26 Riddles to Unlock Your Superpowers

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[Music] the evening before his girlfriend's birthday kevin arrived at her office quite late to decorate her desk he pretended to be a pizza delivery guy to get past the security but when kevin finished with the decorations he realized that the building had already been closed and all the guards had left kevin found a locker with several tangled wires help the guy out if he just opens the door the alarm will go off and the police will arrive immediately one wire turns off the alarm another is responsible for fire detectors and the third one turns off the cameras which wire should kevin cut the green one [Music] can you figure out what animal is hiding behind this pattern that's right it's a dog now let's make this task a bit more complicated what animal is hiding here that's right it's a panda [Music] police officers are chasing a thief who has just robbed a jewelry store but he has managed to hide in a women's clothing store and put on a female outfit help the officers identify the robber among these women this elegant lady on the right is wearing the same sneakers as the thief did during his escape look at this picture can you see any animal [Music] it's a crocodile great job eric got caught in the rain and decided to hide in an abandoned house but as soon as he stepped inside the front door disappeared a mysterious voice said the only way to get out of here is to push open one of these doors but the first door is covered with dangerous acid the second door is unbearably hot if he touches the third door he'll get an electric shock which door should eric choose the guy needs to take off his rubber boots and put them on his hands then he can push the third door rubber will protect him from electricity there are many different animals in this picture but can you spot identical pairs [Music] this couple of birds these hairs and the owls other creatures don't have identical twins [Music] look at this picture very attentively what do you see is it a spiral or several concentric circles [Music] these are black and white concentric circles you probably saw a spiral but this is just an optical illusion try to squint your eyes or move your finger around any of the circles daniel came home after work and realized his house had been burgled the police suggested that the robbery probably took place around lunchtime the officers questioned four ladies who lived next door all of them told the police that they had had a road trip together they had to stop to change a flat tire on their way back from another city so they got home late at night but then the police officer decided to interrogate the lady separately in different rooms they heard their answers and arrested them immediately what question did the officers ask [Music] the women said they had to deal with a flat tire on their way home when the officers questioned each of them separately they asked each lady which tire had been damaged and their answers didn't match [Music] supermarket manager mike was counting daily revenue late at night suddenly the fluorescent lamp above his head began to blink mike climbed on a chair to fix it but when he touched the lamp he burned his hand fell from the chair and lost consciousness for a while when he came around the guy noticed that all the money had been stolen he called the police and told them his story but when a police officer arrived he arrested mike why [Music] unlike other light bulbs fluorescent lamps don't heat up mike couldn't burn his hand this means he's lying [Music] let's test your spatial reasoning look at this pyramid can you figure out how it looks from above [Music] the third option is correct what about this figure [Music] the second image is the correct one [Music] now look at this colorful cube how does it look from above [Music] the fourth variant is correct [Music] jennifer worked as a manager in a large supermarket one morning she received a strange text message there's a thief among your customers beware jennifer ran out of her office and saw three people who looked suspicious can you find a thief among them [Music] it's this guy if his arm was really broken he wouldn't be able to carry a basket [Music] take a look at this pattern can you find two identical butterflies [Music] they're over there [Music] relax and take a look at these pictures choose the lighthouse you like most this simple test will help you discover some of your curious personality traits [Music] if you've chosen the first lighthouse you're an optimist and a very strong-willed person with a warrior mindset you manifest your best qualities during hard times you have both confidence and power and generously share your light with those around you the second choice is the choice of warm and light-hearted individuals people feel comfortable and safe around you you're so cute that it's simply impossible to stay angry at you you overcome difficulties using the power of love you believe in yourself and in other people and they feel your support even from a distance [Music] if you've picked the third lighthouse you're a very grounded and practical person you rely on your own strength and prefer hard and honest work but keep in mind that asking for help is not a crime and if you like the fourth lighthouse you're a very passionate and creative person your emotional intelligence is exceptionally high sometimes the world around you can make you feel overwhelmed expressing your emotions through journaling and art will help you reach inner balance can you find two similar dogs [Music] here they are [Music] take a look at these pictures and choose your favorite moon if you've chosen moon number one you're a very independent person you might feel guilty when you ask for help that's why you prefer solving problems on your own but does it make you happy and fulfilled if you've opted for moon number two you live in the moment and chase joy and adventure but deep down you might be suppressing the desire for a stable life maybe it's time to admit that you're tired of your lifestyle and accept your true needs if your choice is number three you're a natural leader you're talented smart and passionate unfortunately subconsciously you try to block your desire for freedom and independence it might help if you ask yourself what responsibilities really bring me joy and the fourth option is the choice of a very picky person you're very smart and loyal but you're not ready to open your heart to anyone people might think that you're very vulnerable and shy maybe it's time to overcome your trust issues and allow yourself to be loved [Music] this pattern is pretty tricky can you spot any numbers [Music] [Music] it's 82 175 [Music] can you spot any numbers hidden in these symbols [Music] that's right it's 95738 rachel was lying on the bank of a mountain river suddenly a stranger ran up to her and grabbed her bag then he jumped into the water and disappeared rachel couldn't swim so she called a police officer when rachel finished telling her story the thief was already on the other side of the river but the officer called rachel a liar why mountain rivers are very fast the stream would have carried the thief much further down the river look at this picture very attentively and find two identical giraffes [Music] here they are can you find the correct shadow [Music] it's over there [Music] look at these pictures very attentively can you spot five differences [Music] their gloves are different as well as their skates the snowman on the left doesn't have a pom-pom on its hat their scarves have a bit different patterns and finally the snowman on the left has two buttons while the guy on the right only has one [Music] a dangerous criminal ran away from the police the detective saw him enter a scientific research center and followed him they found only three people inside the building all three claimed to be scientists working on a secret research project look at these people can you figure out which one is the criminal [Music] [Applause] each of these scientists has a badge with a photo on their lab coat and only this guy's photo doesn't match his face so he's probably the criminal [Music] [Applause] a strange accident happened during the olympic games unknown sources claimed that instead of a real athlete one of the countries had sent a robot to the running competition take a look at these two athletes shoe prints can you figure out which prints belong to a robot the third runner is the robot only his footsteps are perfectly symmetrical [Music] this brief personality test will help reveal your current mood take a look at these pictures choose the one which attracts you most of all [Music] if you've chosen the first one you're probably trying to reach a compromise in a difficult situation no worries your diplomatic skills and big heart will help you bring back peace if you've picked the second road you're craving adventure and intense emotions trying new hobbies and unusual activities will help you bring bright colors to your life if you like the third route you're probably a sensitive and romantic person craving for a happy and loving relationship make sure you've set healthy boundaries and remember to love yourself first [Music] and if you've chosen the fourth road you're probably overwhelmed with stress and obligations meanwhile your true nature is asking for comfort solitude and relaxation
Views: 4,687,789
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bright side, brightside, riddles, brainteasers, logical puzzles, riddles for a mastermind, riddles that will trick your friends, riddles that will blow your mind, riddles and brain teasers with answers, boost your attention, test your attention, boost your brainpower, puzzles, riddles for kids, riddles with answers, riddles that will trick your mind, bright side videos, riddles bright side, detective, how to survive, who's thief
Id: ddb1J9weaQQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 34sec (934 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 06 2021
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