Real vs Candy Cane Challenge // Clam-Flavored Candy Canes?!

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(wheel spinning) (reading on screen text) (screams) - [Narrator] This is Real or Candy Cane where one player tries a curiously flavored candy cane combination while their partner samples the actual food pairing. Let's find out which candy cane combos they spin. - John you're looking very festive. - Thank you, you are too. - My sweater's louder than yours. I've got three Christmas clowns. - Is that a thing, Christmas clowns? - And then two Christmas Easter eggs. - I'm specially prepared. (ding) (laughing) Very prepared for this. - Give it a good good spin, Joey likes to give it a good spin, I give it a dainty spin. (laughing) - Warheads. - Warheads and mac and cheese? (drum roll) (festive music) - Are you gonna stick with yours or do you want to trade? - Trade. - Three, two - Three. (exclaiming) - Weird. - Cheese and sour this is gonna be crazy. (crunch) This is so weird and gross. Lemon and cheese. - I don't like it, I don't like it. - I hate it. (spitting) (wheel spinning) - Okay alright, we're off to a weird start. (wheel spinning) That was a really weird spin. Bacon, alright. (festive music) (exclaiming) - Now that I see it. - Oh. Smells like weird gravy. - Yes. - Ew it's all mucusy. - You're making it way worse Kara. Mucus, mucus, mucus, mucus, mucus, agh. I like what's happening. - Really? - Yeah - I don't like this. That's kind of making me gag more than this. It's pretty accurate. - Is it sweet too? - Yeah. - So it's like meaty and sweet? - Meaty and sweet. (wheel spinning) - Swedish fish. - I love Swedish fish. - I like Swedish fish. Anything would go with that. - Oh. - Peppermint. Three, two, one, ayyy. You don't have one, what's up with that. - Oh, is this whole thing for me? - Uh it can be I guess, I've got a little fish taco here with a mint leaf tortilla. That's not yummy. - Mmm. - I feel like just ruined both of these things. - This does taste just like Swedish fish, oh my gosh. - This tastes just like Swedish fish too, with a leaf on it. More like a Yankee candle. (wheel spinning) - Pickle? - What, no do better Joey. - [Unison] Root beer? - Ugh. - Ew. Your bad. (soda fizzing) - I can smell the pickle. I don't know if it's coming from yours or mine. - Tickle on your pickle. What? It's his nose. (laughing) - No. - Oh, yeah. - Dang it. - It's so fizzy. - It's a nice presentation though. (talking over each other) I don't like this, I wish I'd gotten that. - Yeah me too. - You wish I'd gotten that? You want to, oh. (slurping) (gagging) This is bad, Joey. - You mean it's not delicious? - It's not delicious. - I fully expected it to be delicious. - The root beer is yum, yum, yum, the pickle throws it all off. - They're pretty accurate. - 'Cause that one's not like super pickle-y. - Yeah it's just like mildly pickles. - This one is super pickle-y. (laughing) (wheel spinning) - Oreo, yes. We need to hug again, this is like our thing now. Peppermint. - Christmas miracle. - It's a Christmas miracle. (festive music) - Ayyy, wait there's just a black candy cane here. But where's the peppermint? Oh. - So this might be a little funkier than I was thinking. (reading on screen text) - That's good. Tastes like a candy cane but huge. (reading on screen text) - Is that good? - Uh huh, they probably make peppermint oreos, but if you want a peppermint oreo this is the way to go. - That's authentic. - Let's go again. - Get a good one. (wheel spinning) - Chicken? - I was hoping for the orange crush because orange soda is one of my favorites, so if you get orange soda, I mean that's gonna be weird, but orange chicken. (wheel spinning) - Oh. Orange chicken. - That's what you wanted. (rooster cooing) You choose. - I'll eat what's under yours. Oh that was a mistake. That's so weird. - Enjoy. You got your orange chicken. - Is this how they make orange chicken? - It's so orange. - Oh the smell. (laughing) - That's funky looking. - Oh no, now I've gotten past the orange the chicken's okay. - This is weird. It's weird but not bad, just kind of like, I wouldn't combine these for funsies, but you know. - There's nowhere to go but up. (wheel spinning) Homerun. - Oreo. Good job Joey. Coming back strong. (wheel spinning) (beeping) - [Unison] Dr. Pepper. - Oreo, Dr. Pepper, it's okay. (laughing) (soda fizzing) - One, two, three. - I don't know, the presentation is - The presentation is nice. (crunching) - Hm. That's weird. - Whoa, it got super fizzy like your pickle. - I feel like this could be a flavor, like chocolate Dr. Pepper. - The cream and the Dr. Pepper go amazingly together. - Oh look at that fizz going. I like it, it's hard to make an oreo bad, maybe with a pickle. (wheel spinning) - Smoked cinnamon - smoked cinnamon? - Question mark. Do you want to spin my wheel? Let's just break the rules. - Okay. - Alright. I'm not even gonna look. (wheel spinning) - Mac and cheese. - Cinnamon mac and cheese. (festive music) - I want the real, I think it might be good. - Cinnamon mac and cheese? - It might not be terrible. - Oh. - Mac and cheese candy cane, thinking it's not gonna be good. (laughing) It kinda smells like a weird foot smell. - Really? - You know when they say like toe cheese. - Uh huh, mac and toe cheese? Oh that is weird. Yeah good luck with that, I'm gonna be over here. The cinnamon get buried pretty fast. And it's just like mac and cheese. - Really? - It doesn't come through that much. - Mine's kind of the opposite, the cinnamon is overpowering the cheese. - Really? - Okay, oh, I got all mac and cheese on that one. (reading on screen text) (wheel spinning) - Don't make it a pickle. - Oh come on. - That was the other bad one. - The only one I didn't want, why would you do that. I am aiming for pickle now. - No. (wheel spinning) - Just tell me if it's good, nothing's good with clam. - No. - It's a pickle. - This is my like perfect storm, worst case scenario. - Three, two, one. Yay. Who first of all, finds an ocean rock and says I'm gonna crack it open and scoop out whatever's on the inside and eat it? Oh no it's like a fish but inside a rock, pooping inside itself probably. I don't know how clams work. - He's stalling around. (reading on screen text) - I mean I feel like that's better for you because at least it's not a pickle. Three, two, one. (scoffing) - Ew. - Ugh. - These both suck. (laughing) These are so gross. (retching) - I'm done, I'm done, I'm done. (spitting) - [Narrator] It turns out there's more to everyone's favorite holiday hard candy than just a little peppermint. Sometimes a lot more. Find all these crazy candy canes and stuff everybody's stockings full of interesting flavor at (laughing) - Ho, ho, ho? Let me try that again. - I told you to do better. You do better. -
Channel: Vat19
Views: 5,926,954
Rating: 4.8355761 out of 5
Keywords: vat19
Id: AAG1im7lbU8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 48sec (468 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 01 2018
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