I Went Magnet Fishing Next To A Prison (Sketchy)

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we're illegal a barbed wire this farce kind of sketchy I'm not gonna lie what's up guys in today's video we're gonna be doing some more magnet fishing once again we're gonna be looking around for some new spots now and this is a whole different part of the state that I've never touched before so I'm really excited that I feel like these spots look really good on Google Maps I got a very very good feeling about today I feel like we're gonna get a lot of stuff today I was just gonna say this road isn't that busy but then literally two cars just went past me I swear this entire time I've been here I haven't seen one car and as soon as I was gonna say something two cars go right behind me but before we get in the video I want to show you guys two things that I got my people back there's two things in you this big box right here now I did look in this and I feel like I have to put this to the video this one is just too funny I actually ripped the paper a little bit when I was trying to open it but here let's let's get a good Blair look at that I'll let you guys read that right there you can pause this video or whatever basically says me and Danny haven't been wearing gloves so he sent me and Danny some gloves so today I am gonna be wearing gloves in this video sorry Danny I'm gonna take the red pair you're gonna be stuck with the green pair last but not least now a couple videos back I said I was considering getting a grappling hook guys someone sent me and there's no name on this I really wish there's a name on this but you know who you are views that this someone has sent me to grappling hooks guys so we're gonna be set if there's ever something big that we can't get up we're gonna utilize the grappling hook here I'm super excited about this one guys this this is one of the best things I've gotten in my fuel box that thing look at that and they send two of them that's crazy look at that definitely going to come in handy here this is this is awesome if you set this thank you and if you said this thank you as well I'm definitely gonna wear the gloves today if you guys are interested in sending anything to my P o box throw it up on the screen right here boom just like that I like I said before I want to eventually start doing something where I do one where I do walk into a live stream every month unboxing stuff that you guys send me right anyways enough rambling let's get right into the video and do some magnet fishing ignore my messy car but here we go well first things first we'll put on the gloves senior guys comments now I have no no excuse this actually works out perfectly because I've been starting to get blisters from the rope alright there we go we're all gloved up I think we got a rope is this a rope yeah look at that got some rope out of the water first find of the day that wasn't I don't well that's that's just a good thing to get out of there I don't know how I caught that though oh yeah that's magnetic I don't know if it's coming now that is really wedged in the ground there slow steady pressure oh it moved I think get up here yeah look at that first fun of the day a little nail to nails actually I don't know if this is gonna be retrievable or not it's definitely magnetic but it's just too big no I think does not want to move at all there's no way I'm gonna be able to get that up especially by myself on to the next spot I was literally on the way to the other spot and I found this so I'm gonna give it a try I don't know it doesn't look too good I don't know how I didn't find this on Google Maps so literally the other bridge is like I can probably see it through the woods it's that close probably should have just kept going this spot was no good oh there we go we finally got a fine that's a new spot and it is a tin can top a very new tin can top come on that I want more than that though and getting greedy here oh yeah it's coming it's coal that was big that was really big there should be a bunch of bubbles that come up see do we have any like fragments to anything on it yeah look at that that could be something hopefully it's not just a stick but we definitely got it yanked out of the mud there that was bigger we 100% have something right now it's big it is big what do we got here what the heck how is this even caught on my magnet how is this even caught on a magnet get up here go slow go slow go slow oh no it was right there oh no I see it it's going down in a circle oh I don't think I'm getting that back oh I'm not getting that thing back no it was literally right here it was like a circle thing it wasn't even caught on the magnet side it's caught on the other side I can't Oh No I can't believe I lost that no well that's not coming back it was like a big circle thing darn it would have been like the first good find of the day let's go slow I got it I think oh yeah this is really big it's way bigger than whatever that thing was oh my gosh this thing is heavy ah no I think it's a sign I think it's a sign I think it's it's a sign we got a sign ah there we go no okay shot this way darn this is so much harder when you're by yourself there's a whole sign down there let's go very slow ah finally man God that took forever to find cuz when I when it fell it shot sideways oh my gosh I finally got it up I did not think I was gonna get this up oh yeah there we go we got a sign oh man that took forever to get I knew I was feeling something out there and I got that dis thing that took that went flying wherever I'm never finding that disc again but man that took some serious effort to find look at that there we go we got our first decent find of the day we got ourselves a sign and that is gonna be it for this spot we did pull up that sign though and we had that big round thing so I'm calling this spot was not a full success but we did get one decent find out of this spot so that's good alright let's go to the next round hopefully you can find some more stuff made it to the next spot and this Phi is kind of sketchy I'm not gonna lie because just over this hill there is a whole prison I think I think I'm snack no it's coming no way I have something I see my magnet it stuck to something ah what is it old man this is big this is really big man I think it's a sign it's a sign it's a sign or it's a piece to a something what that get up here little bit what look at that that thing is heavy look at that we got a piece to a sign again guys real Italy magnificient next to a prison there was a prison on the other side of that hill and I find it stuff right X it's crazy look at that man that is big that is so heavy - ah there we go I said oh my gosh I was Luke that was my last throw I was literally like alright this is my last throw I'm about to leave oh I was too busy looking at all the fish I was distracted cuz there's a ton of fish here I'm probably gonna come back here in fish no way no way I go to the loo I got another sign I got another one is it a signers it just post I think it's just supposed get up here man this is heavy I gotta wait for the guys I gotta wait for the guards get up here oh man another one guys I can't believe I bought you a tease I really fought two of them ah those pretty much the next throw literally that was pretty much in the same spot - man thanks crazy those things were so heavy oh man I don't know if I'm just weak or those things that no no I'm not weak those things were just heavy I think I'm gonna have to go to a new spot now I've been magnificent here for about thirty minutes after those two things I got him pretty much back to back I was about to leave when I first found him when I got him back to back I said one throw I took another one I found that one but this huh I really think it is time to go we did find two things here though yeah that's what I said we weren't close to a prison I mean we were like literally just behind me it's the bridge and here is the prison look at this guys we were literally Magothy she'd next to a prison look great Clinton Correctional Center look at that that is a whole prison it's getting worked on right now but dude we were little a barbed wire well this spots a bust as well and that's gonna wrap it up for today now we found a sign today we found a couple nice things but again I'm trying to find some more spots not everybody should be filled with like crazy fines hopefully next time we can find some better things but we did magnificent x2a prison I don't think anyone else has Magda fish next to a prison if I am let me know down in the comments if I'm wrong but I think I am the first person to ever magnificient right next to a prison but anyways I'm gonna let you guys go so thanks for watching see ya [Music]
Channel: Outdoors Weekly
Views: 55,095
Rating: 4.7698712 out of 5
Keywords: magnet fishing, magnet, fishing, I Went Magnet Fishing Next To A Prison (Sketchy), magnet fishing next to a prison, magnet fishing finds, treasure hunting, magnet fishing uk, cool finds, magnet fishing 2019, 1500lbs magnet, magnets, strong magnet, usa magnet fishing, river, we had the best day of magnet fishing ever (illegal find), outdoors weekly, magnet fishing usa, dallmyd, crazy, super magnet, magnet fishing us
Id: rUmkH-vQKQQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 42sec (642 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 21 2019
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