [Eric] Oh. - [Jamie] That's cool. - Oh, it is a little bit. It's soaking it up a little bit. - It's pretty thick. Oh, I'm going over the top. Oh, I got the dual thing going. - [Eric] Oh, it is soaking. - That is cool. It's kind of bubbling. I think it's going but it's just slower than normal. Oh. - Oh, it did not. - [Jamie] It didn't do anything. - [Eric] It did not. - Motor oil did not snow, but it's kind of fun to play with. - This was the meteorologist on Christmas who's like, "Oh, get ready for a white Christmas "and then you're left with this." (mellow music) - You have Sex Panther too? - I have Sex Panther too. - We smell exactly the same now. - I know. - Ugh. - Oh, that got you. - You jerk. - I think it's gonna work. - You think it's gonna work? - I think it's gonna work 'cause it's very liquidy, although it's alcohol. I don't know what alcohol does with it. - That's true, it might not work. Three, two, one. (mellow music) Hey. - I don't know. No. It is fragrant. I've never seen cologne like loose in the wild. - Loose in the wild? What do you mean? - Like, outside of it's... - That's such a weird way to say that. - [Danny] It's not doing anything. - [Joey] It is not doing anything. - You gonna get your finger in there? I gotta lotta little cuts on my, like hangnails. If I put my fingers in there, it's gonna hurt real bad. - Yeah, I can feel it evaporating. It like gets cold, you know? I wish I could say I was impressed but I'm just not. - Don't act like you're not impressed. (playful music) - Apparently, we had gloves the whole time. - Yeah, why do we have gloves for this next one, I wonder. - 'Cause we're gonna see if ass will snow. So we gotta put all 12 of these in? Here we go. - [Eric] Yeah, have fun. Oh, yeah, look, it made a star. - Oh, wow, cool! - Beautiful and disgusting at the same time. - Oh, oooh. Yeah, I got a little whiff. Ugh. - Jeez, that's putrid. - Oh! - I can't take it. (gagging) - Oh, it's gross. - Ugh, I don't wanna touch it. - But it totally snows, dude. Something this pretty, and white, and fluffy, it's so weird that it smells so terrible. You know what I mean? - Dude. - Are you gonna throw up? - I was about to punch you is what was about to happen. - I don't know why but I keep wanting to like, mmmm! - You're like addicted to it now. - I'm addicted to booty. (laughs) Alright, it snows. - Yeah, yeah, it snowed alright. - [Announcer] Create a winter wonderland any time of year with Insta-Snow. Find the snow substitute and hundreds of other gifts we've discovered for you at - That's 12 ounces, right? - I don't know. Does it look about 12 ounces? - I'm like a sexy smurf right now. - Yeah, Daddy Smurf. (laughs) - Ah, yeah. Oh, that feels incredible. That was really spicy stuff. ♪ ♪
Channel: Vat19
Views: 5,421,013
Rating: 4.8216434 out of 5
Keywords: vat19, vat19 will it snow, will it snow, making snow, vat19 makes snow, vat19 snow, instant snow powder, instant snow, making snow without water, insta snow powder, insta snow, can it snow, make snow, indoor snow, making snow with wine, make snow with soda, wine snow, hot sauce snow, soy sauce snow, sex panther cologne, oil and snow, snow experiment, snow challenge, indoor snow challenge, fake snow, make fake snow
Id: uNFpOdI_7Rw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 21sec (561 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 24 2019
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